181-240 of 872
A Degrowth Perspective on the Coronavirus Crisis
The coronavirus (covid-19) has caused upheaval across the world, deaths of the most vulnerable, closed borders, financial market crashes, curfews and controls on group gatherings, and many more devastating effects.
If You Found That ‘Plandemic’ Video Convincing, Read This Too
There’s a video out there that claims to show a scientist being silenced by the government. I keep seeing people share it while saying things like “What do you think of this?” or “I don’t know if this is right, but it’s worth listening to.” If you want to learn more but are...
It Is Right to Take Time to Grieve
For the past few weeks, I’ve been writing down my hurts and disappointments, my losses. Since the pandemic began, all the plans I’d made, all the things I’d finally given myself permission to get excited about, to invest money and energy in, to do what I wanted have been...
Why We Cling to Conspiracies in Times of Crisis
They say anxiety is us weaving conspiracy theories about ourselves. But what if those feelings are already there, and we are actually telling stories to support them? We weave stories to try to explain how something inhuman and awful could happen to us. We also need people...
A Rally Cry For A New World
JOIN US. This is what we think and believe to be true. If you feel inspired by this video please share it. I love you.
The Great Realisation
A bedtime story of how it started, and why hindsight’s 2020 🛌 🧸 by Probably Tomfoolery.
A Healthcare Worker Answers Governor Cuomo
Recent data out of New York City shows a large number of people with COVID-19 have largely been staying home. Governor Andrew Cuomo called this a “surprise.” But capitalism is forcing working-class people to spread the virus. A socialist doctor from New York explains the...
No, You Don't Have to Admit You're Wrong to Apologize (And Other Apology Myths Debunked)
Why are real, meaningful apologies so few and far between? What have we internalized about the meaning of apologizing?
Honest Government Ad | The Machine
The Government has made an ad about the global response to the pandemic, and it's surprisingly honest and informative.
What Would We Do If There Was No One to Blame?
Bill Mckibben, Planet of the Humans, and the power we gain when we stop seeking villains
Normal Was Killing Us
The first crisis point of the COVID-19 disaster was figuring out how to respond, after being caught flat-footed, to the immediate health threat. Now that the death curve in many places has begun to flatten and the scope of economic disaster is hitting home, we are approaching...
Triggered: “Planet of the Humans” & A Call for Emotional Intelligence
For the past few days, I’ve been enveloped in the recently released documentary, Planet of the Humans. After watching the film, I was left with many complex feelings. The overall tone is dark and combative, and the ending that features suffering orangutans was torturous to...
The Nature of Ayahuasca
Ayahausca is a traditional plant medicine from the Amazon used to treat a variety of physical and psychology illnesses and conditions. This documentary explores the use of the Ayahausca as a holistic medicine, challenging stigmas around its use and helping people become more...
Conspiracy Theorists Are Falsely Claiming That the Coronavirus Pandemic Is an Elaborate Hoax
In the midst of a global pandemic, conspiracy theorists have found yet another way to spread dangerous disinformation and misinformation about COVID-19, sowing seeds of doubts about its severity and denying the very existence of the pandemic.
Coronavirus: the Need for a Progressive Internationalist Response
This pandemic health crisis exposes the injustices of the global economic order. It must be a turning point towards creating the systems, structures and policies that can always protect those who are marginalised and allow everyone to live with dignity.
What Happened When 235 Incarcerated Men Stepped Into The Circle and Humanized Their Trauma Together
Unaddressed childhood trauma changes how we respond to the world and when triggered, we make choices that sometimes have devastating consequences including domestic violence, addiction, murder and prison.
Homesteading Family Living Off-Grid in a Spectacular Earthship
This inspiring off-grid homesteading family lives in a renovated stone earthship. They grow their own food, collect rainwater, use solar power, have composting toilets, and they have a pond that filters their grey water. On top of living an eco friendly lifestyle, they...
How to Turn Your Yard into a Garden | Grow Food Not Lawns
This video is a demonstration of how to turn your yard into a garden.
An Epidemic of Control: Charles Eisenstein
Charles Eisenstein is one of the most celebrated writers and speakers about the intersection of systems change and personal growth, in his books including Sacred Economics and The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible. In the wake of the pandemic crisis he wrote a...
Coronavirus: How the Arms Trade is Making You Sick | Andrew Feinstein
The story of how a trillion-dollar fighter jet that never worked helped place you in danger.
Thich Nhat Hanh on Finding Peace
The Power of Peace Humankind has become a very dangerous species. We need people who can sit still and be able to smile, who can walk peacefully. We need people like that in order to save us. Recently I was sitting with a group of children, and a boy named Tim was...
A 10-Point Emergency Program to Tackle the Coronavirus Epidemic in the U.S.
We propose ten immediate measures to tackle the health emergency, address the immediate needs of working-class families, and provide, in the face of an inevitable economic fallout, basic income security and living conditions to the vast majority of the population.
Company Town
A rare look inside one hidden American town, where the company rules and the government’s negligence pushes them to stand up and fight for justice.
A Healthy Way to Embrace Big Emotions: Take It to the Trees
One of the most important things you can do to live a meaningful and rewarding life filled with vitality is to reclaim your emotions. When you reclaim your emotions you rescue yourself from the numb and deadening state of “fine” and from the dependence on alcohol, drugs...
The Problem Is the Solution: How Permaculture-Designed Household Isolation Can Lead to Retrosuburbia
As the COVID-19 pandemic first exploded across our globalised world, I found myself unsure of priorities in this time of pivotal change, even though I had been tracking information about Wuhan since January. Not because I didn’t know that a global pandemic of this scale was...
'The Impossible Has Already Happened': What Coronavirus Can Teach Us About Hope
In the midst of fear and isolation, we are learning that profound, positive change is possible.
Coronavirus Coverage on Films for Action
  We wanted to put all our Coronavirus coverage in one place, as a resource to share with friends and loved ones. The quality of our response is only as strong as the quality of our knowledge.   [ffa-repeater][horizontal]...
The Worst Possible People are in Charge at the Worst Possible Time | George Monbiot on Coronavirus
“Coronavirus should be a warning that our current system is not fit for purpose”
The Hungry Ghost Inside Us (with Gabor Maté)
“Not all addictions are rooted in abuse or trauma, but I do believe they can all be traced to painful experience. A hurt is at the centre of all addictive behaviours. It is present in the gambler, the Internet addict, the compulsive shopper and the workaholic. The wound may...
Coronavirus Crisis: Do What We Can For Vulnerable Communities
Before the Covid-19 crisis, torture survivor Yashilda stuggled to live in London on £5 a day. Now, it’s impossible.
5 Ways Coronavirus Could Help Humanity Survive the Ecological Crisis
The human tragedy of the coronavirus is immense. Thousands have died, hundreds of thousands have been infected globally, and millions more have been affected. Whilst infectious disease has always been a part of the human experience, the expansion of industrial civilization...
Comparative Resilience: 8 Principles for Post-COVID Reconstruction
This past weekend, a bright Georgetown undergraduate asked me how I squared my passion for localization with the theory of comparative advantage. For economics newbies, he was referring to David Ricardo’s argument that every community should find one product to specialize in...
The Coronation: Charles Eisenstein's 9000 Word Epic on Covid-19
“Covid-19 is like a rehab intervention that breaks the addictive hold of normality. To interrupt a habit is to make it visible; it is to turn it from a compulsion to a choice. When the crisis subsides, we might have occasion to ask whether we want to return to normal, or...
6 Ways Coronavirus Proves Bernie Sanders Right
Newsbroke is back! This time from Francesca’s “Helter Shelter”, a.k.a her living room. We’re looking at how solutions to COVID-19 sound like they’re right out of a Bernie Sanders stump speech. So, is the Coronavirus pandemic proving that Bernie’s been right the whole time?
Liberal Elite More Deadly Than Coronavirus
As the coronavirus pandemic spreads, millionaires and billionaires, who have been key to oppressing the working class, are trying to position themselves as everyday Americans. We need to understand them for what they are: beneficiaries and key supporters of the capitalist...
Healthcare Workers Are at War, but Trump Isn't on Our Side
An NYC physician on the war against the coronavirus and the ongoing war against for-profit health care, Trump and capitalism itself. The coronavirus pandemic is magnifying capitalism’s complete inability to foster overall health and well being. We don’t just need a new...
Bernie Sanders Would Be Crazy to Drop Out Now. It Would Also Be Bad for Biden.
Since Super Tuesday, one after the other, the arms of the corporate media and Democratic establishment have been calling for Bernie Sanders to drop out. While it is true that his path to victory has greatly narrowed (there’s no sugarcoating it), right now is not the time for...
HOLY SH*T! 7 Things to Do Instead of Hoarding Toilet Paper
Beautiful Trouble’s irreverent guide to activism in the time of pandemic
What If You Thought of It as the Jews Consider the Sabbath— The Most Sacred of Times?
What if you thought of it as the Jews consider the Sabbath— the most sacred of times? Cease from travel. Cease from buying and selling. Give up, just for now, on trying to make the world different than it is. Sing. Pray. Touch only those to whom you commit your life. Center...
A Letter from the Virus: #LISTEN
An Imagined Letter from Covid-19 to Humans Stop. Just stop. It is no longer a request. It is a mandate. We will help you. We will bring the supersonic, high speed merry-go-round to a halt We will stop the planes the trains the schools the malls the meetings the frenetic...
Pandemics & Infodemics - Wisdom In The Time Of Covid-19 | Russell Brand & Dr. Gabor Mate
A clip from the latest Under The Skin podcast with Dr. Gabor Mate out Saturday, March 21st only on Luminary. If you don't have the Luminary app already you can sign up here. 
And the People Stayed Home: A Poem about Hope in Coronavirus Times
This beautiful poem by Kitty O'Meara has been shared around the world already. If you haven't heard it yet, here it is in video form.  So much love for this! May it be so!  - Films For Action
The Biggest Little Farm
The Biggest Little Farm chronicles the eight-year quest of John and Molly Chester as they trade city living for 200 acres of barren farmland and a dream to harvest in harmony with nature. Through dogged perseverance and embracing the opportunity provided by nature's...
Coronavirus: What Has It Revealed? | Russell Brand
An update on Covid-19 and the coronavirus epidemic...what has it revealed so far? How is society responding to it? What can we do? 
Coronavirus Will Expose Capitalism Like Never Before
“Coronavirus casts a light on every single part of our society. We will see the best of humanity and the worst of Capitalism” - Kevin Ovenden
Honest Government Ad | Coronavirus: Flatten The Curve
The Government has made an ad about the Coronavirus and its surprisingly honest and informative.
It's Medicare or Coronavirus-For-All
A healthy populace with regular access to affordable health care is the best defense against an epidemic like we now face.
Trust Your Heart. Everything You Do Matters.
"This is a poignant situation. A woman is feeling pretty beat down in a pretty dark place who loves art, but shuts down when the question "what's the point?" inevitably creeps into her mind."- Charles Eisenstein
How to Turn Your Brain From Anger to Compassion
Attention is like a spotlight—whatever it shines on becomes brighter in the mind. This knowledge can help us build compassion, says Paul Gilbert.
Ten Steps That Transform Anger Into Compassionate Connection
Practicing Nonviolent Communication guides us to reframe the way we listen to others and express ourselves by focusing our consciousness on four areas: what we are observing, feeling, needing and what we are requesting to enrich our lives. In this context the word need...
Canceling | ContraPoints
Contrapoints' 100 minute video essay on "cancel" activism.
“Shit-Life Syndrome,” Trump Voters, and Clueless Dems
Getting rid of Trump means taking seriously “shit-life syndrome”—and its resulting misery, which includes suicide, drug overdose death, and trauma for surviving communities.
Think Twice Before Shouting Your Virtues Online – Moral Grandstanding Is Unhealthy
In an era of bitter partisanship, political infighting and ostracization of those with unpopular views, Americans actually agree on one thing: 85% say political discourse has gotten worse over the last several years, according to Pew Research.
Journey with us to Pelican Bay State Prison in California, to see how HUSTLE 2.0 is empowering incarcerated men through Entrepreneurship + Emotional Intelligence training.
Effortless Action: The Art of Spontaneity
Effortless Action is the sequel to my documentary The Art of Effortless Living. This documentary explores the spontaneous nature of the Taoist wisdom of wu-wei as explained by the great sages Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu.
How To Simplify Your Life
What many of us long for more than anything else is a simpler life; we feel overwhelmed by our responsibilities, schedules, commitments and obligations. This is a film about how to create the simpler life we deserve.