421-480 of 979
Happy to Be - The Joy of Living in the Present, Being Patient and Loving Yourself
We spent an afternoon with Warren capturing how he sees the world.
The Anarchist Revolt Against the Ideology of Not Voting Is Finally Taking Shape
Anarchists have traditionally opposed voting for a variety of ideological reasons. For many, not voting is held as a badge of honor - a way of signaling one's commitment to anarchist theory. I've often thought that this belief in not voting almost represents a sort of reli
Less Is More
We spent an hour with Tony, capturing his wisdom. Thank you Tony. You really are an inspiration. We strive to take on your mantra that "less really is more". Green Renaissance is a tiny collective of 4 passionate filmmakers (Warren, Jacky, Michael and Justine). We live Off...
Poet Kate Tempest's Heartbreaking Story of the Brand New Ancients
In 2013 performance poet and rapper Kate Tempest and Battersea Arts Centre, embarked on a journey together to tour the award winning show Brand New Ancients. In collaboration with director Joe Roberts, Battersea Arts Centre produced these three short films interpreting Kate's...
Master Storyteller Stephen Jenkinson on The Making of Humans
The relentless pursuit of self-reliance and self-improvement is rooted in our lost connection to common stories, homeland and ancestors that bind and unite us. The times now demand that we recognize the world's suffering in our own.
John Cleese Founds Church of JC Capitalist
Comedian John Cleese is taking advantage of the huge tax breaks given to churches by founding a new one - The Church of JC Capitalist. Praise be the almighty $.
Does Biology Drive Our Best and Worst Selves?
How can humans be so compassionate and altruistic -- and also so brutal and violent? To understand why we do what we do, neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky looks at extreme context, examining actions on timescales from seconds to millions of years before they occurred. In this...
How Animals Can Teach Us to Be Kind, Love and Appreciate Life and Each Other
Animals have a lot to teach us about wisdom if we are ready to take their quietly-delivered lessons on board. 
Dispatches From the Ruins
In the first two decades of the new millennium, stories of the post-apocalypse have permeated pop culture, from books such as Cormac McCarthy’s The Road (2006), Paolo Bacigalupi’s The Windup Girl (2009) and Emily St John Mandel’s Station Eleven (2014) to films and TV...
Wake Up to Find Out That You Are the Eyes of the World!
The ‘Santiago Theory of Cognition’ proposed by the Chilean biologists and neuroscientists Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela offers a scientific way of understanding the process by which living systems engage in ‘autopoiesis’ (self-creating or self-generating) through...
Guidelines for Alliance-Building: Working Assumptions for Winning Allies and Being an Effective Ally
Since, under present world conditions, everyone either is now, or has been, or will be at some time a target of social oppression, and since everyone is now, or has been, or will be in a non-target group in relation to some other group’s oppression, alliance-building is for...
The Revolution Is Acceptance
"Waiting for some distant point in the future when we're all magically agreeing with one another to begin working together, is like deciding to climb Mount Everest on the condition that we'll help each other only after we've reached the top."
Politicizing Ecology - Beyond Technocracy and Constant Growth
For some decades now the human civilization has embarked on a journey to rapidly extract whatever resource it can from the planet as to maintain its current predominant doctrine — unlimited economic growth. There are, as one could imagine, dire consequences resulting from...
On the Wildness of Children: The Revolution Will Not Take Place In The Classroom
“In Wildness is the preservation of the World.” Thoreau says it in “Walking,” and Jack Turner, in his exquisite collection of essays, The Abstract Wild,  questions how many of us have any idea what it means.   P
Sometimes We Must Change the Variables of Our Equation
Doing the 'right thing' in life is super important. Miss a few car payments at eighteen, and those rates will jump. Overdraft by two dollars, a barely-working monthly budget becomes screwed by bank fees. Drive your car without affording proper maintenance, and your life (or...
Challenging Christian Hegemony: The Doctrine of Discovery, Manifest Destiny, and American Exceptionalism
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.[1] We live on the Earth as...
An Appeal for a Creative Nonviolence
I was around 14 when I heard about Concentration Camps for the first time. 
The Oddest, Most Informative, Brief History of Everything Ever
Bill Wurtz takes us from the very beginning of the universe to the present day, in 2o information-packed minutes. It's a hugely enjoyable, funny and informative ride. Buckle up!
This 2-Part Primer Will Help You Think Like an Unschooler
Many of us have difficulty explaining the concept of unschooling, life learning, or self-directed learning to those who are unfamiliar with it.  In an attempt to help unschoolers communicate their way of looking at things to the wider community, we have come up with the...
Towards a Perspective on Eliminating Racism: 12 Working Assumptions
Because racism is both institutional and attitudinal, effective strategies against it must recognize this dual character. The elimination of institutionalized racism requires a conscious project of attitudinal transformation. The deliberate attempt to transform racist...
Fear Is One of the Greatest Problems in Life
Before we go any further I would like to ask you what is your fundamental, lasting interest in life? Putting all oblique answers aside and dealing with this question directly and honestly, what would you answer? Do you know?
What Do You Think It Means to Be Utterly and Totally Free?
None of the agonies of suppression, nor the brutal discipline of conforming to a pattern has led to truth. To come upon truth the mind must be completely free, without a spot of distortion.
Relationships Based on Images Can Never Bring Lasting Peace, Yet Our Whole Society Is Built on Images
Relationship between human beings is based on the image-forming, defensive mechanism. In all our relationships each one of us builds an image about the other and these two images have relationship, not the human beings themselves. The wife has an image about the husband ...
What Happens When You Bring Meditation to Public Schools
Classrooms all over the country are trying something new: sitting and breathing.
Four Signs You Have High Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence can mean the difference between behaving in a socially acceptable way and being considered to be way out of line. While most people will have heard of emotional intelligence, not many people really know how to spot it – in themselves or in others.
Universal Wisdom Meditation
This guided meditation is offered as a way of connecting to our deeper purpose as a unique expression of the Universal Wisdom to support the co-creation for a new planetary story, emerging from the heart of our humanity. Meditation: Facilitated by Anneloes Smitsman of...
Neil Gaiman's Powerful Poem Lays Bare the Merchants of Hate
An original poem by Neil Gaiman, narrated by Peter Kenny, directed and animated by Anna Eijsbouts. Hate for Sale Hate for sale. All the very best  Hate for sale. Vintage stuff. Do my cries excite your interest?  Lovely hate. Your life is rough. Buy my hate. You'll come...
Real Value
Award-winning filmmaker Jesse Borkowski delivers a refreshing meditation on how business can be used to create value beyond profit; connecting motivational stories from social entrepreneurs working in agriculture, apparel, insurance, and biofuel, with the captivating science...
Yanis Varoufakis - Why the Universal Basic Income Is a Necessity
In this video former finance minister of Greece, professor of economics, author and founder of the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 (DiEM25), Yanis Varoufakis, argues why the Basic Income is a necessity today. His arguments take into account a macro socio-economic...
Decriminalize Immigration, Free Movement for All!
The United States recently experienced its first wave of large-scale anti-immigration raids following the election of Donald Trump, who made the mass deportation of “illegal” immigrants a central part of his campaign. Although ICE officials claim that these raids targeted...
The House of the Nobodies — Where Everyone Is Welcome
La Casa de los Ningunos is an experimental community in the Bolivian capital city of La Paz, 12,000 feet up in the Andes Mountains. In a recent piece on the Casa, Sian Cowman explained the inspiration for the name, which also elegantly describes the Casa’s mission, “…Los...
Facing up to Our Shadow Side With Compassion
Restorative justice makes real the fact that conflict, pain, suffering and crime are part of all our lives.
60 Eco-Conscious Documentaries to Honor Mother Earth
Pachamama, our dear Mother Earth, is 4.5 billion years old. She is home to an estimated 8.7 million species of life! This wondrous web of relationships is truly a gift to be a part of, and we can thank our growing and evolving Mother Earth for the eyes and mind we have to...
A Quest For Meaning
A Quest for Meaning is an inspiring journey that connects personal growth and social change. It tells the story of two friends, Marc and Nathanael, who leave everything behind to go question the workings of the world and look for alternative ways of thinking and living...
The Western Idea of Private Property Is Flawed. Indigenous Peoples Have It Right
We live in a world dominated by the principle of private property. Once indigenous people were dispossessed of their lands, the land was surveyed, subdivided and sold to the highest bidder. From high above, continents now appear as an endless property patchwork of green and...
How to Differentiate Between Conspiracy Theories and Intelligent Scepticism
It can be easy, in certain moods, to suspect that we can trust no one and to feel the temptation of conspiracy theories. But we’d be wiser learning the art of an intelligent form of scepticism.
21 Theses for a People's Ecology
The “21 Theses,” dated July 2014 and published in November 2015, marked the birth of the Social Ecology Cooperative in Paris. In May 2016 I had the opportunity to ask Patrick Farbiaz, one of its founders, what the cooperative meant by social ecology. He explained that it...
Ho’oponopono for Earth Day
The Power of Humility, Forgiveness, Gratitude and Love
A “Political” Program for Anarchists
Many anarchists oppose in principle such use of the political process for anarchist ends. It is unethical, they say, for anarchists to participate in the political process. Voting entails selecting a representative to exercise coercive force in our name; and appealing to such...
How to Defeat Negative Thinking
Negative thinking can get the best of us at the worst of times. But there's hope! Positive psychology Coach Derrick Carpenter reveals two key tactics that will intercept and defeat these thoughts before they have a chance to infiltrate your life.
Self-Esteem Might Boost Our Egos, But Self-Compassion Opens Our Hearts
Unlike self-esteem, the good feelings of self-compassion do not depend on being special and above average, or on meeting ideal goals.
Finding Inner Peace Through Meditation with Filmmaker David Lynch
In “Finding Inner Peace,” David Lynch describes how his personal experience with meditation helped him to deal with anxiety, fear, and depression and taught him how to tap into the root source of creativity and bliss.
Amanda Palmer: The Art of Asking
Don't make people pay for music, says Amanda Palmer: Let them. In a passionate talk that begins in her days as a street performer (drop a dollar in the hat for the Eight-Foot Bride!), she examines the new relationship between artist and fan.
We Communicate Through Energy
Cellular Biologist, Bruce Lipton, Ph.D, reveals the connection between Quantum Theory and feelings.
Love is Not Something That You Do - It is Something That You Can Become
Are you the longing for love? Watch the video to know more about love and longing for it.
No, You're Not Entitled to Your Opinion
Every year, I try to do at least two things with my students at least once. First, I make a point of addressing them as “philosophers” – a bit cheesy, but hopefully it encourages active learning.
How to Be a Friend to Yourself
The person we may find it hardest to be kind and sympathetic to is, surprisingly, ourselves. Yet being a friend to ourselves provides the only viable basis for living an emotionally fulfilled life.
How to Resist From a Place of Love: Self-Care for the Long Haul
If you want to sustain yourself for the work ahead, here’s some advice: It doesn’t matter whether the other side “deserves” anger.
Have We Been Denying Our Human Nature for Four Hundred Years?
Eurocentric modernism has unhinged us from our human nature, argues Rajani Kanth in his new book
Simone De Beauvoir's Political Philosophy Resonates Today
Simone de Beauvoir is rightly best known for declaring: ‘One is not born, but rather becomes, woman.’ A less well-known facet of her philosophy, particularly relevant today, is her political activism, a viewpoint that follows directly from her metaphysical stance on the self...
How I Stopped Believing I Was Separate From the Universe
Have you heard any of these statements before? Life is hard and requires sacrifice. If you work hard, you will succeed. There is not enough. Look out for yourself. The world is hostile. “Survival of the fittest.” Competition drives progress. Be rational. Control your...
Bill Hicks Reminds Us Life is Just a Ride
Revelations is Bill Hicks' last special ever, taped in 1992, and features him at the height of his genius. Recorded at the Dominion Theatre in London, Bill Hicks opens our eyes and minds to the hypocrisy and ludicrousness of the world around us.
What It Takes to Change Hearts and Minds
To get someone’s support, you need more than just facts.
Those That Did Not Seek Revenge
Dr. Ann Russo on violence, healing, and transforming justice.
Artificial Ethics and the Search for Intelligence
How to stop a robot turning evil. 
The Price of Certainty
It’s alarming to see how polarized politics have become in the United States. The wider the gulf grows, the more people seem to be certain that the other side is wrong. Certainty can be a dangerous thing. Two years ago, I met the social psychologist Arie Kruglanski while...
Why Black Bloc Tactics Won't Build a Successful Movement
I admit, I laughed a little too. When I first saw videos of white nationalist Richard Spencer getting punched by a protester, I thought it was funny. And even now, I’m not exactly shedding a tear for him. I certainly pray that the attempts to find and target the person who...
The Charter For Compassion
The principle of compassion lies at the heart of all religious, ethical and spiritual traditions, calling us always to treat all others as we wish to be treated ourselves. AFFIRM the Charter today:
Why Don't People Revolt?
“What has to be explained is not the fact that the man who is hungry steals or the man who is exploited strikes, but why the majority of those who are hungry don't steal and why the majority of those who are exploited don't strike.” - Wilhelm Reich "The Mass Psychology of...