What is Regeneration? - A Short Film from the "2040" Team

"What is Regeneration?" is a 5-minute short film and a rousing call to action to join a global movement of Regenerators who are working to heal our ecosystems.

The film features climate action leaders like Jeff Bridges, Paul Hawken, Christiana Figueres, Kate Raworth, Damon Gameau, Juma Xipaia, and other Regenerators from around the world.

You can visit theregenerators.org to create your own action plan and join the Regeneration!

FILM CREDITS Directed by Damon Gameau & Nick Maher. Written by Paul Hawken & Damon Gameau. Produced by Anna Kaplan & Nick Maher. Featuring Jeff Bridges, Damon Gameau, Christiana Figueres, Paul Hawken, Kate Raworth, George Monbiot, Aliya Flores, Joseph Sikulu, Tishiko King, Hannah Diviney, Yasmin Honeychurch, Juma Xipaia, Isaias Hernandez, Kristy Drutman, Arshak Makichyan, Daniel Appiah, Adenike Oladosu, Anna Kernahan, Hannah Dines, Chhaya Bhanti, Pattie Gonia, AY Young, Clover Hogan, Anjali Sharma, Eli Bramborova, Tomas Brambora, Neel Tamhane, Eriel Tchekwie Deranger, Kevin Ossah & Isabella Villanueva-García. 

Activism   Solutions   Sustainability
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