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Speak Up: How to Respond to Everyday Bigotry
The Southern Poverty Law Center gathered hundreds of stories of everyday bigotry from people across the United States. They told their stories through e-mail, personal interviews and at roundtable discussions in four cities. People spoke about encounters in stores and...
Best Mentor Ever Tells Boy 'It's OK to Cry' in Moving Viral Video
A man is offering kids a shoulder to cry on.
What to Do When the Going Gets Rough
Four ways to make it through trying times with an open heart
13 Graphs Perfectly Demonstrate What Depression Feels Like
Sometimes, words just aren’t enough, but there are other ways to get ideas across. These images will help you understand what depression feels like.
Depression-Busting Exercise Tips for People Too Depressed to Exercise
If you’ve struggled with depression at any point in your life, you’ve probably heard some well-meaning soul say “just try to get some exercise, it’s good for your mood!” Annoyingly, they’re right; I don’t think that exercise can single-handedly cure depression or treat its...
How Psychedelics Could Help Treat Anxiety, Addiction and Depression
Psychedelic drugs could be the key to making you happier and healthier. So why won't we research them?
Why Being Lonely Is Crucial for Survival
We all know it sucks to be lonely, but is it actually essential for our survival? Here's more on why loneliness might be a good thing.
In Our Nature: A Beautiful Spoken Word Tribute to the Wonder of The World
A spoken word film about enjoying nature and spending more time outdoors. Our environment and our climate is what keep us alive. If we look after our planet, it will look after us in return. Written, Performed & Directed by Gary Turk.
Resistance has arrived - the world's most destructive industry has a secret it doesn't want you to know about, Jack Tomlins goes undercover to reveal the truth. Will he survive?
The Four Mantras of True Presence
These simple mantras can help us overcome suffering
Gabor Mate on the Myth of Normal
Physician Dr. Gabor Mate began his interview by addressing the 'myth of normal' that divides us into the normal and the abnormal with pathological traits. Dr. Mate mentions that he doesn't see a division, but a continuum where mental distress, of some degree, is present in...
Watch: How Ayahuasca Can Break Addiction's Grip on the Brain
In this video, Dr. Gabor Maté explains how addiction imprints itself on the brain and how ayahuasca can help release people from their destructive habits. "Ayahuasca shows you very clearly the psychological baggage that you've carried all your life," Maté says. "You no longer...
Five Vital Lessons From Psychedelic Experts
The problem with banning anything out of a fear of the unknown is that many unknowns will remain. Such is the story of many psychedelic drugs in the U.S. While the government has experimented with various psychedelic compounds (take  the CIA’s secret attempts at LSD...
7 Traits of People Who Are Great at Relationships
Relating to your partner, spouse or significant other can be challenging. Here's what the people who make it work know that you may not.
Empathy: Why It's Important, Why We Should Nurture It in Our Kids
One of the most important skills we can teach our kids is empathy. Empathy is the ability to see and value what another person is feeling or experiencing. When we see someone in pain and feel that response in our own gut, that’s empathy. When we see someone crying tears of...
Turning the Problem Around: Mental Health in a Sick Society
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. ― Anne Louise Germaine de Staël-Holstein The rise of people who are diagnosed with mental illnesses, especially children, has been unprecedented. ADHD, ADD, bipolar...
15 Ways to Get Someone Out of Your Head
Expert tips to manage your frustration and get past toxic thinking.
6 Better Ways to Deal With Conflicts in Your Relationship
Intimate relationships bring up intense feelings. Conflict with a partner can feel destabilizing, and make it difficult to be articulate and openly expressive. Many people try to avoid conflict through a variety of maneuvers—pretending to always agree, being aggressively...
Monsanto, America's Monster
Last month, the University of San Francisco made an alarming discovery, that 93% of Americans tested had traces of a chemical called glyphosate in their urine. Last year, the World Health Organization deemed glyphosate a “possible carcinogen”.
Five Signs You've Found an Evolved Man, and Why You Should Be Scared Sh**Less
For all the women looking for an evolved man and all the men trying to live up to the standard.
My First Journey With Psilocybin Mushrooms
In May 2013, my whole world shifted. At the time, I was living in Amsterdam and I began to feel the call to the Peruvian Amazon to work with the sacred plant medicine ayahuasca.
When We Attack Nature by Clearcutting Forests & Paving Farmland, We Attack Ourselves
Growing up in southern England and Wales, we always lived close to the woods, streams, and hills of the nearby countryside. The towns were built to be dense and tight, so it was relatively easy to walk out of the buildings and away from traffic into a land of kingfishers...
It's Time to Admit That Toxic Masculinity Drives Gun Violence
Our national attachment to dominance models of manhood is a major reason why we have so much violence.
Money and the Divine Masculine
I recently attended a ceremony at the Tamera village in Portugal in which the officiant invoked “the healing of money.” Immediately a vivid image popped into my head of a man, vast and muscular, bound to the earth with stakes and tethers, straining with every atom of his...
Greed 101: Hedge Funds Bringing Poverty and Suffering to Places Like Puerto Rico
They're called "vulture funds" and they make a killing off of places like Puerto Rico - sometimes literally.
Our Bodies Don't Need Meat. So Why Can't We Give It Up?
Imagine a post-apocalyptic world in which resources are so scarce that the government decides that all grain must go to people rather than animals. Without animal feed, steak exists only as a memory, and eggs become black-market contraband. What would happen then?
In the Absence of the Village, Mothers Struggle Most
Dear Mothers, I’m writing you today because I can no longer contain the ache in my gut and fire in my heart over an injustice that you and I are bearing the brunt of.
The Compassion Project - "The Highest Form of Love"
Here's a sneak peak of the documentary, "The Compassion Project." Dr. Will Tuttle & Victoria Moran discuss compassion as the highest form of love.
A Do No Harm, but Take No Sh*t Guide to Dealing With Others.
Here’s how I work: I’m extremely friendly and respectful to those who obey the laws of common decency when interacting with others.
Things We Aren't Allowed to Talk About
Making it okay to say you’re not doing so well
Ten Ways We Misunderstand Children
1. We expect children to be able to do things before they are ready.
3 Factors That Determine Your Self-Esteem
To have sound levels of self-esteem is one of the gateways to happiness. But achieving this has very little to do with the progress of our careers.
Why Manning up Is the Worst Thing to Do
Can we cure the toxicity of male trauma and the resulting illnesses it creates?
Joanna Macy On Staying Sane in a Toxic Culture
"All you can know is your allegiance to life and your intention to serve it in this moment that we are given." - Joanna Macy
Husbandry: a Reclamation of Men's Responsibility to Care
To stop the economy’s advance towards greed and destruction, we need new metaphors and images that inspire a radically different alternative.
Befriending Hopelessness
The impact was sudden. An SUV carrying several passengers, now hurtled like a Tonka Toy in a spinning arc two stories high. Six thousand pounds of metal flew through the air, flinging wreckage and bodies across the lane opposite me. My mind tried to make sense of what was...
Zika and the Mentality of Control
The ruling institutions of this world are quite comfortable with a virus.
"Good" Children - At What Price? The Secret Cost of Shame
A five-month-old baby is lying in his mother's arms. He is close to sleep, then wakes and begins to cry. His mother tells him that he should stop being a naughty boy, and that she will be cross with him if he doesn't sleep.
A Different Way to Die: the Story of a Natural Burial
Tristan knew the end was near when his dad turned yellow.
5 Great Ways to Expand Your World When Traveling
Take them as inspiration, accept them as challenges or follow them as rules. Just remember that the world is open to those with an open mind.
Why It's Crucial for Women to Heal the Mother Wound
The issue at the core of women’s empowerment is the mother wound
What If Mental Health First Aid Were as Widespread as CPR?
One in every four Americans experiences mental illness, and lack of police understanding can lead to tragedy. Here’s what could happen if we were all trained to deal with depression and anxiety.
Why Opioids Are Killing so Many Americans
Opioid addiction has killed a quarter of a million American in the past 15 years. And it often begins with a legal prescription from a doctor.
Zen and the Art of Living Deeply
Cultivating a Beginner's Mind With traditional arts in Asia much emphasis is put on long-term practice and effort, so as to reach continuously higher levels of skill development. There is a deeper character training happening as well, to reduce the ego’s voice, let go of...
How Other Primates Self-Medicate - and What They Could Teach Us
Despite our advances in technology and medicine, we seem to be fighting a never-ending battle against a number of diseases and ailments. As viruses become more complex and bacteria become resistant to antibiotics, it seems that the lab-made drugs we have become so dependent...
Beyond the Zero-Empathy Matrix
To be, or not to be: that is the question.” —Hamlet “Psychopaths are capable of taking the perspective of somebody else, but only to take better advantage of you. They’re able to play the empathy game, but without the feelings involved. It’s like an empty shell. The core of...
Rewilding Human Nature
Lucy Purdy explores how the concept of ‘rewilding’ could be applied not just to the natural world, but to ourselves
What a Strange Way of Life
This documentary closely follows the eco-village Cabrum, a recent community in northern Portugal; Cooperativa Integral Catalana, in Barcelona, which practices self-management with its own coins, the Eco; and finally, the self-sustaining community Tamera also in Portugal. The...
Why I Live the Life of a Modern Hunter-Gatherer
A friend recently said to me, “Kyer, if I were in your financial situation, I’d be freaking out.”
10 Reasons to Embrace Wildness
Henry David Thoreau once wrote the words, "In wildness is the preservation of the world." Though Thoreau lived in his cabin on the shores of Walden Pond many years ago, those words hold a deep truth. Wildness can mean so many different things to so many different people, but...
What It Was Like For These Men To Get Photoshopped With "Ideal" Male Bodies
The Try Guys recreate famous photos of male celebrities and are photoshopped with their ideal body types. 
Positive Parenting: How to Raise Your Children With Unconditional Love
Parenthood lies deep within us. We are wired to help our little ones survive and prosper. Modern life, however, has removed us from our natural environment. It can be hard to raise a child in world of fear and distractions. Science and psychology bring back a big dose of...
Used and Betrayed - 100 Years of US Troops as Lab Rats
On Memorial Day, politicians will speak at ceremonies all over the country and repeat their favorite mantra: “Support the troops.”
Comic: If Bart Simpson and Chris Griffin Went to Couples Therapy
"My dad was an abusive alcoholic, or whatever. He'd go to the bar, come home drunk, find out I'd f-cked up at school, and he'd choke me out."
How-And Why-To Take Your Life Back From Email
Regain your time, attention, and energy from the email machine.
It Didn't Start With You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are
The past is never dead. It’s not even past. — William Faulkner, Requiem for a Nun
Here Are 4 Bad Messages About Masculinity We Should Stop Telling Young Boys
Masculinity is having a moment — but it's not a good one.
Are Our Smartphones Afflicting Us All With Symptoms of ADHD?
When was the last time you opened your laptop midconversation or brought your desktop computer to the dinner table? Ridiculous, right? But if you are like a large number of Americans, you have done both with your smartphone.
5 Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Children Do
In his humorous and uplifting style, Gever Tulley debunks classic myths of childhood safety. With rampant fear mongering, is it any wonder that children are actually over-protected? Instead, Tulley believes the most effective way to keep children safe is to give them a little...
Why the Ocean Calls to Us, According to Science
5 ways water can heal the mind and body and help you tap into your most calm and creative state of being