121-180 of 872
6 Ways to Heal Trauma without Medication, from the Author of “The Body Keeps the Score, ” Bessel van der Kolk
Conventional psychiatric practices tell us that if we feel bad, take this drug and it will go away. But after years of research with some of the top psychiatric practitioners in the world, we’ve found that drugs simply don’t work that well for many, and our conventional ways...
Beyond Trauma Informed, with Darcia Narvaez and Mary Tarsha
It could be argued that humans have never been so destructive, so violent against a living earth. How did we arrive here? We forgot the wellness-informed pathway to human wellbeing, a holistic wellbeing that leads to peacefulness. We describe the wellness-informed pathway and...
Small Scale Agroecological Approaches for the COVID 19 Response and Beyond
From the closure of markets to the interruption of agricultural supply chains, the COVID-19 pandemic threatens to disrupt food systems around the world. Many families, especially those in already fragile contexts, may soon struggle to access healthy, nutritious diets. Meeting...
Not Going Quietly
Ady Barkan’s life is upended when he is diagnosed with ALS, but a confrontation with a powerful Senator catapults him to national fame and ignites a once-in-a-generation political movement.   
Death by Pollution
Do we all breathe the same air? Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debrah was a nine-year-old girl who lived in south-east London and died in 2013. The cause of death was listed as air pollution, now her mother is fighting to make clean air a human right. This Novara Doc was made by black &...
COVID-19, Capitalism and the Pandemic of Endless War
If you think police budgets are out of hand, wait until you hear about the military. A Gravel Institute documentary on the links between the pandemic, power, and capitalism.
A Viral Tale
An animated story in rhyme, about these very strange times.
How We End Consumerism: The Degrowth Movement Shows a Way
How we end consumerism, explained.
Biological Warfare and the Lab Leak Hypothesis
Over the past 15 months, the official narrative surrounding the origins of Covid-19 has completely flipped...why is that? This is a complex, controversial, and convoluted topic, but here’s my attempt at a concrete analysis of the situation. I’d love to hear your thoughts in...
Grading is a Scam (and Motivation is a Myth) | A Professor Explains
Grading is a scam and motivation is a myth. Those sound like bold words, but today we're going to dive down the rabbit hole and prove, once and for all, that our current state of schooling (and of...well..._everything_) is rotten to its core. ...that's all a little dramatic...
Spirited Away - Why Work Is Toxic
Hidden in the fantastic otherwordly narrative of Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away is an allegory about society’s toxic obsession with work. The Studio Ghibli classic was released in 2001 and commented on Japan’s losing its soul to capitalism in the context of the country’s...
The Truth About Food Insecurity
We live in a world with a rapidly growing population. Some people would have you believe that food insecurity is caused by overpopulation, or that we've reached the earth's carrying capacity. Is that really the case? In this episode, Second Thought takes a brief look at the...
Why You Can't Compare Covid-19 Vaccines
What a vaccine's "efficacy rate" actually means. 
20 Signs You're Emotionally Mature
However old we might be, none of us is ever quite emotionally mature - but having a list to hand of what maturity consists of might be a way of keeping score and nudging ourselves in the right direction. Here is a comprehensive list of what maturity might comprise. 
8 Toxic Things Parents Say To their Children
Do you wonder about the toxic people in your life? What if your mother is toxic? What if your father is toxic? Or what if both of your parents are toxic. Regardless of whether your family members are really toxic or not, Psych2Go made this video to highlight the 8 unhealthy...
Creating the Conditions for Belonging and Breathing in a Toxic Environment | john a. powell
Bridging or breaking? That is the sharp choice we face today as a society and as individual citizens. john a. powell, Director of the Othering and Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley, has long been one of our nation’s leading and most original thought leaders. He has delved...
So You're Still Being Publicly Shamed
The Right wants you to believe that a coddled, overly sensitive left is propping up cancel culture. But punitive, hyper-surveillant ways of interacting online are built into the structure of privately owned social media companies, and they’re practiced across the political...
From people who live with the scars of having been bullied to families who now grieve the loss of their child to suicide in the wake of brutal acts of bullying, this film examines the reasons why people bully and the fallout that occurs from that bullying. 
Grief, Sacred Rage and Revolutionary Love | Bioneers
For too long women in general and women of color even more pointedly have been told to suppress their grief and rage in the name of love and forgiveness. No more. How do we reclaim our emotions in the labor of loving others? What might authentic reckoning, apology, and...
Breaking Free of Old Habits, Addiction, and Past Traumas with Dr. Gabor Maté
It’s part of the human condition to run away from pain. Most of us have habits that we acquired as a way to cope with painful childhood experiences or traumas, which unfortunately don’t serve us as adults. These habits can manifest as addiction in a wide variety of forms...
Capitalist Realism, Mental Illness and Societies of Control
Capitalist realism is the ambient all pervasive atmosphere where it's just sort of implied that capitalism is all there is. It conditions how we view the world, how we work, our social relations, even our thoughts and behaviors. When it comes to mental health, capitalist...
Nicholas Christakis - Our Common Humanity
“These wonderful qualities that bind us together, that reflect our common humanity are unbelievably unbelievable and wonderful to see. And so this is one of the reasons I'm optimistic.” Nicholas Christakis
Jane Goodall - Pandemic
“It is our disregard for nature and our disrespect of the animals we should share the planet with that has caused this pandemic.” Jane Goodall
America's Prescription Drug Cartel
The United States has the most expensive prescription drugs in the world. We often pay ten times the price for the same drug, even though there's no difference at all. Why is American healthcare so expensive? In this episode, we take a brief look at America's prescription...
Happy Teachers Will Change the World: Bringing Mindfulness into Education
Being a teacher in the world of today is a demanding job with lots of challenges, often resulting in stress and burn-out. Is there a solution?
The Way Out: Facing the Climate Crisis
What can we do, when time is running out? Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh has a revolutionary proposal for facing the Climate Crisis. “The way out is in,” he states. “The way out of climate change is inside each of us.” His invitation is to stop: to stop running and to take a good...
If The Government Can Get Away With 100,000 Covid Deaths, It Can Get Away With Anything | Peter Jukes
“What's been the cost of the pandemic lies? Well, at least 100,000 dead. And yet this government remains at 40 percent in the polls”
How Childhood Trauma Leads to Addiction | Gabor Maté
Gabor Maté CM (born January 6, 1944) is a Hungarian-born Canadian physician. He has a background in family practice and a special interest in childhood development and trauma, and in their potential lifelong impacts on physical and mental health, including on autoimmune...
The Minimalists: Less Is Now
They've built a movement out of minimalism. Longtime friends Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus share how our lives can be better with less. Directed by Matt D'Avella.
Minimalism: A Documentary about the Important Things
How might your life be better with less? MINIMALISM takes the audience inside the lives of minimalists from all walks of life—families, entrepreneurs, architects, artists, journalists, scientists, and even a former Wall Street broker—all of whom are striving to live a...
George Monbiot Exposes Coronavirus Corruption at the Heart of Government
Covid Corruption, Privileged Parasites & the Gilded Circle: Watch the full 18min interview with Monbiot on Corruption. 
Just the Way You Are
"Growing up I had vague memories of Mister Rogers Neighborhood, but watching his program now as an adult and as a filmmaker I was fascinated by the degree of sophistication and discipline Rogers brought to his show.
The Social Dilemma
We tweet, we like, and we share— but what are the consequences of our growing dependence on social media? As digital platforms increasingly become a lifeline to stay connected, Silicon Valley insiders reveal how social media is reprogramming civilization by exposing what’s...
Take Back Your Attention From The Social Media Algorithms
"Take Back Your Attention" is a short compilation with clips from several Rebel Wisdom films, and featuring visuals from the recent Netflix film with Tristan Harris, "The Social Dilemma".
Honor Yard: Finding Hope & Healing in a Maximum-Security Prison
Imagine finding hope, camaraderie and healing in a maximum-security prison. “Honor Yard” explores the symptoms of trauma from the perspective of the men who live in an Honor Yard at a California Prison in Lancaster, CA.
Generation Like
Social media gives teens new platforms for self-expression, validation and even potential fame — but at what cost? Today, thanks to the internet, teens are able to connect and engage with their culture, celebrities, movies, brands – in ways never before possible. But is that...
How the Modern World Makes Us Mentally Ill - Dr. Jonathan Haidt
Dr. Jonathan Haidt explains how good intentions and bad ideas are setting up a generation for a failure.
Trump, QAnon and The Return of Magic
This mini-doc is a deep dive into the topsy turvy world of Trump, QAnon, 5G, Covid, vaccines, Satanism and more. You'll also find out about the epic clash between Magical Thinkers and Evidence Seekers.
Childhood 2.0: The Living Experiment
For the first time in history, mental illness and suicide have become one of the greatest threats to school-aged children. Many parents still view dangers as primarily physical and external, but they’re missing the real danger: kids spending more time online and less time...
Identity & Empathy | Ayishat Akanbi
Ayishat Akanbi is a stylist and cultural commentator. Her monologue 'The Problem with Wokeness' went viral a couple of years ago. She argues that modern social justice movements, or 'wokeness', often creates division, and harms those it is intended to help.
Kiss the Ground
Kiss the Ground reveals that, by regenerating the world’s soils, we can completely and rapidly stabilize Earth’s climate, restore lost ecosystems and create abundant food supplies. Using compelling graphics and visuals, along with striking NASA and NOAA footage, the film...
We Can Do Better Than This
My wife, Stella, recently shut down her account on the social-media-platform-that-must-not-be-named. “It feels like I’m walking away from a fight,” she said. “Almost everything I read there is a signal as to what side the poster is on. Or an attempt to promote the idea that...
The Age of Disconnection
The discipline that involves doing sports combined with the mental clarity that comes from being immersed in nature is a combination that has enabled thousands of people to abandon addiction, have a spiritual renewal, re-evaluate their lives and find their purpose in life.
Honest Government Ad | TRUMP 2020
The White House has made an ad about how things are going, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.
Lost In Carranza
In the night of October 12th 2015, Pablo Carranza falls back into hard drugs despite his sobriety and battle against years of addiction. Alone in his apartment, filled with regret and guilt, he decides to confess by leaving a final voice message for his first love.
Until Further Notice
I made this video after a friend left me a voicemail. We had both recently been laid off our jobs and all non-essential businesses were being shut down. We didn't realize it at the time but we were the lucky ones - essential workers were out there risking their health to keep...
The Wisdom of Trauma
One in five Americans are diagnosed with mental illness in any given year. Suicide is the second most common cause of death in the US for youth aged 15-24. Depression kills over a million people a year globally and 50,000 in the USA. Drug overdoses kills 70,000 in the USA...
COVID's Hidden Toll
How the COVID crisis has hit vulnerable immigrants and undocumented workers who have helped keep America fed during the pandemic. This journalism is made possible by viewers like you.
Opioids, Inc.
Pushing opioids. Bribing doctors. Making millions. FRONTLINE and the Financial Times investigate how Insys Therapeutics profited from a fentanyl-based painkiller up to 100 times stronger than morphine — and how some Wall Street investors looked the other way.
Theory of Enchantment 101
The Theory of Enchantment course provides educators with a world-class social-emotional learning program (SEL) that integrates pop culture with developmental psychology. This program helps educators transform the lives of their students and motivates them to maximize their...
What Are We Talking About When We Talk About 'A Police-Free Future'?
Over the past two weeks, our “Building a Police-Free Future: Frequently-Asked Questions” zine has been shared tens of thousands of times. That zine is a great first step, but it’s also only 1000 words long! We know people still have questions, especially when it comes to some...
We Must Look Beyond Police for Community Safety
As community leaders calling for less funding for police and more funding for alternative community safety measures, we were glad to see the Star Tribune Editorial Board reflecting on the relationship between police and public safety a few weeks ago (“Defunding cops is not...
Miki Kashtan: Exiting the Either/Or Trap - Decision Making Beyond Consensus and Command / Control
Are long, drawn-out consensus processes the only alternative to a rigid, hierarchical decision making model that reinforces unhealthy power dynamics? Trainer, facilitator and writer Miki Kashtan offers her powerful framework of Convergent Facilitation, which is a model of...
No More Money for the Police
Redirect it to emergency response programs that don’t kill black people.
Who’s Afraid of Vulnerability?
Reframing vulnerability as a strength is what makes transformation possible.
Speaking Frankly: Non-monogamy
"“One big orgy”: That’s the stereotype about the lifestyle of consensual non-monogamy — an arrangement where committed partners agree to have relationships with other people. But people who have practiced non-monogamy for years say it’s not all wild sex — or even all that...
Let Yourself Grieve
Whatever causes you grief, let yourself grieve. It is healing and necessary to feel the pain of the loss, whether we understand the fullness of its dimensions or not.
The Cost of Lies: Why Coronavirus is the UK's Chernobyl | Hardeep Matharu
“Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later, that debt is paid”
Biodiversity Now!
Progressive International Council member Carola Rackete and Dr. Claire Wordley explore the dimensions of Europe's biodiversity crisis — and how the Green New Deal can address it.