The WWF is the largest environmental protection organisation in the world. Trust in its green projects is almost limitless. Founded in 1961, it is the most influential lobby group for the environment in the world, thanks largely to its excellent contacts in both the political and industrial spheres. Behind the organisation’s eco-façade, documentary maker Wilfried Huismann uncovered explosive stories from all around the world.
A year in the making, this film is a journey into the heart
of the green empire and may shatter public faith in the panda forever.
• THE GREENWASH CIRCUS, after screening debate with the film maker and a WWF spokesperson 1 + 2 - 3/4 - 4/4 (ENG)
The film's transcript can be found here, subtitles at
The original film is titled Der Pakt mit dem Panda. In november 2012 Dutch TV made a follow-up titled De panda onder vuur.
Le silence des pandas (ce que le WWF ne dit pas) by DGR France.
In October 2012 the Otto Brenner Foundation handed Huismann, three-time winner of the Grimme Award, the Otto Brenner Preis for 'critical journalism.´ According to the jury the work is 'a sustained glimpse into the complex and obscure work of the most powerful conservation organisation in the world' and 'a strong piece of journalism'.
Nominated in two categories at the 2012 Festival de Télévision de Monte-Carlo.
Featured at the 2011 IDFA and 2012 FIGRA documentary festivals.
On September 26, 2012 a ruling by the Regional Court court lifted Silence of the Pandas from all injunctions that WWF made against the film. This procedure follows an earlier complaint brought by the WWF against the WDR and the SWR.
According to the WWF Huismann conducted the interview with the head of WWF's biomass section, Dörte Bieler and centerpiece of the film (20.45, 43.50) by ´fraudulent misrepresentation.´ The WWF demanded a stop on the further broadcast of the film. On August 14, 2013 the court of Cologne dismissed the complaint and charged the WWF for the costs of the proceedings.
Following another complaint by the WWF, the Regional Court of Cologne opened main proceedings against the WDR and the SWR. As of November 6, 2013, the court is checking the veracity of disputed statements. More on the cases at and on ARD TV (GER).
Jason Clay, senior vice-president WWF USA: "We can't afford to leave GMOs off the table" (pdf)
WWF admits: money taken from Monsanto
WWF vice-president backs intensification and gm
WWF beds with Monsanto
Wikipedia about the 1001 Club, a major funding trust behind the WWF, and the (de)classified membership list. The complete list with names as Mobutu Sese Seko and Salem bin Laden and background info about the club at (Disclaimer: Paragraph 5, The global warming debate on the page is both off-topic and plain ignorant uninformed.)
- Jan 2017 OECD opens investigation into WWF
- May 2016 World Wildlife Fund Partners with Logging Company
- July 2015 WWF involved with evictions of indigenous peoples in India for tiger tourism
- September 2014 Pandaleaks: The Dark Side of the WWF, an update and unabridged English translation of the accompanying book Schwarzbuch WWF - Dunkle Geschäfte (GER, 2012)
- REDD-monitor debunks WWF response to documentary
- Silence of the Pandas in the press
- Interview with the director/author (GER)
- SPIEGEL Online | WWF Helps Industry More than Environment
- Sourcewatch | "WWF rakes in millions from corporations"
- WWF onder vuur: de panda duldt geen kritiek! (NL)
- Naomi Klein | "Big Green groups are becoming irrelevant" (NL)
- De Groene Amsterdammer | Out of Africa | "WNF is een criminele organisatie" (NL)
- The Independent | Pretoria inquiry confirms secret battle for the rhino
- WWF complicit in tribal people's abuse in Cameroon
- WWF's honorary president king Juan Carlos, elephant hunter
- Grupo de Reflexión Rural (ES) (30.28)
- Biofuelwatch | UK/US campaign against industrial biofuels
- Facebook page
- Wikipedia | ARD documentary | Der Pakt mit dem Panda
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