Films For Action & The Bloom: Transformational Festivals Panel - "Practicing The New World"

Transformational Festivals Panel for “Practicing The New World” LIVE at 7:00pm April 29th following the LIVE MASS VIEWING of THE BLOOM PART II 

Part II of The Bloom explores how Transformational Festivals have become incubators and spaces for “Practicing The New World”, where festivals are produced using a model of CO-CREATION, utilizing an ethos of PARTICIPATION to create remarkable realities and MODELLING these life-altering experiences into ongoing projects back in their communities.

The Panel discussion will feature some of the founders/producers of leading Transformational Festivals asking the questions “How are Transformational Festivals providing ways for us to create and share the world we wish to live in?” and “How can Transformational Festival culture contribute to making social impact and positive change in the world?”



Stephen Brooks - Co-Founder of Envision Festival in Costa Rica and Permaculture Farmer/Founder of the Punta Mona Center for Sustainable Living and Education in Costa Rica since 1997.

David Casey - Founder and Co-producer of Cosmic Convergence Festival in Guatemala and Network Lead for Project Nuevo Mundo

Jonah Haas - Co-founder and Producer of Lucidity Festivals in California

Jeet-Kei Leung (moderator) - Director and Host of The Bloom Series

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