Back to Eden: Simple Sustainable Solutions (2011)

After years of back-breaking toil in ground ravaged by the effects of man-made growing systems, Paul Gautschi has discovered a taste of what God intended for mankind in the garden of Eden. Some of the vital issues facing agriculture today include soil preparation, fertilization, irrigation, weed control, pest control, crop rotation, and PH issues.

None of these issues exist in the unaltered state of nature or in Paul's gardens and orchards.

"Back to Eden" invites you to take a walk with Paul as he teaches you sustainable organic growing methods that are capable of being implemented in diverse climates around the world.

I have watched a lot of documentaries on real food, but none of them has moved me the way that Back to Eden has moved me!  Why?  I think it’s because of the spiritual component that was woven throughout the entire documentary.  All along I have know that there is a spiritual side to this real food thing.  I have just not been able to articulate it very well. This film does that!

For those of you who are not very spiritual or ‘religious’ (although I really hate using that term since I don’t feel religious in the traditional sense of the word), I don’t think you should shun this movie.  Even though the theme is very heavy on sustainable farming relating to God’s creation and how that relates to scripture, it has extremely practical sustainable farming and gardening techniques.

These techniques utilize composted wood chips as not only a mulch, but also:

  • compost
  • natural fertilizer
  • pest deterrent
  • weed prevention
  • a means to balance ph levels, and a way to
  • reduce water use by up to 90%!  

I’ve always used wood chips in my garden, but not in the manner used here.  I am completely impressed with the thoughtfulness and success that have been proven with Paul Gautschi‘s gardening methods.

This documentary is a MUST SEE!
Environment   Food   Permaculture   Philosophy   Solutions
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