601-660 of 2,398
Do We Have the Right to Financial Rebellion? a Conversation With Enric Duran
We need to practice economic disobedience so that radical alternatives can flourish.
The Strategic Naiveté of Antifa
We’ve all heard the argument before: However “nice” the use of nonviolence may be, in the real world violence is necessary — and ultimately more effective, so the thinking goes — for challenging a brutal regime, fighting injustice or defending against an armed opponent. But...
Worker Cooperatives Offer Real Alternatives to Trump's Retrograde Economic Vision
Announcing his presidency in 2016, Donald Trump promised the nation that he’d become “the greatest job president God ever created.” His plan to accomplish this rested on a retrograde economic vision that would “make America great again,” by restoring waning coal and...
The Cult of Violence Always Kills the Left
The Weather Underground, a clandestine revolutionary organization that advocated violence, was seen by my father and other clergy members who were involved in Vietnam anti-war protests as one of the most self-destructive forces on the left. These members of the clergy, many...
Accidental Courtesy Follow-Up: Daryl Davis and Kwame Rose Agree that Black Lives Matter
Daryl Davis and BLM activist Kwame Rose discuss their pivotal confrontation moment from Accidental Courtesy: Daryl Davis, Race & America.
Humanity Is Being Held Hostage by an Economic and Cultural Death Cult
In late 2017, more than 15,000 scientists from 184 countries issued a dramatic “warning to humanity” over biodiversity loss due to overconsumption of resources. They agreed that if we continue “business as usual,” we'll shortly approach a point where it will be too late to...
PowerTrip: Fracking in the UK
Watch the entire movie on #powertripfilm Power Trip: Fracking in the UK (63mins) takes you onto the frontlines of UK resistance in the battle to stop the controversial energy extraction process known as Fracking. We show what happens beyond the few seconds...
The Evolution of Identity Politics: an Interview With Eric Ward
Eric K. Ward is currently the executive director of Western States Center. Western States Center’s mission is to connect and build the power of community organizations to challenge and transform individuals, organizations and systems to achieve racial, gender and economic...
A Future of Abundance
While the world is in crisis, there is a man who thinks the future is as bright as it can be. Peter Diamandis, author of the book Abundance and co-founder of Singularity University, sees how technology can soon provide all basic needs such as energy, clean drinking water and...
Don't Fall for the Antifa Trap
The media's panic about antifa reflects an old bias in the way journalists cover protest movements.
The Hard Left Antifa And Their Call To Arms
Donald Trump's inauguration as US president a year ago reinvigorated many right-wing groups, including white supremacists. Now the militant left is fighting back with some shock tactics of its own.
Decrying System That Favors 'War and the Wealthy,' Poor People's Campaign Unveils Agenda to Combat Poverty, Racism, and Militarism
"The Democrats talk about the middle class. The Republicans talk about the military. No one's talking about the poor."
Farewell, Not Goodbye: Leaving Diem25 (Or “We Need to Talk About Democracy, Transparency, Feminism, and Assange.”)
This is not a post I ever wanted to write but it’s time to tie up loose ends before starting the new year. I’ve left DiEM25 and I’d like to explain to you why that is and what I hope DiEM will do differently in the future if it is to realise its tremendous potential to be a...
Culture Shift: Redirecting Humanity's Path to a Flourishing Future
It’s time to build a new worldview around a deeper sense of connectedness.
No, You Can't ‘Be the Change’ Alone
Positive thinking may be useless or even damaging, but negative thinking is unlikely to change the world for the better.
If I Die Before We Wake… This is for the Healers
Are you a healer who is trying to bring love and light into this world? If so, you might feel the way I do sometimes… in those moments of clarity about how big the forces of harm have become and that the darkness may last for the rest of your life and beyond. I write these...
Holding Space for Outrage
Deepening Relationships with Presence and Acceptance
The Perpetual Curse of the Warrior Mindset
“We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.” ~Albert Einstein
The Death of Political Theory
Ideology Dies One Small Social Experiment at a Time
The Coming Collapse + A Positive Course of Action
The United States and the global status quo are rapidly approaching a breaking point. Viewed from the scale of history we're milliseconds away.
How to Navigate the Disorientation of a Seismic World
Our situation may seem hopeless, but we have a rich inheritance of ideas and practices from which we can draw. Monarchies have been overthrown, dictators pulled down. We can take inspiration from past revolutions to build a new framework for the future.
How Patience with People Makes the World Better
People don't get "woke" overnight. Sometimes we have to be patient and help them get there.
The Promised Land Is Still Not Here
Fifty years after Martin Luther King's assassination, the Left struggles to speak with the kind of moral clarity King exemplified — but that shouldn't stop us from trying.
Agneta is a documentary film about the life of the now 80-year-old Swedish peace activist Agneta Norberg. Through Agneta's extraordinary and humorous personality, the documentary explores questions of what it means to be an activist, how a third world war can be avoided, and...
Reconciling Two Incompatible Sacred Values in American Universities: Jon Haidt
Professor Haidt argues that conflicts arise at many American universities today because they are pursuing two potentially incompatible goals: truth and social justice. While Haidt thinks both goals are important, he maintains that they can come into conflict. According to...
The Moral Roots of Liberals and Conservatives: Stepping Outside Our Moral Matrix - Jonathan Haidt
Psychologist Jonathan Haidt studies the five moral values that form the basis of our political choices, whether we're left, right, or center. In this eye-opening talk, he pinpoints the moral values that liberals and conservatives tend to honor most. Jonathan Haidt studies how...
Identity Politiks: When Grievance Gets Weaponized
Let me admit, I grow weary of hearing gripes and grievances. I don’t say this to somehow deny atrocities that have been committed against people in the past nor am I blind to injustices that continue to be perpetuated in the present. Yet there is a big difference between...
Shooting Protesters in Cold Blood: How Israel Became a Typical Middle Eastern Dictatorship
Randomly shooting into crowds is more than just threatening people with death. It is a means of terrorizing the dissidents.
The History and Philosophy of Aikido
Aikido is a powerful martial art developed throughout the mid 20th century by a Japanese named Morihei Ueshiba.  Aikido differs from most other martial arts in that the practitioner seeks to achieve self-defense without injury to attackers. Furthermore, there are no...
An Atlas of Real Utopias?
Atlas of Utopias is part of the Transformative Cities initiative, sharing 32 stories of radical transformation that demonstrate that another world is possible, and already exists.
Why Positive Thinking Isn't Neoliberal
By discouraging the use of powerful self-healing and self-development tools we may weaken those who are already disempowered.
Shootings Are the Symptoms of an American Disease
A gun problem, a shooter problem, a racism problem, a mental health problem, a human problem. A violence problem. Violence. It’s not just a bullet or a knife. It’s an infection That permeates through people, relationships and society. Imagine: You’re bullied by a boss, it...
To Deal with Trump We Must First Face the Trump Inside Ourselves
“The power of Fannie Lou Hamer compels you!”
The Left's Problem Isn't Politics—It's Metaphysics
How can liberals and progressives learn to feel differently about identity?
Is Catastrophe the Only Cure for the Weakness of Radical Politics?
If we want a future worthy of the name we need a different form of revolution.
Will Cuba Become a Test Case for a Post-Postmodern Future?
Metamodern mindfulness offers a new way of thinking about the ideological conflicts of the past.
Why Allies Are Welcome to Criticise Social Movements
Being a member of an oppressed group is not a guarantee of wisdom or correctness.
Violence Brought Us Trump, It's Not How We Will Stop Him
What’s next? That is the big question facing this country after the election of Trump. And many people have been sharing their thoughts on that over social and traditional media, over dinner conversations, at the office and on the bus with complete strangers. And, as...
Why the Right Loves Privilege Politics
The Right deploys privilege politics to avoid class politics, obscuring where the real power lies in our society.
MLK was Planning Something Huge Just Weeks Before He was Assassinated
While most retrospectives focus on his "I have a dream" speech, everyone deserves to know what he was trying to accomplish when he was killed.
Why Some Queer People Are Rejecting Identity Politics
This topic has been around for a while, but lately it seems like there are actual attempts at dialogue happening, and so I want to contribute to that.
Cultural Appropriation, White Purity and ‘Woke’ Nationalism
While a White Nationalist claims that doing non-white things is tainting the race, the social justice activist claims that doing non-white things is theft. The end result is the same: a pure, untainted, culturally-distinct white race. White Nationalism and Woke Nationalism...
#Deletefacebook? Not in Indian Country
The social network has done more for bolstering the modern Indigenous rights agenda than perhaps any other platform of our time.
12 Rules for Spitting on the Poor
Collective action to right wrongs or help the suffering under neoliberal ideology is wrong, unfeasible, or some combination of the two.
The Limits of Liberal Identity Politics
Asad Haider ends the first part of his essay on the problems of liberal identity politics with a powerful accusation: “Fredrik deBoer asks, ‘Does it matter to Resnikoff that the most acid critiques of identity politics I know of have come from writers of color?’ It is a...
Why the Moral Argument for Nonviolence Matters
“Bernard? Oh yeah, he’s great. He was always the principles guy.”
3 Lessons of Revolutionary Love in a Time of Rage - Valarie Kaur
What's the antidote to rising nationalism, polarization and hate? In this inspiring, poetic talk, Valarie Kaur asks us to reclaim love as a revolutionary act. As she journeys from the birthing room to tragic sites of bloodshed, Kaur shows us how the choice to love can be a...
Is There an Alternative to Political Correctness?
Political correctness aims for some very nice results, but its means have a habit of upsetting a lot of people. Might there be an alternative to it? We think there is, and it’s called Politeness.
How to Build a Progressive Movement in a Polarized Country
Whether it’s assault rifles, racial justice, immigration or fossil fuels, the country is rocked by conflicting narratives and rising passions. In a recent national poll, 70 percent of Americans say the political divide is at least as big as during the Vietnam War.
Exiting the Vampire Castle
We need to learn, or re-learn, how to build comradeship and solidarity instead of doing capital’s work for it by condemning and abusing each other. This doesn’t mean, of course, that we must always agree – on the contrary, we must create conditions where disagreement can take...
Let the (R)Evolution Come from Wisdom: 3 Insights to Help Create a World Free From Violence
What is this world we’ve created for our youth? 7,000 dead to gun violence since 2012?! What is that? The weight that we are leaving for our youth is unbearable to bear witness to, but if we don’t… what kind of world will we have created?
Crossroads and Country Roads: Wildcat West Virginia and the Possibilities of a Working Class Offensive
During the four days I spent in West Virginia, I was repeatedly thanked for coming to support teachers from out of state, though mostly people seemed a bit surprised that I cared. Perhaps it was because I arrived at the exact moment that most of the national media was...
How Social Justice Activists Took Over a College and Drove Some Professors Out
Bret Weinstein left the Evergreen State College in the wake of student protests last Spring. However, internal struggles with faculty and administration over equity was happening months before this. Subverse went to Evergreen with Weinstein to hear his side of where this...
Jordan Peterson on Why 'No Platforming' Activists May Want to Rethink Their Strategy
Jordan Peterson offers incredibly important advice on the appropriate way to respond to tense situations with disruptive protestors - advice that was quite literally lost in the noise of the nonstop protest that shut down an event focused (ironically) on the subject of...
Shaming Someone Doesn't Change Their Mind
So you want to fight prejudice and change people’s minds? Step 1: Don’t insult them. Step 2: Have a real conversation.
Spiked Magazine Panel - "Is the Left Eating Itself?"
Is “the Left” eating itself? Watch the Unsafe Space Tour panel discussion at New York Law School, featuring Professors Bret Weinstein, Laura Kipnis, Angus Johnston, and author Brendan O'Neill. Moderated by Tom Slater (of Spiked Magazine). 
Did Political Correctness Cause Fascism in the US?
This video answers the question "Did Political Correctness Cause Fascism in the US?" and considers how Mark Fisher's critique of capitalism might inform our understanding of the reactionary right.
Kill All Normies: The End of the Culture War?
This video takes a look at the alt-right through the lens of Angela Nagle's new book "Kill All Normies" and calls for the end of the culture war.
The Queen's University Talk: Jordan Peterson on The Rising Tide of Compelled Speech
Jordan Peterson: "I was invited to Queen's University March 5 to give the inaugural lecture/discussion of the Liberty Lecture series, funded by Faculty of Law alumnus, Gregory Piasetzki (LLB 1980). Dr. Bruce Pardy (