121-180 of 978
Capitalist Realism, Mental Illness and Societies of Control
Capitalist realism is the ambient all pervasive atmosphere where it's just sort of implied that capitalism is all there is. It conditions how we view the world, how we work, our social relations, even our thoughts and behaviors. When it comes to mental health, capitalist...
The Problem With Hyper-Individualism
The "hyper-individualist" mindset runs rampant in capitalist nations, especially the US, where it's praised as "hard work" and "common sense." In this episode, Second Thought takes a look at why the individualist mindset is counterproductive and an utterly absurd way to view...
Happy Teachers Will Change the World: Bringing Mindfulness into Education
Being a teacher in the world of today is a demanding job with lots of challenges, often resulting in stress and burn-out. Is there a solution?
The Way Out: Facing the Climate Crisis
What can we do, when time is running out? Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh has a revolutionary proposal for facing the Climate Crisis. “The way out is in,” he states. “The way out of climate change is inside each of us.” His invitation is to stop: to stop running and to take a good...
To Live Awake
We live in challenging times. To live awake, in harmony and truly connected is an art. The basic condition of this art is to come home to yourself and be fully present. But how to do that?
Does Capitalism Mean Freedom? | Zephyr Teachout
According to the standard account, capitalism—whatever your criticisms of it—is synonymous with freedom. Zephyr Teachout explains how we are told other systems necessitate central planning by undemocratic bureaucracies. But what if that’s not true? capitalism puts us at the...
The Writings of an Earth Lover
This video is dedicated to the memory of Vivienne Elanta. She was an Australian environmental activist. With her partner John Croft, she co-founded the Gaia Foundation of Australia, with the objectives of developing projects which are engaging towards personal growth...
Battlestar Climatica
"The consumer society - it's hyperindividualism - and hyperindividualism is a form of disempowerment, and they know it. So you get to express your personal identity, while you are being stripped of collective power. And the elites are not going to go without a fight. Look at...
The Key to Happiness in a Distracted World
What could ancient Greek philosophers tell us about how to live our lives today?
The Taoist Story of Robber Zhi and Confucius | SHORT FILM
Equal to the Tao Te Ching is the great Taoist text known as the Zhuangzi, attributed the great sage Zhuangzi. One of the chapters in the Zhuangzi text is the story of Robber Zhi and Confucius. This passage tests our spiritual understanding of Taoism and essentially reveals...
On Compassion
Would I have done things differently if I were in your shoes? If I were in the totality of your circumstances? When we look into the eyes of "the other" - without looking away - the labels start to come off. The question "What's it like to be you?" is a powerful starting...
Digital Wampum: Testimony of the Iroquois | 8-Part Series
 Digital Wampum is a series of 8 short, testimonial films, on the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois.)
Racism Is No Illusion. 'Racecraft' Is.
Why race is like Santa Claus—a pervasive myth we love to convince each other of.
Just the Way You Are
"Growing up I had vague memories of Mister Rogers Neighborhood, but watching his program now as an adult and as a filmmaker I was fascinated by the degree of sophistication and discipline Rogers brought to his show.
Indigenous Thinking for Troubled Times, Tyson Yunkaporta
Can indigenous thinking save the world? Tyson Yunkaporta's new book 'Sand Talk' explores this question and is making a big impact.
The Power of Love - A Reading by Satish Kumar
Enjoy this heartwarming share from peace and environmental advocate, Satish Kumar.
The Inner Peace Revolution
We all want peace, so why isn’t the world more peaceful? Discover the scientific evidence that points to a surprising solution.
My Octopus Teacher
A filmmaker forges an unusual friendship with an octopus living in a South African kelp forest, learning as the animal shares the mysteries of her world. 
Identity & Empathy | Ayishat Akanbi
Ayishat Akanbi is a stylist and cultural commentator. Her monologue 'The Problem with Wokeness' went viral a couple of years ago. She argues that modern social justice movements, or 'wokeness', often creates division, and harms those it is intended to help.
Infinite Potential: The Life & Ideas of David Bohm
INFINITE POTENTIAL tells the story of the man Einstein called his “spiritual son” and the Dalai Lama his “science guru.” A brilliant physicist and explorer of consciousness, Bohm’s profound insights into the underlying nature of reality and the interconnectedness of the...
Noam Chomsky on the Harper's Letter and Cancel Culture
“If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.” ― Noam Chomsky
Revolution Now! with Peter Joseph
Part 1: introductions are made, along with a treatment on the origins and nature of systemic racism in the USA.
We Can Do Better Than This
My wife, Stella, recently shut down her account on the social-media-platform-that-must-not-be-named. “It feels like I’m walking away from a fight,” she said. “Almost everything I read there is a signal as to what side the poster is on. Or an attempt to promote the idea that...
Is Universal Basic Income The Future?
Imagine a future in which every person was afforded the basics of life. How would this change our society? Is UBI the future? – Second Thought
Ten Days of Charles Eisenstein
A Collection of Tweets That Fell on Deaf Ears
Down To Earth
Leaving behind their cosmopolitan life, a couple and their three young children travel the ends of the earth searching for a new perspective on life. In their five-year journey across six continents, they live with some of the oldest indigenous communities on the planet. From...
From Trash To Treasure: Turning Negatives Into Positives
In Lesotho—a highland country surrounded by South Africa—an artist named Nthabiseng TeReo Mohanela takes discarded materials and transforms them into unique clothing and accessories. Teaching young people the benefits of recycling and re-creation, she calls her project “From...
Transformation Diaries
Transformation Diaries is a platform for the questions of our times. From love, sexuality and social organization, all the way to our relation to the biosphere and the metaphysical, we explore the underlying sets of beliefs and assumptions at the wellspring of culture —...
Framing Reality: A Plan for the Future
All humans on the planet are living under an illusionary paradigm that can be compared to what was presented in the 'Matrix'. A mental prison that exists within the minds of the collective. This prison exists as the societal paradigm we have chosen to accept. That is all...
Nonviolence and the New Story of Human Nature
How do we get from the world of now to the society we long to live in?
The Yugas: The Great Time Cycles of the Universe
Time. What is it? This is such an odd question to ask. But to never inquire into the nature of time is even more strange. We are all subject to time and its process of birth, life, decay, and death. This linear process makes us believe that the nature of time is just linear...
Theory of Enchantment 101
The Theory of Enchantment course provides educators with a world-class social-emotional learning program (SEL) that integrates pop culture with developmental psychology. This program helps educators transform the lives of their students and motivates them to maximize their...
Working Assumptions for White Activists on Eliminating Racism: Guidelines for Recruiting Other Whites as Allies
Assume that all human beings desire warm, close relationships with each other. This is also true of you and of all other white people.    Assume that you are a regular white person (not an exceptional white person) and that all whites are good people, caring...
Miki Kashtan: Exiting the Either/Or Trap - Decision Making Beyond Consensus and Command / Control
Are long, drawn-out consensus processes the only alternative to a rigid, hierarchical decision making model that reinforces unhealthy power dynamics? Trainer, facilitator and writer Miki Kashtan offers her powerful framework of Convergent Facilitation, which is a model of...
Thomas Berry: The New Story
A video excerpt of Thomas Berry discussing his 1978 monograph entitled "The New Story" at Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia in 1984.
The Conspiracy Myth
The other day I was amused to read a critique of The Coronation in which the author was absolutely certain that I am a closet conspiracy theorist. He was so persuasive that I myself almost believed it.
Realism and Utopia
Realism and utopia are often seen as opposite poles. Realism, it is thought, is concerned with what is and utopia is concerned with our wishes about what we would like to be. However, once we fully examine the issue we can see that this way of thinking is mistaken. A properly...
The Trap of Being Right | Charles Eisenstein
There is a special area of the Matrix reserved for people who think they have exited the Matrix. The answers to metaphysical questions—and indeed political questions, personal questions—are usually less important than the process that the question launches. Here we explore...
TAWAI: a Film About Reconnection
"We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.” - Albert Einstein Tawai is a film about reconnection. It connects us to our ancestors and the type of life they may have lived. It connects us with our bodies and senses, inviting us to...
The Twelve: A Tale of Wisdom & Unity
“The Twelve” tells the story of twelve spiritual Elders from around the globe who gather at the United Nations in New York to create a unique ritual for Humankind and planet Earth. By interviewing each one of them in their home environments, the film is told exclusively...
The Great Giving Up (and The Film that Made It Worse)
This is the final in a series on Planet of the Humans. The other posts are here:
The Power of Disposable Time
In a recent article called “Coronavirus Requires a Collective Response” by professor David Harvey, I was struck by the timeliness of his argument. Harvey quoted Karl Marx a bunch but I’m going to simply paraphrase. Marx claimed that any major project to change the world will...
Thich Nhat Hanh on Finding Peace
The Power of Peace Humankind has become a very dangerous species. We need people who can sit still and be able to smile, who can walk peacefully. We need people like that in order to save us. Recently I was sitting with a group of children, and a boy named Tim was...
Prayer for the Earth: An Indigenous Response to These Times
As the world rushes toward the brink of biospheric collapse, many people are now looking to traditional Indigenous wisdom for guidance on how to live sustainably.
Siberian Shaman's Life Advice If You're Doubting Yourself
A Siberian Shaman gives us insight into life on the deepest frozen lake in the world. - George Thompson
Aluna: A Journey to Save the World
Aluna means "conscience." Enter the last theocratic chiefdom in America, hidden for centuries on a mountain in Colombia. The Kogi have made this amazing documentary to help us understand how to avoid the destruction of the world that they are trying to protect, and of ourselves.
Freedom and the Market
When freedoms clash, some must take priority over others. In the economy, the mechanism that determines which freedoms are prioritised is the property rights system. Property rights bestow the freedom to control and profit from what is owned. They determine who has...
What If You Thought of It as the Jews Consider the Sabbath— The Most Sacred of Times?
What if you thought of it as the Jews consider the Sabbath— the most sacred of times? Cease from travel. Cease from buying and selling. Give up, just for now, on trying to make the world different than it is. Sing. Pray. Touch only those to whom you commit your life. Center...
Fear and Social Control
In this video we examine how fear can be used as a tool to manipulate others, and how those in positions of power, past and present, have effectively used fear to control certain aspects of society. =================================================== Support us on Patreon...
Why Public Schools And The Mainstream Media Dumb Us Down
In this video we examine how public schools and the mainstream media have contributed to the growth of a passive citizenry, thus paving the way for the rise of tyranny. We then look at the role anti-authoritarians play in a free and flourishing society.
Carl Sagan's Cosmos: A Personal Voyage
Astronomer Carl Sagan's landmark 13-part science series takes you on an awe-inspiring cosmic journey to the edge of the Universe and back aboard the spaceship of the imagination.
'Progress Comes From Changing How Humans Think' — a Conversation With 'Soldier of Peace' Paul K. Chappell
"What makes nonviolence so different from violence, is the way that nonviolence seeks to address and confront root causes of problems: violence addresses the symptoms and nonviolence goes at root cause of the problem."
Matriarchies Are Not Just a Reversal of Patriarchies: A Structural Analysis
Matriarchies are not just a reversal of patriarchies, with women ruling over men – as the usual misinterpretation would have it. Matriarchies are mother-centered societies. They are based on maternal values: care-taking, nurturing, mothering. This holds for everybody: for...
We’ve Got a Better World in Mind - 8 Principles for a Beautiful Future
How to get from here to there in the next 10 years
The New Story Revolution: Over 75 Films & Articles About the Movement With Many Names
"It’s all a question of story. We are in trouble just now because we are in between stories. The Old Story—the account of how the world came to be and how we fit into it—sustained us for a long time. It shaped our emotional attitudes, provided us with life purpose, energized...
Radical Dharma – Interview with angel Kyodo williams (Podcast)
In this in-depth interview, Reverend angel Kyodo williams reflects on our widespread crisis of story, the failure of institutional religions to offer a new way forward, and her philosophy of Radical Dharma—a path to individual and collective liberation. A Sensei in the...
The Goal of Life is Not to Survive It |  Charles Eisenstein
With climate change and biodiversity loss worsening every day, we're all asking ourselves: will humanity survive?
“Economics Is Not Just About Money; It's About Our Holistic Well-Being as a Planet”
Nonty Charity Sabic is cofounder of the international Rise Ubuntu Network, based on “ubuntu”, an indigenous South African philosophy that aims to teach and collectively remember the connection shared between humans and nature. Based in Barcelona, Sabic is involved in...
Inhabitants: Indigenous Perspectives On Restoring Our World
INHABITANTS follows five Native American communities as they restore their traditional land management practices in the face of a changing climate. For millennia Native Americans successfully stewarded and shaped their landscapes, but centuries of colonization have disrupted...
Language Keepers: The Struggle for Indigenous Language Survival in California
California once had more linguistic variety than all of Europe. “Language Keepers” is a 6-part series following four Indigenous communities in California who are working to revitalize their languages.