Journey with us to Pelican Bay State Prison in California, to see how HUSTLE 2.0 is empowering incarcerated men through Entrepreneurship + Emotional Intelligence training.
DONATE to HUSTLE 2.0 and LEARN MORE about the project at
This project is sponsored and created by The Sister Society-- a non profit organization created by a group of visionary female entrepreneurs who share a common mission to change the world.
DIRECTED by: Kelly Gardner
While we all make a significant difference through our businesses, we knew that there was more work to be done; that we wanted to commit to making a sustainable difference with some of society’s deepest issues. We knew this required more than just wanting to “make a difference”—it required on the ground, immersive action to better understand these issues, and a powerful use of our collective influence to both educate others on these issues, and garner their support. There are movements and organizations all over the world who need support from leaders like us to spread the word about their vision, call in the troops to fund their efforts, and fan the flames of the trails that they’re blazing.
Follow us on instagram @wearethesistersociety