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The Intellectual Dark Web is Afraid of Marx, Apparently
The Intellectual Dark Web brand claims to be a motley crew of ideologically opposed truth tellers but is instead a group of warriors for the status quo who are unified around scapegoating leftists and specifically Marxists for problems that capitalism itself generates. They...
Reconciliation at the Intersection of the Sacred Masculine/Feminine and Activism
As I have been called to action, more from Earth and Spirit than from world events, I found myself drawn into a deep exploration of my own Nature as an integral part of finding a compass in these times.
Why I Stopped Seeking My Purpose
And why I think you should also do it
Do We Have the Right to Financial Rebellion? a Conversation With Enric Duran
We need to practice economic disobedience so that radical alternatives can flourish.
The Strategic Naiveté of Antifa
We’ve all heard the argument before: However “nice” the use of nonviolence may be, in the real world violence is necessary — and ultimately more effective, so the thinking goes — for challenging a brutal regime, fighting injustice or defending against an armed opponent. But...
Is It Possible to Love All Humanity?
Qualities like gender, ethnicity, and nationality tend to define us more than being human. What happens when we try to identify with all of humanity?
Is the Trump Presidency a Religious Cult? - Reza Aslan
Are fundamentalist Christians a dangerous religious cult? Possibly. The controversial author and religious scholar Reza Aslan posits that President Donald Trump has much of his evangelical fan-base believing that he's somehow been anointed by God to become President...
The Problem with Evil
When we confront something we regard as “evil,” it poses a threat to the self-preservation of ego. We are so busy preserving our existence in the face of this threat that we cannot see the thing clearly at all. —Chögyam Trungpa Sometimes in Q&A sessions or internet...
Did Mushrooms Play a Role in the Evolution of Human Consciousness? - Paul Stamets
Paul Stamets is a mycologist, author and advocate of bioremediation and medicinal fungi. In this animation he describes the incredible properties of fungi as well as an overview of how mushrooms could have played a massive role in the evolution of human consciousness.
The Big Story: Can We Change Civilization by Changing Its Origin Story?
How did humans go from savanna-dwelling primates to moon-bouncing Tide Pod™ eaters? This is the big question that Big History has been trying to answer for millennia. Sure, other ages may have framed the question differently. Pre-Internet historian Herodotus may have asked...
Learn to Be Soft and You Will Be Strong
It’s the hard things that break; soft things don’t break…You can waste so many years of your life trying to become something hard in order not to break, but it’s the soft things that can’t break! The hard things are the ones that shatter into a million pieces! – C. Joybell...
No, You Can't ‘Be the Change’ Alone
Positive thinking may be useless or even damaging, but negative thinking is unlikely to change the world for the better.
It's Time For Vulnerable Politics
In his keynote at the Burning Man European Leadership Summit, Ronan Harrington calls for a politics that recognises the one thing that we all have in common: our vulnerability.
What happens at an ALTER EGO gathering ?
For the past two years, Alter Ego has been gathering new cultural and political leaders to rethink politics and our vision of progress. This is a behind the scenes of our first gathering in 2016, where we explored spirituality as a transformative source of political renewal...
Reconciling Two Incompatible Sacred Values in American Universities: Jon Haidt
Professor Haidt argues that conflicts arise at many American universities today because they are pursuing two potentially incompatible goals: truth and social justice. While Haidt thinks both goals are important, he maintains that they can come into conflict. According to...
The Moral Roots of Liberals and Conservatives: Stepping Outside Our Moral Matrix - Jonathan Haidt
Psychologist Jonathan Haidt studies the five moral values that form the basis of our political choices, whether we're left, right, or center. In this eye-opening talk, he pinpoints the moral values that liberals and conservatives tend to honor most. Jonathan Haidt studies how...
Identity Politiks: When Grievance Gets Weaponized
Let me admit, I grow weary of hearing gripes and grievances. I don’t say this to somehow deny atrocities that have been committed against people in the past nor am I blind to injustices that continue to be perpetuated in the present. Yet there is a big difference between...
The History and Philosophy of Aikido
Aikido is a powerful martial art developed throughout the mid 20th century by a Japanese named Morihei Ueshiba.  Aikido differs from most other martial arts in that the practitioner seeks to achieve self-defense without injury to attackers. Furthermore, there are no...
Tribal Revival: The Tribal Basis Of The Next Civilization
True tribalism is a societal balance point
16 Powerful Krishnamurti Quotes
Here is a collection of 16 powerful quotes by the great Jiddu Krishnamurti. Mostly taken from Krishnamurti’s public talks in the late 1960’s, these quotes will urge you to reconsider culture, religion, politics and family, and will guide you towards a new, more beautiful and...
Why Positive Thinking Isn't Neoliberal
By discouraging the use of powerful self-healing and self-development tools we may weaken those who are already disempowered.
To Deal with Trump We Must First Face the Trump Inside Ourselves
“The power of Fannie Lou Hamer compels you!”
The Left's Problem Isn't Politics—It's Metaphysics
How can liberals and progressives learn to feel differently about identity?
Pilgrimage Open to All: Bring Your Own Beliefs
The Sustainable Food Trust’s Future of UK Farming conference at Fir Farm this April will feature a pilgrimage from the source of the River Dickler to Hill Barn, hosted by Guy Hayward and Will Parsons of the British Pilgrimage Trust (BPT). Ahead of the conference I decided to
Is Catastrophe the Only Cure for the Weakness of Radical Politics?
If we want a future worthy of the name we need a different form of revolution.
Will Cuba Become a Test Case for a Post-Postmodern Future?
Metamodern mindfulness offers a new way of thinking about the ideological conflicts of the past.
Daniel Quinn: a Return to Tribalism?
Daniel Quinn is an observer of the failure of modern civilization and an advocate of a return to tribal values. He explores this in his book Beyond Civilization: Humanity Next Great Adventure.
Why Allies Are Welcome to Criticise Social Movements
Being a member of an oppressed group is not a guarantee of wisdom or correctness.
Why Some Queer People Are Rejecting Identity Politics
This topic has been around for a while, but lately it seems like there are actual attempts at dialogue happening, and so I want to contribute to that.
The Resolution of Jordan Peterson: Truth, Lies, and Reconciliation in a Time of Chaos
This article is Part 3 in The Abs-Tract Organization’s series on Jordan B. Peterson, following from The Detraction of Jordan Peterson: Constructive Criticism to a Public Intellectual (A Critique), which was a follow-up to
The Limits of Liberal Identity Politics
Asad Haider ends the first part of his essay on the problems of liberal identity politics with a powerful accusation: “Fredrik deBoer asks, ‘Does it matter to Resnikoff that the most acid critiques of identity politics I know of have come from writers of color?’ It is a...
Why the Moral Argument for Nonviolence Matters
“Bernard? Oh yeah, he’s great. He was always the principles guy.”
The Left Is the New Right, the Right Is the Old Right
I didn’t pay much attention to Jordan Peterson when I first heard about him. The standard line on Peterson among liberals and leftists was that he is yet another right-wing hero of young, white men, but less extreme than those on the full-fledged alt-right. While this may be...
The Abstract Empire of Global Capital
Nonrepresentative Democracy at the Dark Heart of Globalization
Why Classical Liberals are Susceptible to Being Radicalized by the Alt-Right
Classical liberals and the alt-right share common grievances with the left, use similar terminology and agree on common narratives. This makes moderate classical liberals susceptible to being radicalized by the ideas of the far right. While this is far from inevitable and...
Why Do People Find Jordan Peterson so Convincing? Because the Left Doesn't Have Its Own House in Order
The Canadian clinical psychologist and university professor has become hugely popular for his 'anti-PC' views and is beloved of many on the alt-right. He's appealing for a number of reasons, most of them connected to the left-wing people he opposes
Vicious Abstraction and Systemic Racism: The Violence of False Representation and Coded Language
Abstraction comes in countless forms, but beware the vicious variety, which corrupts our thinking. A ‘vicious abstraction’ is a misrepresentation of an abstraction. You’d be amazed how far little white lies can go. Suffice it to say empires can be built on them. But suppose...
The AbsTract: Core Philosophy, Act I
A philosophical fitness program called The Abs•Tract, based on a mystical treatise containing the core truths, inspires a student to experience massive gains in knowledge and understanding, all while getting ripped, abs. As his journey goes from the trivial pursuit of abs to...
Jordan Peterson Gets Played
About half a decade ago, Jordan Peterson was a psychology professor at the University of Toronto and clinical psychologist with little international fame and even less infamy. A talented teacher and skilled speaker, he conveyed expertise within his domain and gave prestigious...
Pro-Capitalist School Explains the Value of Understanding Marxism
Karl Marx remains deeply important today not as the man who told us what to replace capitalism with, but as someone who brilliantly pointed out its problems. The School of Life, a pro-Capitalist institution, takes a look.
Is Postmodernism Destroying Western Civilization? On Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life
A specter is haunting North America — the specter of postmodernism. Or at least, that’s what Jordan Peterson would have you believe. Peterson, a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, has entered into an unholy alliance with all the powers of the alt-right to...
Spiked Magazine Panel - "Is the Left Eating Itself?"
Is “the Left” eating itself? Watch the Unsafe Space Tour panel discussion at New York Law School, featuring Professors Bret Weinstein, Laura Kipnis, Angus Johnston, and author Brendan O'Neill. Moderated by Tom Slater (of Spiked Magazine). 
National Identity Is Made Up
Nationality feels powerful, especially today. But the idea of identifying with millions of strangers just based on borders is relatively new. The Interpreter explains why it was invented — and how it changed the world.
Decrypting the Alt-Right: How to Recognize an American Fascist
This is a critical and educational video about the deceptive strategies used by the American Alt-Right to appeal to centrists. All clips of Alt-Right media are used under fair use for purposes of education, critique, and peaceful resistance. - ContraPoints
How The "Cultural Marxism" Conspiracy Theory Became the Far-Right's Scapegoat
“A specter is haunting Youtube — the specter of Cultural Marxism!"
Did Political Correctness Cause Fascism in the US?
This video answers the question "Did Political Correctness Cause Fascism in the US?" and considers how Mark Fisher's critique of capitalism might inform our understanding of the reactionary right.
Kill All Normies: The End of the Culture War?
This video takes a look at the alt-right through the lens of Angela Nagle's new book "Kill All Normies" and calls for the end of the culture war.
Refuting Jordan Peterson's Capitalist Realism
This Zero Books video looks at Mark Fisher's book Capitalist Realism, but is mostly a response to Jordan Peterson's lecture on Political Correctness for The Speakers Action Group.
Slavoj Žižek: Political Correctness is a More Dangerous Form of Totalitarianism
Slavoj Žižek doesn't buy into political correctness. In fact, it frightens him. The famed philosopher and social critic describes political correctness as a tacit form of totalitarianism, an act of coercion built upon the premise that "I know better than you what you really...
The Queen's University Talk: Jordan Peterson on The Rising Tide of Compelled Speech
Jordan Peterson: "I was invited to Queen's University March 5 to give the inaugural lecture/discussion of the Liberty Lecture series, funded by Faculty of Law alumnus, Gregory Piasetzki (LLB 1980). Dr. Bruce Pardy (
Zero Books: Why We Should Engage with Conservative Rebels
Too often the left fails to engage with conservative critics of modernity and this failure allows right-wing tropes and concepts to go unchallenged. For instance, if only the right will address the way social alienation creates a sense of meaninglessness and instability, then...
Radical Kindness Is Liberating
A few years ago, Maria Popova wrote an article on how to criticize with kindness, based on the work of philosopher Daniel Dennett. 
Situational Assessment: What We Must Learn from 2016 to Win The Battle of Ideas
In 2015, I took a swing at assessing the shape and state of our global challenges. Looking back, that essay is still well worth a read, but it is high time for an update. While many things have changed in the world in
"A Glitch in the Matrix" - Jordan Peterson, the Intellectual Dark Web & the Mainstream Media
David Fuller: “A Glitch in the Matrix" is about the relationship between truth and reality, the ideological blind spots of the mainstream media and the existential threat of polarisation — all seen through the lens of Jordan Peterson’s recent viral interview with Cathy Newman...
A Surprising Strategy to Combat Hateful Ideologies: Offer Them More of What They Truly Want
Lately, I've been interested in exploring how we can apply this strategy to combatting white supremacy and other harmful, extremist and violent ideologies. Obviously, the goal would not be to show them how following us will help them create a white ethnostate; it would be to...
A New Story of Masculinity - Rafia Morgan and Alexander Bard
So I took my camera to the Nordic Men's Gathering... to capture the birth of what is being called Men's Movement 2.0. This is a brilliant discussion between two people I am proud to call friends and mentors - Rafia Morgan and Alexander Bard. - 
Jordan Peterson on Political Polarization & Pepe the Frog
Jordan Peterson sits down with the CBC’s Wendy Mesley to talk about political polarization, Pepe the Frog and his support from the far right. He has a new book called 12 Rules for Life: an Antidote to Chaos. Peterson sparked controversy in 2016, when he spoke against a...
Arkan Lushwala Shares Indigenous Wisdom: The Earth Is Our Mother
Arkan Lushwala has allowed himself to be photographed for the first time ever, so that he could make the video you see here. His message is critical for us, human creatures of the Earth. Powerful and intelligent as we are, we sometimes consider ourselves the rulers of all...
The Children’s Fire: Our Culture’s Missing, Ancient, Core Value
“Can you imagine? Can you imagine our society if we placed the children’s fire at the center of all institutions of power in our government, in our corporations, in our religions, in all institutions of power, if we rekindled the children’s fire and the chiefs of those...
Maniphesto: A Manifest for a New Perspective on Gender
It’s time to bridge the polarities and embrace the paradoxes around gender.