601-660 of 2,474
What Do You Do When Someone Just Doesn't Like You? | Daryl Davis
What do you do when someone just doesn't like you? I mean really, really doesn't like you. And you know it. And what if that person, or those people, have made an open show of that dislike, without apology. What would you do?
Why the Climate Change Message Isn't Working
Threats of global catastrophe won’t move people to action. Only the heart can inspire zeal.
Bret Weinstein: How the Magic Trick is Done
In this speech at the Students For Liberty conference in Vancouver, B.C. Bret Weinstein discusses the inner workings of the regressive left. 
Here’s a Better Way to Argue about Climate Change
I recently got an email from a friend, asking me to take a look at an alternative way of thinking about greenhouse gases. He forwarded a link to a long scroll of a webpage dense with text. My friend said he hardly understood it “beyond the fact that it refutes the science of...
Want to Change the World? Try Grounded Optimism
One of the most powerful things you can to do to change the world is to cultivate your own optimism. To quote futurist Alex Steffen:
Confusing Them With Our Joy
2018-2019 fundraising trailer for the latest Cloudcatcher Media extravaganza! Support the Chuffed fundraiser at or get more info at
The Everyday Power of Movement Activism
Activism is normal; what’s strange is that we don’t see it that way.
How to Take on Fascism Without Getting Played
In front of a standing-room-only crowd at the Howard Zinn Book Festival in San Francisco earlier this month, historian Mark Bray and I debated the value of using violence to quell the growth of neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Anti-racism trainer Molly McClure was the moderator.
The Truth About Israel, Boycotts, and BDS
Incoming members of the US Congress, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, have both come out in favor of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement — the first House members to ever do so. Critics, however, suggest that BDS is anti-Semitic and undermines a two-state...
The Art of Communicating: Thich Nhat Hanh
Buddhist Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh is one of the most respected and celebrated teachers in the world.
The State of the Spirit, 2018
1. The State of the Spirit, 2018   
Hey Progressives, Can We Stop Using the Tools of Social Justice to Tear One Another Down?
Hi everyone. This might be another one of those serious posts, so please take a few deep breaths and eat some dark chocolate. While perusing an online group, I witnessed a conversation between several colleagues, and it was disheartening. A difference of perspectives led to...
The Green New Deal Goes Viral: What's Next Is up to Us
Ted Franklin argues that climate activists must seize the time and get to work on the Green New Deal proposal.
A Force More Powerful: A Century of Nonviolent Conflict
A Force More Powerful is a documentary series on one of the 20th century’s most important and least-known stories: how nonviolent power overcame oppression and authoritarian rule.  It includes six cases of movements, and each case is approximately 30 minutes long.
If You Oppose Donald Trump, Don't Hate Him
When we allow ourselves to fall victim to hatred, we are doing our opponents’ work for them.
Unity and Diversity in the Land of Nonviolence
[Note: This essay was just published in the Fall 2019 theology journal, "Oneing," by Fr. Richard Rohr and the Center for Action and Contemplation. To order a copy, visit: ]
How Would Mother Jones Eulogize George H.W. Bush?
Mother Jones would have us pray for George H.W. Bush, who died at age 94, but also for his victims, many of whom, children included, were buried without pomp, or were simply disappeared
Niassa Elephant Defenders
Poachers have decimated the elephant population in Mozambique’s Niassa National Reserve, but Niassa’s rangers are determined to save them from extinction.
Say Her Name: The Life and Death of Sandra Bland
Say Her Name: The Life and Death of Sandra Bland explores the death of Sandra Bland, a politically active 28-year-old African American who, after being arrested for a traffic violation, was found dead in her jail cell three days later.
The Opposite of Evil Is No Longer Goodness
My headline is provocative, so let me quickly explain, starting with a huge claim about what’s unique about our world in this moment. Then I ask, What, right now, is most required of our species? Our era has been dubbed the Anthropocene because for the first time we humans...
Bringing Down A Dictator
In the year 2000, in a war barely noticed outside Yugoslavia, the indicted war criminal Slobodan Milosevic fought to hold power. He controlled a battle-hardened army, a tough police force, and most of the news media. But he underestimated his opponents, led by a student...
Randy Credico Exclusive Tell-All with Abby Martin on Wikileaks & Roger Stone
In this exclusive extended interview, Abby Martin speaks with Randy Credico who tells his side of the story on his role in the Russia investigation, his upcoming interview with Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and true nature of his relationship with Trump campaign advisor...
The Alex Jones Deception
The following documentary examines far-right radio host Alex Jones, and the affect his fear-mongering and conspiracy theories has had on the public. Also explored is his relationship with Donald Trump, and the numerous contradictions of Alex Jones.
No Justice Without Love: Why Activism Must Be More Generous
I want to be a member of a thriving and diverse social movement, not a cult or a religion.
Democratic Party "Leadership" Is Upside Down
No matter how intense the top-down pressure gets from Speaker Pelosi and Steny Hoyer, we should insist from the bottom up that members of Congress stand their ground for progressive principles.
It's Time to Go on the Offensive Against Racism
When I read this in the morning paper, my heart stopped: Just 40 minutes away from me, the white mother of black children in New Jersey was repeatedly harassed via Facebook by a stranger, who told her that her children should be hung.
Noam Chomsky Turns 90: How a U.S. Anarchist Has More Than Survived
“The person who claims the legitimacy of the authority always bears the burden of justifying it. And if they can’t justify it, it’s illegitimate and should be dismantled. To tell you the truth, I don’t really understand anarchism as being much more than that.” —Noam...
Trauma at the Border
This short film exposes the emotional, psychological and physical damage that can be done when children are imprisoned – even with their families.
No Effective Means of Stopping Climate Breakdown Is Deemed “Politically Realistic.” So We Must Change Political Realities.
It was a moment of the kind that changes lives. At a press conference held by Extinction Rebellion last week, two of us journalists pressed the activists on whether their aims were realistic. They have called, for example, for carbon emissions in the UK to be reduced to net...
Who was Fred Hampton?
A 6-minute video on who Fred Hampton was and why he was assassinated at the age of 21. 
Activism Revisited: Conscious Participation and Collective Intelligence
If success or failure of this planet and of human beings depended on how I am and what I do […] HOW WOULD I BE? WHAT WOULD I DO? — R. Buckminster Fuller We cannot individually comprehend the range, depth and detail of the consequences we are collectively generating for...
To Help Democrats With 'Stiffening Their Spines' New Indivisible Guide Details How Trump Resistance Can Switch From Defense to Offense
"We can set the legislative agenda with a bold progressive vision rooted in inclusion, fairness, and justice. But none of this is automatic—we have to demand it of Congress."
Is Facebook Censoring Political Pages?
Is it Spam or Censorship?
A Solution to Facebook Censorship | Future of Social Media with MINDS Co-founder & CEO Bill Ottman
The Solution to Facebook Censorship? Future of Social Media with MINDS Co-founder & CEO Bill Ottman Support my work! ▶ Subscribe ▶ Matt Orfalea ▶ ▶
Jesus at The Polls
Sarah runs into her old pal Jesus at the polls. With returning guest star Fred Armisen.
Julian Assange Gets Standing Ovation At TED Talk
Watch the entire TED Talk with Julian Assange in Part 2.
Love And Revolution
July 2018. The European media claim that the austerity cure in Greece has been successful and that peace has returned. This film proves the opposite. A musical journey, from the north to the south of Greece, among those who dream of love and revolution. 5 years after "Let’s...
I'm an Anarchist and I Vote
Greetings from Trumplandia, also known as the second congressional district of Maine, which is now polling for Donald Trump. I have called Lewiston, Maine, home since 2001 when I moved there for university as a teenager. I am currently finishing a Ph.D. in Quebec, from where...
100 Short Films to Expand Your Consciousness
There are over 6,000 videos on Films For Action, hand-curated for their potential to inspire action and raise awareness on just about every topic related to making the world a better place. 
Who Cares?
“Just who is changing the world?”
Land of Hope and Glory
The hidden truth behind UK animal farming - featuring approximately 100 facilities across the UK and never before seen undercover footage. Activist Earthling Ed produces and narrates this 'UK Earthlings documentary' with over a decade of undercover footage and Animal...
Memory Reconsolidation and Dead Man Walking
How many men have come forward and confessed to committing rape or sexual assault in the public eye?
Edmund Hillary Fellowship: Build the Future in New Zealand
The Edmund Hillary Fellowship (EHF) brings together visionary entrepreneurs, investors, and change-makers to build solutions to global problems from Aotearoa New Zealand. International Fellows receive exclusive access to New Zealand’s new Global Impact Visa, an open work visa...
1968 - The GlobalRevolt
The four-part documentary 1968 – The Global Revolt looks at 10 years of upheaval between 1965 and 1975 – an era whose legacy divides opinion to this day.
Ecovillage Pioneers: A Journey Towards Low-Impact Living
Tony Wrench of Wales had a natural building that radically challenged and altered the government’s policy on low impact housing. This paved the way for Lammas - the UK’s first planned ecovillage, on brilliant display in this film.
Seven Mantras of the New Revolution
Change comes in waves, like the ocean, like sound, or ripples on a lake. Sometimes it’s all action – Occupy, the Arab Spring, the summer of 1968. Sometimes it feels like nothing’s happening, nothing’s ever going to happen, no matter how hard you try. Or even that things are...
Learning From Our Elders: Kwame Somburu and Scientific Socialism
A dear friend of mine passed away in 2016. He was a lifelong revolutionary activist and quite possibly the most interesting man in the world (sorry, Dos Equis guy). His name was Kwame Somburu, formerly Paul Boutelle.
Voices of Transition
This inspirational film presents innovative and very concrete solutions to the food security challenges of our crisis-ridden age. Its powerful images showcase community-led agriculture in Cuba, ingenious woodland farming methods in France and the influential Transition...
American Anarchist
This is the story of one of the most infamous books ever written, The Anarchist Cookbook, and the role it's played in the life of its author, now 65, who wrote it at the age of 19 in the midst of the counter-culture upheaval of the late 1960s and early ‘70s.
Periods Are Beautiful
Women go through their female cycle around 450 times in their lifetime. 450 times of bleeding. But also 450 times of ”letting go, letting a dying thing leave their own body, becoming new, regenerating and waxing and waning, not unlike the moon and tides.”* Alas, the average...
Yearning our Way to A More Beautiful World
The future we long for is alive and well in the more hopeful corners of our heart.
Dear White Nationalists, White Rights Activists, and Neo-Nazis | Unite the Right protest in DC
August 12, 2018 - Support independent media! ▶ Matt Orfalea 
Portland Protest Shows New Far-Right Trend: Multiethnic Groups with Fascist Heroes Like Pinochet
Democracy Now! continues their interview with A.C. Thompson, correspondent for Frontline PBS and reporter for ProPublica. His new investigation is titled Documenting Hate: Charlottesville. He discusses how he was there in Portland, Oregon, when anti-racist, anti-fascist...
How to Defeat Racism
Here are 5 amazing stories that show the power of unconventional and unexpected approaches to defeating racism, via Matt Orfalea. 
Decolonizing Jewishness: On Jewish Liberation in the 21st Century
Seven decades on, Israel is geopolitically embattled and the Jewish community is increasingly polarized around the issue of occupation. The occupation – Israeli military control over the Palestinian West Bank and the borders of Gaza Strip – is five decades old. Entire...
Patreon Update: A Big Thank You! + New Rewards & More
Hello fellow travelers, explorers, pioneers and visionaries! First I want to give a huge thank you to everyone who has thrown their support behind us in the first few months since we launched our Patreon campaign! I can't say how much it means to me and our team to have...
Before & After I Became a Social Justice Vampire
Since publishing my essay Un-Identity: Climbing Down the Other Side of Peak Liberalism, I’ve connected with dozens of other leftists around the world burned out on the hypocrisy and stagnancy of liberal identity politics. Many of us share common experiences of trauma and...
Engines of Domination: Political Power & The Human Emergency - Director's Cut
Political power—armed central authority, with states and war—is it part of human nature? Is it necessary for human community? Or is it a tool that ruling elites use to live at the community's expense? A tool that does violence to human nature and the world? Engines of...