61-120 of 2,474
Chris Hedges: The Cost of Resistance
Drawing on his intimate knowledge of resistance and repression, Hedges detailed the methods we need to adopt to defeat the powerful interests, including the fossil fuel industry and the animal agriculture industry, which have placed their profits above the protection of our...
How to Defeat the Billionaire Class
Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant and the Socialist Alternative (SA) party have, for nearly a decade, waged one of the most effective battles against the city’s moneyed elites. She and the SA have adopted a series of unorthodox methods to fight the ruling oligarchs...
Transforming Cities, Changing the System
The system is broken—so where do we start building a new one? Faced with interlocking ecological, economic, and political crises, local innovators are organizing at the city level to develop real foundations for systemic alternatives. 
How to Not Be an Activist | Jonathan Smucker
Jonathan Smucker explains How to Not Be an Activist. Keynote talk from Personal Democracy Forum 2017
A Practical Guide to Revolution
We need a social revolution to build a better future. But how is that process carried out? What tactics and strategies are needed to fundamentally transform the socioeconomic and political order? 
"Anti-Capitalism" is Capitalist
*click-baity headline*, but read Capitalist Realism! We need to encourage ourselves to go further than we have gone before and push beyond vague, passive anti-capitalism towards the values and praxis that build towards liberation. 
"On Thin Ice": Western Nations Crack Down on Climate Activists with Arrests & Jail Terms
As the climate crisis continues to accelerate, wealthy governments in the West are clamping down on climate protest. According to a new report from Climate Rights International, demonstrators around the world are being arrested, charged, prosecuted and silenced, simply for...
Cancel Culture and At-Will Termination
"Cancel culture" and "political correctness" are right-wing phenomena which today are dressed up in left wing language and symbols, and which serve to reinforce relationships of power and dominance between managers and workers. 
Cancel Culture is Corporate Management Culture
The terms "cancel culture" and "political correctness" are used to delegitimize ideas like gender equality and racial equality by conflating them with toxic dominance behaviour practiced by up-and-coming elites dressing up their power seeking goals in egalitarian social...
What is Politics, and Why Should Anyone Give a $#&%?
How can people who don't have official decision-making power exert their influence over those who do? 
Worbs: When Political Terms Have No Meaning
Politics is the only practical discipline where none of the basic concepts have clear consensus definitions. This is why everything is so dumb. 
Appalachian Community Meal and Mutual Aid Network
Moneyless Society's flagship boots on the ground project is Appalachian Community Meal and Mutual Aid Network, which is just like it sounds: a monthly pop up resource hub galvanizing barrier free access and cascading shared benefit bringing the community together to meet our...
The Cautious Case for Harris
A Kamala Harris presidency will not fundamentally change the neo-liberal status quo, but what wins can we get?
“You’re Not Serious”: AOC Roasts Jill Stein & Green Party
Democratic representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez replied to a question on Instagram asking about the Green Party, and had some things to say. 
First-Ever DNC Panel on Palestinian Rights: We Need to “Restore the Soul of the Democratic Party”
This year, the Democratic National Convention held its first-ever panel on Palestinian human rights. The panel came after persistent grassroots organizing against U.S. support for Israel’s assault on Gaza. 
Market Fundamentalism Is Incompatible with Democracy and Leading Us Towards Fascism
We need a human rights movement that challenges the orthodoxy of market capitalism, writes Peter Joseph.
The Top 250 Transition Documentaries Inspiring a Thriving Future
A better world is possible. These documentaries light the way by showing examples of people rejecting despair, fighting against the status quo, creating alternatives and living a more beautiful world into being.
Hell, Maybe ANYTHING Is Possible | Caitlin Johnstone
"The thing that stands out for me the most when watching the deeply moving footage of Julian Assange arriving home to Australia is how impossible this all felt… until it happened." - Caitlin Johnstone 
You Saved Julian Assange
After 14 years of persecution, Julian Assange will go free. We must honor the hundreds of thousands of people across the globe who made this happen.
The Power of Local: Community Solutions to Our Global Crisis
This 42-minute film is bursting with examples of exciting localization initiatives across the world. 
Rev. Dr. William Barber - “White Poverty” & Poor People’s Campaign March | The Daily Show
Protestant minister, social activist, and Yale Divinity School professor Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II sits down with Jon Stewart to discuss his latest book, “White Poverty: How Exposing Myths About Race and Class Can Reconstruct American Democracy.” 
Unofficial Macklemore Music Video: Campus Protest Media Coverage Vs. Reality
U.S. media and politicians have spoken out ad nauseam about the alleged anti-semitism on display at ceasefire protests. Not only do they fail to distinguish between antizionism (which is not antisemitism) and antisemitism, but they refuse to cover the the violence and hate...
US Presidential Candidate Cornel West on Israel-Hamas War, Despair vs Hope and Biden vs Trump
US Presidential candidate Dr Cornel West is a philosopher and prominent advocate for social and racial justice. He’s taught at some of the top universities in the US including Harvard, Yale, and Princeton, but has one major plan if he becomes President: to “dismantle the...
What This Jewish Professor At Columbia Wants You To Know
For over seven months, a dominant conversation in the U.S. news media has been about alleged and increased antisemitism on American campuses - culminating in the coverage around student encampments. The “Gaza solidarity encampment” at Columbia University, in particular, has...
Wallace Shawn SLAMS Israel's 'Horrifying Sadism' & Defends Protests
Actor, playwright and essayist Wallace Shawn shares his thoughts on the "misbegotten" state of Israel, condemns its "insanity," defends the protests, and expresses skepticism about the antisemitism of college campuses. 
Empire Managers Explain Why This New Protest Movement Scares Them
“We think these things that are happening across college campuses are a sideshow. No, they are the show. If we lose the intellectual debate, you will not be able to deploy any army in the West, ever.” - CEO Alex Karp
Not Backing Down: Israel, Free Speech & The Battle For Palestinian Rights
"NOT BACKING DOWN,” a panel discussion on the increasingly vitriolic backlash against pro-Palestinian voices, was held at the UMass-Amherst Fine Arts Center on May 4, 2019 in front of a capacity crowd despite a fierce attempt by right-wing groups to brand the event as...
Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations Surge at US Campuses after Columbia University Arrests
Growing outrage over Israel's war on Gaza has sparked protests at major universities in the US. 
Alter Nativas: Building Possible Futures
“Alter Natives” is a documentary about transition initiatives and ecosocial regeneration; a collective project to make visible transformative experiences in our geographies and inspire other possible futures. “Alternatives”, from Latin Alter (other) and Nativus (born), refers...
No AI for Genocide: Google Fires 28 Workers for Protesting Contract with Israeli Military
Why did Google just fire 28 workers? They tried to stop the company's role in "powering" Israel's AI-enabled genocide. They've seen the tools from the inside and couldn't stand for it. BT's Jackie Kindall followed the historic day of tech worker action with No Tech for...
The Restorative Revolution and a River of Reciprocity | Sammy Gensaw III
Sammy Gensaw III, a dynamic young Yurok leader, shares some of his experiences working for ecological and cultural revival along the Klamath River, central to his people’s identity and livelihood. 
How "Big Picture Activism" Can Change the World
This short video urges people to spread the word about the need for an economic shift from global to local. This type of big picture activism can help tackle our social and environmental crises simultaneously. 
Here's Every U.S. Factory Making Bombs For Israel
"All of these locations have been carefully mapped out by Christian Sorensen, an Air Force veteran and researcher with the Eisenhower Media Network so if you can't find a location close to you you can go to his SubStack and find a corporate office by your location." ...
Meet The Wrong Type of Jew, Israel Doesn't Want You To Know Exists
You won’t see this in the mainstream media.
The Interrelated Structure of Reality
The work-in-progress film will be an expansive deep dive into our socioeconomic system as the interconnected root cause of all our crises. It's about the two systems that are locked in battle on planet earth: the life system, and the money system. 
Aaron Bushnell’s Divine Violence
Aaron Bushnell’s self-immolation was ultimately a religious act, one that radically delineates good and evil and calls us to resist.
US Soldier: We Must Stop Sacrificing Lives for Defense Contractors
In 2010, a young soldier named Mike Prysner became a legend for a spontaneous speech saying that the US military fights wars not out of principle, but for Wall St and defense contractors. Today, the truth he spoke is widely known. - Fridayeveryday
Blocking Israel's War Machine
Early on the morning of October 30th, a crowd descended on INKAS Armored, a Toronto-based defence contractor with ties to the Israeli Defence Forces. Responding to a call from Palestinian trade unions for workers around the world to shut down exports to the Israeli military...
“This Is What Our Ruling Class Has Decided Will Be Normal” On Aaron Bushnell’s Action in Solidarity with Gaza
On Sunday, February 25, we received an email from a person who signed himself Aaron Bushnell.
Tribute to Aaron Bushnell by Iraq Veteran Mike Prysner
The US military is presented as an institution that does protecting; defending; “saving.” But fundamentally, it is an institution of killing. Of mass killing. Throughout our country’s entire history there have been service members who could not grapple with that fact; who...
Walk With Me: A Journey into Mindfulness
Directed by Marc J Francis & Max Pugh, ‘Walk With Me’ is a cinematic and immersive exploration into the world-famous monastery of Zen Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh. 
Jewish Resistance to Germans Explains Palestine Right Now
How does the Jewish uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto against the Germans teach us about what's happening in Palestine today? 
Miki Kashtan Interviewed by Martin Winiecki
What we think is special about this conversation/interview is, that it is for an audience that already shares NGL’s focus on courage, truth, love and liberation. It touches on many relevant topics like gift economy, power with/power over and capacity. - Nonviolent Global...
How To Resist Radical Evil | Chris Hedges
Across diverse landscapes of conflict and peace, a common thread unites them: the unwavering resolve to confront injustice. From the depths of their courage, they challenge the very essence of what it means to defy forces that seek to diminish the human spirit. 
The Needs of the Management Class Shaped Racial Pseudoscience
As we enter Black History Month, it is important to understand how management race science was developed to divide and conquer the workforce as it struggled against long odds to form labor unions.
The Sacredness of Twoness | Lyla June Johnston
From the session: ONE, NOT TWO: SACRED WHOLENESS | 2018 Festival of Faiths 
An indigenous woman from the Peruvian Andes who cannot read or write, stands up to the largest gold producer in the world, US-based Newmont Mining Corporation.
Mr. Fish: Cartooning from the Deep End
We find Mr. Fish, once successful outrageous editorial cartoonist, as his profession is dying out. Can he support his family and maintain his unique defiant voice in a world where biting satiric humor has an ever-diminishing market value?
Israeli Teen JAILED For Refusing Army Service Over Gaza Tells Devastating Truths - w/ Tal Mitnick
Tal Mitnick is a courageous 18-year-old Israeli citizen who was jailed after refusing to serve in the army - in protest at the war on Gaza, and the oppression of the Palestinian people. Here he tells me absolutely shocking truths - but also explains why there is hope. - Owen...
Criminalizing Dissent: Silencing Pro-Palestinian Speech
Criminalizing Dissent: The Attack on BDS & Pro-Palestinian Speech, a panel featuring Cornel West, Linda Sarsour, Shaun King, Omar Barghouti, Tim Wise, and Dima Khalidi, was held at the UMass-Amherst Fine Arts Center on Nov. 12, 2019 in front of a capacity crowd despite being...
SHAME Those Silent Over Gaza. No More Excuses.
While those still cheering on the massacre of Gaza should be treated as morally depraved beyond reason, what of those still silent? No excuses anymore. It's time to shame these people - this is about life and death on a colossal scale. - Owen Jones 
"Last Call!" is a cinematic examination of the question of who determines our future. The filmmakers Esther Petsche and Samuel Schlaefli accompany climate activists, climate researchers and artists during the historic UN climate conference "COP26" in Glasgow and document how...
To Defend Israel as 'Moral Society,' Knesset Member Backs South Africa's ICJ Genocide Case
"This is the true patriotism—no revenge wars and calls for extermination, no unnecessary bloodshed, and no sacrifice of kidnapped citizens and soldiers in false wars," said KM Ofer Cassif
Nonviolent Communication with Dr Roxy Manning
This is the full interview of Dr Roxy Manning on the subject of Nonviolent Communication. 
Project 2025: The New Fascist Playbook
You've probably heard there's a new conservative manifesto gaining steam among the far-right. What exactly is Project 2025, and why is it so dangerous?
How YOU Can Help Stop Israel's Carnage In Gaza - And Support Palestinian Liberation
Many of you feel you have watched the horror of Israel's onslaught against Palestinians in Gaza and felt fury and grief - but helplessness. You may have participated in large demos, tweeted about it, peacefully occupied a train station, yelled at your computer screens and...
When Only Love Remains
A conversation with Michal Halev, whose only son was murdered by Hamas on October 7. She tells the story of how she came to call for an end to vengeance.