841-900 of 1,048 results
The Freeman editor Sheldon Richman, speaking at George Mason University, raised the question of just what mainstream libertarians mean when they call a country “capitalist.” What qualifies a country as “capitalist”?
Kevin Carson
Does breathing really make global warming worse? Is the C02 being emitted by human activity (measured in parts per million) too small to have an impact on the climate? And do conservatives really think CO2 is safe because it doesn't cause cancer? All this and more is...
7 min
This is the video about extreme wealth inequality in America that went viral in 2012. Today it has 22 million views.
6 min
PROGRAMMING THE NATION takes an encompassing look at the history of subliminal messaging in America. According to many authorities, since the late 1950s subliminal content has been tested and delivered through all forms of mass-media including Hollywood filmmakers Alfred...
100 min
Hip-Hop: Beyond Beats & Rhymes provides a riveting examination of manhood, sexism, and homophobia in hip-hop culture.
5 min
Over the last 7 years, Films For Action has been cataloging an online library of the best social change films that can be watched free online. Opting for quality over quantity, the site has grown slowly to include 500 documentaries and 900 short films, trailers and...
Conservative billionaires used a secretive funding route to channel nearly $120m (£77m) to more than 100 groups casting doubt about the science behind climate change, the Guardian has learned.
Suzanne Goldenberg
The word “libertarian” is becoming an increasingly popular descriptor of political ideology in the US, though many in the US incorrectly associate libertarianism only with the capitalist Libertarian Party. Historically libertarianism was a term used most commonly by...
Brian Ellis
Reporters who witness the worst of human suffering and return to newsrooms angry see their compassion washed out or severely muted by the layers of editors who stand between the reporter and the reader. The creed of objectivity and balance, formulated at the beginning of the...
Chris Hedges
“A fair day’s wage for a fair day’s work” has been the motto of the mainstream labor movement since at least the beginning of the 20th century. On the face of it, this general demand for workers sounds like a good thing. We have to work for a living, and so long as that’s the...
Nate Hawthorne and Matt Kelly
Cornel West has some scathing words for president Obama. He must have summed up what at least a third of the country felt when they heard this little tidbit about Obama's second inauguration - but West delivers this instinctive reaction with a stinging eloquence of poetic...
7 min
Written and directed by Tim Robbins, Embedded is a ripped-from-the-headlines satire about the madness surrounding brave men and women on the front lines of a Middle East conflict. It skewers lapdog embedded journalists, scheming government officials and the media's insatiable...
96 min
What’s the greatest way to dishonor Martin Luther King Jr.? Compare him with US President Barack Obama – a servant of an engine for the greatest disparity, inequality, and injustice on Earth – driven by the very corporate-financier interests King stood up against, was opposed...
Tony Cartalucci
About $59 billion is spent on traditional social welfare programs. $92 billion is spent on corporate subsidies. So, the government spent 50% more on corporate welfare than it did on food stamps and housing assistance in 2006.
Before we look at the
Mike P. Sinn
If YouTube was a race, gold would go to South Korea with Psy’s ‘Gangnam Style’ easily topping one billion hits, while silver would go to North Korea for it's documentary ‘Propaganda’ currently sitting at 1.3 million hits. This ha
Destination Travel Info
While it’s often best not to engage with conspiracy theorists on their own turf, as you can probably never convince them, it’s worth setting the record straight on all the myths and phony evidence surrounding the Sandy Hook massacre.
We’ve rounded up every major...
Alex Seitz-Wald
Addressing the countless "Sandy Hook was a hoax" videos that have been spreading, in 3 parts. Our apologies for the swearing and insulting tone of part 1. If you want a more moderate tone see part 3. But it's worth mentioning that part 1's insulting dismissal of "conspiracy...
18 min
The Sandy Hook conspiracy can no longer claim censorship by the mainstream media as one of its articles of evidence. Sandy Hook 'truthers' can now find their claims mentioned and addressed in dozens of articles online, and in some TV coverage. The best written response I've...
Many of you have visited the Films For Action website and asked us why we have not posted any Alex Jones documentaries or included Infowars, Prision Planet, Natural News or other like-minded sites on our list of recommended independent media.
As a conspiracy theory, the term New World Order or NWO refers to the emergence of a totalitarian one-world government.
various writers
I give a little chuckle each time I hear one label the New World Order a push toward world socialism- if only such were the case.
Grant J. Kidney
In recent years, populist explanations for world events have become common and often taken the form of anti-establishment conspiracy theories. The contradiction between how people believe the world should be, according to the mainstream propaganda pertaining to liberty and...
Colin Todhunter
George Gerbner clearly and comprehensively outlines the way in which the universal story-telling function of human societies has been colonized by corporate media.
6 min
Switching the words "climate change" for global warming -- is it a devious, Orwellian perversion of the language, a mind controlling neurolinguistic word play engineered by psychological manipulators of the New World Order?.
Climate deniers realize that only they can see...
7 min
Does your industry have billions of dollars worth of profits on the line? Have your PR think tanks told you that the best way to delay action is to simply create doubt in the public's eye? Then it's time to create your own climate change myth! This instructional video will...
7 min
I’m fascinated by climate deniers. How could anyone deny the climate change is happening?
Information Is Beautiful
I love Bill Nye more and more every day. A very simple to understand video to explain how climate change works; and yes – it’s man made. Love the part where they pull out Michele Bachmann’s political rantings.
4 min
A favorite hobby horse of Climate Denialists is that there is some kind of invisible, undetectable influence from the sun that is responsible for the unequivocal warming of the last century. Let's put that crock under a microscope and see where the cracks are.
5 min
I get a lot of emails as to why I do not bring up notions such as the “New World Order”, “Illuminati”, “Zionism”, “Secret Societies” and other popular occult/conspiracy concepts which are very topical in this day and age. While I, of course, acknowledge the “men behind the...
Peter Joseph
“It’s kind of embarrassing,” Emmanuel of Oakland, California, responded when asked about carrying a reusable shopping bag. “It looks like a man-purse.”1
Emmanuel was part of a recent OgilvyEarth study entitled, Mainstream Green: Moving Sustainability from Niche to Normal...
Edwin R. Stafford, Cathy L. Hartman
We must remember that in time of war what is said on the enemy’s side of the front is always propaganda, and what is said on our side of the front is truth and righteousness, the cause of humanity and a crusade for peace.
— Walter Lippmann
Probably every conflict is...
Anup Shah
It’s Not Terrorism When WE Do It
Washington's Blog
Representative-elect Alan Grayson (D-FL) said Monday that he will put mega-retailer Walmart squarely in his sights during the next Congress for the company’s liberal use of public assistance programs to supplement their workers’ wages.
Stephen C. Webster
While the chips are clearly stacked against today’s young girls, amazing women everywhere continue to rise above the stats. You or someone you know is probably one of them.
Sources: Catalyst, The Whit
2 min
Miss Representation is a powerful film that exposes damaging, sexist media messages that inhibit young women’s happiness, ambition, and leadership.
90 min
Gaza resident Asem Alnabeh posted a photo of his little sister Nesma earlier tonight in their home. Her name means breeze. "But she really isn't," her brother writes me. "she's very impish!"
Mohamed El Dahshan
In 1981, the legendarily brutal campaign consultant Lee Atwater, after a decade as South Carolina's most effective Republican operative, was working in Ronald Reagan's White House when he was interviewed by Alexander Lamis, a political scientist at Case Western Reserve...
2 min
The BBC News, and particularly the reports from Diplomatic Correspondent Jonathan Marcus, on the ongoing Israeli military attacks on the Gaza Strip has presented the violence as little more than a defensive policy manoeuvre by Israel, whose government, in Marcus's view...
The Editors
THEY SAY WHEN all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. But when you are a politician and all you have is a hammer, you must convince voters every problem looks like a nail. This is the only thinking that can explain Israel's behavior in escalating bombardment...
Yousef Munayyer
The true life story of Bill Hicks the outlaw comic who tried to save the world, as told by the 10 people who knew him best. This groundbreaking documentary uses a stunning new animation technique to tell his story.
2 min
A documentary on the campaign tactics used by Lee Atwater while working on the George H.W. Bush 1988 presidential campaign, and how those tactics have transformed presidential campaigns in the United States. Atwater pioneered many ethically questionable political strategies...
87 min
When the Great Global Warming Swindle was first broadcast - climate deniers thought that at last they had the definitive polemic to beat back the forces of science and reason..... This 8-minute video corrects multiple manipulations of data presented in the film, including...
20 min
This made me do a double take. What about you?
Deepa Kunapuli
Out of Balance shows the influence that the largest company in the world has on governments, the media and citizens and what can be done about global warming. While the Earth’s climate is pushed further out of balance by increasing use of fossil fuels, ExxonMobil continues to...
66 min
Climate of Doubt explores how a movement mobilized to undermine public acceptance of the scientific consensus on global warming.
54 min
Editors Note: A few decades ago, there were thousands of independent media outlets in the US. Today in America, six multi-national global media mega corporations run by six individuals control 96% of the content Americans see on TV and watch at the movies; read in books...
George Orwell
Like all Americans, I was taught that the U.S. dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in order to end WWII and save both American and Japanese lives.
Washington's Blog
Here's a round-up of the 15 best documentaries about climate change. Click the title of each film below to watch.
Barack Obama has been called everything from a gun-hating, closet-Muslim hiding socialist to a big-government loving, deficit exploding, tax increasing, class-warfare waging liberal elitist. He's been compared to Hitler and denounced for wanting to destroy capitalism and/or...
Monumental Myths unveils the perpetuated myths told at several American monuments and historic sites. Carved in rock or cast in bronze, America’s monuments are intended—by those who commission them—to impart a sense of authority and an unquestionable truth about the people...
47 min
This documentary profiles the Obama campaign's massive youth movement and Obama's 27-year-old speechwriter Jon Favreau.What made the Obama speeches so appealing to young people? And why does the Millennial generation born after 1981, and now coming of age as voters, seem the...
46 min
The first two U.S. presidential debates have been painful to watch. Both candidates are running on platforms constructed from verbal hallucinations about the nation’s past, present, and future. And the American people are being asked to choose between those...
Richard Heinberg
Davis Guggenheim's 2010 film Waiting for Superman is a slick marketing piece full of half-truths and distortions. The film suggests the problems in education are the fault of teachers and teacher unions alone, and it asserts that the solution to those problems is a greater...
Rick Ayers
Thrive is the name of a controversial film that asks, and attempts to answer, some of the deepest questions about the nature of the human condition and what is thwarting our chances to prosper. Lavishly funded, it features appealing imagery, beautiful music, and interviews...
John Robbins
Former CNN correspondent turned whistleblower, Amber Lyon, analyzes CNN’s response to a series of stories that ran in the Guardian that expose how the network is earning money from oppressive regimes in exchange for creating and airing content that casts a favorable light on...
Amber Lyon
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad both delivered two of the most controversial speeches at the latest session of the United Nations General Assembly. And while the Israeli's speech was aired in full on CNN, the Iranian's...
10 min
I love Columbus Day. Each year, I recall the simple song I learned as a child about the man who "discovered" America. I still recall the innocent boy whose imagination was taken by the story of adventure and discovery.
Johnny Barber
The following is an excerpt of “Columbus and Western Civilization” written by Howard Zinn that appears in the Disinformation anthology You Are Still Being Lied To edited by Russ Kick.
Howard Zinn
This is the first chapter from A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn.
Howard Zinn
Did you ever stop to consider that the wild and hairy anarchists of the Earth First! Movement are really just a bunch of death cult Illuminati in cahoots with big government, Time magazine, the Shriners and um, aliens and lizard people and shit? Yeah, we didn’t either.
The Earth First! Journal Collective