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Sustainability: Beyond Political Categorization - Peter Joseph, ZDay 2019
This presentation addresses the problem of communication, categorical associations, the rise of anti-intellectualism and other issues related to discussions surrounding social progress. It works to address the tendency to view all ideas as ideologies, as if the foundation of...
This Vet Planned to Bomb a Mosque. Now He's a Muslim Leader
Relying partly on his experience as a Marine, Richard McKinney made an improvised explosive device he planned to detonate near a mosque, resulting in massive casualties.
A Psychologist Explains How People Become Anti-Authoritarians
Lyndon Johnson famously proclaimed his requirements for an appointee: “I want him to kiss my ass in Macy’s window at high noon and tell me it smells like roses.” Johnson and his ass-kissers were authoritarians.
PACHAKUTEC - Time of Change
A Pilgrimage for the healing of the Heart of the Earth. With love and gratitude, the film is dedicated to Mother Earth, Father Sun and the ancestors The PACHAKÚTEC signifies in the prophecies of the Inca a time of major, fundamental changes that will lead us into a new era...
What Covington Catholic Students Should Know About the Church's History With Indigenous People
Leaders at Covington diocese and Catholics in general are likely unfamiliar with the church’s brutal history in connection with Native peoples; numerous news reports on the incident have failed to acknowledge it.
Glitch in the Matrix II, The Origin of the Intellectual Dark Web
The phrase 'Intellectual Dark Web' was first coined by mathematician Eric Weinstein in early 2018, it quickly spread. Was this just a chance remark, or was there a plan? This film explains how the creation of the Intellectual Dark Web was part of a long term strategy, and...
Creating Freedom: Raoul Martinez at TEDxWhitechapel
Much about who we are is determined by the lottery of our birth. We inherit genes we didn't ask for, and are faced with a world we played no part in creating. In short, we are shaped by forces over which we have no control. Raoul Martinez examines the radical implications...
5 Shareable Excerpts From Douglas Rushkoff's New Book 'Team Human'
Douglas Rushkoff's just released book "Team Human" is a passionately argued manifesto "for human dignity and prosperity in a digital age." Released this week, the manifesto's 100 points outline the many reasons and ways to"“reassert the human agenda." In true Shareable style...
“Basic Training” for Spiritual Warriors
Joanna Macy talks about three tasks needed to bring in a world of spiritual progress: create new institutions, change the culture, and stop the worst of the damage. At Metta we feel that the worst of the damage has been to the human image – who are we and what can we become...
Seder-Masochism, an animated musical, loosely follows the Passover Seder story, with events from the Book of Exodus retold by Moses, Aharon, the Angel of Death, Jesus and the director’s father. The film puts a twist on the traditional Biblical story by including a female...
God Is Male
Goddess x Patriarchy = Mary
What the Left Gets Wrong About Jordan Peterson
One might think that by now progressives would figure out that vilifying Peterson almost always redounds to his advantage. One would be wrong
The Wall Is Not Beautiful
Donald Trump insists that the border wall he wants built will be nothing less than beautiful. He has assured us that the latest version, a series of steel slats topped by triangular spikes, will fulfill the non plus ultra of architectural design: it will be “totally effective...
What Is Democracy?
Coming at a moment of profound political and social crisis, What Is Democracy? reflects on a word we too often take for granted.
Core Nonviolence Commitments
I have not found a word that captures the exact line that I am looking for. Commitment may be a bit too strong, and tends to connote “should,” thus invoking the non-choiceful energy of obligation and duty. “Intention” is not strong enough, in my mind, to carry the unwavering...
From Me to We. A World-Changing Resolution for the New Year
In 2019, we must move beyond the myth of the lone individual to recognize our deep interdependence and responsibilities for one another and nature.
The Problem with Wokeness | Ayishat Akanbi
Has wokeness replaced compassion with moral superiority?
Blocking Awareness and Defriending Our Way Into Group Think
I am constantly amused by people who post threats on Twitter and Facebook as they warn anyone within all-caps distance that they will block or defriend anyone who dares commit the unforgivable sin of disagreeing with them. There was a time where debates advanced...
What Do You Do When Someone Just Doesn't Like You? | Daryl Davis
What do you do when someone just doesn't like you? I mean really, really doesn't like you. And you know it. And what if that person, or those people, have made an open show of that dislike, without apology. What would you do?
How to Use Personal, Inner Development to Build Strong Democracies | Tomas Björkman
Tomas Björkman is the author of three books: The Market Myth (2016), Världen vi skapar (eng. The World we Create) (2017) and, together with Lene Andersen, The Nordic Secret (2017).
The World We're Creating: Metamodern Philanthropy and Social Transformation
“…we lack an overarching narrative to connect the many smaller ones: a powerful ‘meta-narrative’ to serve as a new foundation for our shared symbol world that we are all co-authors of. This book has been written in search of such a narrative.” — Tomas Bjorkman, The World We...
David Pakman: The Problem with Jordan Peterson
David Pakman's long-form analysis of Jordan Peterson, and more specifically the movement that has been created around him, including its ideology, shortcomings, and more.
Bret Weinstein: How the Magic Trick is Done
In this speech at the Students For Liberty conference in Vancouver, B.C. Bret Weinstein discusses the inner workings of the regressive left. 
Embracing Spirituality With a Scientific Mind
Science and spirituality are mutually illuminating, and mutually dependent.
Want to Change the World? Try Grounded Optimism
One of the most powerful things you can to do to change the world is to cultivate your own optimism. To quote futurist Alex Steffen:
An Anarchist Guide to Christmas
Can we reclaim Christmas for the masses?
The Art of Communicating: Thich Nhat Hanh
Buddhist Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh is one of the most respected and celebrated teachers in the world.
The State of the Spirit, 2018
1. The State of the Spirit, 2018   
If You Oppose Donald Trump, Don't Hate Him
When we allow ourselves to fall victim to hatred, we are doing our opponents’ work for them.
Unity and Diversity in the Land of Nonviolence
[Note: This essay was just published in the Fall 2019 theology journal, "Oneing," by Fr. Richard Rohr and the Center for Action and Contemplation. To order a copy, visit: ]
Addicted to Ideology? | Gabor Maté
Can we be addicted to ideology? Gabor Maté is an world famous expert on addiction - in his book 'In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts' he talks about how addiction is best viewed not as a crime or illness but as a coping mechanism for a personal, spiritual crisis.
Michael Pollan | Dissolving the Default Mode Network
Why do 70% of people claim that using psychedelics was one of the most meaningful experiences of their lives? Maybe it has to do with the feeling of their ego being dissolved and tapping into the true essence of reality. 
Yoga, Inc.
Yoga has transformed from an ancient spiritual practice into a competitive, commercialized, multi-million dollar industry. And for a practice rooted in renunciation, yoga is making some people very rich. YOGA INC. poses this question: Can yoga survive the war between the...
Want Change? Take the Outside View
The Outside View is a new way to look at the world. To realise the cultural simulations we live with and work to change them.
Humano is a documentary that narrates a young man's journey to the Andes mountains, accompanied only by a camera, two hundred questions and the yearning to discover the origin of man. In Q'eros, he meets a shaman who will explain that before answering his questions, he must...
Indigenous Wisdom for Living Responsibly
The Wholeness of Life Kanyini is best expressed in English as the combination of the two words ‘Responsibility’ and ‘Unconditional Love’, but it is actually a relationship; it is an enormous caring with no limit – it has no timeframe: it is eternal. – Uncle Bob...
Are Our Shared Values Causing a Societal Crisis?
Our values are generally defined as principles or standards of behaviour. They are what we use to help us judge of what is important to us in our lives. Some of our values form the core of who we are and change very little throughout our lives. Whilst some of our other values...
Esteem: The Power of Vulnerability
Australian filmmaker Peter Charles Downey takes us on a personal and cathartic journey of empowerment, redemption, and healing.
Sacred Earth
“Sacred Earth” by Emmy Award® winning director Jan Nickman is a unique Nature Immersion Experience through the stunning beauty of the Sacred Lands of the American Southwest. White sand deserts, ancient slot canyons and the stunning red rock landscapes of Arizona, New Mexico...
Before You Have Sex, Watch This
Some people claim THIS is better than sex. Do You Agree? - Prince Ea
Future Dreaming
Future Dreaming is a remarkable documentary that will challenge the way you think about humanity. The film explores the narratives that drive our economic, social and political thinking and offers a new way of understanding the Human Condition.
Venturing into Sacred Space | Archetype of the Magician
Like Stories of Old: In this conclusion of my Archetype Series based on the book King, Warrior, Magician, Lover by Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette, I examine the archetype of the Magician and explore some related concepts such as initiation, ritual process and sacred space.
Unlearning Together: A Quest for Those Who No Longer Want to Suppress Their Experience of the Essential
Movement, perception, thinking, effortless achievement and healing are inherent to life—they happen by themselves. When we observe children learning to walk or speak, ecosystems regenerating themselves, or animals self-organizing, we notice there’s a masterful way of...
Stoicism in The Shawshank Redemption – A Few Meditations
The Stoic Philosophy of The Shawshank Redemption, presented in a few brief meditations based on the writings by Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Epictetus and Chrysippus. Video by Like Stories of Old.
Dear White Nationalists, White Rights Activists, and Neo-Nazis | Unite the Right protest in DC
August 12, 2018 - Support independent media! ▶ Matt Orfalea 
A State of Grace, with Seppi Garrett
Åsmund Vonheim Seip: In the smiling forests of Pennsylvania, I had the chance to sit down with this beautiful man, Seppi Garrett. Seppi is a body worker, a massage therapist, a permaculturalist—but aren’t we all so much more than what we say we do? And what about the...
Identity Beyond Politics
We exist within a system of global violence that forces us into relationships of domination with each other, creates a situation where the material safety of some is dependent on the oppression, life energy is extracted for profit, and human existence entails the destruction...
The Fantasy of Ultimate Purpose – How Films, Series and Video Games Reveal What Really Drives Us
Explores the anatomy of purpose in films, television series and video games, how it differs from finding meaning in our own lives, and the importance of discussing our escapes into these fictional worlds.
Ode to Great Mother
This video is inspired by many many many...
Engines of Domination: Political Power & The Human Emergency - Director's Cut
Political power—armed central authority, with states and war—is it part of human nature? Is it necessary for human community? Or is it a tool that ruling elites use to live at the community's expense? A tool that does violence to human nature and the world? Engines of...
What Is It Like To Be You? - Charles Eisenstein
Both sides in any war believe that their side is the just side. The mentality of war says that only when our enemies are defeated can we have peace. Humanity has been fighting an endless war with each other for thousands of years and no side has been able to claim victory...
The Bemidji Statement on Seventh Generation Guardianship
During the winter months of 2005-2006, several handfuls of people from numerous places throughout North America came together at two different locations to create The Bemidji Statement on Seventh Generation Guardianship (Bemidji Statement). While much has been written in the...
The Secrets of a Privileged Childhood
When we think of a privileged childhood, we often think of swimming pools, nannies and expensive education. In fact, of course, the only childhoods that properly deserve the word 'privileged' are those in which there was an abundance of love. 
Islamophobia Inc
Incidents of violence and discrimination against Muslim Americans are on the rise. Inflamed by fears, misinformation and bald-faced prejudice, anti-Islamic organizations have tripled their membership just in the past three years. How did this disturbing trend begin, where is...
Anarchism and Immigration
You have the right to live where you choose. You have the right to work where you choose. You have the right to travel where you choose. You have the right to associate with whom you choose. You have the right to speak any language you choose. You have the right to...
Toward a Liberation Psychology
The following is an excerpt from Get Up, Stand Up: Uniting Populists, Energizing the Defeated, and Battling the Corporate Elite (Chelsea Green, 2011) by Bruce E. Levine. In this book, Levine describes how American institutions and culture have created a passive and defeated...
Children Full of Life
What would happen if even one generation were raised with respect and without violence? - Gloria Steinem Mr. Kanamori, a teacher of a 4th grade class, teaches his students not only how to be students, but how to live. He gives them lessons on teamwork, community, the...
Counter Mapping
In this film, we meet Jim Enote, a traditional Zuni elder, farmer, and director of the A:shiwi A:wan Museum and Heritage Center in Zuni, New Mexico. Enote is working with Zuni artists to provide an alternative way to understand and create maps which offer an indigenous voice...
Steven Pinker's Ideas Are Fatally Flawed. These Eight Graphs Show Why.
It’s time to reclaim the mantle of “Progress” for progressives. By falsely tethering the concept of progress to free market economics and centrist values, Steven Pinker has tried to appropriate a great idea for which he has no rightful claim.