61-120 of 877 results
Amy Goodman speaks with philosopher Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò, who has recently written two widely acclaimed books, the latest being "Elite Capture: How the Powerful Took Over Identity Politics (And Everything Else)". He says identity politics is a concept that was stripped of its...
13 min
Unions are having a bit of a moment right now - countless stores under brands like Amazon, Chipotle, REI, Starbucks, and many more are winning victories left and right, and corporate America is pulling out all the stops to crush them. Why is the US so antagonistic towards...
19 min
In this episode of All Things Co-op, Kevin chats with Professor and author Elizabeth Anderson about her book Private Government, which pushes back on the myth that a free market means workers are free. Most workplaces function like dictatorships, with their own private...
69 min
Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich explains the policies that line the pockets of corporations while hurting ordinary Americans.
5 min
The KEY question, I'm asked by students when I guest lecture about the #ClimateCrisis is 'but what can we do?'
So I recently rewrote my materials to try & tackle that question head on. Feel free to adapt them.
Buckle up - here's a LONG thread🧵about how we can fight back!
Dr. Aaron Thierry
Military spending and arms sales have a deep and lasting impact on the capacity to address the climate crisis, let alone in a way that promotes justice. Every dollar spent on the military not only increases greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, but also diverts financial resources...
3 min
A documentary about Spanish involvement in the Moroccan occupation and exploitation of Western Sahara, Africa's last colony, with Sahrawi human rights defenders Elghalia Djimi and Sultana Khaya.
42 min
The laws of capitalism have elevated the interests of the few above that of the many, but we can rewrite the code and restore balance to society. In this series, Professor Katharina Pistor (@Columbia Law School) breaks down the history, process, institutions, and participants...
60 min
For more than three decades, transnational corporations have been busy buying up what used to be known as the commons -- everything from our forests and our oceans to our broadcast airwaves and our most important intellectual and cultural works. In This Land is Our Land...
47 min
Renowned energy expert Michael T. Klare provides an invaluable account of the new and increasingly dangerous competition for the world's dwindling natural resources. Arguing that the world is facing an unprecedented crisis of resource depletion -- one that goes beyond "peak...
39 min
Economist and bestselling author Juliet Schor lays out a positive vision for rethinking our relationship to consumer goods in this accessible and timely analysis of the devastating ecological, social, and personal costs of mass consumerism.
46 min
If you think U.S. news has a liberal bias, this assumption-shattering film from Noam Chomsky, Edward Herman, and Justin Lewis will have you thinking again. Making the common-sense case that mainstream news media are more committed to their bottom-line interests as large...
60 min
Turning to issues of media policy, George Gerbner delivers a stinging indictment of the way the so-called "information superhighway" is being constructed. By examining the logic of globalization he shows the ineffectual nature of our present responses to deal with the urgent...
25 min
Hijacking Catastrophe places the Bush Administration's original justifications for war in Iraq within the larger context of a two-decade struggle by neo-conservatives to dramatically increase military spending while projecting American power and influence globally by means of...
76 min
Consuming Kids throws desperately needed light on the practices of a relentless multi-billion dollar marketing machine that now sells kids and their parents everything from junk food to bogus educational products and the family car.
66 min
How corporate news inherently supports the status quo and prevents dissident perspectives through 'concision'.
6 min
Adam Conover breaks down why billionaire "charity" is terrible for the planet, and why we should stop swallowing their myths.
21 min
For marketers who wish to reach the lucrative youth market, the relatively uncluttered medium of the school environment represents the final frontier -- access to a captive audience of millions of students. Meanwhile dwindling federal, state, and local funding for education...
45 min
With breathtaking clarity, renowned University of Massachusetts Economics Professor Richard Wolff breaks down the root causes of today's economic crisis, showing how it was decades in the making and in fact reflects seismic failures within the structures of American-style...
57 min
Advertising & the End of the World features an illustrated presentation by Sut Jhally of the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
47 min
'Growing Pains' is the title for a short edit (47min) of the award-winning documentary 'System Error'. A look at the global and political obsession with economic growth and the ecological and humanitarian consequences.
47 min
Welcome to Oligarch Island
11 min
In this video essay, I look at why billionaires won't save us from climate change. Specifically, I look at how the elite philanthropy of Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk function as more of a billionaire preservation of wealth and self than as an act of altruism.
15 min
Abigail Disney looks at America's dysfunctional and unequal economy and asks why the American Dream has worked for the wealthy, yet is a nightmare for people born with less.
3 min
I have a very friendly relationship with Adam Bendell, who is very deeply involved in the world of impact investment and who has also been very interested in the work I am doing around gift economy. Over the years, he has come to events of mine and we have had some very...
Miki Kashtan
Nothing is more precious than life.
2 min
The underlying problem is not inflation. It’s corporate power. The entire American economy is concentrated into the hands of a few greedy, corporate giants with the power to raise prices.
5 min
Before starting a family, Soozie Eastman, daughter of an industrial chemical distributor, embarks on a journey to find out the levels of toxins in her body and explores if there is anything she or anyone else can do to change them. Soozie has just learned that hundreds of...
71 min
One in five Americans, along with millions of children, are prescribed psychiatric drugs daily, and often for a lifetime. MEDICATING NORMAL follows the stories of five high-functioning people whose doctors prescribed pills to help with common problems such as stress, mild...
75 min
The so-called psychedelic renaissance is here. Proponents claim that the drugs can alleviate an array of psychological suffering. But while they try to gain medical acceptance, they ignore the structural factors that cause suffering in the first place. We need a revolutionary...
Mike Pappas and Dimitri Mugianis
The Story of Plastic pulls back the curtain on the plastic pollution headlines, revealing the true causes and consequences of the global plastics crisis.
5 min
Fast fashion has radically transformed the textile industry. These days, 56 million tons of clothing are sold every year. But cheap garments come at a high price: A precarious existence for workers and a catastrophic environmental impact. The clothing industry is currently...
43 min
If you get tired of being told that climate change is all your fault because you eat meat, don't use paper straws, or drive a car, this video is for you. While there are things we can all do to reduce our personal greenhouse gas emissions, the idea of the "individual carbon...
18 min
Learn how the mass production of single-use plastic has put us in the biggest environmental crisis in history.
3 min
The top 1% holds 15x more wealth than the bottom 50% combined. How did it get this way? Here's the full story of wealth inequality in America.
13 min
If you’re unemployed, it isn’t because there’s no work. There is, and always will be, work to be done. So...what's going on? Why are there so few meaningful jobs, and why are they getting replaced by alienating, meaningless labor?
19 min
It's somehow fitting irony as Indigenous Day approaches on Oct. 11 — once known by another name — that a new Columbus is about to pump oil through Line 3, the last tar sands pipeline. That is the colonial-like corporation Enbridge.
Maybe President Joe Biden will think about...
Winona Laduke
Universal healthcare has been a fundamental human right in many developed countries for decades. Britain led the way in establishing the National Health Service in 1948 from the wreckage of World War II, but unbeknown to the public UK governments have secretly been removing...
96 min
These disclosures about how the world's wealthy and powerful hide their vast fortunes will hopefully turn up the heat on the politicians that maintain the wealth-hiding status quo.
Chuck Collins
Today's school children are engulfed by corporate apps, software, and textbooks biased toward the corporate definitions of an economy and myths about "free markets."
Ralph Nader
Industrial seed oils are in almost all processed foods.
29 min
Where are all the top US commanders of the Afghanistan War who lied to keep it going for 20 years? Turns out they're doing pretty well!
5 min
Everybody keeps telling us to cut our carbon footprints. So how guilty should I feel about my personal emissions? And what's Big Oil got to do with it? We're destroying our environment at an alarming rate. But it doesn't need to be this way.
13 min
Why your carbon footprint is a scam, explained.
11 min
Climate-conscious individual choices are good – but not nearly enough to save the planet. More than personal virtue, we need collective action
Rebecca Solnit
Why (and how) Planned Obsolescence and Capitalism make terrible products.
11 min
How many times have you heard the claim that capitalism is the most efficient system for the production and allocation of goods and services? It's a very common talking point in the "western world," especially in the United States. In this video, Second Thought deconstructs...
16 min
Helena Norberg-Hodge, speaking live from Beyond The Great Reset: The Systems Change Summit, May 2021
49 min
Killer Mike delivered a powerful speech at a rally for Alabama Amazon warehouse workers who are fighting to unionize. If their efforts succeed, it could be the spark that ignites successful Amazon union drives across the country.
8 min
The term "fake news" is thrown around without much thought, but with more and more people losing faith in the media, honesty in news broadcasting is something we need to consider. In this episode, Second Thought takes a look at whose interests the corporate media serves, and...
14 min
We're taught to believe that America is the greatest country on earth and that it couldn't possibly get any better. Let's put that claim to the test. In this episode, we'll compare the US to other wealthy nations using several key metrics: "low-skilled" job compensation...
14 min
The Gravel Institute is launching a new series to supplement our explainer videos: mini-documentaries on the struggles of workers in our stagnating, highly unequal economy. This video focuses on Chris Smalls, an Amazon warehouse employee who exposed their deeply unsafe...
10 min
Pumping up GameStop will do nothing to change what people hate about Wall Street. There’s a better way.
Hamilton Nolan
The United States has the most expensive prescription drugs in the world. We often pay ten times the price for the same drug, even though there's no difference at all. Why is American healthcare so expensive? In this episode, we take a brief look at America's prescription...
14 min
According to the standard account, capitalism—whatever your criticisms of it—is synonymous with freedom. Zephyr Teachout explains how we are told other systems necessitate central planning by undemocratic bureaucracies. But what if that’s not true? capitalism puts us at the...
6 min
Conservatives like to complain about "Big Government," but despite lower government spending than many peer nations, America is less prosperous and less free. Briahna Joy Gray explains how the government isn't bad because it's big: it's bad because it's bought.
6 min
You’ve probably heard that “capitalism has reduced global poverty by 90 percent.” It’s a line frequently parroted by capitalism’s most enthusiastic promoters. But there’s a problem with those claims: they’re either misleading or outright false. Professor Richard Wolff breaks...
7 min
Plastic recycling was a public relations scam invented to keep the plastics industry alive amid mounting political scrutiny. This shifted responsibility for their polluting, unsustainable products away from them and onto consumers while masking how broken the recycling...
20 min
The recent pardoning of war criminals is reprehensible, but the action fits perfectly into the US imperialist framework. Come learn about how Primate Military Companies have changed the face of war and imperialism.
16 min
"In a time when many are questioning institutional integrity across society, seeking accurate and relevant information to help make sense of our supposedly post-truth era, Noble shines a spotlight into our dark past while providing a crucial class context often missing or...
104 min