721-780 of 1,046
This Woman Gets No Applause...Why? They Are Too Creeped Out...
Think you aren't being fooled by advertising tricks? Take a look at this so-called expert revealing food marketing's secret weapon. No amount of marketing makes factory farming acceptable. You can stop the spin at
Comic: How Big Media Is Killing Democracy, But The Solution Is Up To Us
Today, six corporations own most of our media—but we could be poised to take it back.
George Carlin on Conspiracies
We've been saying this for years. There's no need for formal conspiracies when all of these economic and political elites share the same ideology, which they learned from their environment growing up in similar positions of privilege within the
No Internet Week
A documentary about addiction. Addiction of the digital kind.
Watch John Oliver Take the Hot Air Out of Climate Change Coverage
So-called "balanced" climate change coverage usually means a skeptic is put up against a climate expert. Watch HBO funny man John Oliver explain why this set up is so absurd (warning: he likes to swear).
Top Ten Bill Moyers Videos on the Web
Modern America has a strong generational divide.  Whether it’s cultural or political, there are a wide-range of topics that can be off limits when talking to “the grandparents.”  On the reverse side, it can be hard to listen to the “wisdom” of a generation that’s had such a...
Look Up: A Video With One Powerful Message For Us All
Everyone should watch this at least once. This short video by Gary Turk is a reminder of the effects of social media on our society. By connecting online, we are disconnecting offline. What are we missing from life as a result? What critical moments do we miss that we didn't...
Bill Moyers:  Interview with Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky believes that propaganda is to democracy what violence is to a dictatorship. But he hasn’t lost faith in the power of common people to speak up for the truth. He is known around the world for his revolutionary work on the structure of language, studies he has...
Buying the War: How Big Media Failed Us
In 2003, the United States pre-emptively attacked Iraq in a war that would last for eight years claiming an estimated 189,000 lives, costing over $2 trillion and causing untold economic and emotional devastation for the
Media Bias and How to Beat It
Media Bias is a serious problem, though probably not in the way you've been told. There is also an easy way to beat it.
Let's Save Africa! How Aid Group Stereotypes are Taking Away People's Dignity and Agency
A satirical look at the sort of stereotypical imagry used in many NGO fundraising campaigns. Hunger and poverty calls for action, however we need to create engagement built on knowledge, not stereotypes.
The Colour of Beauty
Renee Thompson is trying to make it as a top fashion model in New York. She’s got the looks, the walk and the drive. But she’s a black model in a world where white women represent the standard of beauty. Agencies rarely hire black models. And when they do, they want them to...
Rap News 23: Crimea: Media War Games - feat. Abby Martin
It's March 2014 and following on from an extremely successful Winter Olympic Games, Russia decides to organise another fun sporting event: and the whole world's invited. Welcome to the Paramilitary Games in the Crimean Peninsula.
Killing Us Softly 4: Advertising's Image Of Women
In this update of her pioneering Killing Us Softly series, Jean Kilbourne takes a fresh look at how advertising traffics in distorted and destructive ideals of femininity. Killing Us Softly 4 stands to challenge a new generation of students to take advertising seriously, and...
It's Time Our Culture Rewrites the Story on Gender
Join the movement. Featuring: Jean Kilbourne, Pedro Noguera, Jackson Katz and Rosario Dawson.
Why Engagement Rings Are A Scam. Here Are The Facts.
The comical geniuses over at College Humor recently released a new short video that is capturing the attention of many across the internet due to its comedy, but even more so due to its factual backing. The 4 minute video takes us through the history of the engagement ring, a...
Flipping the Corruption Myth: Which is More Corrupt, the Petty Dictatorship or the Superpower that Installs It?
Corruption is by far not the main factor behind persisting poverty in the Global South.
When 'They' Say Cutting Taxes On The Rich Means Job Creation, They're Lying. Just Ask This Rich Guy.
Meet Nick Hanauer. He’s a very wealthy man, his family owns a lot of things, and he’s invested in some big companies that started out small (ahem ... Amazon...). He’s got a few things to say about who the job creators really are in our country, and it goes totally against the...
How The Washington Post's New Owner Aided the CIA, Blocked WikiLeaks & Decimated the Book Industry
AUGUST 7, 2013 - The Washington Post announced the paper had been sold to founder and CEO Jeff Bezos for $250 million. Bezos, one of the world’s wealthiest men, now controls one of the most powerful newspapers in the country. Some critics of the sale have cited...
6 Reasons Female Nudity Can be Powerful
Last week, in the midst of what appears to be infinite fascination [2] about Lena Dunham’s nudity, I saw a fundraiser for the documentary “Free the Nipple [3]“ and also, by coincidence, talked to Facebook spokespeopl
Uncomfortable Historical Truths: On White Privilege and the Movie "12 Years a Slave"
This is an image of a 19th century wood engraving called "Slaves in Brazil: The Terrible Torture of a Slave", from 'Journal des Voyages'. [3] It depicts a black slave being boiled alive above a huge cauldron.
Rap News 20: The News
"The News". It's the most viral meme of reality on the planet: if it's not on "the News" it didn't happen - right? Welcome back to Season 2 of Juice Rap News, in which intrepid anchorman Robert Foster embarks on a new era of adversarial rap journalism by casting a critical...
15 Crucial Facts NEVER Heard On The Mainstream Media
The mainstream corporate-owned media is now essentially a rotting corpse. Welcome to the funeral. 
The 'Sexy Lie' We Should Be Talking About
"I am here today to talk about a lie." That's how politics professor Caroline Heldman opened her Jan. 2013 TEDxYouth San Diego talk on the topic of sexual objectification. "I'd like to talk specifically about the lie, or the idea, that being a sex object is empowering."
Listen As This Nerd Shuts Down The Global Warming 'Debate' In Less Than 4 Minutes
Lately I've heard WAY too many people claim that global warming doesn't exist. It's time to lay down some facts. Take it away, Hank! - Melissa Gilkey
TEDx Speaker Gives Priceless Talk About How TED Talks Are Worthless
With all due respect to Lizzie Velasquez, the vast majority of TED and TEDx talks are complete bullshit, and it's high time someone called them out on it.
The Absurdity of Right-Wing Media Madness in a Catchy Song
Oldie but goodie, Dan and Dan's satirical song about the right-wing British newspaper The Daily Mail.
Project Censored: Is The Press Really Free?
The one-hour 1998 documentary film, Project Censored: Is the Press Really Free, in its entirety. The film explores the mechanisms of news censorship in the mainstream media. It focuses on the work of Project Censored, an organization founded after the Watergate scandal by...
How Even a Proven Government Conspiracy Can Get Totally Dismissed by Corporate Media
In the insular world of Manhattan media, there’s much handwringing over the latest blow to print publications
Free The Nipple (NSFW) (trailer)
I'm Lina Esco and I'm a filmmaker living in Los Angeles. Last year I dire
What Ads With Half-Naked Women Look Like When They’re Turned Into Men
The first part of this clip gets into the sexism and rape culture around advertising, but what really illustrates the point clearly is the last half.
See Why We Have An Absolutely Ridiculous Standard Of Beauty In Just 37 Seconds
Time-lapse video shows the radical effect of photoshop on model's body. The clip, created for, shows a girl turned into a bombshell glamor model with the help of a hair and make-up artist and of course, Photoshop.
Toys "R" Us Airs One of the Worst Commercials in the History of Brainwashing Children
Advertising has always aimed to teach us that happiness and fun is something you find and purchase at a store, but usually efforts are made to skirt around the reality of this fantasy facade. The stubborn reality that advertising will do anything to distract us from is that...
The Censorship That Dare Not Speak Its Name
This is a subtly revised set of remarks given at “The Point is to Change It” conference on November 1, 2013 at the University of San Francisco. The event was co-sponsored by Project Censored.
Real Libertarians Don't Shill For The Kochs
It’s been the thing lately, among certain establishment liberals, to dismiss libertarians as “Koch-funded shills.” We’ve heard a lot of it from Mark Ames and Yasha Levine at NSFWCorp, for example.
'World Government' Is a Real Thing, But There Is No 'New World Order' Conspiracy Behind It
Kevin Carson dismisses the NWO conspiracy theory narrative of world government, which in many ways resembles a kind of 'cartoon evil' as it is often depicted. There is a more grounded way to look at it.
What Republicans and Conservative Libertarians Really Stand For, As Explained by an Anarchist
A strange thing happened during the October 2013 battle in the US Congress over a government shutdown and threat of default. The Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, denounced the Republicans as “anarchists.” So did Elizabeth Warren, one of the most liberal Senators. As did...
The Military-Industrial Pundits: Conflicts of Interest Exposed for TV Guests Who Promoted War
Still trust the mainstream media to bring you unbiased news? New research shows many so-called experts who appeared on television making the case for U.S. strikes on Syria had undisclosed ties to military contractors. A new report by the Public Accountability Initiative...
Ever Hear About The Lady Who Spilled Coffee On Herself At McDonald's, Then Sued For Millions?
It's really unbelievable what happened to Stella Liebeck. You just have to watch to see how the media turned on this little old lady who lived in Albuquerque. Obviously a villain, right? And at 5:00, prepare to see what the coffee actually did to her. It's not pretty. Well...
The Story of Good Versus Evil
To this day, a philosophical debate rages on as to the true nature of humanity. Is humanity at its core good or evil? Does the human species amount to no more than a parasite on the planet as Agent Smith says in The Matrix, “a cancer”, intent on devouring every last...
Alex Jones Paid By The Koch Brothers?!
When Alex Jones receives a call from a listener asking him about the Koch Brothers, his response is pretty interesting! He calls the Koch Brothers "apolitical" and says they're not all that big of a deal. Hmmm..... For an in-depth review of Alex Jones, see Project...
The Killing Screens: Media & the Culture of Violence
The Killing Screens urges us to think about the effects of the media in new and complex ways. In contrast to the relatively simplistic behaviorist model that media violence causes real-world violence, Gerbner encourages us to think about the psychological, political, social...
Running on Empty: The Brain Drain in Local TV News
Journalism is losing experienced reporters at a record rate. This means less in-depth and investigative reporting that help keep you informed. This documentary introduces you to some seasoned reporters who were at the top of their game. They share their frustrations and...
The Six Stages of Climate Change Denial
Michael Mann, geosciences professor and author of The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars, deconstructs the manner in which skeptics deny evidence that points to rapid climate change. "Each argument becomes untenable because the science is pretty clear," says Mann.
How Redistribution to the Rich Has Broken the Back of America
Conservative columnist Thomas Sowell recently declared, "The history of the 20th century is full of examples of countries that set out to redistribu
The Brainwashing of My Dad
What happened to Dad? As filmmaker, Jen Senko, tries to understand the transformation of her father from a non political, life-long Democrat to an angry, right-wing fanatic, she uncovers the forces behind the media that changed him completely: a plan by Roger Ailes under...
Yes, It's Misogynistic and Violent, But I still Admire Grand Theft Auto
The world's most successful video game has, once again, pushed women to the margins. It's time that it faced proper critical scrutiny. So it's been a bad week. On Monday, I had to switch off Classic FM when it played Wagner, since he was an antisemite. Then I burned my...
Sorry, Guys. She Doesn't Actually Agree With You. She's Mocking You. Viciously.
This comes across as jokingly flippant but turns very dark and serious quite quickly. Definitely an interesting approach to spreading light on this disturbing epidemic.
Seymour Hersh on death of Osama bin Laden: 'It's one big lie, not one word of it is true'
Seymour Hersh has got some extreme ideas on how to fix journalism – close down the news bureaus of NBC and ABC, sack 90% of editors in publishing and get back
Awakening to the Blob: How The Media Mediates Our Lives
Not just a book review of Thomas de Zengotita's Mediated
Disinfo Wars: Alex Jones' War on Your Mind
In 1833, William Miller predicted the second coming of Jesus Christ in the year 1843. Only after his fourth failed prediction, each of which saw hundreds of thousands of followers turn out, did his followers abandon him. By this time, Miller had already absconded with copious...
Obamacare Premiums Look Good, But Medicare-For-All Would Be Better
New data shows that many will be paying less for private insura
42 Amazing Maps
The map, as an innovation, is extremely important. Simply constructing a useful representation of our world onto a piece of paper (or clay or vellum or whatever) vastly increased the capabilities of humankind. But we continue to add and alter this medium, in ways that allow...
Chasing Ice
Acclaimed photographer James Balog was once a skeptic about climate change. But through his Extreme Ice Survey, he discovers undeniable evidence of our changing planet. In Chasing Ice, Balog deploys revolutionary time-lapse cameras to capture a multi-year record of the...
The Society of the Spectacle: Guy Debord's Classic Work Remade into a Mind-Bending Short Film
Guy Debord's classic 1967 text, remade into a contemporary context, with all sorts of visual remixing in the grand spirit of 'the spectacle.' Also includes Marshall McLuhan and John Berger.
Not All "Truthers" Are Equal
Republished in light of the recent Naval Yard shooting. - Ed On December 14th, 2012, a horrible tragedy took place at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut. Adam Lanza walked into the school and fatally shot twenty children and six adult staff. Some...
Jon Stewart Slams CNN for Chaotic, 'Vomit-like' Coverage of Mass Shooting in Washington
John Stewart ripped CNN apart on Tuesday night's Daily Show for it's appalling coverage of the Washington Navy Yard Shooting - specifically for drawing speculative conclusions in the absence of concrete facts. Just mute the ad at the beginning. It is Comedy Central's video...
5 Lies Invented to Spin UN Report on Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack
As predicted days before the UN's Syrian chemical weapons report was made public, the West has begun spi
9/11: The Sensible Doubt
What happened on September 11, 2001? All over the world, people question the official story and explanation about the events that took place in the USA more than 10 years ago.