Walking While Black: L.O.V.E. Is the Answer (2017) ($10)

Instances of racial profiling plague minority communities on a daily basis. Director, A.J. Ali is no stranger to this phenomenon. When he and his wife were targeted for harassment by police numerous times in Howard County, Maryland, he was forced to take a stand.

Though his attempts at achieving justice through channels offered by the system went unrewarded, he refused to let go of the dream that a solution to the problem could be found. He went on a quest for truth and reconciliation, which led him to find living examples of love in action.

Available on: Vimeo ($10)

More than four years in the making, "Walking While Black: L.O.V.E. Is The Answer" presents proven action steps to bridge the painful gap between peace officers and the communities they serve. L.O.V.E. is an acronym for Learn about the community and the people in it, Open your heart to the humanity of people in the community, Volunteer yourself to be part of the solution, and Empower others to do the same.

Featuring interviews with peace officers, faith leaders, educators, activists and others, the film offers an inspiring blueprint to end racial profiling and heal our communities.

"I was really moved by it and was really impressed. It’s great for police departments, it’s great for the public. Everybody needs to watch it.”
— Maj. Luther Johnson, Howard County Police Department

“It’s a great film to open eyes and create great dialogue.”
— Torrey Smith, Super Bowl Champion Wide Receiver, Philadelphia Eagles

“Most balanced film of this type I've ever seen -- painful truth and the power of building bridges! "Walking While Black" is a game changer!”
— Rod L. Hairston, Senior Pastor, Messiah Community Church

“Viewing of this film will bring great healing and L.O.V.E. throughout the nation.”
— Chief Melvin Russell, Community Collaboration Division, Baltimore Police Department (Retired)

Police & Prisons   Social Issues
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Police & Prisons
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