The same week France arrested Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, the "President of the Rich" Emmanuel Macron stole the 2024 election, refusing to allow the left-wing New Popular Front that won to form a government, instead appointing a prime minister from a right-wing party that got 6% of the vote.
Ben Norton discusses how Western "democracies" are actually oligarchies.
0:00 Western "democracy" is oligarchy
3:39 Emmanuel Macron: the "president of the rich"
6:11 Inequality in France
8:27 French billionaire oligarchs
12:48 France's 2024 election results
14:10 Macron appoints election loser Michel Barnier as PM
15:28 Leftist leader Mélenchon accuses Macron of electoral theft
17:04 52% of French want to impeach Macron
17:28 Western leaders praise undemocratic PM Michel Barnier
19:51 How Macron stole the election he lost
23:07 France is not a democracy
24:20 Arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov
25:57 US government wanted Telegram backdoor for spying
27:09 Russia, West, and Pavel Durov
28:18 Telegram and Belarus color revolution attempt
30:16 Western media's former love affair with Durov
31:19 West turns on Durov
33:45 Outro
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