Have We Finally Lost to Climate Change?

Recently, it feels like the world does not care about the climate or environmental crises. Between COP29 being an absolute disaster, Trump's recent election, and the continued destruction being waged by governments and corporations on our planet and its people, some might believe all hope is lost. What can we do, beyond the same individual solutions, campaigning, and protesting that is always talked about, to make sure that for the planet Earth it's not: 'Game Over'? 


00:00 Introduction 

00:30 Climate Urgency 

04:40 Mainstream Solutions are Broken 

09:28 With Grassroots Action, We Can Win 


Climate Urgency: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/nov/22/its-our-future-oil-looms-large-over-azerbaijan-despite-cop29 







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