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Increasing Our Capacity to Feel Is Essential to Living Our Best Life and Connecting with Our Kids. Here's How.
Two of the most supportive things parents can do for their children are healing their own attachment trauma (thereby further developing their own neural pathways for emotional regulation and secure attachment) and reclaiming disowned parts.
What a Society Designed for Well-Being Looks Like
To address the dramatic increase in mental and emotional distress in the U.S., we must move beyond a focus on the individual and think of well-being as a social issue.
If You Oppose Donald Trump, Don't Hate Him
When we allow ourselves to fall victim to hatred, we are doing our opponents’ work for them.
Addicted to Ideology? | Gabor Maté
Can we be addicted to ideology? Gabor Maté is an world famous expert on addiction - in his book 'In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts' he talks about how addiction is best viewed not as a crime or illness but as a coping mechanism for a personal, spiritual crisis.
Michael Pollan | Dissolving the Default Mode Network
Why do 70% of people claim that using psychedelics was one of the most meaningful experiences of their lives? Maybe it has to do with the feeling of their ego being dissolved and tapping into the true essence of reality. 
Yoga, Inc.
Yoga has transformed from an ancient spiritual practice into a competitive, commercialized, multi-million dollar industry. And for a practice rooted in renunciation, yoga is making some people very rich. YOGA INC. poses this question: Can yoga survive the war between the...
Capitalism Is Killing Patients... and Their Physicians
Physician burnout, depression, and suicide increasingly invade discussions within the medical field. Depression and suicide are more common among male and female physicians, with suicide rates 1.41 and 2.27 times greater than that of the general male and female populations...
The Journey of Compassion (2018) | Homelessness Short Film
Arthur McNeil is a formerly homeless long distance runner who raises money for shelters on cross-country runs. This film attempts to capture Arthur's story and warm character in a short documentary film. This documentary focuses on themes of homelessness, gentrification, and...
The Monsanto Papers
The Monsanto Papers investigates the secret tactics used by global chemical giant #Monsanto to protect its billion-dollar business and its star product, the weed killer, #Roundup.
Is Trump Acting Out His Childhood Trauma? Russell Brand & Dr. Gabor Maté
Is Trump Acting Out His Childhood Trauma On The People Of America? Today's video features Dr. Gabor Maté a renowned expert in addiction and trauma - here he is diagnosing Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Obama! Check out the full Under The Skin episode here. 
Brené Brown on True Belonging
Have you ever felt like you just don’t belong? Like you’re a pink chicken in a field of graceful giraffes, or that perhaps you came to the wrong planet? Certainly many people seem to feel this way, either about their families, or their community, their sexuality and culture...
Beyond Body Image
This thing we call female body-image - the relationship which women have to our own bodies - is, without doubt, in need of urgent attention. I know from my own deep exploration of the subject, that as a woman, I am unable to really separate my own sense of self from the...
What Is Toxic Masculinity?
You may have bumped into the term toxic masculinity during your travels around the internet. It usually shows up in connection with particularly abusive male behavior, but what does it really mean?
If You Want to Save the World, Veganism Isn’t the Only Answer
Veganism has rocketed in the UK over the past couple of years – from an estimated half a million people in 2016 to more than 3.5 million – 5% of our population – today. Influential documentaries such as 
The Benefits of Working Out in Nature
I was at the beach the other day with some friends and after a rousing game of ‘apprehend the frisbee before it nails an unsuspecting stranger,’ we all settled on the sand to chat and observe our fellow beachgoers.
Esteem: The Power of Vulnerability
Australian filmmaker Peter Charles Downey takes us on a personal and cathartic journey of empowerment, redemption, and healing.
Sacred Earth
“Sacred Earth” by Emmy Award® winning director Jan Nickman is a unique Nature Immersion Experience through the stunning beauty of the Sacred Lands of the American Southwest. White sand deserts, ancient slot canyons and the stunning red rock landscapes of Arizona, New Mexico...
Offline Is The New Luxury
To be online all the time and everywhere. It sounds great, but it has its drawbacks. As digital networks are closing in, there are fewer places to be really on your own. Being offline is becoming a luxury. Where can you be offline?
An ode to periods.
Men's Movement 2.0 - Raw Man Experience
Herman Ottoson of the Raw Man leads a group at the Nordic Men's Gathering - part of the launch of Men's Movement 2.0.
Healing Trauma: Beyond Gangs and Prisons
Healing Trauma dives into the inner struggle of former gang members whose abusive childhoods inevitably lead to an anger that resulted in a criminal lifestyle and landed them in prison. Upon their release, these former gang members found their redemption with Homeboy...
A State of Grace, with Seppi Garrett
Åsmund Vonheim Seip: In the smiling forests of Pennsylvania, I had the chance to sit down with this beautiful man, Seppi Garrett. Seppi is a body worker, a massage therapist, a permaculturalist—but aren’t we all so much more than what we say we do? And what about the...
The Archetype of the Warrior – How Films Help Empower Us All
Exploring the Archetype of the Warrior in films, based on Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette’s King, Warrior, Magician, Lover and Carol S. Pearson’s The Hero Within.
1968: a Missed Chance for Socialism
Precisely 50 years ago, the international anti-imperialistic students’ movement culminated in the uprisings in France. At that time, Dieter Duhm, a psychoanalyst and sociologist, was a spokesman of the “new left” in the German students’ movement and coined the slogan...
There Is More Than One Kind Of Intelligence - George Monbiot
People’s first experience of the system is often profoundly alienating. This is not the fault of their teachers but of the system itself, which assesses us for a particular kind of intelligence. We pass or fail on ridiculously narrow criteria. I was lucky at school because I...
Displacement Battles on Two Continents Show How We Can Reshape the Politics of Housing
Communities can do more than just put a Band-Aid on the problem of gentrification and displacement, and a panel of researchers who held a forum at the Democracy Collaborative’s offices in Washington discussed the best thinking and work happening on both sides of the Atlantic...
The Role of Shame in Shaping and Undermining Activist Communities
For many marginalized people, social justice communities are an essential form of social and emotional support. They can bring the oppressed and isolated together and help keep them afloat in a world that is at turns indifferent and cruel. While these communities often aim to...
After #MeToo: How To Process The Pain And Shame That Divides Women And Men
Sara Zaltash shares her experience of a transformational process to heal the division between men and women, and what it would like for men to step up into greater responsibility.
What Is The Cost For Those of Us Not Born into Community?
Imagine you are born into a small community in which everyone knows each other. Your parents are valued in the community and are well supported. As a baby and young child, you are often held, carried, or wrapped against your mother or father, and they are very responsive to...
The Secrets of a Privileged Childhood
When we think of a privileged childhood, we often think of swimming pools, nannies and expensive education. In fact, of course, the only childhoods that properly deserve the word 'privileged' are those in which there was an abundance of love. 
The Circle of Courage – Native American Model of Education
“Anthropologists have long known that Native Americans reared courageous, respectful children without using harsh coercive controls. Nevertheless, Europeans colonizing North America tried to “civilize” indigenous children in punitive boarding schools, unaware that Natives...
School Shootings: Who to Listen to Instead of Mainstream Shrinks
I have never spoken with a school shooter, but I’ve talked with many teenage boys and young men who—though behaviorally nonviolent themselves—emotionally connect with the anger, alienation, and hopelessness of school shooters.
Toward a Liberation Psychology
The following is an excerpt from Get Up, Stand Up: Uniting Populists, Energizing the Defeated, and Battling the Corporate Elite (Chelsea Green, 2011) by Bruce E. Levine. In this book, Levine describes how American institutions and culture have created a passive and defeated...
Children Full of Life
What would happen if even one generation were raised with respect and without violence? - Gloria Steinem Mr. Kanamori, a teacher of a 4th grade class, teaches his students not only how to be students, but how to live. He gives them lessons on teamwork, community, the...
Another Reason Young Americans Don’t Revolt Against Being Screwed
“8 Reasons Young Americans Don’t Fight Back: How the US Crushed Youth Resistance” was originally published in 2011, then republished on several Internet sites, and has become one of my most viewed articles. The eight reasons include: student-loan debt; various pacifying...
Dollar General Is Putting Local Grocery Stores Out Of Business
Retailers around the country are shuttering stores — a list that ranges from Toys R Us, which just announced it’s closing or selling all its U.S. locations, to brands including Footlocker, J. Crew and Macy’s that are shrinking their brick-and-mortar operations. But one...
Why I Stopped Seeking My Purpose
And why I think you should also do it
Tough Talk: Season 1, A Series About Men's Mental Health
Tough Talk is a documentary series created to reduce the stigma surrounding men's mental health. Sam O'Sullivan is a Kiwi psychologist who gets off the beaten track and travels in his van around his home country of New Zealand to film conversations with everyday men about...
Is It Possible to Love All Humanity?
Qualities like gender, ethnicity, and nationality tend to define us more than being human. What happens when we try to identify with all of humanity?
Depression is a Disease of Civilization: Stephen Ilardi at TEDxEmory
Dr. Stephen Ilardi is a professor of clinical psychology and the author of The Depression Cure: The 6-Step Program to Beat Depression Without Drugs.
Why You Keep Using Facebook, Even if You Hate It
The network effect is Facebook’s biggest selling point, and the root of many of its problems.
This Concrete Dome Holds A Leaking Toxic Timebomb
Thousands of cubic metres of radioactive waste lies buried under a concrete dome on the Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands, the legacy of over a decade of US nuclear tests in the Pacific. Now rising sea levels are threatening to spill its contents into the sea.
The New Human Rights Movement - Peter Joseph
Peter Joseph speaks at The University of Santa Barbara, CA, Nov. 8th 2017, about the themes from his new book: The New Human Rights Movement. 
Did Mushrooms Play a Role in the Evolution of Human Consciousness? - Paul Stamets
Paul Stamets is a mycologist, author and advocate of bioremediation and medicinal fungi. In this animation he describes the incredible properties of fungi as well as an overview of how mushrooms could have played a massive role in the evolution of human consciousness.
The Ultimate Romance Begins From the Love We Show Our Selves
When most people think of romance, they think of flowers and chocolate, candlelight dinners and sunset walks, dancing, poetry, and diamond rings. These types of romance happen most consistently during the falling-in-love phase of a relationship. Further into the relationship...
Moving On From #Metoo | Louise Mazanti PhD
How can we move forward as men and women in the wake of the #metoo campaign? Psychotherapist and relationship expert Louise Mazanti PhD talks to Rebel Wisdom founder and journalist David Fuller. For more details on Louise Mazanti: They also...
Learn to Be Soft and You Will Be Strong
It’s the hard things that break; soft things don’t break…You can waste so many years of your life trying to become something hard in order not to break, but it’s the soft things that can’t break! The hard things are the ones that shatter into a million pieces! – C. Joybell...
No, You Can't ‘Be the Change’ Alone
Positive thinking may be useless or even damaging, but negative thinking is unlikely to change the world for the better.
'Strong Men?' Masculinity in the Modern World
What are the challenges facing men today? Former US Army Ranger and philosopher Michael Robillard looks at the growing sense of alienation felt by men and how to find a sense of belonging.
Holding Space for Outrage
Deepening Relationships with Presence and Acceptance
Why Positive Thinking Isn't Neoliberal
By discouraging the use of powerful self-healing and self-development tools we may weaken those who are already disempowered.
Shootings Are the Symptoms of an American Disease
A gun problem, a shooter problem, a racism problem, a mental health problem, a human problem. A violence problem. Violence. It’s not just a bullet or a knife. It’s an infection That permeates through people, relationships and society. Imagine: You’re bullied by a boss, it...
Is Toxic Masculinity a Mask for Anxiety?
What is it that makes so many boys grow up to believe that sex is theirs for the taking?
Stress: It's Not in Your Head, It's in Your Nervous System
Have you ever been told when you’re stressed to stop worrying and just relax? That it’s all in your head? It would be nice if it were that simple. But it’s not.
Hold Your Tongue and Offer Your Heart Instead
When my mom was dying of cancer, I occasionally got messages from well-meaning people who wanted to offer what they thought was valuable information about how mom could cure her cancer. Eat raw food, take more vitamin C, stop drinking milk – all of those suggestions and more...
Shame, Guilt & the Roots of Violence
During the past 35 years I have used prisons and prison mental hospitals as "laboratories" in which to investigate the causes and prevention of the various forms of violence and the relationships between these forms and to what I will call (with a nod to William James) "the...
Sacrifice Zone: The Story of a Real Australian Gas Crisis
The backyard of New South Wales is facing its biggest threat yet – invasive gasfields. Betrayal by governments has meant protectors are fighting to save the things they love. The Pilliga, Great Artesian Basin, Liverpool Plains – all are at risk.
Prof. Robert Sapolsky - The Neuroscience Behind Behavior
Robert Sapolsky is an American neuroendocrinologist and author. He is currently a professor of biology, and professor of neurology and neurological sciences and, by courtesy, neurosurgery, at Stanford University. Recorded: May 2017
I Love Being a Woman - How to Live Our Erotic Truth
Around the world, women are searching for a feminine power they can affirm with self-confidence. This search is particularly delicate in sexuality, given the long history of violence and abuse continuing to this day. Yet, here’s exactly where the true revolution needs to take...
Radical Kindness Is Liberating
A few years ago, Maria Popova wrote an article on how to criticize with kindness, based on the work of philosopher Daniel Dennett.