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61-120 of 872
The Orange Pill: There's Something Wrong With Suburbia
This video was filmed on an actual CRT monitor, in an actual pile of garbage, at the side of an actual stroad.
3 min
The Genderbread Person Isn't the Way | Zander Keig
I grew up in what I felt like was a progressive society.In school we had broken through the idea of strict gender roles; we were taught that men and women could have any career that they wanted. On the playground boys and girls played together. I am a trans-man, but as a...
6 min
The Secret To Healing Trauma | Dr. Gabor Mate
Dr. Gabor Mate shares his personal journey of healing the trauma he experienced as an infant baby when his Jewish family was subject to Nazi occupation in Hungary. Trauma is not what happened to you. Trauma is the wound that you sustained. This is a good thing! Because if...
7 min
Why Breakdowns Are Sometimes Necessary | Duncan Trussell
Duncan Trussell describes how a mental breakdown just might be a break through.
4 min
Judge Not: a Short Film about Judgement, Compassion, and Learning to Love the Cringe
Over the last couple years, I’ve tried to bring an increased awareness to the relationship between judgement, compassion, and suffering--both within myself and the larger collective culture. I see the seductive trap of judgment as a source of so much suffering, especially in...
5 min
Why Doctors Ignore Trauma | Dr. Nadine Burke Harris
Dr. Nadine Harris has been studying the effects of early childhood adversity on health outcomes later on in life. In her 30 years of studying research, the findings are clear. Childhood trauma dramatically affects health across a lifetime. These are not some new findings...
6 min
Frog and Toad: The Philosophy of Simple Living
In this video, I chat about the 1970s children’s book series Frog and Toad—written and illustrated by Arnold Lobel—including its helpful/wholesome themes and why it’s so cozy and memorable. - Quality Culture
29 min
Brotherhood is the Medicine: How Men are Reclaiming a Masculinity in Service to Life
I learned something important about myself at an event last month, the annual convergence of a men’s organization called the Sacred Sons. Though I was there as a speaker, I decided to experience it from the vantage point of a participant as well. That is how I found myself in...
Charles Eisenstein
Magic Medicine: Can Psilocybin Cure Depression? (2018)
Over 4 years, filmmaker Monty Wates was given exclusive access to the first-ever medical trial to give psilocybin (the psychoactive ingredient in magic mushrooms) to a group of volunteers suffering from clinical depression. His remarkable film follows three of the volunteers...
80 min
Cocaine Unwrapped (2011)
COCAINE UNWRAPPED tells the story of cocaine: coca farmers in Colombia, drugs mules in Ecuadorian prisons, cocaine factories in the Bolivian jungle, dealers on the streets of Mexico, law enforcement officials on the streets of Baltimore - and the everyday consumers around the...
84 min
Awakening from the Meaning Crisis (2019)
Do you ever feel like we're swimming in an ocean of bullshit? This ground-breaking and viral 50-part series from John Vervaeke seeks to understand why this is so, and answer the question: what can we do about it?
3000 min
Dysfunctional Societies: How Equality Makes Societies Stronger (2015)
What distinguishing feature do the world's healthiest and happiest societies have in common? According to acclaimed author Richard Wilkinson, the answer is simple: they have far less income inequality than other societies. In this new film based on his international...
40 min
Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood (2008)
Consuming Kids throws desperately needed light on the practices of a relentless multi-billion dollar marketing machine that now sells kids and their parents everything from junk food to bogus educational products and the family car.
66 min
What Activists Can Too Easily Forget
Activism today, call it engaged citizenship, ought to have more humility than it often does, and perhaps a bit more compassion and curiosity, too. No matter how great our understanding, we'll always have something valuable to teach and something valuable to learn.
Tim Hjersted
Don't Tell Me to Just Breathe (2022)
This beautiful and timely animation speaks to the spiralling levels of anxiety and depression the UK and other rich nations are experiencing by revealing the often silenced links between these mental health crises and the current economic system, including not only the...
6 min
Time For Left To Admit Boys & Men Are In CRISIS and For Right to Accept We Shouldn't "Go Back" | Breaking Points
Krystal and Saagar are joined by author and policy expert Richard Reeves to better understand the crisis facing boys and men he tackles in his new book. A refreshing interview with zero culture war BS.
20 min
The Myth of Normal: Dr. Gabor Maté on Trauma, Illness and Healing in a Toxic Culture
In an extended interview, acclaimed physician and author Dr. Gabor Maté discusses his new book, just out, called "The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture."
42 min
Feminine Wisdom | Schuyler Brown & Samantha Sweetwater
Many people have observed that the conversation we have been curating on Rebel Wisdom has featured many more men than women. Of course we have regularly been asking ourselves why that is, and whether there is a more ‘feminine’ contribution to the dialogue that is not being...
70 min
The Magnitude of All Things (trailer)
When Jennifer Abbott lost her sister to cancer, her sorrow opened her up to the profound gravity of climate breakdown. Abbott’s new documentary The Magnitude of All Things draws intimate parallels between the experiences of grief—both personal and planetary. Stories from the...
2 min
Human: The World Within (2021) (trailer)
Cutting-edge science and captivating personal stories collide in this illuminating docuseries about the incredible workings of the human body.
2 min
Psychedelia: The History and Science of Mystical Experience (2021)
Psychedelia takes viewers on a journey through the origins and resurgence of psychedelic research, exploring the profound, life-altering effects of these compounds in both the therapeutic setting and the world at large.
58 min
No Small Matter (2019) (trailer)
No Small Matter is the first feature documentary to explore the most overlooked, underestimated, and powerful force for change in America today: early childhood education.
2 min
Biophilic Design: The Architecture of Life (2011)
Biophilic Design is an innovative way of designing the places where we live, work, and learn. We need nature in a deep and fundamental fashion, but we have often designed our cities and suburbs in ways that both degrade the environment and alienate us from nature.
60 min
Overload: America's Toxic Love Story (2019)
Before starting a family, Soozie Eastman, daughter of an industrial chemical distributor, embarks on a journey to find out the levels of toxins in her body and explores if there is anything she or anyone else can do to change them. Soozie has just learned that hundreds of...
71 min
I Must Return The Gift: How Joy Is an Essential Ingredient for Activism
Woven together with excerpts from Robin Wall Kimmerer's seminal "Braiding Sweetgrass," this immersive short film grounds viewers into concepts of indigenous wisdom, the power of spending uninterrupted time in nature, the spiritual dimension of environmental work, and how joy...
6 min
Hiding in the Walls (2022) (trailer)
Hiding in the Walls captures the complicated and devastating story of Baltimore’s lead poisoning epidemic. It takes a deep dive into the origins of lead poisoning, the failures of local leadership to stop the problem, and ultimately how it came to be a dangerous part of daily...
2 min
America's War On Abortion (2020)
Deeyah Khan investigates one of the most divisive issues in American politics - abortion, going on the frontline to meet those most affected by America's abortion wars.
66 min
What If We Just...Stopped Working?
Ever think about how the average person is orders of magnitude more productive than workers of the past, and yet our work week hasn't gotten any shorter? What's the deal? In this week's episode, we're looking at the idea of "work," and how it's been so thoroughly polluted by...
21 min
To The Ones Consumed By Darkness
Each of us needs to examine our intentions and the energy inside us. Peace is possible when we focus on meeting our unacknowledged emotional needs, both individually and collectively. When we don't do that, we project and externalize our hatred and anger - our darkness - on...
4 min
Medicating Normal: How Big Pharma Makes Healthy People Sick (2021)
One in five Americans, along with millions of children, are prescribed psychiatric drugs daily, and often for a lifetime. MEDICATING NORMAL follows the stories of five high-functioning people whose doctors prescribed pills to help with common problems such as stress, mild...
75 min
Wild Family — A Film About Parenting (2015)
Eight-months pregnant with their third child, the parents of preschoolers trail blaze across the U.S.A., cameras firing. They record the stories of 40 wild families, exploring new ways to raise kids. Through outdoor adventures and in-depth interviews, their findings reveal a...
98 min
Former NATO Soldier Destroys Official Ukraine War Narrative
Truth bombs incoming...
13 min
Hustle Culture Is Worse Than You Think
I tried "hustle culture" for 3 years, and then stopped. Here's what I've learned. - Struthless
12 min
Inaction Is A Slow Death
There's the pain of action and the pain of inaction. Here's why the second is far worse.
6 min
The Paradox of Busy
Sometimes, when people reach out to me with requests for interviews or writing, they preface the request with, “I know you must be very busy ...”
Charles Eisenstein
Raised on Porn: The New Sex Ed (2021)
Raised on Porn exposes the ways pornography has become the new sex education for children and unpacks the dangerous lifelong implications of this global phenomenon. Through riveting firsthand accounts, cinematic re-enactments, 3D animation, and interviews with the world’s...
37 min
The Story of Plastic (Animated Short)
The Story of Plastic pulls back the curtain on the plastic pollution headlines, revealing the true causes and consequences of the global plastics crisis.
5 min
How to Optimize Your Gut and Brain Bacteria | Dave Asprey
The importance of the microbiome has really come to the fore in the last five years. Viome, a company that analyzed the feces of 100,000 people, has discovered 10,000 new types of gut bacteria. Additionally, improved imaging technology led scientists to discover you don't...
7 min
Talking Masculinity with the 'Most Dangerous Therapist in the World' | Jerry Hyde
Jerry Hyde is a shadow therapist with 25 years clinical experience, who rejects many of the conventionally held views of the mainstream psychotherapy world. He works primarily with men, and has run men's groups for decades, which have years-long waiting lists to join. He has...
78 min
Fast Fashion: The Shady World of Cheap Clothing (2022)
Fast fashion has radically transformed the textile industry. These days, 56 million tons of clothing are sold every year. But cheap garments come at a high price: A precarious existence for workers and a catastrophic environmental impact. The clothing industry is currently...
43 min
Don’t Chase Happiness. Become Antifragile | Tal Ben-Shahar
Antifragility is the idea of putting pressure on a system, or human, the system or human actually grows bigger and stronger. Antifragile systems are all around us. One example of this is our muscular system. We go to the gym to lift weights. By doing so we are putting...
8 min
The Film Mark Zuckerberg Does Not Want You to See | Johann Hari
“Your attention has been stolen by some big and powerful forces”
16 min
Let Them Eat Dirt: The Hunt For Our Kids' Missing Microbes (2019)
Allergies, obesity, asthma, diabetes, auto-immune and intestinal disorders are all on the rise, with the incidence of some diseases doubling every ten years. New research points to changes in the ecosystem of microbes that live on and inside every one of us -- our microbiomes...
57 min
Six Ways to Find Your Courage During Challenging Times
Courage doesn’t have to look dramatic or fearless. Sometimes it looks more like quiet perseverance.
Amy L. Eva
The Religious Wars of the Pandemic Endgame | Rebel Wisdom
One of the biggest problems with talking about something as vast and impactful as the pandemic is to find the right level of analysis. In this epic piece, Rebel Wisdom looks at the deeper religious and theological forces playing out below the surface of our day-to-day...
131 min
Why I OPPOSE Vaccine Mandates, COVID Passports & Big Pharma | Jeremy Corbyn
And why that doesn't make me Anti-Vax - Jeremy Corbyn
7 min
Native Hawaiians Fight US Navy for Polluting Island’s Water (2021)
Under the cover of pre-dawn darkness, Native Hawaiians surprised the gates of the US Navy Command with a civil disobedience action over the Red Hill fuel leak. Empire Files producer Mike Prysner was on the ground. Support the efforts to Shut Down Red Hill!
12 min
Is It Time to Change Course on Covid? | William Eden
What are we getting wrong with Covid, and what does it mean to adapt to it becoming an endemic disease? William Eden is a biotech and healthcare investor who has been paying close attention to the progress of the pandemic from many different angles. He recently posted a viral...
30 min
What is Trauma? The Author of “The Body Keeps the Score” Explains
In Part 1, Bessel van der Kolk talks about trauma. In Part 2, he talks about 6 ways to heal trauma without medication.
8 min
First We Eat (2020) (trailer)
What happens when an ordinary family, living just south of the Arctic Circle, bans all grocery store food from their house for one year? Add three skeptical teenagers, one reluctant husband, no salt, no caffeine, no sugar and -40 temperatures.
2 min
All the Time in the World: Disconnecting to Reconnect (2014)
Three kids, ages 10, 8 and 5, spend nine months self-isolating with their family in the Yukon wilderness over a long northern winter. Small cabin, no friends, no internet, no phone, no electricity. For nine months they never once said “I’m bored”. Find out why. All The Time...
86 min
Hawaii Emergency: Navy Poisons Drinking Water
The US Navy has poisoned the largest water supply in O'ahu, Hawaii. Nobody knows how long residents have been drinking toxic water, how big the chemical leak is, or how many it will impact. But instead of urgent action to save lives, the Navy is engaging in a cover up.
10 min
Social Media Addiction - How It Changes Your Brain | Luke Burgis
By definition, mimetic desire means that we're adopting another person's desire as our own, usually without even realizing that we're doing it. Social media has given us millions of mimetic models that we now have to contend with. Some people have gone from having 10 mimetic...
5 min
Why We Won't Raise Our Kids in Suburbia (and Moved to the Netherlands Instead)
I was always told, growing up, that the suburbs (of Canada) are a good place to raise children. But I've come to appreciate the importance of independence for the a child's development, something that's nearly impossible in today's car-dependent suburbs. It was pretty clear...
12 min
Rogan, CNN, Ivermectin & Heterodox Thinking | Zubin Damania
The pandemic has stress tested all our institutions, especially those we have relied on for truth seeking and sensemaking. It's deepened the chasm between mainstream and alternative, consensus and contrarian.
88 min
Fly By Light: A Film about Discovering Your True Nature (2015)
Fly By Light is an intimate exploration of young people seeking to overcome the violence in their lives and create a new path for their future by connecting to a world outside their neighborhoods. In Washington, DC, where high school dropout rates average 40%, a group of...
83 min
Universal healthcare has been a fundamental human right in many developed countries for decades. Britain led the way in establishing the National Health Service in 1948 from the wreckage of World War II, but unbeknown to the public UK governments have secretly been removing...
96 min
Profiteering From Vaccine Inequity: a Crime Against Humanity?
Companies and rich nations are creating a deadly Covid-19 vaccine "protection racket."
Fatima Hassan, Gavin Yamey, Kamran Abbasi
Lack of Trusted Authority Is Why Covid-19 Is Kicking Our Butts
The resulting credibility vacuum has enabled unscrupulous politicians, agents of chaos, and other charlatans to position themselves as experts.
Steven Singer
Despite Our Despair, There's a Reality Worth Fighting For
Those who are enduring injustice, exploitation, and oppression—whether people, animals, or ecosystems—need us to believe that wrongs can be righted and to take action accordingly.
Zoe Weil
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