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Expose of 'Dead Peasant' Insurance Policies Too Shocking Even for GMA to Ignore
From diarist alien abductee DailyKos: "Michael Moore's Capitalism, A Love Story has revealed a deep dark secret to the intrepid reporters of ABC News and the show Good Morning America - so-called Dead Peasant Insurance, the practice of companies taking out secret life...
The GOP's Health Care Alternative: "Don't Get Sick"
Last week, Rep. Alan Grayson said the Republican "plan" for health care was "don't get sick", and if you get sick, "die faster". Republicans called on Grayson to apologize; Grayson's response was to apologize to those who have died due to lack of health insurance. Since then...
T-Pain Puts Obama On Auto-Tune
This is how Obama needs to take his health care plan to the people! Sing and rhyme styles.. Ahh yeah, not a whole lot of hard-hitting alternative news in this one. This is just for fun..
Protect Insurance Companies PSA
In a satiric video from Funny or Die, Will Ferrell, Jon Hamm, Olivia Wilde, and other celebs band together to "protect" insurance company profits from the evils of health care reform. "People are saying a lot of mean things about health insurance companies and their...
What is the Public Option?
American politician, academic, writer, and political commentator, Robert Reich speaks directly on what the 'public option' is and why it is so important to health care reform.
Why We Need Government-Run Universal Socialized Health Insurance
A cartoon explanation of why we need a public health insurance option. If you agree that a public option should be part of the health care reform bill, make sure you let your representatives know! Take action at Animated by Andy Lubershane. Note...
Bill Moyers Essay to Obama on Health Care
Bill Moyers, the longtime and multi-award-winning American journalist expresses his contempt with the current health care debate's corruption by extremists, and President Obama's lack of gumption towards Republicans and the health care industry.
Al Franken Talks Health Care to Crowd Against Health Care Reform
Minnesota Senator, Al Franken discusses Health Care Reform with a group of "Tea Party" Activists. Topics include: Insurance Reform, The Public Option, Veterans Benefits, and Cutting Costs.
GRITtv: The Future of Independent Media
Independent media is almost a household name these days. But in 1986 when Fairness And Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) launched most people hadn't heard of anything like it. So what's changed in the last two decades? Has the stranglehold of corporate media been loosened? Today...
Sick for Profit: Greenwald Tears Into Insurance Company CEOs
UnitedHealthcare CEO Stephen Hemsley owns $744,232,068 in unexercised stock options. CIGNA’s Edward Hanway spends his holidays in a $13 million beach house in New Jersey. Meanwhile, regular Americans are routinely denied coverage for the care they need when they need it...
Senator Sanders on Why You Cannot Trust the Mainstream News to Inform You On Healthcare Issues
Senator Bernie Sanders replies to a "real man's" concerns about reform. Mostly, he knocks down the ludicrous lies and disinformation spread by GOPers and media conservatives.
Sick For Profit: Fight Back Against Health Insurance Lies
What does United Healthcare CEO Stephen Hemsley have to lose if Congress passes real healthcare reform this year? Well, for starters, his nearly three quarters of a billion dollars in unexercised stock options might lose a few pennies on the dollar. What does Isabella, a...
Bill Moyers Journal: Whistleblower Exposes Health Industry
Bill Moyers interviews Wendell Potter, the former head of Public Relations at Cigna Health Insurance. Potter worked for nearly 20 years within the health insurance industry with great success before his conscience got the better of him.
Bill Moyers: The Influence of Money on the Health Care Debate
Bill Moyers weighs in on the appointment of Regina Benjamin for Surgeon General and the influence of money on the health care debate.
Bill Moyers Journal on Single Payer Health Care
Bill Moyers talks to Donna Smith a legislative advocate for the California Nurses Association about the hardships of pushing the Single Payer system into the official debate on health care reform.
PBS FRONTLINE:  Medicating Kids
In 'Medicating Kids,' FRONTLINE examines the dramatic increase in the prescription of behavior-modifying drugs for children. Are these medications really necessary--and safe--for young children, or merely a harried nation's quick fix for annoying, yet age-appropriate, behavior?
In Defense of Food
Acclaimed author and journalist Michael Pollan argues that what most Americans are consuming today is not food but "edible foodlike substances." His previous book, The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals, was named one of 2006's ten best books by the New York...
Whistle Blowers Try to Expose Health Concerns & Get Fired
A perfect example of both, why you can't trust big news organizations to tell you the truth, and why you should stick to organic food whenever possible. This clip is taken from the film "The Corporation". An excellent piece showing the systematic problems with corporations in...
Are EPA Coal Emission Standards Strict Enough?
Hundreds of citizens from Nevada and Utah came to Mesquite City Hall to appeal to the Nevada Department of Environmental Protection and speak out against a proposed coal plant. Many members point out flaws in the current EPA standards.
The words "health care" and "comedy" aren't usually found in the same sentence, but in Academy Award winning filmmaker Michael Moore's new movie 'SiCKO,' they go together hand in (rubber) glove.
The Mouth Revolution
We are fed up with the garbage we eat! The mouths are angry. The mouths are demanding real food - organic food - NOW! The Mouth revolution Begins! Viva la mouthalucion!
Bill Maher on Big Pharma and Healthcare
Bill Maher talks about the need for preventative medicine, Big Pharma influencing government healthcare plans, the abundance of drugs that cure problems we don't even know we have, and more - all packaged in a dose of ironic comedy.
Backwards Hamburger
Our FAST FOOD NATION exposed. Before you take another bite, you must see this movie. Take action at then get the full story on the big screen with Fast Food Nation, the movie. Of course, for the fullest, "completest" story on the subject, see the...
Supermarket Secrets
How and what we eat has radically changed over the past few decades with the all-consuming rise of the supermarket. But what price are we paying for the homogenized, cheap and convenient food that supermarkets specialize in? In a two-part programme, journalist Jane Moore...
Sweet Misery - A Poisoned World
Excellent documentary showing how dangerous Aspartame - an artificial sweetener in most diet products - is to human health. From its history, to its effects this video is enough to shock anyone into really looking at their food labels next time they shop. Aspartame is a toxic...
Michael Moore cut this scene from Sicko because no one would believe it
This clip was left out of the original movie because it was said to be "unbelievable" and "people wouldn't believe it" because it was too good to be true.
Soap, Drugs, & Rock and Roll
This is the incredible true story of the Germ and Soap Company that teamed up to fight drug charges. David Bronner President of Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps shows how natural soaps test positive for the date rape drug GHB using police field kits while detergent based fake soaps...
Super Size Me
"Super Size Me" is one man's journey into the world of weight gain, health problems and fast food. Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock unravels the American obesity epidemic by interviewing experts nationwide and by subjecting himself to a 'McDonald's only' diet for thirty days...
Genetically Modified Food - Panacea or Poison?
Having discovered how to manipulate DNA, the blueprint of life, corporate scientists can produce what they claim are stronger, more disease-resistant crops. However, fears that Genetically Modified Food may not be safe for humans or the environment has sparked violent...
Dove Self-esteem Fund
A short film focusing on how Dove is making efforts to help normal girls value their own beauty, and to increase their media literacy skills as they navigate the 24/7 360 degree saturation of the makes-you-feel-ugly industry. Er, that is, the beauty industry.
Big Bucks, Big Pharma: Marketing Disease and Pushing Drugs
Big Bucks, Big Pharma pulls back the curtain on the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry to expose the insidious ways that illness is used, manipulated, and in some instances created, for capital gain. Focusing on the industry's marketing practices, media scholars and...
Michael Moore slams CNN for False Criticism of SICKO
Moore speaks truth to power, arguing that CNN has such a lousy track record of reporting the truth about the war in Iraq and asking tough questions, that Americans should be skeptical of their reporting on health care. But that's putting it lightly. In simpler terms, Wolf...