Sep 20, 2013

Not All "Truthers" Are Equal

By Jon Gold /

Republished in light of the recent Naval Yard shooting. - Ed

On December 14th, 2012, a horrible tragedy took place at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut. Adam Lanza walked into the school and fatally shot twenty children and six adult staff.
Some of the teachers did everything they could to protect the children, and they are heroes. People like Victoria Soto, Anne Marie Murphy, Kaitlin Roig and others.

One of the things that happened after the shootings, as it unfortunately often does, was that "conspiracy theories" about the attacks started to spring up.

In April 2009, I wrote an article that addresses the practice of saying every horrible thing that happens is a "conspiracy" entitled, "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." I wrote:

Over the years, there have been many horrible things that have happened. The Beltway sniper shootings. The Virginia Tech shootings. Currently, we have the "swine flu" scare. Each time something like these events happen, there is ALWAYS someone screaming "false flag terror." This "practice" hurts what we are doing in the 9/11 Truth Movement. If people say that EVERYTHING is a "conspiracy," then no one will believe us with regards to 9/11. In my humble opinion, it would be a good idea for people in this movement to stick to 9/11, and everything related to it. This is, after all, the 9/11 Truth Movement.

After the shootings occurred, I denounced people that were calling it a "conspiracy" within hours of it happening. The world is a chaotic place, and sometimes, shit happens. I called out people like Gordon Duff and Jim Fetzer who said it was an Israeli operation.

I called out people who were saying the victims family members were actors because they didn't act as "grief-stricken or hysterical" as they thought they should. When I was the Emcee for the Treason in America Conference, I had the pleasure of introducing 9/11 Family Member Bob McIlvaine. Before I did, I remember that I was talking with someone and smiling. The minute I started to talk about Bob, I started to tear up. In other words, I went from normal to teary almost instantly. I think it's wrong to suggest the victims family members are "crisis actors." I think it's disrespectful to say the least.

When Abby Martin did her piece for "Breaking The Set" denouncing the practice of saying everything is a "conspiracy," I PRAISED her, AND I took the two pieces she did, and made it into one video for people.

The practice of saying everything is a "conspiracy" helps to discredit those trying to bring justice for real "conspiracies" and/or crimes. 

Want proof?

How did the corporate media deal with these "Sandy Hook Truthers?" Well, there has been article after article denouncing them. Anderson Cooper did an entire segment on them.
They have been portrayed as "dangerous," "mentally ill," and on top of that, they have been compared to "9/11 Truthers."

According to the corporate media's depiction, "Sandy Hook Truthers" and "9/11 Truthers" are one and the same. This depiction now hurts those fighting for justice and accountability for 9/11.

I would like to be able to say that "9/11 Truthers" haven't been peddling the "Sandy Hook Conspiracy," but unfortunately, that is not the case. MANY "9/11 Truth sites" have been peddling it. I wish they didn't, but I can't control what other people do. I can only control what I do, and as I showed above, I was not part of this bandwagon.

Many other advocates for 9/11 Justice weren't either, but you wouldn't know that from the corporate media.

Now, the corporate media has spent YEARS making a "9/11 Truther" or "truther" the equivalent of a baby killer or dog torturer. This latest attack isn't a surprise. However, it doesn't help.

I think people should question EVERYTHING they're told. However, you should do so responsibly and ethically to the best of your ability. Stating that a tragedy is a "conspiracy" within hours of it happening is not being responsible or ethical. Especially if you do it publicly. Especially if you have a large audience. It sure makes certain people money though, doesn't it?

I hate the term "truther." I coined the original term "9/11 Truther," and I am saddened at how it has been portrayed. The lazy corporate media and "debunkers" shortened it to "truther," and now it is what it is. That's why I now say I am an "advocate for 9/11 Justice."

You can read about it in my book "9/11 Truther: The Fight For Peace, Justice And Accountability." Never judge a book by its cover (or title).

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