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Get Involved When It's None of Your Business
Working in a retail job, you think you’ve become accustomed to bad behavior on the part of children as well as parents. But you are appalled to see a mother use an umbrella to spank a small boy. Will intervening threaten the child or endanger your job?
Maya Angelou - Human Family
Human Family - I note the obvious differences in the human family. Some of us are serious, some thrive on comedy. Some declare their lives are lived as true profundity, and others claim they really live the real reality. The variety of our skin tones can confuse, bemuse...
Phenomenal Woman - Maya Angelou
Poet, teacher, activist and more-pay tribute to Dr. Maya Angelou and listen to her read her unforgettable poem "Phenomenal Woman."
What Is Autonomy
Welcome to the very first "A is for Anarchy" a monthly video series that breaks down anarchist concepts, theories and thoughts. On this episode we look at the concept of "Autonomy".
Rights VS Responsibilities: "In Our Language, We Don't Have a Word for Rights. We Have Words for Responsibility."
There is a great deal of wisdom here, captured in this short film featuring Toghestiy and Mel Bazil. Filmed on stolen Gixtsan and Wet'suwet'en territories. Learn more about their project at
11 of the Most Sacred and Iconic Trees From Around the World
Originally published at Garden Buildings Direct.
You Are Infinite, You Are Eternal, You Are God. And more importantly You Are Me
Science now confirms what we have always known to be true - that we are literally all one. And this changes everything
Do You Have Time to Love?
The greatest gift you can offer loved ones is your true presence.
What Shall We Love?
Human beings seem unable to live without war, but they are also unable to live without love.
Lakota Wisdom: Why Native American Truths Can Heal the World
The word wisdom is used frequently every day, whether it is spoken and heard or written and read. Yet it is debatable, in my opinion, if most of us know what it is. In most dictionaries it is defined as "the quality or state of being wise, sagacious, discerning and...
Realize You Are the Earth
“We need a real awakening, enlightenment, to change our way of thinking and seeing things. To breathe in and be aware of your body and look deeply into it, realise you are the Earth and your consciousness is also the consciousness of the Earth.”
Seeing Beauty: a Necessary Skill for the Future
And did you feel it, in your heart, how it pertained to everything? And have you too finally figured out what beauty is for? And have you changed your life?
The Psychology of Hate: How We Deny Human Beings Their Humanity
From slavery to genocide, society has shown a terrifying ability to disregard the personhood of others. Here's why.
Where Were You When You Fell In Love With Nature?
Marine scientist and ocean advocate Wallace "J." Nichols explores the neuroscience of our brains on nature, and posits that our love of the natural world holds the key to preserving it.
Maya Angelou: Still I Rise
In this video, Professor Angelou recites her poem, "Still I Rise," from her volume of poetry And Still I Rise, published in 1978.
Do You Yearn for a World of Love and Justice? So Do We.
And we're going to create that world together.
The Difference Between Hot Boredom and Cool Boredom
Hot boredom is like being locked in a padded cell. You are bored, miserable, and irritated. Cool boredom is quite spacious.
Audre Lorde: "Learning From the 60s" (1982)
"Hopefully, we can learn from the 60s that we cannot afford to do our enemies' work by destroying each other."
Igniting the Life Force at Our Creative Core, Bringing Spirituality into Action
Called forth by the enormous challenges of our times, a powerful new movement is emerging with the potential to change our world. Evolutionary spirituality is a new, integral vision bringing spirituality into social action—infusing a deep, evolutionary spiritual vision into...
Understanding Patriarchy
Patriarchy is the single most life-threatening social disease assaulting the male body and spirit in our nation. Yet most men do not use the word “patriarchy” in everyday life. Most men never think about patriarchy—what it means, how it is created and sustained. Many men in...
In Praise of Self-Helpless
The following is excerpted from The Gate of Tears: Sadness and the Spiritual Path by Jay Michaelson, published by Ben Yahuda Press. In the 1990s, a prominent teacher of what’s called “New Thought”—a/k/a The Secret, the Law of Attraction, the Teachings of Abraham—told a group...
Healing Our Collective Trauma: The Key to Creating a Society Based on Trust Rather Than Fear
Behind the crisis of our time hides the core crisis of human relationships.
Conscientious Compassion: A Buddhist's View on Climate Change, Social Justice, and Saving the World
American scholar and Theravada monk Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi might not receive the same high-profile press coverage as the Roman Catholic Church’s charismatic standard-bearer Pope Francis, but it is becoming evident to Buddhism watchers and commentators that his message is...
"I Love Being a Woman" - What Will It Take to Create a World Where Every Woman Can Say This?
“I am a woman. I am thankful for that, for I like being a woman.” Already this statement, if spoken in full truth, requires a fundamental shift in the worldview of women, reconnecting them with their true and most beautiful sources.
Imagine The Most Beautiful Future: What Do You See?
"Trust is the basis on which life heals. There is no deeper vision than the vision of a world in which trust reigns between all beings."
The Ending Of Sorrow
First of all I would like to remind you if I may, this is not an intellectual entertainment nor some kind of romantic ideological rubbish. We are dealing with our daily life, with our relationship with each other, and also what is happening in the world, and the turmoil, the...
45 Seconds of Wisdom From José Mujica
This is a clip from the 3-part documentary HUMAN. Watch it here. You can watch the full 10 minute interview with José via Part 2.
Pope Francis, American Churches, and Palestinian Rights
Pope Francis’ September 2015 visit to the US will doubtless reinforce his reach to the new audiences he has attracted beyond the Catholic Church with his strong positions on such issues as the environment, poverty, migrants – and Palestinian rights to freedom and...
Compassion, the Antidote
Thich Nhat Hanh has published nearly 100 books and is one of the best-known teachers of Zen Buddhism in the world today.
DREAM: A Spoken Word Meditation For When Life Is Kicking Your Ass
If life is kicking your ass and the general un-coolness of everybody on planet erf is making you want to off yourself, TALK to someone: 800-273-8255 (national suicide prevention lifeline). We are rooting for YOU. You're the greatest comeback story of all time.
Don't Forget How Strange This All Is
Jerry Seinfeld joked that if aliens came to earth and saw people walking dogs, they would assume the dogs are the leaders. The dog walks out front, and a gangly creature trailing behind him picks up his feces and carries it for him.
The Leap Manifesto: A Call for Caring for the Earth and One Another
'This is our sacred duty to those this country harmed in the past, to those suffering needlessly in the present and to all who have a right to a bright and safe future.'
Judge Less, Accept More, and Restore Your Happiness
“Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest.” ~Sri Chinmoy
Dear Activists, Maybe It's Time to Admit That We've Got It All Wrong
“The first step in the revolution is eye contact.” - Alicen Grey
Setting Aside Half the Earth for 'Rewilding': The Ethical Dimension
A much-anticipated book in conservation and natural science circles is EO Wilson’s Half-Earth: Our Planet’s Fight for Life, which is due early next year. It builds on his proposal to set aside half the Earth for the preservation of biodiversity. The famous biologist and...
Occupy Spirituality: A Radical Vision for a New Generation
The Occupy Wall Street movement and protest movements around the world are evidence of a new era of intergenerational activists seeking deeper spiritual meaning in their quest for peace and justice.
Rose Pere: We Believe In The Oneness of Everything That Exists
At her home just north of Tuai, a small town in the mountains of the North Island of Aotearoa New Zealand, Dr. Rangimarie Turuki Rose Pere shares some of the beliefs of her culture. Rose welcomes people from all over the world into her home to talk about ancient Maori ways...
How Awe Makes Us Generous
A new study finds that feeling small in nature makes us more generous to other humans.
Life's Pursuit: Endlessly Seeking External Rewards is Self-Defeating
Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam (1931-2015) was a scientist, ae
Noam Chomsky on the (in)compatibility of Democracy and Capitalism
Noam Chomsky on the relationship between capitalism and democracy. Deleted scene from the documentary "Can We Do It Ourselves?"
How the "Just World" Hypothesis Explains the Perpetuation of Victim-Blaming by Elites and Regular People
Victim-blaming is rife in today’s world. Claiming benefits? You’re called a scrounger. Fleeing war? You’ll be criticised for spoiling someone’s holiday. Suffer from mental health problems? Maybe
Ending Racism by Creating a Society Where Humiliation is Replaced by Empathy, Love, Generosity and Mutual-Recognition
Racism is the demeaning of an entire group of people and refusing to see them as fully human in the way we see ourselves and those we deem to be “like” us. When we fail to see the “other’s” humanity, we ascribe to all of them ugly characteristics that somehow justify treating...
Kensho - Dreaming with Alan Watts
Short film dreamt by Aaron Paradox, narrated by Alan Watts. 
Ending Mass Incarceration: The Ongoing Call to Faith Communities
The crisis of incarceration this nation now faces demands people of faith act with swift and fierce moral authority to transform, not just reform, an irreparably broken system. It demands that all of us—clergy, seminarians, teachers, and people in pews, mosques and...
Our Existence is Weird and Wonderful says Alan Watts
"Existence is relationship, and you are smack in the middle of it ."
The Anarchist Ideal Summed Up Beautifully in 7 Minutes
This 7-minute clip from Engines of Domination discusses the abolition of armed central authority and what kind of world that would make possible -- a world of peaceful voluntary communities thriving in harmony with their habitat.
The Problem of Passivity
This path calls us to gaze, unflinchingly, at difficult truths. The messy reality is that our cooperative participation in systems of oppression itself causes harm. And so we might be tempted to use meditation practice as a refuge from a world on fire and deny our part in it...
Every Morning This Man Gets $84,600. Every Night He Goes Broke...
This short film is so powerful and inspiring. Since watching it I have tried my best to make every second count. - Kasim Khan
Give Up Hope: It's The Best Chance We Have to Save Everything We Love
The most common words I hear spoken by any environmentalists anywhere are, We’re fucked. Most of these environmentalists are fighting desperately, using whatever tools they have — or rather whatever legal tools they have, which means whatever tools those in power grant them...
How a White Supremacist Became a Civil Rights Activist
The story of a KKK leader’s transformation shows us that we need not live forever with the kind of violence we saw in Charleston this month.
People and Trees: Intimately Connected Through the Ages
Trees are considered sacred in many cultures. Tree worship, in one form or another, has been practiced almost universally by ancient peoples in every corner of the globe.
Buen Vivir: A New Era of Great Social Change
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― R. Buckminster Fuller Our current Western worldview is based on never-ending development, an emphasis on the rights of the...
The Bodhisattva’s Approach to Activism: A Little Courageous Wisdom to Face a World Gone Mad
Unless you're on long retreat in a Himalayan cave, it's becoming more difficult to overlook the fact that our world is beset by interacting ecological, economic and social crises. Climate breakdown, species extinction, a dysfunctional economic system, corporate domination of...
We Need a Revolution; It Starts with Falling in Love with Earth
This beautiful, bounteous, life-giving planet we call Earth has given birth to each one of us, and each one of us carries the Earth within every cell of our body.
Indigenous Knowledge Systems / Alaska Native Ways of Knowing
'The depth of indigenous knowledge rooted in the long inhabitation of a particular place offers lessons that can benefit everyone, from educator to scientist, as we search for a more satisfying and sustainable way to live on this planet.'
Pope's Climate Letter Is a Radical Attack on the Logic of the Market
What makes Pope Francis and his 183-page encyclical so radical isn’t just his call to urgently tackle climate change. It’s the fact he openly and unashamedly goes against the grain of dominant social, economic and environment policies. While the Argentina-born pope is a...
It's Hopeless, What a Relief! (A Letter for the Hopeless)
If it makes sense to feel hopeless about the future, maybe what we need right now is some 'profound nonsense.'
Explosive Intervention by Pope Francis Set to Transform Climate Change Debate
The most anticipated papal letter for decades will be published in five languages on Thursday. It will call for an end to the ‘tyrannical’ exploitation of nature by mankind. Could it lead to a step-change in the battle against global warming?
Satish Kumar on "What Is a Sacred Place?"
Satish Kumar brings a Hindu, Buddhist and Jain perspective to the definition of "sacred place." We found his explanation so compelling that we edited a three-minute piece incorporating some of our best b-roll images, asked Jon Herbst to compose a musical score, and we present...