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How to Fund a Universal Basic Income Fairly
A universal basic income (UBI) – an idea in which the government replaces all other forms of monetary assistance (welfare, social security, etc.) with yearly stipend – has enormous potential to radically transform our current unsustainable consumer economy based on individual...
Circle of Life - How Doughnut Economics Could Change Everything
By reframing the economy, Kate Raworth’s Doughnut Economics changes our view of who we are and where we stand.
Buckminster Fuller In 3 Minutes
A short review of contributions from Buckminster Fuller.
7 Key Concepts for Understanding Anti-Work Theory
1. Work – The constrained performance of some skill (cognitive, emotional, physical etc.) in return for substituting your own ends with an economic reward, or in the ultimate hope of receiving some such reward.
5 Reasons to Build a Network of Small Groups, Rather Than a Mass Movement of Individuals
We’re currently touring through the US, meeting with activists: from urban neighbourhood organisers, to black bloc anarchists, back-to-the-land communalists, and progressive mega-campaigners.
Trouble, Ep. 1 - Killing the Black Snake
Trouble Season 1 Episode 1 "Killing the Black Snake: Behind the Scenes of the #NODAPL Struggle". sub.Media looks beyond the mainstream narratives surrounding the Standing Rock encampment to get a better understanding of some of the camp's overlooked dynamics, including...
No, You're Not Entitled to Your Opinion
Every year, I try to do at least two things with my students at least once. First, I make a point of addressing them as “philosophers” – a bit cheesy, but hopefully it encourages active learning.
Every Town Needs a Remakery
The Edinburgh Remakery is a social enterprise that teaches repair. The shop sells refurbished computers and furniture, and hosts workshops where people can come along and learn how to repair their own things. There’s a big vision behind it: “we want to generate a repair...
A Robot Lawyer Is Assisting With Refugee Applications
When Joshua Browder developed the chatbot for DoNotPay, the original idea was just to help people out with their traffic ticket woes. DoNotPay has since successfully overturned more than 200,000 disputable parking tickets in London, New York, and Seattle. It’s also given free...
Beyond Trump: Rebooting the System From Inside the Death Machine
Free your mind, find your power, change the world
The Venus Project Plans to Bring Humanity to the Next Stage of Social Evolution. Here's How.
The Venus Project is the culmination of Jacque Fresco’s life’s work to present a sustainable redesign of our culture. The project lays out a sustainable world civilization where technology and science are applied to redesigning our social system with the prime concern...
6 Habits of Highly Empathic People
Are you a Highly Empathic Person? Discover the traits of those who are, and learn how we can use empathy to support both others and ourselves. Learn more here.
The Purpose of Nonviolent Communication
Nonviolent communication is a tool that we can use to resolve conflicts at both the individual and collective levels. By focusing on identifying the needs of individuals and groups instead of the assigning blame for circumstances, nonviolent communication has the potential to...
The Rights of Nature: Indigenous Philosophies Reframing Law
Indigenous battles to defend nature have taken to the streets, leading to powerful mobilizations like the gathering at Standing Rock. They have also taken to the courts, through the development of innovative legal ways of protecting nature. In Ecuador, Bolivia and New...
The Age of Anxiety
I began to experience the crippling power of anxiety in my third year of university. The panic attacks were one thing, but the most horrifying thing about anxiety, the thing that sustains it, is the insomnia. I would wake up in the middle of the night, heart racing, and...
Why You Can Change the World
Though it looks like the world is set in its ways, it is in fact eminently open to change by those who dare to swim into the stream of history.
The Future of Cities
Oscar Boyson travelled to cities all over the world to learn about some of ways cities are changing, building and adapting for sustainability and livability. In places he couldn't visit he crowdsourced footage from residents. This film is made in collaboration with The...
The Incredible Story of How a Leopard called 'Diabolo' Became Known as 'Spirit'
What if you could talk to animals and have them talk back to you? Anna Breytenbach has dedicated her life to what she calls interspecies communication. She sends detailed messages to animals through pictures and thoughts. She then receives messages of remarkable clarity back...
A New History for Humanity - the Human Era
It is time to reframe how we think about our past. We need a new year 0 for humanity. But which one should we choose and why?
The Compassionate Activist Toolkit: the Ultimate Guide to Love-Centered Activism
Compassionate activism is activism that is rooted in an underlying compassion for all beings. It is an activism that resists the strong urge we all face to dehumanize our opponents, as they often do to us, and we often do to them. This collection of articles and videos...
Incredible Stories From 5 Inspirational Farms
In this series of 5 short films we visit five farms where incredible things sprout. From growing massive, 100-pound vegetables to giving injured animals another chance, these are the finest farms around. 
Welcome to the Real News: Truth Is Essential, but Not Pretty
You may have heard that there is talk of a crackdown on "fake" news. Before a bankrolled bureaucrat starts filtering the media according to what they find personally acceptable, I feel it's my ethical responsibility to outline our true current situation first:
You Only Pay for Time at This Cafe
In this cafe, the food and drink is free. You just pay 7 cents per minute to be there.
The Burden of the New Story
The 'new story' - that longed for milieu when all is right with the world and things are set straight - seems to be taking its sweet time coming. Why?
The Four Qualities of Love
Thich Nhat Hanh explains the Four Qualities of Love that can bring deep meaning to our lives.
Humanity's Greatest Challenges Aren't Technical, They're Human
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is incomplete as we commonly know it. Later in his life, Maslow wrote about a stage beyond self-actualization. Nichol Brandford explains how to arrive at this final place.
What Is Universal Basic Income?
What is Universal Basic Income? Everyone’s talking about a ‘citizen’s income’ or ‘basic income’, but what on earth is it?! It sounds like a Utopian dream, but support for a flat, government-sponsored annual income is growing across the world. Exponents argue that it would...
What Is Mutual Aid?
In a world ruled by ceaseless capitalist competition, where people are pitted to work against each other, anarchists offer a different vision: Mutual Aid. If you like videos like these consider supporting us - To download this video visit...
Incredible Angela Davis Lecture Ties Together Liberation Struggles Past and Present
In commemoration of the 39th anniversary of the murder in detention of Stephen Biko, the 17th annual Steve Biko lecture is delivered by Professor Angela Davis author, activist and Distinguished Professor Emerita in the History of Consciousness and Feminist Studies Department...
Basic Income and the Future of Work
There is no such thing as the dignity of work. It is not the right to employment but a guaranteed material existence that gives dignity to human life.
The Secret to Effective Nonviolent Resistance
We're not going to end violence by telling people that it's morally wrong, says Jamila Raqib, executive director of the Albert Einstein Institution. Instead, we must find alternative ways to conduct conflict that are equally powerful and effective. Raqib promotes nonviolent...
What Are Democratic Schools?
Imagine a school where children and teenagers are accorded all the rights and responsibilities of democratic citizenship; where students truly practice, rather than just read about, the principles of free speech, free association, and freedom to choose their own activities...
One Man's Epic Journey to Show The World Is Full of Good People!
Rob Greenfield has a simple idea… that people are good and the world is a good place. So he decided to put his idea to the ultimate test by flying one way to a far off place with no money, no credit card, no cellphone, not even a toothbrush. Just the clothes on his back  and...
This Off Grid Handmade Island is One of the Most Amazing Homes in the World
Floating off the coast of Vancouver Island, a 45-minute boat ride to the nearest town, is a sustainable island fortress complete with a dance floor, art gallery and garden. For artists Catherine King and Wayne Adams, this is home: a labor of love 24 years in the making.
My Favorite Definition of Privilege
My favorite definition of privilege is 'thinking something's not a problem because it's not a problem to you.'
Recipe for Clinton / Kaine Lemonade
Hillary Clinton's pick of Tim Kaine for VP may trigger the sea change progressives have been dreaming of and working towards for decades. Please hear me out.
7 Solutions We Can Support Right Now to Transition to a Resource Based Economy
One of the downsides of presenting such a visionary solution to our global crisis is that it's hard to know where to begin, beyond raising awareness. The gap between where we are now, and where we'd like to go appears so great that it is not at all obvious how the transition...
Two Brilliant Thinkers Had the Same Solution to Political Oligarchy: Direct Democracy
The primary threat to nature and people today comes from centralizing and monopolizing power and control. - Vandana Shiva
5 Ways the News Media Can Get Real
When Donald Trump gets more air time than Bernie Sanders, the media misses the mark on grassroots change.
Communalism: a Liberatory Alternative to the Present System
The belief that what currently exists must necessarily exist is the acid that corrodes all visionary thinking. - Murray Bookchin
DIY Economics of Happiness Workshop
The Economics of Happiness Workshop and Toolkit is a do-it-yourself tool for activists and others that want to kick-start effective global-to-local action in their area or within an existing group.
Placing The Children's Fire at the Centre of Institutions of Power
The Children's Fire is part of the Earth teachings of the elders of ancient America. Over time the elders came to understand that all human-created institutions needed to reflect the balance and wisdom observed in nature. The Children's Fire was a reminder of the first...
My First Journey With Psilocybin Mushrooms
In May 2013, my whole world shifted. At the time, I was living in Amsterdam and I began to feel the call to the Peruvian Amazon to work with the sacred plant medicine ayahuasca.
Dumbing Us Down: The 7 Hidden Lessons of Compulsory Education
While teaching means different things in different places, seven lessons are universally taught from Harlem to Hollywood Hills.
When We Attack Nature by Clearcutting Forests & Paving Farmland, We Attack Ourselves
Growing up in southern England and Wales, we always lived close to the woods, streams, and hills of the nearby countryside. The towns were built to be dense and tight, so it was relatively easy to walk out of the buildings and away from traffic into a land of kingfishers...
The New Mind Manipulators
Your mind is being controlled by distant strangers who don’t have your best interests at heart. If that sounds like a paranoid fantasy, brace yourself and read on. These are the findings of a series of scientific studies that show how a few dominant institutions have the...
Building a Local Peace Economy: We Have the Power
When attending meetings with peace and justice activists, I often find myself the only business person in the room. Inevitably, someone makes a comment about the evils of business, or greedy capitalists, or some other negative comment that implies business people are the...
We Are Dreamers - A Guide to Lucid Dreaming
Lucid dreaming is to be aware when you are dreaming and to have a degree of control over the dream.
11 Traits of People With High Emotional Intelligence
Lately, new ways to describe human interactions, social behaviours, and many facets of psychology have emerged on the social network scene. One of those descriptions is “high emotional intelligence.”
6 Examples of Something for Nothing (And Why a Basic Income Should be the 7th)
I talk a lot about Basic Income, the concept that everyone should be provided a minimum guaranteed income to provide for basic human necessities (food, clothing, shelter). All over the world it is
Transforming the Human Narrative: The Rise of Regenerative Development & Design
The novelist Terry Pratchett once wrote, “people think that stories are shaped by people. In fact, it’s the other way around.” However it seems these types of dichotomies are often both/and more than they are either/or. It is true that we are shaped by the stories that we...
A Monthly Income Just for Being Human, and Other Sensible Ideas
Unconditional basic income, a policy option that seems radical by American standards, is gaining new traction across Europe, Canada, and even a few places in the United States. Also known as “universal basic income,” the policy mandates a guaranteed stipend to every resident...
United Natures: a United Nations of all Species
United Natures explores the rights of Mother Earth, environmental philosophy, wisdom, spirituality, and the potential for a neo-indigenous future for humanity.
Turning of the Whales (trailer)
Fresh out of college, a skinny nerd with little or no social skills, my worldview heavily influenced by an Enlightenment notion of the 'human', I decided to dedicate my academic energies towards proving the existence of the soul. My map was unimpeachably detailed and...
Ikigai - Finding Your Reason for Being
What gets you out of bed in the morning?
The Most Radical Experiment in Direct Democracy and Gender Equality can be Found in the Middle East
Rahila Gupta meets the women fighters who are helping to stop the advance of ISIS while also leading a radical democratic charge against capitalist ideology. Welcome to the Rojava phenomenon.
The Turning of the Whales: What If We Are Not Alone? What If the 'Others' Have Been Here All Along?
When famed New Zealander psychologist, Dr Paul Spong, was first invited by the University of British Columbia to study the sensory apparatus of killer whales at the Vancouver Aquarium, he no doubt thought his time with the cetaceans would be like his other experiments in the...
Seeing Wetiko: on Capitalism, Mind Viruses, and Antidotes for a World in Transition
What if we told you that humanity is being driven to the brink of extinction by an illness? That all the poverty, the climate devastation, the perpetual war, and consumption fetishism we see all around us have roots in a mass psychological infection?
Finding Warmth in a Dark Place: a Glimpse of #Nuitdebout
Last weekend, Nuit Debout’s international working group organized two days of assemblies and action planning on the Place de la République in Paris. Some hundred people came from all over Europe and beyond to get to know this new movement in one of the heartlands of the...