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The Unlikely Librarian
A story by Our Better World - telling stories of good to inspire action.
Bayo Akomolafe: An Oriki for the Times
Bayo Akomolafe is a researcher, lecturer and author, as well as Coordinator of the International Alliance for Localization. This is his plenary talk at the Economics of Happiness conference, held in Portland, Oregon, in February 2015. The conference was organized by Local...
Small-Scale Farmers Cool the Planet
Fair World Project's new 17-minute documentary highlights the role of industrial agriculture in climate change while expounding on how small farmers are combating the climate crisis through regenerative organic agriculture.
Abby Martin Breaks the Set One Last Time
On this final episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin, discusses the power of grassroots activism in getting the FCC to uphold net neutrality. Abby then speaks with Eugene Puryear, Organizer with the ANSWER Coalition, about effective activism as it relates to issues from...
The Little Engine That Couldn't: How We're Preparing Ourselves and Our Children for Extinction
In a recent semi-documentary film called Garbage, a toxic waste disposal engineer was asked how we can stop engulfing the world in our poisons. His answer was, "We'd have to remove everybody from the face of the earth, because humans GENERATE toxic waste, whether it be...
Our Religions: Are they the Religions of Humanity Itself?
Contrary to popular opinion, Charles Darwin did not originate the idea of evolution. By the middle of the 19th century, the mere fact of evolution had been around for a long time, and most thinkers of the time were perfectly content to leave it at that. The absence of a...
#BlackLivesMatter: Tactics, Class Warfare, and the Legacy of Racism
Special Panel Discussion on Racism, Poverty and the Future of Ferguson.
The New Story: Why Changing the Myth Changes Our world
Alan Heeks explores the pathways that can take us from the ‘old story’ of addictive materialism into a new, creative and regenerative post-industrial society.
Building Real Democracy in the Digital Era
Our current democratic models are crumbling and outdated. We need to make something more real and meaningful. Activist and politician Birgitta Jónsdóttir points to how it might be done.
FairCoop: Virus of Cooperation Infects a New economy
The ‘Robin Hood of the Banks’ strikes again. This time the aim is to create a worldwide cooperative to develop and expand a new economy of the commons.
With exclusive access and interviews with Subcomandante Marcos, Noam Chomsky and others, Zapatista is the definitive look at the Zapatista uprising, its historical roots and its lessons for the present and the future.
Why You Should Break Rules - In 30 Seconds
A woman’s place is in the home. Marriage is between a man and a woman. These are rules that we have consciously or unconsciously written for our society. We worry too much about what happens when we break the rules. Here's why we should do the opposite!
Malala. One Girl. Among many
Girls from around the world recite the words of Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai to campaign for education as part of Plan's Because I am a Girl campaign.
"Forgiveness Is Liberating": Desmond Tutu On Healing A Nation's Racist Past
Editors Note: Last week, YES! magazine published an article by Fania Davis, director of a restorative justice center and sister of civil rights activist Angela Davis, called “This Country Needs a Truth and Reconciliation Process on Violence Against African Americans—Right...
Everything Is Connected
The interactions between wildlife and the physical planet are more complex and fascinating than we could ever have imagined.
Whatever is Privilege?
Whatever is Privilege? - Why the caption on the picture is bollocks, from someone who is a white male who once said those words.
Why Immigration Reform Is Useless Without Ending the Drug War
Abby Martin speaks with Eugene Puryear, organizer with the ANSWER coalition about President Obama's executive action on immigration reform and how this will impact the millions of undocumented people in the US.
Wanderers is a short science fiction film by Erik Wernquist - a digital artist and animator from Stockholm, Sweden. The film is a vision of our humanity's future expansion into the Solar System. Although admittedly speculative, the visuals in the film are all based on...
The Oldest Living Things in the World: A Decade-Long Photographic Masterpiece at the Intersection of Art, Science, and Philosophy
What a 13,000-year-old eucalyptus tree reveals about the meaning of human life.
They Sang with a Thousand Tongues: The Poetry of Diversity
Let me tell you a story about how the world began. I promise you the story is not completely false.
The Top Censored Stories of 2014 | Interview with Mickey Huff
Abby Martin interviews, Mickey Huff, Director of Project Censored, about some of the top 25 censored stories of 2014, covering everything from the lack of police brutality statistics to the impact of ocean acidification. 
Who Owns the Benefit? The Free Market as Full Communism
There’s a wonderful phrase for how capitalism works in the real world (I’m not sure who first came up with it, but I associate it with Noam Chomsky): “The socialization of risk and cost, and the privatization of profit.”
Taking Down the Daily Show with Allison Kilkenny and Jamie Kilstein
Abby Martin interviews co-founders of Citizen Radio and authors of the new book, #NEWSFAIL, Allison Kilkenny and Jamie Kilstein, about the biggest flaws in corporate comedy news and why topics like feminism and climate change are covered so poorly by cable news.
Happidrome: The Kurdish Fight For Anarchy
In the battle for Kobane on the Syrian border everyone talks about the enemy - IS - and the frightening ideas that drive them. No-one talks about the Kurdish defenders and what inspires them. But the moment you look into what the Kurds are fighting for - what you discover...
Basic Income FAQ
What's basic income?"A basic income is an income unconditionally granted to all on an individual basis, without means test or work requirement" (src).What are the benefits of basic income?Benefits include, in no particular order:Eliminates the "unemployment trap". Under...
Human Universe: From Apeman To Spaceman
Beginning in Ethiopia, Professor Brian Cox discovers how the universe played a key role in our ascent from apeman to spaceman by driving the expansion of our brains. But big brains alone did not get us to space. To reveal what did, Brian heads out of Africa to the ancient...
Common Mythconceptions: World's Most Contagious Falsehoods
A fun infographic on common myths and misconceptions from the book Knowledge is Beautiful. Click the infographic for a scalable full-size image.
Life in a 'Degrowth' Economy, and Why You Might Actually Enjoy it
What does genuine economic progress look like? The orthodox answer is that a bigger economy is always better, but this idea is increasingly strained by the knowledge that, on a finite planet, the economy can’t grow forever.
There’s Power in How We Think about Things
When you walk or drive down a city street, what you are seeing all around you are manifestations of thoughts. Every building began as an idea in somebody’s mind. Somebody acquired the land. Somebody designed the house. Somebody had the idea to organize people together to...
The Premises of Endgame
These premises appear at the beginning of Endgame, Derrick Jensen's seminal critique of civilization. 
No Masters: Hierarchy and Anarchy
This is an extract from CrimethInc's seminal book Days of War, Nights of Love. 
Neil Turok - The Universe Within
"My goal is to get people thinking and trying to wrap their heads around the amazing things that have been achieved and to dream about what will be achieved."
Some of Stephen Hawking's Big Ideas Explained in an Amazing Animation
No time to read Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time? In just two and a half minutes, Alok Jha explains why black holes are doomed to shrink into nothingness then explode with the energy of a million nuclear bombs, and rewinds to the big bang and the origin of the universe?
Intersectionality: What It Is and Why It's Important
Wikipedia describes intersectionality as "the study of intersections between forms or systems of oppression, domination or discrimination". We prefer this explanation from the perspective of a stripey blue triangle...
Wealth Illusion, Structural Violence & The Fear of Truth
Abby Martin interviews the creator of the Zeitgeist Movement, Peter Joseph, covering everything from the upcoming Zeitgeist Festival in Los Angeles on October 4th to economic and societal solutions to global problems ranging from environmental destruction to mass inequality.
Commercialisation: The Antithesis of Sharing
The danger is not commercialisation per se but our constant identification with its inner and outer manifestation, in which humanity’s intelligence is led in the opposite direction from nature and spiritual evolution. What is evil, anyway, if not our identification with...
Uniting the People of the world
The time has come when we must demonstrate in our millions not against this or that, but rather for who we are * * * At this time of economic turmoil it can be difficult to perceive for oneself how the principle of sharing is a solution to world problems, and this is...
Carl Sagan - A Way of Thinking
"Science is more than a body of knowledge, it's a way of thinking." Carl Sagan
About Time - The Case For A 21 Hour Working Week
A ‘normal’ working week of 21 hours could help to address a range of urgent, interlinked problems: overwork, unemployment, over-consumption, high carbon emissions, low well-being, entrenched inequalities, and the lack of time to live sustainably, to care for each other, and...
Parenting Without God
 When asked if the world would be better off without God, Dan Arel, the author of Parenting Without God does not pull punches. "The world would be better off without the idea of God,' Arel clarifies "the world is already without God."
This Is The "Living on Earth 101" Primer Every Human Needs To See. And It's Only 52 Seconds.
This Wombat has some simple instructions for living on Earth. A great reminder for sure!
The People Who Wouldn't Mind If the Pacific Northwest Were Its Own Country
The first thing we heard when we pulled into the Finney Farm was the clattering of drums, followed by a high-pitched howling noise.
How Unarmed Peace Efforts Can Save Lives and Diffuse Conflict Even in War Zones
"I think if we had a gun we would have been shot immediately.”
Against Conspiracy Theories - Why Our Activism Must Be Based in Reality
A talk given at Occupy Wellington, New Zealand, to counter the prevalence of conspiracy theories amongst the local wing of the Occupy movement.
A German Guy Wants to Give You a Bunch of Money for Nothing
What would happen if we didn't have to worry about making a living anymore? Would people just sit on their asses all day or actually do something meaningful with their lives? Michael Bohmeyer, a 29-year-old founder of a tech startup in Berlin, wanted to find out.
What's So Special about Storytelling for Social Change?
A new world requires new stories, but people will only listen to them when they themselves are included in the storyline. This requires a ‘gear-shift’ in conversations about radical action.
What is the Meaning of Death? This Man Has Some Words to Share with You.
A good friend of mine, Ian Mackenzie recently shot this short film The Meaning of Death – Stephen Jenkinson.  Hope you are as moved as I was by the film. IN JANUARY this year, I flew out to attend my first full session of the Orphan Wisdom school, founded by Stephen...
The Story That's Destroying the World
Let me start by saying something that sounds controversial but actually isn't:
Towards a New Co-Existence: On Reframing Our Ecological Crises
How we think about and talk about ecological crises and our role in them form the structures of our responses.  This is why thought forms, concepts, frames as George Lakoff calls them, are all central, form the crux, of attempts to protect species and the planet’s systems...
Films For Action: We Share Breaking Knowledge
A lot of media organizations focus on breaking news. We&
The Greening of the Self: the Most Important Development of Modern Times
Something important is happening in our world that you are not going to read about in the newspapers. I consider it the most fascinating and hopeful development of our time, and it is one of the reasons I am so glad to be alive today. It has to do with what is occurring to...
Co-Creating a Peaceful World Through Love-in-Action
Economic globalization obliterated traditional boundaries and created previously unimagined opportunities for collaboration and expansion. It also unleashed a series of unintended and problematic changes, exposing those with the least power to ecological devastation...
"I am because you are," is the deep meaning of Ubuntu, a traditional African philosophy recognizing the shared essence within humanity and life. In this film, we visit Dorah Lebelo and the GreenHouse Project, Credo Mutwa, the great Zulu traditional healer and teacher, and the...
The Tao Te Ching: The Classic Manual on The Art of Living
Wisdom for aspiring leaders and change-makers of every kind
How to Start an Empathy Revolution
Empathy can be a force for radical social change, but only if we understand how to unleash it.
5 Reasons It's Time for the 4-Day Work Week
Psst: Working less is the key to success. 
The Lottery of Birth
Do you shape the world or does it shape you? Drawing on leading thinkers from around the world, and with a torrent of mind-expanding ideas and information, THE LOTTERY OF BIRTH will make you think again about what it means to be free.
What Happens When Silicon Valley Experiments With Direct Democracy
Like a few other cities, the city is letting some citizens vote directly on how the city spends its money. But, of course, it's adding an online twist.   The heart of Silicon Valley is experimenting with a novel form of direct democracy that gives citizens direct control...