841-900 of 2,474
Disability: It's Not the End of the World
A group of people with physical and visual disabilities in the Est Region in Burkina Faso (West Africa) come together in a participatory video process to produce a film where they make their voices heard on their lived experiences, what development is for them and how they...
Don't Always Trust Your Perceptions
Breathing in, I see myself as still water. Breathing out, I reflect things as they are. Near the mountain, there is a lake with clear, still water reflecting the mountain and the sky with pristine clarity. You can do the same. If you are calm and still enough, you can...
Becoming Midwives for The Great Transition
Culture Designer Joe Brewer on the need for midwives on a planetary scale to help humanity make the transition to its new story.
Is There Any Point to Protesting?
We turn out in the streets and nothing seems to happen. Maybe we’re doing it wrong.
How the Left Can Stop Arguing and Beat Trump
Progressives need to fight for their values in a smarter, more inclusive way
How (Not) to Challenge Racist Violence
"Protesters are eager to expend extraordinary energy denouncing small-scale racist actors. But what about the large-scale racist actors?"
Ten Ways to Fight Hate: A Community Response Guide
Hate in America has become commonplace. What can we do to stop the hate?
A Critique of Ally Politics
Dear Beloved Ones in Struggle,
With Allies Like These: Reflections on Privilege Reductionism
Over the course of the last several decades, anti-oppression politics have risen to a position of immense influence on activist discourse in North America. Anti-oppression workshops and reading groups, privilege and oppression checklists and guidelines, and countless books...
In 'Open Effort to Escalate Racial Tensions' Trump to Fully Militarize Police
Trump's plan to reverse ban on transfer of military equipment to police denounced by civil rights groups as "exceptionally dangerous and irresponsible"
Beautiful Powerful Direct Action for a Clean Energy Future
Taking direct action against the dirty fossil fuel industry and for a clean energy future, Ende Gelände is a mass action movement focused around Germany's massive lignite mines and associated infrastructure. This video is from the second day of four days of direct action...
How Should We Protest Neo-Nazis? Lessons From German History
After the murder of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, many people are asking themselves what they should do if Nazis rally in their city. Should they put their bodies on the line in counter demonstrations? Some say yes.
Life After Hate: Trump Admin Stops Funding Former Neo-Nazis Who Now Fight White Supremacy
Heather Heyer is the latest casualty in a number of deaths at the hands of white nationalists. Foreign Policy recently published an FBI and Department of Homeland Security bulletin that concluded white supremacist groups were "responsible for 49 homicides in 26 attacks from...
Towards a Tranformative Anti-Fascism
The Relevance of Radicalized Peacebuilding to Antifa Praxis
Violence, Authoritarianism, and the Future of America: Using Science to Progress Past Tribalism
Will progressives accept the empirical data behind the efficacy of nonviolence?
Pro Anti
Antifa’s horizon is in toppling the legitimacy of extraction and ownership anchored in presumably natural foundations
Beyond Violence and Nonviolence
The rise of fascism has injected new venom into an old debate, preventing activists from seeing movement strategy clearly.
As Alt-Right Gathers in Boston, Thousands Counter With Rally to Fight Supremacy
"The Boston counter-protest is now perhaps the largest anti-racist protest this year."
Anti-Fracking Activists Celebrate Ruling Against Major Pipeline
Court ruling "gives hope across the country for people facing the onslaught of oil and gas infrastructure."
A Reformed White Nationalist Speaks Out on Charlottesville
Christian Picciolini, former White Nationalist and founder of Life After Hate, talks to NPRs All Things Considered about his reaction to what unfolded in Charlottesville over the weekend, and about the divisiveness that's been growing in the country over the past several months.
The History and Importance of the Antifascist Movement
President Trump is facing widespread criticism for his latest comments on the deadly white supremacist protest in Charlottesville, Virginia. Speaking at Trump Tower on Tuesday, Trump said the violence was in part caused by what he called the "alt-left." President Trump’s...
Drawing Equivalencies Between Fascists and Anti-Fascists Is Not Just Wrong, It's Dangerous
We must be very wary of any attempts to excuse or normalize white supremacy.
Proud Mother Says Charlottesville Victim Heather Heyer 'Was About Stopping Hatred'
"I want her death to be a rallying cry for justice and equality and fairness and compassion," says mother of Heather Heyer. "No mother wants to lose a child, but I'm proud of her."
The Future of Activism
The times certainly are a-changing.
Reporting on Climate Change Is Harmful if You're Not Offering Solutions
Once-celebrated author and thinker Daniel Pinchbeck can't find an audience for his new book. He has a few ideas why.
Why Use Creative Commons Licenses?
Even though Creative Commons licenses have been around for more than a decade, I am always surprised to learn that many progressive-minded activists, artists and academics – the people who should be most enthusiastic about the licenses – know nothing about them or at least...
A 'No Nukes' Nation to Trump: Resign!
In the shadow of Santa Monica’s legendary “Chain Reaction” monument, a clear message was sent to the unelected interloper in the White House: RESIGN!!!
Dismantling Power: the Zapatista Indigenous Presidential Candidate's Vision to Transform Mexico From Below
"Patricio's candidacy and radical vision for Mexico challenges conventional politics and marks a new phase for the Zapatista and indigenous struggle in the country."
14 Reflections on the 2017 DSA Convention
In order for the Democratic Socialists of America’s 2017 Convention to be successful, three major tasks needed to be accomplished this past weekend. 1. Members needed to develop meaningful relationships with comrades from around the country. 2. Members had to participate in...
Defend the Sacred: Living Earth - Cooperation With All Beings
Sabine Lichtenfels speaking at "Defend the Sacred - Envision a Global Alternative" in Tamera (7th August).
Letter From a Birmingham Jail (1963)
My Dear Fellow Clergymen:
Defend the Sacred - What Is Sacred Activism?
Martin Winiecki speaks about 'What is Sacred Activism?' in the opening speech (6th of August 2017) of the international gathering 'Defend the Sacred - Envision a global alternative' in Tamera. 
A Turning Point on the Left? Libertarian Socialist Caucus Debuts at Democratic Socialist Conference
The Democratic Socialists of America, a traditionally progressive socialist organization founded in 1982, has seen its membership increase from roughly 5,000 to 25,000 members in the past year following the Bernie Sanders campaign and the subsequent election of Trump. Now...
You Are Being Watched: Movement Defense Against State & Corporate Surveillance
Ours is an age of historically unprecedented state and corporate surveillance. Our society's growing addiction to social media, smart phones and other forms of digital communication has ushered in a more interconnected society, but one that is almost entirely dependent on the...
Struggling Against All Odds: A Review of Plutocracy III: Class War
Tim Goulet reviews the third installment of the radical working-class history documentary Plutocracy by filmmaker Scott Noble.
Our Activism Must Be Focused on Serving the People
Our organizing can't just speak to the everyday crises of people's lives under capitalism. It has to intervene in them.
But What about the Psychopath?
If something bites you, it is inside of your clothes. —Swahili proverb I have argued that change will come not from overcoming the powers-that-be, but through their transformation. I have stated that we are fundamentally the same being l
The State of Our Feminist Movements
In today's global landscape, challenges inside and outside our feminist movements have sharpened, but so have we. So it's time to ask: what is the state of our collective movements today?
James Baldwin, Remembered on His 93rd Birthday
James Baldwin was a writer and political activist from Harlem, New York. He explored issues that challenged U.S. empire, racism and homophobia.
Naomi Klein: the Worst Is Yet to Come With Trump, so We Must Be Ready for Shock Politics
This is Part 2 of Amy Goodman's conversation with bestselling author and Intercept senior correspondent Naomi Klein about her book, "No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump’s Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need."
Is Property Destruction an Effective Tactic? The Suffragette Movement Reveals Important Lessons for Today
“Suffragette” tells a gripping story drawn from the direct action wing of Britain’s woman suffrage movement. Because it spotlights one tactic – property destruction – the film raises the question of effectiveness. Leader Emmeline Pankhurst’s argument for escalating with arson...
A Manual for a New Era of Direct Action
Movement manuals can be useful. Marty Oppenheimer and I found that out in 1964 when civil rights leaders were too busy to write a manual but wanted one. We wrote “A Manual for Direct Action” just in time for Mississippi Freedom Summer. Bayard Rustin wrote the forward. Some...
Are We Doomed? Let’s Have a Talk.
We're not all ready to have the same conversation, but perhaps that's a good place to start
How Seattle Voted to Tax the Rich
Seattle further cemented its reputation as one of the most progressive cities in the U.S. last week, when its City Council passed a law to tax the rich, sponsored by socialist City Councilmember Kshama Sawant along with Councilmember Lisa Herbold. The law places a 2.25% tax...
Accidental Anarchist
Carne Ross was a government highflyer. A career diplomat who believed Western Democracy could save us all. But working inside the system he came to see its failures, deceits and ulterior motives. He felt at first hand the corruption of power. After the Iraq war Carne became...
Month of Rolling Resistance Reclaims Power From Dirty Frackers
Lancashire County Council and local residents said NO to fracking. The government overturned that decision and allowed fracking firm Cuadrilla to drill at a site on Preston New Road near Blackpool. Now local residents, councillors and concerned citizens are taking direct...
James Cromwell's Fiery Final Interview Before Jail for Taking a Stand Against Fracking
Oscar-nominated actor James Cromwell has reported in upstate New York after he was sentenced to a week behind bars for taking part in a nonviolent protest against a natural gas-fired power plant. Cromwell says he’ll also launch a hunger strike. He was one of six activists...
How Swedes and Norwegians Broke the Power of the ‘1 Percent’
While many of us work to create a better world, it’s worthwhile to consider other countries where masses of people succeeded in nonviolently bringing about a high degree of democracy and economic justice. Sweden and Norway, for example, both experienced a major power shift in...
Marginalized People Don't Need Politeness, They Need Power
There’s an ever-percolating fight happening in left-of-center spaces about the tactics of the “call out” and shaming culture. This fight is rarely productive. Critics of those tactics argue they are counterproductive; defenders counter that these critics are really just...
One Graph Shows How Morally Outraged Tweets Stay Within Their Political Bubble
Thousands of people around the world have excitedly made a forceful political point with a well-honed and witty tweet. All it takes is 140 characters to make a pithy argument, and man it feels good to get a few retweets.
On Left Activism: Breaking Up Is Easy, but Sticking Together? That's the Real Test of One's Ideals
There is good reason for people on the left to have divisiveness on their minds. In the news and on social media, the leftists that are shown most often are those that are ranting and raging at each other, calling each other out over this badly-phrased thought or that...
The Pitfalls of Radical Feminism
Fighting capitalism remains the only path toward women’s full liberation.
Councilors Take Direct Action Against Fracking, "You've Left Us No Choice"
Lancashire residents and councilors took part in a 13-person lock-on at fracking company Cuadrilla's flagship fracking site at Preston New Road. The action is part of the Rolling Resistance, a month of taking creative action against Cuadrilla and the fracking supply chain...
Beneath Dramatic G20 Clashes, a Deep Demand for a Better World
Tens of thousands descend on Hamburg, challenging policies put forth by Trump-type nationalists and Europe's neoliberals elites
A Marxist Critique of Identity Politics
A Q&A with Asad Haider, founding editor of Viewpoint Magazine, on an ideology fracturing the left.
The NFL Can’t Handle the Political Radicalism of Colin Kaepernick
By directly challenging white supremacy, racism and imperialism, Colin Kaepernick is making himself a household name for all the right reasons. And the NFL, its billionaire owners and the corporate errand boys of sports journalism simply cannot stand it.
Why We Should Stop Using the Word "Activist"
Contesting power isn’t a hobby or a subculture—it’s a collective project pervading all facets of our lives.
Naomi Klein: We Must Kill Our 'Inner Trump'
The author of 'No Is Not Enough' says we must tackle our “inner Trump” in order to create a better world. Part of a 20min interview with OpenDemocracy, which you can watch in full here.
Worth Dying For - How Berta Cáceres' Murder Sparked a Backlash in Honduras
Berta Cáceres, winner of the International Goldman Prize for the Environment and possibly the most well-known land rights activist in the world, was murdered in her home a year ago. Berta's message to the world was that no one is beyond reach. Far from silencing her and her...
After the Rain: Hong Kong's Umbrella Movement 20 Years After the Handover
Two decades after the UK handed it back to China, President Xi Jinping is in Hong Kong for the first time to celebrate the anniversary. The ‘one country, two systems’ principle was designed to preserve democratic freedoms in the wealthy former colony. After troubled years of...