Smoke That Travels - What it Means to be Native American

Smoke That Travels is a personal documentary by Kayla Briët that explores preservation and loss of culture and her own identity as Prairie Band Potawatomi.

What happens when a story is forgotten? What a long journey it's been. I started this film at 17, because I had a fear that part of my identity, my native Prairie Band Potawatomi heritage, would be inevitably lost in time. Through music, dance, and color, I'm inviting others to become immersed in the thoughts, histories, and emotions I grew up with. Little did I know that this film would take me on a journey for over a year. I got to meet indigenous communities from around the world - from the Sami of Scandinavia, Ainu of Japan, and many more - who were all dealing with the same struggle to preserve their language and culture. I felt so lucky to hear their stories and less alone.

-  Kayla Briët

Culture   Indigenous Issues   Social Issues
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