Jeremy Scahill, bestselling author and investigative reporter for The Nation, testified May 10, 2007 before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, on the impact of private military contractors conduct in the Iraq War. June 2009 to September 2009, there was a 40% increase in Defense Department contractors in Afghanistan.
At present, there are 104,000 Department of Defense contractors in Afghanistan. Overall, contractors now comprise a whopping 69% of the Department of Defenses total workforce.
Blackwater (XE) is currently in the running for a $1 billion contract to train Afghanistans national police force.
This year, we will likely see more than 220,000 US-funded personnel on the ground in Afghanistan.
Score: Mr.Brooks
Songs: Unwelcome Partner, Thumbprint Killer, Addiction, A Clue.