Hello, I Am Awake (The 5th Element)

"The 5th Element" project is a visual reflection of a human shift in consciousness taking place on our planet right now. More and more people are starting to see beyond the mainstream illusions of separateness, endless fear mongering, socially constructed ideas of who we are as a species and why we came into this world. This project isn’t about judging what is currently in place, being angry at it and changing it to make it better. It’s about choosing to step out and expand our possibility of what can be.

YouTube Channel: youtube.com/iamawaketube
Facebook Page: facebook.com/iamawakenow

"The greatest global awakening in history is taking place. People are realizing that we are one people on one planet. We did not arrive on this planet to fight each other. Inside a 3D world of endless wars, fear and false icons. It's time for humanity to change path."

The 5th Element (PART 1-10):

What Did You Do To Help Save The World - (Terence McKenna)
Watch (Part 1): http://youtu.be/NsIlWznr7U8

Erase Those Barriers Of Indifference - (B. Lipton & Infinite Waters)
Watch (Part 2): http://youtu.be/cr8wCTMUJ4Y

Moving Beyond The Matrix (Interlude)
Watch (Part 3): http://youtu.be/OYzTJyiEuSI

The Art Of Evolution - (Infinite Waters)
Watch (Part 4): http://youtu.be/zAYH713zdug

Are We Alone In This Universe (Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson)
Watch (Part 5): http://youtu.be/wHpkALSe5q0

(6) The Awakening Of Unidentified - (Joe Martino)
Watch (Part 6): http://youtu.be/U0P_M8V8eTw

The Real You Is Quantum - (Simon Welsh)
Watch (Part 7): http://youtu.be/JGJyPKt-gpg

Transformation Of Duality - (Simon Welsh)
Watch (Part 8): http://youtu.be/5LBp8r9UDic

Reality Is A Phenomenon - (Terence McKenna)
Watch (Part 9): http://youtu.be/eqv5xmsvoFk

Manifestation Of Imagination (Ben Stewart)
Watch (Part 10): http://youtu.be/rIJbLP4HX3Q


Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. All copyrighted materials contained herein belong to their respective copyright holders, We do not claim ownership over any of these materials. We realize no profit, monetary or otherwise, from the exhibition of these videos.

Material used for educational purpose in the name of global humanity.

* Non Profit Project - Co-Created In Denmark.

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