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Will Cuba Become a Test Case for a Post-Postmodern Future?
Metamodern mindfulness offers a new way of thinking about the ideological conflicts of the past.
Martin Luther King Jr Supported a Guaranteed Basic Income
(The following is an excerpt from King’s book “Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community” — Part 5 of chapter 5 titled “Where Do We Go”) There is only one general proposal that I would like to examine here, because it deals with the abolition of poverty within this nation...
Violence Brought Us Trump, It's Not How We Will Stop Him
What’s next? That is the big question facing this country after the election of Trump. And many people have been sharing their thoughts on that over social and traditional media, over dinner conversations, at the office and on the bus with complete strangers. And, as...
A 2% Financial Wealth Tax Would Provide a $12,000 Annual Stipend to Every American Household
Careful analysis reveals a number of excellent arguments for the implementation of a Universal Basic Income
MLK was Planning Something Huge Just Weeks Before He was Assassinated
While most retrospectives focus on his "I have a dream" speech, everyone deserves to know what he was trying to accomplish when he was killed.
Pro-Capitalist School Explains the Value of Understanding Marxism
Karl Marx remains deeply important today not as the man who told us what to replace capitalism with, but as someone who brilliantly pointed out its problems. The School of Life, a pro-Capitalist institution, takes a look.
How to Build a Progressive Movement in a Polarized Country
Whether it’s assault rifles, racial justice, immigration or fossil fuels, the country is rocked by conflicting narratives and rising passions. In a recent national poll, 70 percent of Americans say the political divide is at least as big as during the Vietnam War.
Sabine Lichtenfels: Why #ILoveBeingAWoman
Sabine Lichtenfels, born in 1954, is a theologian, peace activist, author, and co-founder of Tamera, a peace research and education center and intentional community in Portugal. She leads Tamera’s Global Love School which works on the ethical foundations for a new cultur
The Children’s Fire: Our Culture’s Missing, Ancient, Core Value
“Can you imagine? Can you imagine our society if we placed the children’s fire at the center of all institutions of power in our government, in our corporations, in our religions, in all institutions of power, if we rekindled the children’s fire and the chiefs of those...
As the Trump Administration Retreats on Climate Change, US Cities Are Moving Forward
Despite almost universal scientific consensus that climate change poses a growing threat, President Donald Trump’s recent infrastructure plan makes no mention of the need to build resilience to rising global temperatures. Instead, it actually seeks to weaken environmental...
When Our Children Become Killers, Gun Reform Isn't Enough. We Need to Redesign Our Society
What can we do to create a culture where none of our children grow up to become killers?
We Don't Need Social Justice Warriors, We Need Social Justice Believers
"If we pass on kindness to others in immediate circumference, we can accomplish infinitely more than we can by chanting political slogans in cordoned areas and marching in restricted protest zones."
The Third Industrial Revolution: A Radical New Sharing Economy
The global economy is in crisis. The exponential exhaustion of natural resources, declining productivity, slow growth, rising unemployment, and steep inequality, forces us to rethink our economic models. Where do we go from here? In this feature-length documentary, social and...
Redemption is Within: #WeAreNotBlack #WeAreNotLabels #WeAreHuman
"Please don’t let the jarring title of this video dissuade you from watching the video. Within a few minutes you will realize that this conversation is exactly what is needed instead of the conversation that preaches separable grievances." - Teodrose Fikre
The Promise of a Million Utopias
This paper by Michael Shuman, published alongside three others, is one of many proposals for a systemic alternative we have published or will be publishing here at the Next System Project. You can read it below, or download the PDF. We have commission
"Whiteness" Was a Term Invented by Elites to Suppress Multi-Racial Rebellions & Divide the Working Class. It's Time to Give It Up.
Many of us have heard the arguments for discarding the faulty logic behind "white pride" but what about "whiteness" itself?
Learning on the Homefront
What comes to many people’s minds when they think of homeschooling? Granola-eating Hippies Christian missionaries Anarchists General weirdos
The Tribal Identity - Paradigm for the Next Generation
The next generation needs a paradigm and a code of identity that bind with a sense of purpose, community, and mission; an idea and a feeling that transcend superficial characteristics (like skin color, gender and orientation). 
Why Reconciliation and Redemption Are Central to Countering White Supremacy
It’s been a roller coaster year for Sammy Rangel, the executive director of Life After Hate — a non-profit organization that encourages people to leave violent extremist groups by offering them support and a community of other “formers.” From losing its government...
Beyond the Obsession with Numbers: Charles Eisenstein
Has the time come to move beyond our obsession with measurement? Charles Eisenstein, author of several books on human culture and identity, compares science to religion, and makes the case for moving beyond the belief that only the measurable is real.
My Revolution: A Blazing Declaration for Inner & Global Transformation
An inspiring declaration for our times. 
When We Fight, We Win
First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
Power to the City
Is it time to give more power to the cities? VPRO backlight explores the growing and innovative power of the city in Eindhoven, Seattle and Hamburg. Where governments are stuck in their own ambition and party politics, the cities are bubbling with energy, optimism and vigor...
Raoul Martinez on The Myth of Responsibility
Are we wholly responsible for our actions? We don’t choose our brains, our genetic inheritance, our circumstances, our milieu – so how much control do we really have over our lives? Philosopher Raoul Martinez argues that no one is truly blameworthy. Our most visionary...
Films for Action's Vision for the Future
Films For Action is a learning library for people who want to change the world. 
Voices From The Anti-Trump Resistance
On September 16-17 a major national gathering was held in Washington, D.C. called the People's Congress of Resistance, a broad and diverse coalition of organizers and community leaders formed to build the class-struggle wing of the anti-Trump movement.
Don’t Be Scared About the End of Capitalism—Be Excited to Build What Comes Next
Instead of fixating on a fight between capitalism and socialism, imagine innovating a future economy that transcends old binaries.
We Can't Transform American Politics Till We Understand the Psychodynamics at Play
I’m republishing this article I wrote a few months before the 2016 election because it contains an analysis which is absolutely essential for anyone who wishes to participate in transforming American political, economic, social, cultural and intellectual reality. Some of it...
This Cool Desert House Made from Plastic Bottles Tackles Two Problems in One
An engineer in Algeria has developed an ingenious new house building technique on a desert refugee camp. He wanted to build a home for his grandmother that would beat the heat and sandstorms, and plastic bottles were readily available. Filled with sand and straw and encased...
Peter Joseph & Abby Martin on Abolishing Capitalism
Peter Joseph is the founder of the Zeitgeist Movement, a grassroots, worldwide organization that advocates an alternative economic system based on sustainability, cooperation and human need. His most recent book, ‘The New Human Rights Movement,’ delivers a startling exposé...
Four Kinds of Dystopia
The twentieth century saw four basic visions of hell on earth, or dystopia. These were:
An Introduction to World Socialism - a Post-Capitalist Society
The present economic system is based upon the class ownership of the means of living. It is not geared to meeting our needs but to making profits for those who own the world’s resources. The gap between the rich and everyone else is now greater than ever before. Oxfam reports...
British Diplomat Argues for Gentle Revolution to Anarchism
Former British diplomat Carne Ross argues that representative democracy and capitalism are broken and that the only alternative is anarchism.
Accidental Anarchist
Carne Ross was a government highflyer. A career diplomat who believed Western Democracy could save us all. But working inside the system he came to see its failures, deceits and ulterior motives. He felt at first hand the corruption of power. After the Iraq war Carne became...
123 Subversive Documentaries That Challenge the Status Quo
Now that there are thousands of films on Films For Action, we realized the very best gems have really become buried all across our library, and for people new to this information, we needed a more guided way to dive in. Spread across 15 core themes, this collection aims to be...
These First Time Meetings Between Rescue Dogs & Their New Human Companions Will Melt Your Heart
Tracy's Dogs is a not-for-profit National Rescue & Transport Initiative for shelter dogs. The focus of the program is to rescue and rehabilitate dogs with pending euthanasia dates residing in kill shelters with the hope of putting them up for adoption to find forever...
The Museum of Capitalism is Full of Intriguing Exhibits
The Museum of Capitalism in Oakland, California is dedicated to "educating this generation and future generations about the ideology, history, and legacy of capitalism." Visitors are asked to reflect on capitalism as if they resided in a post-capitalist era.
Interview With a Volunteer Who Travelled to Rojava to Fight ISIS
Gary Oak recently returned from Syrian Kurdistan where he was a volunteer in the International Freedom Battalion. Here he talks about the revolution in Rojava.
Facts Don't Always Convince People - Here's Why and What You Can Do About It
Humans aren't rational creatures, and here's what we can do about it.
How a Global Network of Fearless Cities Is Making Racist Colonial Nation States Obsolete
Introducing a Global Network of Municipalist Cities
Re-Learning Hope: a Story of Unitierra
RE-LEARNING HOPE is the story of Unitierra, an autonomous university in Oaxaca, Mexico that is immersed in, and has emerged from, the social and indigenous movements of the region. The film tells the story of this emergence of Unitierra and its powerful critique of...
After Coal, a Small Kentucky Town Builds a Healthier, More Creative Economy
A complex network of local organizations helps neighbors support one another as they rebound from a dying industry.
20 Supporters of Universal Basic Income Throughout History
The basic guaranteed income is one of those ideas, like land value taxation or the Tobin tax, that circles endlessly around. There are times when it’s obscure, and times when it’s being talked about again. It’s currently in the ascendant, and I suspect that it won’t be long...
Kids Gone Wild - Forest Kindergartens Build Trust and Connect Children with Nature
Children are running wild in the mud, climbing high into trees and playing with knives, but no one is telling them off. This is kindergarten, Danish-style.
Autogestió: Adventures Into the New Economies of Catalonia
Catalonia is at the forefront of new economic thinking. They are a region rich in social currencies and in projects and people creating functioning post-capitalist societies. In June 2015, while in the midst of arranging the launch of the Exeter Pound, a local currency for...
Dispatches From the Ruins
In the first two decades of the new millennium, stories of the post-apocalypse have permeated pop culture, from books such as Cormac McCarthy’s The Road (2006), Paolo Bacigalupi’s The Windup Girl (2009) and Emily St John Mandel’s Station Eleven (2014) to films and TV...
Sometimes We Must Change the Variables of Our Equation
Doing the 'right thing' in life is super important. Miss a few car payments at eighteen, and those rates will jump. Overdraft by two dollars, a barely-working monthly budget becomes screwed by bank fees. Drive your car without affording proper maintenance, and your life (or...
Why Our Imagination for Alien Life Is so Impoverished
It astonishes me how much we seem to know about aliens. They build technology-driven civilisations and pilot spaceships across the galaxy. They create energy-harvesting structures around their stars. They beam interstellar greetings to us. We cannot be sure that, when our own...
This 2-Part Primer Will Help You Think Like an Unschooler
Many of us have difficulty explaining the concept of unschooling, life learning, or self-directed learning to those who are unfamiliar with it.  In an attempt to help unschoolers communicate their way of looking at things to the wider community, we have come up with the...
Basic Income Isn’t Just a Nice Idea. It's a Birthright
A basic income could defeat the scarcity mindset, instill a sense of solidarity and even ease the anxieties that gave us Brexit and Trump
Incredible Edible Todmorden - From Market Town to Food Producing Pioneers
What should a community do with its unused land? Plant food, of course. With energy and humor, Pam Warhurst tells at the TEDSalon the story of how she and a growing team of volunteers came together to turn plots of unused land into communal vegetable gardens, and to change...
5 Types of Bullshit Jobs and the Role of Work in our Society
David Graeber talks bullshit jobs and the concept of work under capitalism with Real Media and the Real News Network.
No One Is Coming to Save You, Comrade.
No one is coming to save you, Comrade.
Kenya's Universal Basic Income Experiment
Give Directly, an NGO, has embarked on a pioneering economic experiment in rural Kenya. They are providing the residents of entire villages with a universal basic income through direct cash transfers.
The Regenerative Design (R)Evolution
A new generation of designers are applying ecologically inspired design to agriculture, architecture, community planning, cities, enterprises, economics and ecosystem regeneration. Join them to co-create diverse regenerative cultures in the transition towards a regenerative...
Nikola Tesla's Visions of the Future
The ONE secret that Nikola Tesla wrested from nature on that fateful day in a Budapest park was the design for his most famous and important invention: the Alternating Current Induction Motor. Before Tesla’s breakthrough, all electricity and motors used a direct current...
Radical Hope: Life During the Climate Apocalypse
Global organizer Joshua Kahn Russell on the shifting terrain of climate justice, the need for spiritual perspective in the movement, and learning to love contradiction in the age of Bernie and Trump.
How to Hug the Man That Killed Your Wife
Today, the man that