Why Every Communist Country is a One-Party Dictatorship

Why has every communist country so far been a one-party dictatorship? Richard Wolff can’t answer this question for some reason. Neither can Freddie de Boer. Yet the answer is very simple, and we can learn a lot from it. Is it something inherent to Marxism? Is human nature incompatible with political equality? Has “true” communism never been tried yet? If so, then why not? Watch the video and find out! 


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0:00 Introduction: Richard Wolff flubbs the answer 
1:40 Right wing answers: Mises, Hayek, Boettke 
4:04 The short answer 
4:40 The Long answer 
9:07 Milovan Djilas’ The New Class 
10:28 What are Socialism and Communism? Manipulating language 
11:48 Competing definitions of Socialism / Communism 
13:13 Socialism vs. Capitalism 
19:01 Democracy and the abolition of wage labour 
23:53 Socialism vs. Communism 
25:40 Socialism vs. the State 
28:37 Marxism vs. Anarchism: the Dictatorship of the Proletariat 
35:35 Marxism: why and where socialism will happen 
42:33 Marxism vs. peasants 
45:05 Marxism, the proletariat and the intellectuals 
46:47 Marxism: why poor countries can’t become socialist/communist 
49:48 Marxism: what happens to a communist revolution in a poor country? 
52:08 Questions for next episode, outtro

Economics   Philosophy   Politics
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