421-480 of 2,474
Comparative Resilience: 8 Principles for Post-COVID Reconstruction
This past weekend, a bright Georgetown undergraduate asked me how I squared my passion for localization with the theory of comparative advantage. For economics newbies, he was referring to David Ricardo’s argument that every community should find one product to specialize in...
The Decade of Transformation Is Here: Remaking the Economy for the People
The pandemic, economic collapse and the government’s response to them are going to not only determine the 2020 election but define the future for this decade and beyond. People are seeing the failure of the US healthcare nonsystem and the economy. The government was able to...
Why People Take Things Out of Context | Charles Eisenstein
It's a tactic of war. You take something out of context, you blow it up to be totally outrageous, you provoke outrage and indignation, and you use it as a weapon. Why?  - Charles Eisenstein 
The Sequel: What Will Follow Our Troubled Civilisation?
Opening with a powerful ‘deep time’ perspective, from the beginning of the Earth to our present moment, BAFTA-winning director Peter Armstrong's new film recognises the fundamental unsustainability of today’s society and dares to ask the big question: What will follow?
No New Normal
“May you live in interesting times." A curse once assigned Chinese origin, now thought to be apocryphal, is deceptively mild until you realize you have no resistance to a novel, viral load of interestingness. We feel like we can’t blink, yet our eyelids are getting very...
Delicate Balance
Centered around an extensive interview with Jose “Pepe” Mujica, the former President of Uruguay who gained notoriety on the world stage as a rare politician: one that lives according to the ideas and principles he preaches, Delicate Balance is a contemplative essay on the...
Yanis Varoufakis: "The Coronavirus is going to accelerate the post 2008 Crisis"
In this video the economist and co-founder of DiEM25 Yanis Varoufakis, examines the socio-economic implications of the Coronavirus. This video was originally produced by DiEM25 and republished by acTVism Munich in order to create awareness on this issue. 
From Mutual Aid to Dual Power in the State of Emergency
The COVID-19 public health crisis is rapidly devolving into a vast, multi-faceted crisis of social reproduction with no end in sight. How can we seize this moment to build dual power?
No Return to Normal: For a Post-Pandemic Liberation
Today, new forms of solidarity, mutual aid, and common struggle are emerging in the pandemic. How will they shape tomorrow’s struggles for a post-capitalist world?
HOLY SH*T! 7 Things to Do Instead of Hoarding Toilet Paper
Beautiful Trouble’s irreverent guide to activism in the time of pandemic
To Stop the Cult of Trump We Need to Satisfy the Human Need for Meaning
Like all cult leaders, Trump fills a certain void for his followers. Stopping him means providing pathways to sustainable forms of spiritual fulfillment.
The One-Choice Election
There is only one choice in this election. The consolidation of oligarchic power under Donald Trump or the consolidation of oligarchic power under Joe Biden.
Why Can't We Talk About Certain Topics Anymore?
Everybody's noticing how social and political conversations become more and more polarized, to the point you can hardly call it a conversation anymore. - Charles Eisenstein 
Rising for a Global Feminist Future With the Movement to Elect Bernie Sanders.
We are a coalition of feminists contending with both our differences and our commonality in age, race, class, religion, labor, and sexual orientation. We meet at the intersection of our fluid identities. Though our experiences are different, we share a vision of a feminist...
'Progress Comes From Changing How Humans Think' — a Conversation With 'Soldier of Peace' Paul K. Chappell
"What makes nonviolence so different from violence, is the way that nonviolence seeks to address and confront root causes of problems: violence addresses the symptoms and nonviolence goes at root cause of the problem."
Bernie Sanders vs Donald Trump | Archenemies
A candidate who has the guts to stand up to the people who own this country. A candidate who has the guts to have a vision that American can be a land for all people. Not just a land controlled by the super rich. #FeelTheBern #Bernie2020 #BernieBeatsTrump Thanks for watching...
Why We Need to Move Closer to King's Understanding of Nonviolence
Nonviolence is not simply the absence of violence, but about taking a proactive stand against violence and injustice, and working to repair the harm.
Six Rules for Organizing a Grassroots Regeneration Revolution
We must think, act and organize locally, while simultaneously cultivating a global vision and global solidarity.
Class: The Little Word the Elites Want You to Forget
The culture wars give the oligarchs, both Democrats and Republicans, the cover to continue the pillage.
INVISIBLE: A Rare Glimpse into the Life of an Undercover Investigator
"People need to see it." ‘INVISIBLE’ follows two undercover investigators, ‘Emily’ and ‘Sarah’ (their names have been changed to protect their identities), on a pig farm investigation in Europe, offering the viewer an unprecedented glimpse into a world that is deliberately...
We’ve Got a Better World in Mind - 8 Principles for a Beautiful Future
How to get from here to there in the next 10 years
The New Story Revolution: Over 75 Films & Articles About the Movement With Many Names
"It’s all a question of story. We are in trouble just now because we are in between stories. The Old Story—the account of how the world came to be and how we fit into it—sustained us for a long time. It shaped our emotional attitudes, provided us with life purpose, energized...
Feminism and the Social Solidarity Economy: a Short Call to Action
The following text is a translation of Marian Díez‘s impassioned closing speech at the recent convergence meeting of the World Social Forum for Transformative Economies.
Internationalism or Extinction
Capital is coordinated and globalized. Our struggles against injustice and oppression must be the same.
'Toward a Brighter More Just Future': 100+ Black Writers and Scholars Endorse Bernie Sanders
"When so much is at stake, not only for Black people but for all people, and all life on the planet, we feel it imperative that we step outside of our classrooms and go beyond our campuses, to speak out on the current presidential election."
Every Challenge Can Be Overcome: 6 Ideas for Getting Started
There is no time for hopelessness. Here are some ideas for what we can do – now – to fight back against the attacks we know are coming.
SAVING ASSANGE: Defending Wikileaks
SAVING ASSANGE is an archive-driven, compilation, internet documentary that uses extracts from news bulletins, broadcast programs, TV docs, talk shows and other online content to revise the Assange saga and argue the legal, moral and ethical case for Julian Assange and Wikileaks.
Charles Eisenstein - Why We Need Community To Live In the New Story
In this excerpt from LOVE SCHOOL, author and visionary Charles Eisenstein speaks to the importance of surrounding ourselves with a supportive community that can give us the courage we need to step into the unknown, into new ways of being.
Trust Your Heart. Everything You Do Matters.
"This is a poignant situation. A woman is feeling pretty beat down in a pretty dark place who loves art, but shuts down when the question "what's the point?" inevitably creeps into her mind."- Charles Eisenstein
Be the Voice of the Voiceless | Joaquin Phoenix's Oscars Speech
"Run to the rescue with love, and peace will follow." - River Phoenix 
Navigating Echo Chambers
The beliefs and stories that we hold are not the result of an independent choice by the neo-liberal separate self choosing from the marketplace of ideas. Belief is a collective function. The echo chamber effect can operate both ways. - Charles Eisenstein
Radical Dharma – Interview with angel Kyodo williams (Podcast)
In this in-depth interview, Reverend angel Kyodo williams reflects on our widespread crisis of story, the failure of institutional religions to offer a new way forward, and her philosophy of Radical Dharma—a path to individual and collective liberation. A Sensei in the...
It's Not Thanks to Capitalism That We're Living Longer, but Progressive Politics
Ignore the usual fairytale. Democracy, unions, healthcare and education: these are the forces that matter
What Do We Want? Unbiased Reporting! When Do We Want It? During Protests!
The new decade is just days old, but in one respect it is already shaping up like the last one: with mass protests around the world. Rallies for democracy overseas and
Beyond Sustainability: A Call for Regeneration | Sierra Robinson
Sierra Robinson is a seventeen-year-old farmer, homeschooler, and environmental activist from Vancouver Island, BC.
Ten Steps That Transform Anger Into Compassionate Connection
Practicing Nonviolent Communication guides us to reframe the way we listen to others and express ourselves by focusing our consciousness on four areas: what we are observing, feeling, needing and what we are requesting to enrich our lives. In this context the word need...
All I Ask Is That You See My Humanity, Which Means Seeing the Humanity in All People
With this foundation, I think we can have healthy disagreements.
Canceling | ContraPoints
Contrapoints' 100 minute video essay on "cancel" activism.
Krystal Ball Interviews Contrapoints on Her Blockbuster Cancel Culture Video
Natalie Wynn explains why cancel culture is harmful. Watch the full video essay here.
Think Twice Before Shouting Your Virtues Online – Moral Grandstanding Is Unhealthy
In an era of bitter partisanship, political infighting and ostracization of those with unpopular views, Americans actually agree on one thing: 85% say political discourse has gotten worse over the last several years, according to Pew Research.
Unist'ot'en Day 31 Update: We're Not Leaving.
As Canada prepares to violently invade our lands, we have no fear. We are peacefully living on our lands and upholding our laws, as we always have.
The New Year: Molding a New Reality
If you can dream it, you can do it,” is a famous quote attributed to Walt Disney or one of his staff. 
We Are The Political Revolution
Sign up to host a launch party:
My Descent Into America's Neo-Nazi movement & How I Got Out | Christian Picciolini
At 14-years-old, Christian Picciolini went from naive teenager to white supremacist, and soon, the leader of America’s first neo-Nazi skinhead gang. How was he radicalized, and how did he ultimately get out?
Why Climate Action Is the Antithesis of White Supremacy
Behind the urgency of climate action is the understanding that everything is connected; behind white supremacy is an ideology of separation
An Economic Hit Man Confesses and Calls to Action | John Perkins
John Perkins describes the methods he used to bribe and threaten the heads of state of countries on four continents in order to create a global empire and he reveals how the leaders who did not “play the game" were assassinated or overthrown.
The Transformative Power of Trustbuilding: Towards a Culture of Shared Responsibility
"The challenge of building trust across divides is universal and inescapable. Can we move from a culture of blame and avoidance to an acceptance of shared responsibility for a new future?" - Initiatives of Change International
Noam Chomsky: You Don't Stop with the Lesser Evil. You Begin with It, to Prevent the Worst. Then You Deal with the Root Causes
“There’s another word for lesser evilism. It’s called rationality. Lesser evilism is not an illusion, it’s a rational position. But you don’t stop with lesser evilism. You begin with it, to prevent the worst, and then you go on to deal with the fundamental roots of what’s...
Not All Politics Is Identity Politics
In the often polarizing and intense debates on identity politics you often encounter three talking points from those who oppose those who criticise identity politics. First, that all politics is identity politics. Second, critics of so called “identity politics” ignore the...
The Confederation as the Commune of Communes
Confederalism as a revolutionary strategy provides us with the means to build and organize a radically democratic and egalitarian society at scale.
Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming | Paul Hawken
The visionary goal of Project Drawdown, founded by Paul Hawken, is to actually reverse global warming by drawing carbon out of the atmosphere back down to pre-industrial levels. All the practices and technologies documented in Paul’s best-selling "Drawdown" book are already...
The Four Levels of Action | Will Grant
Each of us is empowered to engage in solutions in a way that is not stressful or overwhelming. It is through the sheer numbers of individuals doing their part that we will see massive positive changes on our planet! - 
Connecting to "Them"
"If I were talking to a 65-year-old man from Tennessee who watches Fox News, I would not articulate the story of interbeing. I would speak from an understanding of the story of interbeing, and I would try to speak in a way that communicates to him and will be received."...
Here's Exactly How to Respond When Someone You Love Says Climate Change Isn't Real
There's overwhelming scientific consensus on climate change; 97 percent of scientists agree that humans have created conditions that are drastically reshaping the planet's climate, with disastrous results, and one scientist noted in September 2018 that the scientific...
Voting Is a Chess Move, Not the Whole Game
"Voting is a chess move, not a valentine. And here's the joy of being politically engaged all year round every year; you get to work with a whole lot of chess pieces and players and strategies and longterm visions, so you don't agonize over whether this little hop with a pawn...
BURKINABÈ RISING: The Art of Resistance in Burkina Faso
A small landlocked country in West Africa, Burkina Faso is home to a vibrant community of artists, musicians, & engaged citizens who carry on the revolutionary spirit of Thomas Sankara, killed in a coup d'état led by his best friend and advisor Blaise Compaoré, who then ruled...
Anti-Fascist Activism & the Value of Nonviolence
This collection of articles from the Films For Action library looks at the tensions, disagreements and varying strategies within the anti-fascist movement from a variety of authors.
Black Worker, White Worker (1972)
In one department of a giant steel mill in northwest Indiana a foreman assigned a white worker to the job of operating a crane. The Black workers in the department felt that on the basis of seniority and job experience, one of them should have been given the job, which...
3 Principles to End the Polarization of Society and Create a Healthy Culture
The Theory of Enchantment by Chloé Valdary is a framework that seeks to end polarization in our society by teaching communities how to be in relationship with one another.