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The Permaculture Orchard : Beyond Organic (trailer)
The Permaculture Orchard : Beyond Organic is a full-length educational film that will give you the tools necessary to get started on your own project, whether it's a multi-acre commercial orchard, or a few fruit trees in your urban backyard.
Listen To This Mute: An Angry Speech-Impaired Man Rants about His Country
A mute man rants about everything that is wrong in his country in under 3 minutes and goes on to tell you how you can change everything. A powerful film, relevant in every democracy across the world.
Global Economic Sharing: The Most Important Debate of Our Time?
Almost everywhere we look, there is an emerging debate on the i
The Key to Global Prosperity: Worker Ownership
Shared ownership helps to diversify rather than concentrate wealth and roots the value it generates in communities.
6 Anti-NSA Technological Innovations that May Just Change the World
Rather than grovel and beg for the U.S. government to respect our privacy, these innovators have taken matters into their own hands, and their work may change the playing field completely. People used to assume that the United States government was held in check by...
The Open Source Revolution Is Coming And It Will Conquer The 1% - Ex CIA Spy
Robert David Steele, former Marine, CIA case officer, and US co-founder o
Another World
"Another World" is a film about the grassroots initiatives in Greece that form another world right here and now, away from the crisis and beyond capitalism (Greek narration, English subtitles in captions).
Tesla To Open Source ALL Of Its Patents, Won't Sue Anyone For Using Its Technology
At a time when most high-tech companies are hoarding patents and suing each other, creating a complex web of cold war-style mutually-assured destruction, Tesla is going against the crowd (once again) and open sourcing all of its patents, making its inventions available for...
The French Are Right: Tear Up Public Debt - Most Of It Is Illegitimate Anyway
As history has shown, France is capable of the best and the worst, and often in short periods of time. On the day following Marine Le Pen's Front National victory in the European
The Myth Of Human Nature | Gabor Mate
Are we competitive, selfish, individualistic creatures by nature? What is human nature, anyway?
Comic: How Big Media Is Killing Democracy, But The Solution Is Up To Us
Today, six corporations own most of our media—but we could be poised to take it back.
The Pursuit of Happiness: A New Development Paradigm
During the 15 years, I lived and worked in Asia as a development professional from 1978 to 1992, I witness a troubling paradox. GDP was growing, incomes were rising, there was an expanding middle class, and a few people were getting fabulously rich. Development seemed to be...
A Will for the Woods
What if our "last act" could be a gift to the planet — a force for regeneration? Musician, folk dancer, and psychiatrist Clark Wang prepares for his own green burial, determined that his final resting place will benefit the earth. A WILL FOR THE WOODS is an immersive...
John Lennon's "Imagine," Made Into a Comic Strip
This is easily the best comic strip ever made.
A World Beyond Markets: How Will The 'Collaborative Commons' Transform Our Lives?
Jeremy Rifkin, one of the world's most popular public thinkers and political advisors, argues that capitalism will no longer be the dominant paradigm in the second half of the 21st century.
Solidarity Means Attack!
Catch more videos like these at
Immortal Technique on Conspiracy Facts, Money as God & Breaking the Two Party Dictatorship
Hip hop artist Immortal Technique discusses everything from his creative process in his politically charged lyrics to his views on capitalism and the two-party stronghold over American politics.
What If the Government Guaranteed You an Income?
First, the bad news: Even if the economy improves, middle-class career paths will continue to disappear as globalization and technological innovation render more jobs obsolete.
10 Principles of Radical Ecological Democracy
A Way to Achieve Global Human Happiness Without Destroying the Planet
Pieces of Madrid
This short documentary from the excellent Global Uprisings crew explores ongoing resistance and self-organization in the midst of the economic and social crisis in Madrid, Spain. As social conditions continue to deteriorate across the country, people have been turning to the...
Talib Kweli Breaks the Set on the Obama Presidency, the Prison Industrial Complex & Real Hip Hop
Abby Martin features an exclusive interview with hip hop artist Talib Kweli, discussing the role of government, Obama's presidency, the prison industrial complex, and establishment hip hop. LIKE Breaking the Set @ FOLLOW Abby Martin @...
The Narcicyst Breaks the Stage on Conscious Hip Hop, 'Sumeria' & 'Leap of Faith'
Breaking the Set features an exclusive interview and musical performance by politically conscious Iraqi-Canadian Hip Hop artist, Yassim 'The Narcicyst' Alsalman, who performs the songs 'Leap of Faith' and 'Sumeria'. LIKE Breaking the Set @ FOLLOW...
Brother Ali Breaks the Set on Where Hip Hop Meets Islam & 'Mourning in America'
Abby Martin features an exclusive interview with hip hop artist, Brother Ali, discussing his politically charged music and where the Muslim faith merges with hip hop. LIKE Breaking the Set @ FOLLOW Abby Martin @
Confessions of an FDA Agent, Truth Behind 'Honor Diaries' & US' Embarrassing Illiteracy Rate
Abby Martin talks about a new 'breakthrough' technology discovered by the US Navy, that converts sea water to fuel, yet is only being considered for military use.
Chuck D on Corplantations, Booty & Thug Television and Fighting the Power
Abby Martin features an exclusive interview with Hip Hop Legend and Public Enemy front-man, Chuck D, discussing the corporatization of Hip Hop, his views on internationalism and the upcoming United We Stand Festival on May 10th, where both Abby and Chuck are featured guests.
How Financial Looters Are Destroying Your 401(k) in a Fraction of a Second
Abby Martin explores the public distrust of the US financial system, discussing the controversies surrounding 'High-Frequency Trading', a practice that involves advanced computer algorithms that gives buyers and sellers on Wall Street an advantage over the general public.
Drugging Whales, Killing Giraffes & Other Disturbing Zoo Realities | Brainwash Update
Abby Martin goes over the dark side of zoological and water parks, going over instances of maltreatment of animals in captivity, including drugging Orca whales at SeaWorld with valium and 'culling' healthy animals because of inbreeding. LIKE Breaking the Set @...
Growth is Not Enough
Our politicians are hung up on keeping the growth curve rising. But does GDP really tell us all we need to know about a country's wealth and well-being? In this new RSA Short, Kate Raworth makes a powerful argument to look beyond economic growth alone for a true measure of...
How Brazil Is Blazing A Trail For Electronic Democracy
In the land of all-night samba clubs and soccer fanatics, Brazil is throwing its famously high-energy spirit into the untested waters of online democracy. Multimillion dollar budgets are being handed over to online “town halls,” and the federal government is crowdsourcing...
7 Reasons The Universal Basic Income Is Worth Fighting For
The Universal Basic Income (UBI) – sometimes called the Unconditional Basic Income, Citizens’ Income or Social Wage – has in recent times become a focus of economic discussion across the political spectrum. While column inches in the Financial Times and The Economist have...
The Humanists Guide to Morality Narrated by Stephen Fry
What makes something right or wrong? That's the question posed in this short animation about morality, written and produced by the British Humanist Association and narrated by Stephen Fry.
NASA Astronaut on 'Gravity', Mars Colonization & Sex in Space | Interview with Dr. Leroy Chiao
Abby Martin's exclusive interview with former NASA Astronaut and ISS Commander, Leroy Chiao, about US-Russian cooperation in space, life on other words and the reality of the film 'Gravity'. LIKE Breaking the Set @ FOLLOW Abby Martin @...
Remote Control Cockroaches & Invisible Cloaks with Lee Camp | Think Tank
Abby Martin speaks with comedian and host of Lee Camp's Moment of Clarity web series, Lee Camp, going over several mind blowing technologies, including remote control cockroaches and a real invisibility cloak. LIKE Breaking the Set @ FOLLOW Abby...
Abby Martin Takes Down the Cold War-Obsessed Neocons Behind the Curtain
Abby Martin calls out the Foreign Policy Initiative or FPI, a DC neocon think tank that rose out of the ashes of PNAC. Abby discusses the real motivation behind their recent attacks against the credibility of Breaking the Set; advocating for a revival of the Cold War.
Why a Hamburger Should Really Cost $30
Abby Martin takes a look at the meat industry, and the massive government subsidies that are allocated toward it, asking why the price of meat doesn't match its free market value. 
Watching Strangers Kissing is Tender, Funny, Moving, Awkward and Kinda Awesome
A short film where twenty strangers are asked to kiss on camera. The results are lovely and emotionally charged. Make love not war... and kiss more.
The Power of Three Words: 'Not-for-Profit'
Ever since we started writing and speaking about our current book project, How on Earth: Flourishing in a Not-for-Profit World by 2050, we have been amazed by one phenomenon in particular. When we have a chance to explain to people what not-for-profit (NFP) enterprise...
Another World (2014) (trailer)
ANOTHER WORLD is a feature documentary about the journey of mankind to discover who we truly are, challenging the modern view of the world and reconsidering the world view and value systems of ancient societies such as the indigenous Americans.
The Best Social Change Documentaries of 2013
2013 was another incredible year for fantastic, forward thinking social change films.
How Welfare DOES NOT Work The Way You Think It Does
It is time for us to reconsider who is dependent on welfare. Poverty is not only the lack of income and wealth but also the poverty of power. A key part of the poverty of power is to be defined as dependent: dependent on charity, handouts, welfare. Yet, it is the wealthy, not...
We Need an International Minimum Wage
The deadly collapse of a garment factory in Bangladesh has sparked calls for better worker treatment. The revelation that Apple manages to
Hope vs. Fear - Motivation for Change - Anjali Appadurai
An excerpt from Anjali's second TEDx Talk on the negative use of fear as motivator in the world of activism, suggesting hope as viable alternative to action. Part 2 is the full-length video.
Generation Waking Up: The Story Of Our Generation
Generation Waking Up is a global campaign to ignite a generation of young people to bring forth a thriving, just, sustainable world. This video is part of the Generation Waking Up Experience - called a 'WakeUp' for short - a multimedia educational workshop that inspires young...
The Taxing Question of Land
Complex tax systems allow for avoidance, evasion and expensive administration costs to both the public and private purse. At the recent G8 summit, the UK placed tax compliance as one of the most important issues facing the world today.
Workers of the World... Relax!
A philosophical treatise against the practice of forced labor for income. An abridged reading of 'The Abolition of Work' by Bob Black.
PROUT's Concept of Economic Democracy
10 minutes of plain-spoken awesome. Economic Democracy is the BIG IDEA of our time. Make sure you don't miss the awesome moment starting at 2:30 that goes until 3:25! 
What Did You Forget?
Alan Watts asks "what did you forget?" in this Sustainable Man film starring Chris, Sean, and Luke Abad as "Joe Dokes" "Do you have any control over being conscious? Do you know how you will?" - Alan Watts
Reimagining Investment for the Whole Human
Our ideas about financial investment have been fairly limited thus far. Investment has been all about maximizing financial return at any cost, even if that cost is environmental pollution, human dignity, or our moral compass. Our economy has focused narrowly on creating and...
Letter Grades for Students Get an 'F'
Imagine the following exercise: You enter with your spouse, partner or good friend. The purpose is to deepen and improve your relationship through honest communication -- a mutual assessment for growth.
The Great Forgetting: You Probably Haven't Heard About It but It Completely Affects Your Life
This article summarizes the ideas of Daniel Quinn, first written about in The Story of B, which was a sequel to Ishmael. The longer, original essay can be read here, and comes highly recommended, especially if you find yourself disagreeing with the summary
Here, Copy This Lady's Idea And Make Your Own Community A Little More Wonderful
Kids, try this one at home. Wish you could do more? You don't need a Kickstarter account, or even any Internet at all.
You've Been Sleeping, And It's Time To Wake Up! (Zen Hand Clap)
Awake from your slumber of cynicism! Awake from your slumber of despair!
Five Economic Reforms Millennials Should Be Fighting For
It's a new year, but one thing hasn't changed: The economy still blows. Five years after Wall Street crashed, America's banker-gamblers have only gotten richer, while huge swaths of the country are still drowning in personal debt, tens of millions of Americans remain...
"The Job Guarantee" featuring Pavlina Tcherneva
The reaction to Jesse Myerson’s Rolling Stone piece “Five Economic Reforms Millennials Should Be Fighting For” went beyond anyone’s expectation. Many conservative commentators
TEDx Speaker Gives Priceless Talk About How TED Talks Are Worthless
With all due respect to Lizzie Velasquez, the vast majority of TED and TEDx talks are complete bullshit, and it's high time someone called them out on it.
In Transition 2.0: A Story of Resilience & Hope in Extraordinary Times
This film is an inspirational immersion in the Transition movement, gathering stories from around the world of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. There are stories of communities printing their own money, growing food, localising their economies and setting up...
Why We Should Give Free Money to Everyone
London, May 2009.  A small experiment involving thirteen homeless men takes off. They are street veterans. Some of them have been sleeping on the cold tiles of The Square Mile, the financial center of the world, for more than forty years. Their presence is far from...
A Year of Delightful Egalitarian Imagination
Nurses, philosophers, and trade unions have over the past 12 months all shared some fascinating ideas on how we can make our societies more equal — and much better — places to live.
Fear of a Living Planet
Does the concept of a living planet uplift and inspire you, or is it a disturbing example of woo-woo nonsense that distracts us from practical, science-based policies?
The Black Power MixTape 1967-1975
Swedish journalists came to the United States to document the anti-war and Black Power movements of the late 60s and early 70s. The Black Power Mixtape combines music, original 16mm footage, and contemporary audio interviews from leading African American artists, activists...