361-420 of 978 results
We will be known forever by the tracks we leave.” ~ Dakota proverb
If you are supportive of institutions over individuals, then you better not read this. If you disregard The Native American Rule of Seven Generations, then maybe this article is not for you. If the phrase...
Ethan Indigo Smith
Not one person in this world has been able to escape the clutches of being hurt in life. I never really understood the truth of that statement until I spent two years sojourning from state to state. It was in my time of tribulation and witnessing a see a sea of humanity...
Teodrose Fikre
Forgiveness – not revenge – is the answer. Here’s why.
Sofo Archon
By accepting death, we can enjoy life more.
Sofo Archon
Max Weber on The Protestant Ethic & The Spirit of Capitalism.
4 min
Reminder: blind allegiance to authority is responsible for some of humanity's most evil actions.
4 min
"If we pass on kindness to others in immediate circumference, we can accomplish infinitely more than we can by chanting political slogans in cordoned areas and marching in restricted protest zones."
Teodrose Fikre
"We believe that everyone is equal. We are all human. We all deserve the world. And we can build that equality by sharing what love, knowledge and magic we have, with others. So we reached out to filmmakers and artists around the world and asked them, “What does it mean to be...
8 min
Nice guys too often finish last; they need to read the advice of one of the wisest and most realistic thinkers in the history of philosophy: Niccolo Machiavelli. // The School of Life
6 min
"Please don’t let the jarring title of this video dissuade you from watching the video. Within a few minutes you will realize that this conversation is exactly what is needed instead of the conversation that preaches separable grievances." - Teodrose Fikre
44 min
Depending on where you start on this journey it can take many many years to unlearn what we are conditioned to believe by our toxic culture.
Many of us have heard the arguments for discarding the faulty logic behind "white pride" but what about "whiteness" itself?
We are living in a time of turmoil for the Earth. Species extinction, deforestation, climate change, rising sea levels, and many other problems face the planet we call home.
Dr. Barry Taylor
The next generation needs a paradigm and a code of identity that bind with a sense of purpose, community, and mission; an idea and a feeling that transcend superficial characteristics (like skin color, gender and orientation).
25 min
Has the time come to move beyond our obsession with measurement? Charles Eisenstein, author of several books on human culture and identity, compares science to religion, and makes the case for moving beyond the belief that only the measurable is real.
28 min
Capturing the heart of a movement that is constantly evolving is difficult. How do you capture Spirit?
17 min
I must applaud Matt Bruenig's summing up of the inherent conflict between libertarianism and environmental issues
George Monbiot
Are we wholly responsible for our actions? We don’t choose our brains, our genetic inheritance, our circumstances, our milieu – so how much control do we really have over our lives? Philosopher Raoul Martinez argues that no one is truly blameworthy. Our most visionary...
5 min
I take my “binoculars” and observe the news coming from around the world. I see young people fighting for the Islamic State. I know what atrocities they commit, and the delusional ideas these actions are rooted in, yet I also know that they’re looking for the home and...
Dr. Dieter Duhm
What makes you rich or poor? A 1 min. short film from a beautiful valley.
1 min
ANICCA is a very personal, honest and inspirational documentary about key issues regarding our struggle with change: fear, courage, trust and the big challenge of accepting reality as it is.
85 min
What is the origin of the dread so many of us experience in money matters? Where does money get its power to provoke conflict and discord? Is it even possible to live a soulful, authentic life in the presence of money? These are some of the questions this book makes a...
3 min
How to Live an Inspired and Peaceful Life
Azriel ReShel
We are alienating each other with unrestrained callouts and unchecked self-righteousness. Here’s how that can stop.
Frances Lee
There is a contradiction in wanting to be perfectly secure in a universe whose very nature is momentariness and fluidity. Wisdom is the direct understanding of the fluidity of life. But the contradiction lies a little deeper than the mere conflict between the desire for...
Alan Watts
We should be careful before embracing ideas that might lead to catastrophe…
Nathan J. Robinson
I’m republishing this article I wrote a few months before the 2016 election because it contains an analysis which is absolutely essential for anyone who wishes to participate in transforming American political, economic, social, cultural and intellectual reality. Some of it...
Rabbi Michael Lerner
Hate in America has become commonplace. What can we do to stop the hate?
The Southern Poverty Law Center
Dear Beloved Ones in Struggle,
Over the course of the last several decades, anti-oppression politics have risen to a position of immense influence on activist discourse in North America. Anti-oppression workshops and reading groups, privilege and oppression checklists and guidelines, and countless books...
Common Cause Ottawa
The Relevance of Radicalized Peacebuilding to Antifa Praxis
Emmi Bevensee
We asked rapper Akala about education, didn't realise we'd find out the secret to eternal youth. Thanks Akala!
4 min
This comic originally appeared exclusively in my second Zen Pencils book collection (available from all good retailers!) in 2015. I really enjoy writing
Gavin Aung Than
The rise of fascism has injected new venom into an old debate, preventing activists from seeing movement strategy clearly.
Ben Case
Many of humanity’s greatest problems stem not from a shortfall of technical or financial intelligence, but what we term emotional intelligence. It is through the acquisition of Emotional Intelligence that we stand to become better lovers, workers, friends and citizens. We are...
5 min
A film on the illusion of trees...and people.
2 min
My Dear Fellow Clergymen:
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Winiecki speaks about 'What is Sacred Activism?' in the opening speech (6th of August 2017) of the international gathering 'Defend the Sacred - Envision a global alternative' in Tamera.
12 min
“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in.” ~Isaac Asimov
There are certain moments in life that can transform us in a tremendously positive way. Those are moments when an insight dawns in our minds...
Sofo Archon
There is an ancient and well-kept secret to happiness which the Great Ones have known for centuries. They rarely talk about it, but they use it all the time, and it is fundamental to good mental health. This secret is called The Fine Art of Not Being Offended.
Shemsi Prinzivalli
Now that there are thousands of films on Films For Action, we realized the very best gems have really become buried all across our library, and for people new to this information, we needed a more guided way to dive in. Spread across 15 core themes, this collection aims to be...
Weaving together traditional stories, personal experiences and core concepts, Thich Nhat Hanh offers step-by-step practices that foster understanding and intimacy in any kind of relationship: between lovers, parents and children, even those who have done us harm.
73 min
Jiddu Krishnamurti knew a thing or two about fame. As a 13 year-old boy in India, he was not ‘discovered’ by a record producer or casting agent, but by one of the leaders of the Theosophical Society. The young
Gavin Aung Than
Fighting capitalism remains the only path toward women’s full liberation.
Erica West
Embrace paradox. Embrace the unknown. Surrender who you think you are into what is.
2 min
Curing unemployment is a growth market for psychologists. Job Centres are becoming medical centres, claimants are becoming patients, and unemployment is being redefined as a psychological disorder.
Felicity Callard and Robert Stearn
Among other things, whiteness is a kind of solipsism. From right to left, whites consistently and successfully reroute every political discussion to their identity. The content of this identity, unsurprisingly, is left unexamined and undefined. It is the false foundation of...
Asad Haider
A Q&A with Asad Haider, founding editor of Viewpoint Magazine, on an ideology fracturing the left.
Kelton Sears
Contesting power isn’t a hobby or a subculture—it’s a collective project pervading all facets of our lives.
Jonathan Matthew Smucker
Presently, most of the people in our culture believe that competition, possessiveness, and jealousy are all acceptable responses when we love someone. But is this really true, independent of culture or custom?
Think invisible men, time travel, flying machines and journeys to other planets are the product of the European or ‘Western’ imagination? Open One Thousand and One Nights – a collection of folk tales compiled during the Islamic Golden Age, from the 8th to the 13th centuries...
Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad
Humans aren't rational creatures, and here's what we can do about it.
3 min
The way you see people is the way you treat them, and the way you treat them is what they become. —Goethe
Charles Eisenstein
This sermon was given at the ECM in Lawrence, KS in April 2015.
Tai Amri Spann-Ryan
Happy father’s day to the fathers, and to our fathers’ fathers, and their fathers’ fathers, and all the way back to Grandfather Sky. Past there to before there were fathers, because all was just ONE.
Tai Amri Spann-Ryan
What is the best life we can live? How can we cope with whatever the universe throws at us and keep thriving nonetheless? The ancient Greco-Roman philosophy of Stoicism explains that while we may not always have control over the events affecting us, we can have control over...
5 min
On Sunday, June 18th, 2017, Tai Amri Spann-Ryan gave a powerful and moving sermon at the Lawrence, KS Unitarian Fellowship in celebration of Juneteenth and the on-going struggle for liberation. The talk audibly left the crowd speechless for several seconds afterward. It is...
23 min
Liza Bramlett was a slave. She lived on a cotton plantation in the Mississippi Delta, during the 19th century. White men raped her repeatedly throughout her life. They traded her body amongst themselves in exchange for calves and piglets. In the end, Liza gave birth to 23...
R.L. Stephens
Liberation is both the undoing of the effects and the elimination of the causes of social oppression. The achievement of human liberation on a global scale will require far-reaching changes at the institutional level and at the level of group and individual interactions...
Ricky Sherover-Marcuse
The latest entry in panics over social justice comes from my hometown, where some folks have created a list shaming restaurants and foodcarts that were owned by white people but sold “non-European international cuisine.” One of the more annoying restaurants on that list...
William Gillis