A look into the "HOW" of the Occupy Wall Street movement: The consensus process. The community of occupiers at Liberty Plaza have sparked the process of building a movement that now transcends any one physical landmark. The tools to keep the movement alive belong to all of us. Created by the Meerkat Media Collective. For the last 6 years we've been using consensus decision making in our filmmaking process - http://meerkatmedia.org THE MOVEMENT: http://www.OccupyTogether.org http://www.OccupyWallSt.org http://www.OccupyVideos.org MORE ON CONSENSUS: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/10/08/1022710/--occupywallstreet:-a-primer... START YOUR OWN GENERAL ASSEMBLY: http://nycga.cc/resources/general-assembly-guide/
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