241-300 of 872
Bernie's Damn Bill: Medicare for All | 3-Part Series Narrated by H. Jon Benjamin
From Roosevelt’s attempt to create a New Deal national health insurance program, to the Trump administration’s repeal of the Obamacare individual mandate-the three-part “Bernie’s Damn Bill” video series reveals how decades of influence by greedy special interests have led to...
The Remarkable Results of Microdosing | James Fadiman
In this entertaining talk from SAND18, James Fadiman, "America's wisest and most respected authority on psychedelics and their use," describes the citizen science of his recent investigations into the effects of microdosing, and shares some fascinating stories from the...
We’re Doing Dying All Wrong | Ken Hillman
As a world leader in managing the care of very sick people, Ken Hillman’s breakthrough methods of treating critically ill patients have become the gold standard in Australia, the U.S. and Europe.
Recovering Your Sacredness | Jerry Tello
Our society is experiencing profound levels of stress and anxiety, a public health crisis that’s triggering unresolved traumas in many people, resulting in widespread uneasiness, poor public health, social dysfunction, and alienation, as well as high levels of violence...
When You Only Pursue Pleasure, You End Up Pursuing Pain | Alan Watts
The goal of After Skool has always been to take the most empowering ideas and enhance them with art. Creating videos like this is my purpose on earth. When you find your purpose, nothing will stop you, because...the purpose is bigger than you.
Psychedelics and How to Change Your Mind | Michael Pollan
Michael Pollan's new book "How To Change Your Mind" surveys the highly controversial terrain of the renaissance of both the science and popular usage of psychedelic substances. As one of our most brilliant and clear-eyed explorers of such topics as plant intelligence and how...
"Positive Vibes Only" Is Toxic: the Danger of New Age Spiritualism
“Integrity is choosing courage over comfort; choosing what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them.” ~ Brené Brown
Brain Matters: Putting The First Years First
Why is it that some children thrive while others do not? Is it a matter of genetics, IQ, socioeconomic background or education? Every child deserves to reach their full potential and the early years are the best possible start in life that could transform the world.
How to Have a Good Conversation | Celeste Headlee
When your job hinges on how well you talk to people, you learn a lot about how to have great conversations – and most of us don’t converse very well.
How Faux-Feelings Are Sabotaging Your Communication Efforts
Getting in touch with our feelings and sharing "I-statements" is a known strategy for communicating nonviolently and bettering our chances of being heard.
4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Speaking Up (or Listening)
As a child, I was the shy kid who kept to herself. I rarely shared my inner world with others outside my close friendship circle, and even as an adult, my auto-default is still to hold my tongue.
Harnessing Pain and Burning It as Fuel for the Revolution
Many of us with radical politics likely formed them in response to histories of trauma and abuse – sometimes in the form of discrete, identifiable traumatic events, sometimes in the form of cumulative interpersonal micro-traumas (e.g. rejections, invalidations, humiliation...
Control is a Trap
At the root of many mental health problems is experiential avoidance. As touched upon in a previous entry, experiential avoidance is trying to avoid, suppress, or get rid of certain private experiences (i.e. emotions, physical sensations, thoughts, memories), regardless of...
Humane: a New Agenda for Tech
This 44-min talk, which was delivered to 300 top technologists and activists, walks through a detailed diagnosis of the problem with modern technologies and offers a path forward.
Wealth in the Age of We – Charles Eisenstein
What is wealth—not just spiritual wealth but material wealth—as we move past the world-story of domination, competition, and control? How can we practice it now?
How Psychedelics Work: Fire the Conductor, Let the Orchestra Play | Michael Pollan
Michael Pollen explains the ego's "location" in the brain: It would be the default mode network, where much of your self-critical mind chatter happens. Taking psychedelics down-regulates this brain network.
Treeline: A Story Written in Rings
Throughout history, as entire civilizations have withered and mankind has continued to move at a breathless pace, the trees have remained. For some, these trees harbor the secrets to longevity. For others, they provide clear evidence of our journey across lifetimes and the...
The Dirty War On The NHS
John Pilger's documentary, THE DIRTY WAR ON THE NHS, "goes to the heart of the struggle for democracy today", he says. Britain's National Health Service, the NHS, was the world's first universal public health service. Designed to give millions of people "freedom from fear"...
3 Essential Strategies for Integrating Life Experiences
The tumbling dance of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations can polish the rough rocks of your life story into precious gemstones.
It's Not Medicare for All Unless It Has These 5 Qualities
Polls show that over 70% of the country supports Medicare for All! But what does it mean? Some politicians are trying to turn to Medicare for All into a catch-all term that means any kind of health care reform. But Medicare for All means something specific: a single...
India's Healing Forests: Come Home, Be Healed
All our knowledge comes from nature and yet nature is a source of many mysteries.
Radical Honesty – What If We All Told The Truth?
Video essay on the ubiquity of lying, both in the stories we tell as well as in real life, and why perhaps we should try being a little more honest.
Of Course You've Messed Up
This is a film for those moments when we (again) hit rock bottom, when we're back in that old familiar place where nothing feels right, we hate ourselves and the future looks bleak. It's so easy to be sad - but maybe there could be another option? Maybe we could learn to make...
Home Is Wherever I’m With You — and Other Modern Calamities
Prologue: this essay is written in support of my new documentary Love School.  “Oh, home, let me come home Home is whenever I’m with you.” ~Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes As I pul
Planet Local: A 7-Part Film Series about the Regenerative Food Movement
Good food is key to our survival and well-being. Eating local food is a powerful solution-multiplier — it reduces our carbon footprint, pollution, and waste, while creating dignified livelihood opportunities, strengthening communities and local economies, and strengthening...
Planet Local Short Film Series - Part 2: Diverse Farming Systems
‘Use and value diversity’ is one of the ten core principles of permaculture — for good reason. Studies have shown that small, diversified farms can yield more than twice as much food per acre when compared to large monocultures. Crop diversity significantly contributes to...
Planet Local Short Film Series - Part 3: Local Food Webs, Exploring Systems of Distribution
When it comes to helping people and planet, the way we grow our food is important. But building a healthy “food web” — healthy connections between producers, retailers and consumers — is also key.
Planet Local Short Film Series - Part 4: Local Food Processors AKA Making Delicious Food
These days, it can be difficult to find processed foods that aren’t made by mega-corporations; foods that aren’t full of added sugars, genetically modified corn, and chemicals we would rather not put in our bodies; foods that weren’t made in factories that harm the...
David Foster Wallace - The Dangers Of Internet & Media Addiction
Decades ago, David Foster Wallace foresaw the problems that technology, media, and entertainment would cause for this generation. We now live in the internet/information age, where technology and media are inescapable. During Wallace's later life, he pointed out the problems...
Existentialism & The Internet  - Why We’re Getting More Anxious
It is not as if the internet and age of information is bad, but it's not as if it's good. In this video, Pursuit of Wonder explores why, during an era where there is more information than ever about how to live and be happy, we are more confused and less happy than ever, in...
Controlling 5G: A Course in Obstacles
Across the United States, telecom providers have begun mapping their plans to deploy 5G “small,” microwave-emitting cellular sites throughout neighborhoods. Every person deserves to be informed about what’s happening and what’s within every household’s ability to control.
How Culture Makes Us Feel Lost - Dr. Gabor Maté On Finding Your True Self Again
Dr. Gabor Maté gives a beautiful speech on human nature and the implications culture has on our ability to maintain it. In this segment of the speech, he discusses four different categories of self-alienation and provides a sentiment of hope to stay in touch with our true...
America's Reproductive Slaves
On Wednesday, the day it was announced that the U.S. birthrate fell for the fourth straight year, signaling the lowest number of births in 32 years, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed into law the most draconian anti-abortion law in the country. That the two developments came at th
Love School
In the Oak-dotted countryside of Southern Portugal lies the Tamera Healing Biotope, one of Earth’s most radical social experiments in human futurism. Tamera began in the “free love” utopian movements of the 1960s’ and 70’s, building upon the insight that the liberation of...
Wanting Fully Without Attachment
If you have had a spiritual practice or have experience with personal growth workshops, you have no doubt heard many times that letting go of attachment increases happiness and well-being. The principle is simple, but exactly what does it mean to let go of attachment, and...
Is the Psychedelic Renaissance Doomed? | Jamie Wheal
Jamie Wheal documented the new psychedelic renaissance in his bestselling book 'Stealing Fire', where he talked about the transformative potential of flow states and psychedelics. Since then he has become increasingly concerned and disillusioned with the direction of the...
'Masculinity is Essential to Society'
In episode two of The Guardian's series on modern masculinity, Iman Amrani met Neil Smedley, a barber shop owner in Leeds. In the interview they did together Neil spoke about a range of issues, some of them very personal, and they felt that they couldn't do his story justice...
Is 5G Worth the Risks?
This article was originally published on the Economics of Happiness Blog.
21 Examples of NVC Consciousness
Our way of being -- the intentions, attitudes, and quality of the energy that we bring to an interaction -- is more important than the particular words we choose to speak. The heart of Nonviolent Communication is not about speaking using a particular recipe. Rather it is...
Why These Plankton are Eating Plastic
Microfibers, used to make things like yoga pants, are the ocean’s tiniest problem. 
Why Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs Matters
Maslow's Hierarchy, (or Pyramid), of Needs is one of the central ideas in modern economics and sociology. The work of a once little-known American psychologist, it has grown into an indispensable guide to understanding the modern world. This film explains who Maslow was, what...
Nurses Are Leading Strike Efforts — Where Are the Physicians?
Nurses in New York City are pushing back against hospital systems that put profits over patients and threaten their efforts to strike for safer staffing ratios. While nurses are fighting, physicians, so far, have remained on the sidelines of this struggle.
The Climate Solution Right Under Our Feet
The ideas behind regenerative farming are simple and ancient.
Why You Shouldn't Listen to Trump and the Super Rich When It Comes to Beauty
We see and judge women based on the perspective of super rich white men who also tend to own the beauty competitions and the cosmetic companies.
Things Straight Men Aren't Allowed to Do (According to Wiz Khalifa and Others)
Professional skinny person Wiz Khalifa said straight men should not eat bananas in public. Here's a running list of things straight black men "can't" do because #masculinitysofragile.
Sexual Assault of Men Played for Laughs
It’s hard to overstate just how common jokes about men being sexually assaulted are in entertainment media. Most popular comedic actors engage in this type of humor. Jokes are typically designed to demean, humiliate, control, or emasculate a male character for being the...
Robert Reich: A Bold New Idea to Boost Wages
Robert Reich explains how expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit would boost wages for millions of working Americans. 
Tenderness, Vulnerability, and Mourning in Response to the Legacy of Patriarchy
"So what can I do, as an individual?"
The Pregnancy to Prison Pipeline: Media Matters
As the President sounds off about holy babies born and unborn, we talk about the ongoing criminalization of women who happen to get pregnant. What has been the media’s role and have they done enough to make amends? We’ll talk to Lynn Paltrow, one of the lawyers representing...
Five Signs a Man Is Connected to His Heart
Many men think our power is in our brains or our balls.
How I Unlearned Dangerous Lessons about Masculinity | Eldra Jackson
In a powerful talk, educator Eldra Jackson III shares how he unlearned dangerous lessons about masculinity through Inside Circle, an organization that leads group therapy for incarcerated men. Now he's helping others heal by creating a new image of what it means to be a...
Abundant Land: Soil, Seeds and Sovereignty
Abundant Land is a one-hour documentary about a Hawaiian community on Moloka’i opposing the biotech industry’s use of the island to test genetically engineered seeds. Agrochemical biotech corporations, including Monsanto and Mycogen Seeds, are depleting Moloka’i’s topsoil and...
From Personal to Global Trauma: the Through-Line
When Kim was a tiny person, maybe three years old, just when our human sense of actually existing-as-a-separate-being-with-a-self starts to emerge, Kim lived in a family where people were frightened, and angry, and sometimes kind, and sometimes scornful. When Kim would start...
The Love We Deserve
Beyond patriarchy there is love. Real love. The kind of love that renders words inadequate and time malleable.  The kind of love that reminds us that “open hearted” is not a metaphor, but a literal description of a way to be in our bodies. The kind of love that transforms...
The Secret to Ending Poverty | Rutger Bregman
Historian Rutger Bregman found a way to end poverty. Obviously we had to ask him how!
Extinction Illness: Grave Affliction and Possibility
[Editor’s Note: We at Tikkun have been proud to have articles from Deena Metzger, whose novel A Rain of Night Birds was reviewed on our website by Cynthia Travis on October 11, 2018. In this piece, Metzger captures the grief and pain we all experience living at a time of...
The Big FAT Lie
"In what is becoming a field of near-identical documentaries featuring similar experts, research, and opinion, Grant Dixon’s film stands apart with its unique, homegrown feel. His in-depth exploration of the whys and wherefores behind his own health scare introduces us to the...
Are Black Men Not Supposed to be Happy? | KYLE
Rapper KYLE on race, toxic masculinity, depression and being the happiest rapper alive!
The Problem with Wokeness | Ayishat Akanbi
Has wokeness replaced compassion with moral superiority?
Dealing With Painful Emotions
I have felt that learning to deal with painful emotional states is one of the most important aspects of growth. It affects our love relationships and how we deal with the inevitable disappointments, losses and rejections that life brings. It also determines our ability to...