841-900 of 2,398
Calling in Call-Out Culture
For calling-in to work, it must be rooted deeply in kind speech
With Grief and Anguish in Portland, Here Are Some Principles to Help Carry You Forward
There is a lot of grief and anguish in Portland. The killings of the two men standing up to defend women of color were horrific and jarring to everyone in the city of what their sense of community is. But life and politics go on. Here are some principles you may find useful...
Refugees Welcome - Creating Solidarity Across Borders
In our current age of resurgent nationalism, anti-migrant xenophobia and increasing border militarization, it can be easy to lose track of the central role that migration has played in shaping the spaces we inhabit. The richness and depth of human history comes from the...
Why Social Change Is Slow
Without collective action, social change will be slow.
Autogestió: Adventures Into the New Economies of Catalonia
Catalonia is at the forefront of new economic thinking. They are a region rich in social currencies and in projects and people creating functioning post-capitalist societies. In June 2015, while in the midst of arranging the launch of the Exeter Pound, a local currency for...
The Self-Defeating Concept of “Resistance”
Bernie’s been taking more flak than ever from progressive rebels lately, and understandably so — his recent cuddle party with the White Helmets, a
The Evolution of American Protest Music
Music is a critical form of expression in American politics — especially in times of political and social unrest. Dating back to the early days of colonization, American protest songs have shifted in style and form. The earliest protest songs were written in an era of oral...
4 Key Elements to Organizing for the Long Haul
Plus 11 other key ideas to living well as an activist
A Goal and Strategy for Anarchism
It should be quite obvious, but apparently it’s not, that we can’t devise an anarchist revolutionary strategy until we have a clear idea of what it is we’re trying to achieve.
Enough Talk About Intersectionality. Let's Get on With It
Feminists today are occupied by seemingly endless Twitter debates. But this is a politics of representation: our attention needs to move towards a politics of change. What are we not doing while so many of our movement's resources are being used like this?
A Design School for Planetary Collapse
Storm clouds gather for a future that will be turbulent and dangerous. We need designers ready for this future.
Guidelines for Alliance-Building: Working Assumptions for Winning Allies and Being an Effective Ally
Since, under present world conditions, everyone either is now, or has been, or will be at some time a target of social oppression, and since everyone is now, or has been, or will be in a non-target group in relation to some other group’s oppression, alliance-building is for...
The Revolution Is Acceptance
"Waiting for some distant point in the future when we're all magically agreeing with one another to begin working together, is like deciding to climb Mount Everest on the condition that we'll help each other only after we've reached the top."
Bayard & Me
Bayard & Me is a short doc about how the openly gay civil rights activist Bayard Rustin, best known for organizing the March on Washington and advising Martin Luther King, adopted his partner Walter Naegle in the 1980s for legal protections. In this intimate love story...
Trump Is the Symptom, Not the Disease
The persecution of Mumia Abu-Jamal, MOVE members and all the radicals of four decades ago is not ancient history. It is the genesis of the present.
We Don't Need Them
But the proles, if only they could somehow become conscious of their own strength, would have no reason to conspire.  They needed only to rise up and shake themselves, like a horse shaking off flies. If they chose, they could blow the party to pieces tomorrow morning. ...
Ditch the “Animal Farm” Mentality to Break the Cycle of Fascism
As we resist Trump policies, try less fighting and speaking and doing to get “our” way and a lot more sitting and listening and questioning and being still.
Just Fix It: Showing up
What does it take to create change in a world in desperate need of it? Mike Prather explains the story of the dust mitigation and ‘restoration’ of the Owens Dry Lake.
We've Been Down This Road Before: A Brief Review of Immigrant Scapegoating in US History
Let’s Make History We Want to Remember is a collaborative video project about how immigrants have been targeted and scapegoated throughout US history, and a call to action to make a different kind of history. 
How to Livestream Protests
This video provides basic guidance on livestreaming protests safely and effectively, as well as guidance on how to grow and engage your viewers. Download the Witness tip sheet on livestreaming protests here.
Nature Verses the Pesticide Industry
The European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) are the largest pro-pesticide lobby. This joyous action by EZLN targets their offices in Brussels. We Are Nature Defending Itself!
Tales of Resistance - The Battle of the Newbury Bypass
Tales of Resistance - The Battle of the Newbury Bypass (UK, 98mins, 2017, Jamie Lowe)
Hacking Apartheid - Cryptography Tools for Activists
“Cryptography is the ultimate form of nonviolent direct action.” - Julian Assange
No One Is Coming to Save You, Comrade.
No one is coming to save you, Comrade.
The Fight - Documenting Disability Activists Caravan of Courage in Bolivia
People with disabilities are among the most discriminated against in Bolivia. Fed up of being ignored, a group of them marched across the Andes to the seat of the Government in La Paz, asking to speak with President Evo Morales. They are met with riot police, barricades, tear...
The Bentley Effect
The extraordinary tale of a community who defied the gas juggernaut. Filmed over five years, The Bentley Effect documents the highs and lows of the battle to keep a unique part of Australia gasfield-free. This timely story of a community’s heroic stand shows how strategic...
Calling All Pioneers of the New Paradigm!
From our fellow change agents at United Earth….
Jeremy Bernard Corbyn: What Was Done
This fantastic and entertaining documentary (full of biting satirical commentary) imagines what would happen if decades of neoliberal austerity in the UK was reversed by the democratic socialist programs of Jeremy Corbyn, who in the not-too-distant future becomes the greatest...
Cybersecurity for the People
Planning on going to a protest? You might not be aware that just by showing up, you can open yourself up to certain privacy risks — police often spy on protesters, and the smartphones they carry, and no matter how peaceful the demonstration, there’s always a chance that you...
Trouble Ep 2. - Bash the Fash
Reactionary right-wing politics are on the rise in the west, and events are moving at a dangerous pace. In the wake of Trump’s ascendency to the US presidency, a toxic mix of white nationalism, Islamophobia, transphobia, violent misogyny, and anti-migrant hysteria is rapidly...
Radical Hope: Life During the Climate Apocalypse
Global organizer Joshua Kahn Russell on the shifting terrain of climate justice, the need for spiritual perspective in the movement, and learning to love contradiction in the age of Bernie and Trump.
What Does It Take for Activists to Get Your Attention?
For major protests today, it is standard to have a media strategy. For example, there can be individuals assigned to media liaison. The location and timing of an action can be chosen with an eye toward media schedules. Some actions are designed specifically to attract media...
Protests Feed What They Oppose
A “memetic” observation about all the resistance marches since Trump took office… the protests feed what they oppose. There is a finite amount of emotional energy available in the world — the aggregate of all things that people are thinking about and acting on in any...
Kyle Cease: The World's Problems Are My Fault
The world is falling apart, and it's my fault.
Tomorrow: All Over the Globe, Solutions Already Exist (US-Only)
“Without question, this is absolutely the best and most creative film on the future of humanity and the environment”. — Paul HawkenWhat if telling a story that gives hope by pointing out solutions was the best way to solve the ecological, economical and social crises that...
Communalism: An Alternative to a World in Crisis
As we have entered a new century we face great crises both in society and in the natural world. Today we are not only still witnessing poverty, hunger and devastating wars: enormous environmental dislocations even threaten the stability of the planetary climate and vital...
If Workers Take Power
– Instead of the small class of capitalists controlling society, we can make our own decisions about work and social life.
Overworked? Underpaid?
We’re all feeling the squeeze.  What can we do? ORGANIZE!
We Stand for All Sacred Life on Earth
All that is sacred in this world has become threatened by a pathological cultural system of wealth extraction and hoarding... Awaken and take a stand for life on Earth.
60 Eco-Conscious Documentaries to Honor Mother Earth
Pachamama, our dear Mother Earth, is 4.5 billion years old. She is home to an estimated 8.7 million species of life! This wondrous web of relationships is truly a gift to be a part of, and we can thank our growing and evolving Mother Earth for the eyes and mind we have to...
Gandhi's Top 10 Fundamentals for Changing the World
“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”
From the Loi Travail to the French Elections
A Retrospective on Social Upheaval in France, 2015-2017
A Quest For Meaning
A Quest for Meaning is an inspiring journey that connects personal growth and social change. It tells the story of two friends, Marc and Nathanael, who leave everything behind to go question the workings of the world and look for alternative ways of thinking and living...
Despair Is Not a Strategy: 15 Principles of Hope
If you’re out there trying to change your neighborhood, community, city, country, or the world then this is for you. In moments when everything seems hopeless, read this to get your hope on. 1. Hope can co-exist with other feelings. Grief and hope can co-exist. Fear and hope...
The Day I Saved My Own Life
CW: description of a suicide attempt   On 19th April 2012, I overdosed whilst living in San Francisco. I had just had a therapy session, in which my and my therapist signed a “suicide contract” — one that said I agreed to calling her if I was feeling like I was going to do...
Why Humans Are so Bad at Thinking About Climate Change
The biggest problem for the climate change fight isn’t technology – it’s human psychology.
Populism Isn't a Dirty Word - A Genuine Populism of the Left is Long Overdue
Populism sure is getting bad reviews. All manner of evil is getting laid at its door: racism, xenophobia, authoritarianism, jingoism – and that’s just the start. The conventional view is that populism is an irrational and impatient response to modern dilemmas that are best...
Ho’oponopono for Earth Day
The Power of Humility, Forgiveness, Gratitude and Love
A “Political” Program for Anarchists
Many anarchists oppose in principle such use of the political process for anarchist ends. It is unethical, they say, for anarchists to participate in the political process. Voting entails selecting a representative to exercise coercive force in our name; and appealing to such...
Buckminster Fuller In 3 Minutes
A short review of contributions from Buckminster Fuller.
5 Reasons to Build a Network of Small Groups, Rather Than a Mass Movement of Individuals
We’re currently touring through the US, meeting with activists: from urban neighbourhood organisers, to black bloc anarchists, back-to-the-land communalists, and progressive mega-campaigners.
The Politics of the Future Must Embrace All That Makes Us Human: Our Anger, Pain, Joy and Love
It’s November 9 2010, and I’m one of many students that have surrounded and taken over the Conservative Party headquarters at Millbank Tower in London. I’m angry, we are all angry, because the government is trying to triple the amount of money we have to pay to learn, develop...
Our Land: A 7 Part Series about Revolutionizing Our Relationship to Food & Land
We have created this series of films to celebrate and interpret intervention, undertaken by individuals and communities, to shift our food and farm economy.  These episodes each address a major systemic failure of the old food economy: toxicity, monoculture, monopoly...
Whirlwinds of Danger
First they came for the Muslims, and we said: “Not this time, motherfuckers!”
The OAS: The US's Ministry of Colonies
What you need to know about the Organization of American States (OAS) and its attacks on Venezuela. The OAS has a long history of ignoring human rights' abuses in Latin America that benefit US interests while condemning those that challenge them.
Hope Inside The Fire
Behind the headlines of the protests over the Dakota Access Pipeline, a pure and singular spiritual camp was committing itself in prayer to save the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s only water supply.
10 Things You Can Do to Resist Hard Brexit
As Article 50 is triggered, here's what you can do to stop Britain's slide to the hard right.
Why Did Activists Chain Themselves to the Runway at Stansted Airport?
Just over a year ago we were convicted for our part in the Heathrow 13 action. We occupied the Northern runway at Heathrow, cancelling 25 flights, saving hundreds of tonnes of carbon dioxide from being emitted and protesting against the construction of the proposed third...
Meet The Woman Rescuing Fruit and Feeding Her Community
Meet Nita Kurmins GilsoMeet Nita Kurmins Gilson, the woman bringing fresh fruit to thousands of San Diegans in need. In 2009, Nita learned that 1 in 6 people in her county were going to bed hungry. She also saw an abundance of fresh produce going to waste all over the city...