Fresh out of college, a skinny nerd with little or no social skills, my worldview heavily influenced by an Enlightenment notion of the 'human', I decided to dedicate my academic energies towards proving the existence of the soul. My map was unimpeachably detailed and rigorous. My romantic quest - consistent with the Judeo-Christian values I held dear - was to show why man was sovereign. Above all. Separate from beast and plant. Long story short, my journey ended abruptly when I happened upon something my map failed to account for: the terrain. You might even say that I missed a spot, so long as you understand that this 'spot' - this magnificent crease in the fabric of human hubris - contains sentient plants, political bees, dolphins that get bored, particles that are aware, fish that have feelings, dogs that display extrasensory perception, and, generally, things that disturb the story that 'we' humans are unique and exceptional. Things that shouldn't be there.
People, this changes everything. We are not alone. The world is alive, in yet to be determined, frightening, unsettling, and seismically disruptive ways. The soul is strange; we haven't met her yet.
I invite you to join a free call I will be hosting with my brother, star surfer-teacher-author-speaker Chip Richards, called 'The Turning of the Whales'. Meet us at the edge of wonder, and stay with us as we collectively attempt to stretch a gasp of wonder into intelligible sounds. Join us in our revolutionary confusion at this rather sudden turn of events. A frightening portal. And yet a stunning hope.
Bayo Akomolafe