241-300 of 2,474
"Human Potential and the Path Back to Indigeneity" with Bill Pfeiffer
Join Bill Pfeiffer as he discusses his journey to embracing an indigenous world view and how this approach can help save our planet. This video is a production of Lake Erie Institute and is made possible by the generous support of Cuyahoga Arts & Culture.
Cancel the Apocalypse: Here Are 41 Documentaries to Help Unlock the Good Ending
Our present moment is saturated in dystopian, apocalyptic fantasies of the future.
Rogan, CNN, Ivermectin & Heterodox Thinking | Zubin Damania
The pandemic has stress tested all our institutions, especially those we have relied on for truth seeking and sensemaking. It's deepened the chasm between mainstream and alternative, consensus and contrarian.
Rundown Apartments Reborn as Food-Forest Coliving Agritopia
In 2007, Ole and Maitri Ersson bought the rundown Cabana apartment complex in the city and immediately began to de-pave parking spaces to make space for what today is a huge permaculture coliving space and urban food forest. Today, the Kailash Ecovillage has 55 residents who...
How We Can Make Solarpunk A Reality
Solarpunk is a vision of the future that we can implement today. Here are just a few ways to get started! 
Joanna Macy: Climate Crisis as a Spiritual Path
This 20 minute interview with Joanna Macy will help answer an essential question:  How are we going to live our lives fully, with inner peace and courage (and even joy) as we confront a world that is destroying itself?
Stuart Hall: Through The Prism of an Intellectual Life
The Media Education Foundation presents Stuart Hall: Through the Prism of an Intellectual Life A Lecture by Stuart Hall In this recently discovered, newly restored video of one of Stuart Hall's most famous lectures, Hall speaks with dazzling precision about the...
Why "Terrorism" Is A Dangerous Word
If you've been keeping up with online news, you may have seen coverage of a Navy anti-terrorism training document that equated socialists and anarchists with neo-nazis. Even if you don't consider yourself a member of the political left, it should be obvious that this is an...
An Urgent Message for Humanity
Climate disruption is human-caused and, while that's hard to acknowledge for some, we take a hopeful approach: if we caused it, we can do something about it.
Despite Our Despair, There's a Reality Worth Fighting For
Those who are enduring injustice, exploitation, and oppression—whether people, animals, or ecosystems—need us to believe that wrongs can be righted and to take action accordingly.
Iraq Vet Disrupts George W. Bush Speech, Sept. 19 2021
Iraq War veteran and Empire Files producer Mike Prysner disrupted a speech by George W. Bush in Beverly Hills on Sept. 19, 2021. 
Not Going Quietly
Ady Barkan’s life is upended when he is diagnosed with ALS, but a confrontation with a powerful Senator catapults him to national fame and ignites a once-in-a-generation political movement.   
The Big Scary "S" Word
Featuring interviews with Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Cornel West, and Naomi Klein, THE BIG SCARY “S” WORD explores the rich history of the American socialist movement.
Death by Pollution
Do we all breathe the same air? Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debrah was a nine-year-old girl who lived in south-east London and died in 2013. The cause of death was listed as air pollution, now her mother is fighting to make clean air a human right. This Novara Doc was made by black &...
Why Big Oil Loves to Talk about Your Carbon Footprint
Everybody keeps telling us to cut our carbon footprints. So how guilty should I feel about my personal emissions? And what's Big Oil got to do with it? We're destroying our environment at an alarming rate. But it doesn't need to be this way.
Why your Carbon Footprint is a Scam
Why your carbon footprint is a scam, explained.
Big Oil Coined ‘Carbon Footprints’ to Blame Us for Their Greed. Keep Them on the Hook.
Climate-conscious individual choices are good – but not nearly enough to save the planet. More than personal virtue, we need collective action
The Misguided Fixation on Racial Disparities — Adolph Reed & Walter Benn Michaels
On The Jacobin Show, Adolph Reed and Walter Benn Michaels discuss the trouble with disparity and how antiracism has come to play a role in upholding capitalism in the twenty-first century.
A Plague of Gods: Cultural Appropriation and the Resurgent Left Sacred
A little over six years ago now, I received a demand which asked me to use my influence and this publishing platform to help denounce someone. I read the demand with curiosity and a bit of worry. The message stated in rather vague language that the sender had been asked by...
Turning Eco-Anxiety into Eco-Action | Our Broken Planet
At times it can be overwhelming to contemplate the challenges we face in the Anthropocene, from the climate crisis to biodiversity loss. The hurdles in the way of a sustainable future can sometimes feel insurmountable - but each of us is capable of making a difference.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is remembered today as an American hero: a bridge-builder, a shrewd political tactician, and a moral leader. Yet throughout his history-altering political career, he was often treated by U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies like an enemy...
Climate Change Babies
Climate Change Babies is an inspiring film for trailblazing parents around the world. During the Covid-19 pandemic, courageous and articulate moms, parents and grandparents from British Columbia , Canada are organizing and exchanging profound information about climate change...
Killer Mike: Amazon Using Slave Labor to Enrich the Richest Man in the World
Killer Mike delivered a powerful speech at a rally for Alabama Amazon warehouse workers who are fighting to unionize. If their efforts succeed, it could be the spark that ignites successful Amazon union drives across the country.
The Hardest Thing I've Ever Loved: Creating a Transformative Culture
This 36-minute documentary follows the lives of 5 young explorers on their journey through the 5-week Ecovillage Design Education program in Switzerland, which navigates today's challenges as opportunities to build a regenerative future for all.
Creating the Conditions for Belonging and Breathing in a Toxic Environment | john a. powell
Bridging or breaking? That is the sharp choice we face today as a society and as individual citizens. john a. powell, Director of the Othering and Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley, has long been one of our nation’s leading and most original thought leaders. He has delved...
So You're Still Being Publicly Shamed
The Right wants you to believe that a coddled, overly sensitive left is propping up cancel culture. But punitive, hyper-surveillant ways of interacting online are built into the structure of privately owned social media companies, and they’re practiced across the political...
Coleman Hughes on The White Fragility Theory with Glenn Loury
"This recording was created at an event hosted by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, that featured myself alongside Glenn Loury, who, as many of you know, is an economist at Brown University and host of the Glenn Show at Blogging Heads. I thought the conversation was a...
The People's Fight: How We Halt the Climate Crisis
The world’s scientists have made it all too clear: our earth is overheating. It’s bad, but we can still make changes that could be the difference between life and death for tens of millions of people. We need to take power away from the fossil fuel industry that created the...
To Reason With a Madman
Someone sent me a video on January 19th in which the host, claiming a secret source among the White Hat power faction, said that final plans are in motion to overthrow the criminal Deep State once and for all. The inauguration of Joe Biden will not take place. The lies and...
Mutual Aid And Dual Power | Praxis 101
"One of the most common questions I get on my channel is "what can normal people do to help?" So, here's a video on what you can do to help! Building dual power and getting involved in mutual aid networks are some of the most effective ways to win over new people to the cause...
How Socialists Can Win Elections
Since 2015, the U.S. has witnessed the rise of an insurgent left electoral movement. Not only did Bernie Sanders nearly win the Democratic nomination twice, but socialists across the country have started gaining power – from city councils to congressional seats. But if you’re...
The Man Who Exposed Amazon
The Gravel Institute is launching a new series to supplement our explainer videos: mini-documentaries on the struggles of workers in our stagnating, highly unequal economy. This video focuses on Chris Smalls, an Amazon warehouse employee who exposed their deeply unsafe...
The Five Real Conspiracies You Need to Know About
While millions of people are spellbound by falsehoods, actual threats go unheeded and unchecked.
You Can't Hurt the Gangsters at the Capitalist Casino by Shuffling the Chips Around to Different Bets. You Take Their Chips off the Table.
Pumping up GameStop will do nothing to change what people hate about Wall Street. There’s a better way.
Open Letter to Bernie, the Squad and Progressive US Lawmakers: State Repression of the Farmers’ Movement in India
An open letter to Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Jeff Merkley, Sen Ed Markey, Sen. Sherrod Brown, Sen. Patrick Leahy, Rep. AOC, Rep. Ilhan Omar, Rep. Barbara Lee, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Rep. Cori Bush, fmr Sen. Nina Turner, Rep. Jamaal Bowman, Rep. Ro Khanna...
The Tiny House Fire Truck That Runs on Waste Vegetable Oil!
Today Happen Films is taking a tour of this incredible tiny house truck that runs on waste vegetable oil! BEV, the biosphere emergency vehicle, is the mobile home for artists Brenna Quinlan and Charlie Mgee when they're on the road traveling in Australia. The house features a...
They Call Us Criminals
This upcoming documentary aims to expose the reality of the animals suffering within industries that exploit them, as well as showcase the work of Animal Rights activists in Canada. All while debunking the idea that activists are extremists, criminals and terrorists. The...
Rebel For Life, A Powerful Story about Our Ultimate Challenge: To Protect Life on Earth
Rebel for Life is a truly engaging story about a young hospital doctor who has turned into a radical climate activist. Dr. Vishal Chauhan, son of Indian immigrants, was working as a hospital doctor in the UK. Understanding that the Climate Crisis is a Health Crisis he makes a...
To Live Awake
We live in challenging times. To live awake, in harmony and truly connected is an art. The basic condition of this art is to come home to yourself and be fully present. But how to do that?
Don't Let President Biden Make Us the Dupes of Our Hopes
More than being a time of hope—or fatalism—the inauguration of President Joe Biden should be a time of skeptical realism and determination.
The Capitol Riot Explained
The events of January 6th have gotten plenty of news coverage, but there's been very little actual analysis. In this episode, I do my best to explain the Capitol Hill riot, who was responsible, why it happened, and what it means for the country going forward.
The Doomer Mentality Dooms Us to Failure
Anyone who is honest about the present state of affairs on this planet knows that things are very bad.
The Writings of an Earth Lover
This video is dedicated to the memory of Vivienne Elanta. She was an Australian environmental activist. With her partner John Croft, she co-founded the Gaia Foundation of Australia, with the objectives of developing projects which are engaging towards personal growth...
Tamera: An Ecovillage for a New Humanity
Tamera is an ecovillage situated in the south of Portugal. It is a holistic peace research and education center exploring different ways of being and living on this planet. With two hundred people currently residing there, Tamera has become an iconic space of experimentation...
Eco-Warrior Sleeper Cell Awakening with Joanna Macy and the Shambala Warrior Prophecy
Deep ecologist Joanna Macy describes the Shambala Warrior Prophecy from Buddhist Tibet, expressed as a metaphor for inspiration into environmental and humanitarian activism.
Noam Chomksy "Calls Out" Cancel Culture
Noam Chomsky on what makes Cancel Culture at all unique and why it's a mistake in principle and tactic.
Invisible Hand: Who Will Speak For Nature?
From Executive Producer Mark Ruffalo comes the world’s first documentary film on the Rights of Nature Movement, a “Paradigm Shifting” story where the 'Rights of Nature' has become 'capitalism’s one true opponent.'
Oligarchs Are Gaming Democracy | George Monbiot
"The oligarchs have discovered the formula for persuading the poor to vote for the interests of the very rich” - George Monbiot
Ten Things You Need to Know to Stop a Coup
We have a president who has openly said he might not respect the outcome of our election. We have to be ready if he claims victory before votes are counted, tries to stop counting, or refuses to accept a loss. Choose Democracy is preparing people for the possibility of a coup...
A Bold Peace: Costa Rica's Path of Demilitarization
70 years ago Costa Rica abolished its army and committed itself to fostering a peaceful society. It has been reaping the benefits ever since.
Honest Government Ad | Q
The US Government has made an ad about QAnon and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.
In Our Hands: A Documentary Series about People Regenerating Their Lives & The Earth
‘In Our Hands’ / ‘En Nuestras Manos’ is a documentary series about a movement to restore ecological farming around the world. Filmmaker Matt Anderson (‘Fall and Winter’, 2013) traveled to over 40 farms and gardens in 7 countries to document the profound impact the GROW...
Mining companies are destroying large parts of ancient forest. However on the island of Palawan in the Philippines a small group of women are standing up against these big companies and protecting the forests and the spirit that lives within them; Diwata.
Voting | ContraPoints
ContraPoints tackles the great "to vote or not to vote" debate in entertaining fashion. 
The Last and Most Important Advice I Will Ever Give | Dr. Meyer Hillman
89-year-old social scientist Dr. Mayer Hillman explains the source of climate change and what must be done.
Covid-19 Exposes Our True Power | Charles Eisenstein
Last year, five million children worldwide died of hunger, yet no government has declared a state of emergency or asked that we radically alter our way of life to save them. Nor do we see a comparable level of alarm and action around suicide or drug overdoses, the...
The Last Chance to Save SCOTUS, and RBG's Legacy
The Senate has scheduled a vote for this Friday, October 23rd. If we the people want to stop Barrett's confirmation, now is the time; and here are two ways to do it.