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It's Climate Change That's Scary - Not Transforming the Economy
It’s very clear that conservatives have one plan for dealing with the popularity of the Green New Deal: scaring the hell out of people.
Creating Freedom: Raoul Martinez at TEDxWhitechapel
Much about who we are is determined by the lottery of our birth. We inherit genes we didn't ask for, and are faced with a world we played no part in creating. In short, we are shaped by forces over which we have no control. Raoul Martinez examines the radical implications...
5 Shareable Excerpts From Douglas Rushkoff's New Book 'Team Human'
Douglas Rushkoff's just released book "Team Human" is a passionately argued manifesto "for human dignity and prosperity in a digital age." Released this week, the manifesto's 100 points outline the many reasons and ways to"“reassert the human agenda." In true Shareable style...
What if a City Were Designed by Trees?
Seeing trees as sacred is not an anomaly, it’s the fact that our culture has somehow lost this fellowship that’s an anomaly. If trees are a keystone of our wellness, why not learn to listen to their voice? If we did, how might the things we hear transform the landscape of our...
Core Nonviolence Commitments
I have not found a word that captures the exact line that I am looking for. Commitment may be a bit too strong, and tends to connote “should,” thus invoking the non-choiceful energy of obligation and duty. “Intention” is not strong enough, in my mind, to carry the unwavering...
The Secret to Ending Poverty | Rutger Bregman
Historian Rutger Bregman found a way to end poverty. Obviously we had to ask him how!
The Public Ownership Solution
The US has a surprisingly large amount of public ownership. But in order for it to truly serve the social good, it must be expanded — and democratized.
Elements of the Democratic Economy: Employee Stock Ownership Plan
An employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) enables full or partial ownership of a business by its employees through a pension plan or trust.
A Force More Powerful: A Century of Nonviolent Conflict
A Force More Powerful is a documentary series on one of the 20th century’s most important and least-known stories: how nonviolent power overcame oppression and authoritarian rule.  It includes six cases of movements, and each case is approximately 30 minutes long.
If You Oppose Donald Trump, Don't Hate Him
When we allow ourselves to fall victim to hatred, we are doing our opponents’ work for them.
Degrowth Is the Radical Post-Brexit Future the UK Needs
As the Brexit negotiations wrap up and Theresa May’s deal is lambasted by Remainers and Leavers alike, it’s still far from clear what the future holds for the United Kingdom. On March 29 2019, it is due to leave the European Union.
Unity and Diversity in the Land of Nonviolence
[Note: This essay was just published in the Fall 2019 theology journal, "Oneing," by Fr. Richard Rohr and the Center for Action and Contemplation. To order a copy, visit: ]
Nationalism and Its Contradictions
Allow me to begin by stating an anthropological and genetic fact. Any conversation about so called “American” nationalism must begin with the story of human migration itself, which is a story that started in Africa: the one place where all humanity can affirm a shared genesis...
Let's Hear It for Men!
Stepping up in the era of Me Too and Total Shutdown.
Ideological Hegemony: How Our Own Thoughts Became the Greatest Weapon of the Ruling Class
"Ideological hegemony is the process by which the exploited come to view the world through a conceptual framework provided to them by their exploiters." - Kevin A. Carson
100 Short Films to Expand Your Consciousness
There are over 6,000 videos on Films For Action, hand-curated for their potential to inspire action and raise awareness on just about every topic related to making the world a better place. 
Trump is a Symptom, Not the Problem
Check out the Jimmy Dore Show.
This Restaurant Takeout Service Swaps Styrofoam for Sustainable
After big cities like San Francisco banned businesses from using styrofoam containers, a woman from Durham, North Carolina, who was fed up with the plastic trash began her own crusade. When her efforts toward passing a local ban failed, she decided to focus on small-scale...
Unlearning Together: A Quest for Those Who No Longer Want to Suppress Their Experience of the Essential
Movement, perception, thinking, effortless achievement and healing are inherent to life—they happen by themselves. When we observe children learning to walk or speak, ecosystems regenerating themselves, or animals self-organizing, we notice there’s a masterful way of...
The Broken Century
Welcome to the fake society. The world is dying. This is humanity... - James Scotmore
1968: a Missed Chance for Socialism
Precisely 50 years ago, the international anti-imperialistic students’ movement culminated in the uprisings in France. At that time, Dieter Duhm, a psychoanalyst and sociologist, was a spokesman of the “new left” in the German students’ movement and coined the slogan...
Is It Time for a Post-Growth Economy?
The growth-driven economic model we have adopted is killing our planet.
Ceos Vs. Workers
“People in a sense are disposable. We work somebody to the point of no return, and we get rid of them and get somebody else in. It’s not a culture where people are respected, are nourished. We have to ask ourselves if that’s the kind of economic culture we are comfortable...
The Promise of Radical Municipalism Today
Politics is about bringing people together and taking democratic control of the spaces where we live
There Is More Than One Kind Of Intelligence - George Monbiot
People’s first experience of the system is often profoundly alienating. This is not the fault of their teachers but of the system itself, which assesses us for a particular kind of intelligence. We pass or fail on ridiculously narrow criteria. I was lucky at school because I...
What Is It Like To Be You? - Charles Eisenstein
Both sides in any war believe that their side is the just side. The mentality of war says that only when our enemies are defeated can we have peace. Humanity has been fighting an endless war with each other for thousands of years and no side has been able to claim victory...
How We Become the Social Safety Net
Human Fractals and Decentralized Alternatives to a UBI (DISCs)
Displacement Battles on Two Continents Show How We Can Reshape the Politics of Housing
Communities can do more than just put a Band-Aid on the problem of gentrification and displacement, and a panel of researchers who held a forum at the Democracy Collaborative’s offices in Washington discussed the best thinking and work happening on both sides of the Atlantic...
Have You Made Up Your Mind about Jordan Peterson? Why Russell Brand Can Help
In this episode, Alter Ego uses Jordan Peterson's recent conversations with Russell Brand to reveal his major strengths and weaknesses, and how we can build on the gaps in his thinking to develop a vision of progress that integrates personal and collective change.
Localization: a Strategic Alternative to Globalized Authoritarianism
For those who care about peace, equality and the future of the planet, the global political swing to the right over the past few years is deeply worrying. It has us asking ourselves, how did this happen? How did populism turn into such a divisive and destructive force? How...
The Bemidji Statement on Seventh Generation Guardianship
During the winter months of 2005-2006, several handfuls of people from numerous places throughout North America came together at two different locations to create The Bemidji Statement on Seventh Generation Guardianship (Bemidji Statement). While much has been written in the...
7 Reasons Why We Should Have Open Borders
Let’s be honest, most people are already in favour of free movement – at least for themselves. Aisha Dodwell explains why we should extend it to everyone
Anarchism and Immigration
You have the right to live where you choose. You have the right to work where you choose. You have the right to travel where you choose. You have the right to associate with whom you choose. You have the right to speak any language you choose. You have the right to...
Into The Open Economy - The Complete Video Series with Colin R. Turner
Colin R. Turner's informal walk-through on the topics discussed in his book Into The Open Economy. The complete four-part mini-series: I. The Problems; II. The Solution; III. The Practicalities; IV. The Transition; Please add comments and questions below.
Radical Municipalism: Fearless Cities
Fear and uncertainty seem to have settled into our societies, not only among citizens, but also political leaders and transnational corporations who see their capitals and centres of power stagger in the face of the combined effects of slowing global economic growth, imminent...
Toward a Liberation Psychology
The following is an excerpt from Get Up, Stand Up: Uniting Populists, Energizing the Defeated, and Battling the Corporate Elite (Chelsea Green, 2011) by Bruce E. Levine. In this book, Levine describes how American institutions and culture have created a passive and defeated...
A Hero’s Hero | Daniel Ellsberg on Chelsea Manning
American hero, Daniel Ellsberg, celebrated in the movie "The Post", tells the world who his own inspirational hero is.
The Creativity Delusion: There is no Genius
The Creativity Delusion is a multi-part video essay on how our misconceptions about ideas and the way brains work impact our views about creation. These also extend to intellectual property.
Interview with Abby Martin – Corporate Media, Imperialism & People Power
On the 6th of May 2018, acTVism Munich organized an event with Glenn Greenwald, Jill Stein & Abby Martin under the title “Freedom & Democracy: Global Issues in Context 2.0″.
The Loss of the Immeasureable
Our society has definitely become masters at increasing the amount of things we can measure - more and more money, more and more floor space per capita, more and more GDP, and less and less of the things that we can’t measure - how happy we are, levels of intimacy, the...
Five Ways to Transform Our Economies
We need a new economics for the 21st century. Here are five potential pillars.
Do We Have the Right to Financial Rebellion? a Conversation With Enric Duran
We need to practice economic disobedience so that radical alternatives can flourish.
Is It Possible to Love All Humanity?
Qualities like gender, ethnicity, and nationality tend to define us more than being human. What happens when we try to identify with all of humanity?
I Don't Give a Damn About the First (Insert Identity Here) CEO or President
Do you know what literally repulses me these days? Hearing about the first so and so to get accepted into the exclusive club of the aristocracy. Frankly, I don’t give a damn about the latest first black president or first woman CEO. Who cares! I don’t know how we have arrived...
The Climate “Doomsday” Is Already Here
We have already altered the planet — and many have already been harmed by it.
#MeToo and Liberation for All
“I want to kiss you all over your smile.”
Economic Democracy: An Ethically Desirable Socialism That Is Economically Viable
This paper by David Schweickart, published alongside three others, is one of many proposals for a systemic alternative we have published or will be publishing here at the Next System Project. You can read it below, or download the PDF. We have commissioned these papers in...
Did Mushrooms Play a Role in the Evolution of Human Consciousness? - Paul Stamets
Paul Stamets is a mycologist, author and advocate of bioremediation and medicinal fungi. In this animation he describes the incredible properties of fungi as well as an overview of how mushrooms could have played a massive role in the evolution of human consciousness.
MLK’s Anti-War & Economic Radicalism Got Him Killed
On the 50th Anniversary of his death, many of MLK’s economic and radical messages are written out of history. 
The Big Story: Can We Change Civilization by Changing Its Origin Story?
How did humans go from savanna-dwelling primates to moon-bouncing Tide Pod™ eaters? This is the big question that Big History has been trying to answer for millennia. Sure, other ages may have framed the question differently. Pre-Internet historian Herodotus may have asked...
It's Time For Vulnerable Politics
In his keynote at the Burning Man European Leadership Summit, Ronan Harrington calls for a politics that recognises the one thing that we all have in common: our vulnerability.
The Death of Political Theory
Ideology Dies One Small Social Experiment at a Time
Understanding the Blue Church
In my Situational Assessment: 2017, I quoted a post from Reddit: “The Blue Church is panicking because they’ve just witnessed the birth of a new Red Religion. Not
The Transition
Are nations and capitalism still viable systems or are they nearing their end of life? If so, what comes next? How do we deal with climate change and biodiversity loss? How do we make sense of the world and figure out what's true to inform choices? Is humanity going to get...
The History and Philosophy of Aikido
Aikido is a powerful martial art developed throughout the mid 20th century by a Japanese named Morihei Ueshiba.  Aikido differs from most other martial arts in that the practitioner seeks to achieve self-defense without injury to attackers. Furthermore, there are no...
An Atlas of Real Utopias?
Atlas of Utopias is part of the Transformative Cities initiative, sharing 32 stories of radical transformation that demonstrate that another world is possible, and already exists.
Tribal Revival: The Tribal Basis Of The Next Civilization
True tribalism is a societal balance point
Shootings Are the Symptoms of an American Disease
A gun problem, a shooter problem, a racism problem, a mental health problem, a human problem. A violence problem. Violence. It’s not just a bullet or a knife. It’s an infection That permeates through people, relationships and society. Imagine: You’re bullied by a boss, it...
We Are Not Black
What you are going to read in the next couple of minutes is a disavowal of a word that has been used to literally tar and belittle people from a continent we now refer to as Africa. This word I’m alluding to is “black”, a word that was never, ever ours and a label foisted...