301-360 of 2,474
Can You See It ? | Extinction Rebellion France
Can you see the absurdity of our world? Can you imagine another society?
Indigenous Thinking for Troubled Times, Tyson Yunkaporta
Can indigenous thinking save the world? Tyson Yunkaporta's new book 'Sand Talk' explores this question and is making a big impact.
Honor Yard: Finding Hope & Healing in a Maximum-Security Prison
Imagine finding hope, camaraderie and healing in a maximum-security prison. “Honor Yard” explores the symptoms of trauma from the perspective of the men who live in an Honor Yard at a California Prison in Lancaster, CA.
The Inner Peace Revolution
We all want peace, so why isn’t the world more peaceful? Discover the scientific evidence that points to a surprising solution.
Public Trust: Fight for America’s Public Lands
A feature-length documentary about America’s system of public lands and the fight to protect them.
How to Be a Woke White Person
Ever wonder how to become a woke white person? In this step by step instructional, you’ll slice through social justice warrior school and emerge with a high level degree in woke-ology. You’ll know not only how to get offended by anything, you’ll understand how to accrue woke...
Identity & Empathy | Ayishat Akanbi
Ayishat Akanbi is a stylist and cultural commentator. Her monologue 'The Problem with Wokeness' went viral a couple of years ago. She argues that modern social justice movements, or 'wokeness', often creates division, and harms those it is intended to help.
Noam Chomsky on the Harper's Letter and Cancel Culture
“If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.” ― Noam Chomsky
Revolution Now! with Peter Joseph
Part 1: introductions are made, along with a treatment on the origins and nature of systemic racism in the USA.
The Fight Of Their Lives
The Fight Of Their Lives documents the citizens fight against a Hazardous Waste Incinerator in Granville County, North Carolina in 1990. But it was more than just a single county's fight, it was a statewide fight that garnered national attention. It shows the many faces...
Revolution In Reverse: Debt, Work and the New Colonialism
Anthropologist David Graeber guides us on a profound analysis of the financial systems, current crisis and upheavals in the world. Taking as a starting point the tireless Occupy Wall Street movement in New York, the documentary uses reflections of Graeber and other experts to...
We Can Do Better Than This
My wife, Stella, recently shut down her account on the social-media-platform-that-must-not-be-named. “It feels like I’m walking away from a fight,” she said. “Almost everything I read there is a signal as to what side the poster is on. Or an attempt to promote the idea that...
The Troublemaker: How Extinction Rebellion Became A Global Climate Movement
The film scratches the niggling itch that is lurking in many of our brains about the extinction of planetary systems that seems to be going on all around us, and the dawning realisation that something has to be done.
LA 92
Over twenty-five years after the verdict in the Rodney King trial sparked several days of protests and violence in Los Angeles, LA92 immerses viewers in that tumultuous period through stunning and rarely-seen footage. Produced by Oscar winner Simon Chinn and Emmy winner...
Understanding Trump's Game Plan in Portland Could Be the Key to Preventing a Coup in November
Defeating Trump’s “law and order” strategy will mean creating a plan to win based on our strengths and his weaknesses.
Necropolitics, Social Fascism and Algorithmic Colonialism
Is the old world really dying while the new one struggles to be born? Or does it merely mutate, gorging on technology and the intensification of social fear?
From Trash To Treasure: Turning Negatives Into Positives
In Lesotho—a highland country surrounded by South Africa—an artist named Nthabiseng TeReo Mohanela takes discarded materials and transforms them into unique clothing and accessories. Teaching young people the benefits of recycling and re-creation, she calls her project “From...
Film School Africa
Katie Taylor, a Hollywood casting director, leaves her career behind in order to teach filmmaking to the youth of an impoverished South African community. Originally intending solely to equip them with employment opportunities, she quickly discovers the therapeutic impact on...
Human Beings Are Not a Virus
'Buoyed by our present solidarity, let us look to Ireland’s own historical fights to protect the environment and each other.'
The Cure of the Earth
"Love of life is the guide and motivator of ecological healing on Earth. Next comes learning how to put that love into action. How do we do that for that most alive of all places, the Amazon?"
Nonviolence and the New Story of Human Nature
How do we get from the world of now to the society we long to live in?
Giant Slaves
This expository documentary is shedding some light on the southeast asian elephant industry. What is this dark secret? And why is it harmful for the elephants? 
Degrowth and the Emerging Mosaic of Alternatives
After decades on the defensive, the left has once again started to embrace positive visions of the future.
What's a Colloquium? An Oral History of the Natural Building Movement
A small band of natural building enthusiasts and outlaws met in a field over 20 years ago at something they called a ‘colloquium’. The movement they created has grown uncontrollably ever since; reviving and innovating ancient building techniques and training thousands in the...
Theory of Enchantment 101
The Theory of Enchantment course provides educators with a world-class social-emotional learning program (SEL) that integrates pop culture with developmental psychology. This program helps educators transform the lives of their students and motivates them to maximize their...
A Working Definition of Racism
1. Human beings are members of the same species. The term 'racism' is useful as a shorthand way of categorizing the systematic mistreatment experienced by people of color and Third world people both in the United States and in many other parts of the world. But this term...
We Need Solidarity, Not White Guilt, to Fight Racism
The well-intentioned drive among white progressives to “check their privilege” or “take responsibility” for their unconscious biases won’t do much to fight racism. But forging real solidarity through concrete campaigns, protests, and movements can.
Working Assumptions for White Activists on Eliminating Racism: Guidelines for Recruiting Other Whites as Allies
Assume that all human beings desire warm, close relationships with each other. This is also true of you and of all other white people.    Assume that you are a regular white person (not an exceptional white person) and that all whites are good people, caring...
What Are We Talking About When We Talk About 'A Police-Free Future'?
Over the past two weeks, our “Building a Police-Free Future: Frequently-Asked Questions” zine has been shared tens of thousands of times. That zine is a great first step, but it’s also only 1000 words long! We know people still have questions, especially when it comes to some...
The Myth of Class Reductionism with Adolph Reed
Today Bhaskar Sunkara, editor & publisher of Jacobin magazine, is joined by professor emeritus of political science at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Adolph Reed Jr., to talk about what materialist political history actually looks like and how the charge from liberals...
"Minneapolis was a Warzone" Frontline Report on Black Lives Matter Protests Rocking US | Jamal Green
“People are fighting as if they're about to lose their lives & the truth is, they could be next”
The Blood is at the Doorstep
After Dontre Hamilton, a black, unarmed man diagnosed with schizophrenia, was shot 14 times and killed by police in Milwaukee, his family embarks on a quest for answers, justice, and reform as the investigation unfolds. Watch now at the following streaming services: •Tubi (free)
Black Lives That Still Matter: The Deaths Behind the Movement in 24 parts (ch. 2)
This compilation of videos is mostly based on research done for Michael Harriot’s  “A Timeline of Events That Led to the 2020 ‘Fed Up’- Rising” for
Black Lives That Still Matter:  The Deaths Behind the Movement in 24 Parts
This compilation of videos is mostly based on research done for Michael Harriot’s  “A Timeline of Events That Led to the 2020 ‘Fed Up’- Rising” for
Baltimore Rising
Directed by The Wire actor Sonja Sohn, this thought-provoking documentary follows activists, police officers, community leaders and gang affiliates, who struggle to hold Baltimore together, in the wake of Freddie Gray's death, even as the homicide rate hits record levels, and...
Miki Kashtan: Exiting the Either/Or Trap - Decision Making Beyond Consensus and Command / Control
Are long, drawn-out consensus processes the only alternative to a rigid, hierarchical decision making model that reinforces unhealthy power dynamics? Trainer, facilitator and writer Miki Kashtan offers her powerful framework of Convergent Facilitation, which is a model of...
Why You Should Give a F*ck
In episode 1 of this new series, The Real News Network explores the different areas of power, and how we interact with them as citizens.
Copwatch:  An Organization Dedicated to Filming the Police
COPWATCH follows WeCopwatch, an organization dedicated to filming the police. Among its members are the individuals who captured the original videos of the deaths of Eric Garner in Staten Island and Freddie Gray in Baltimore that ignited the entire nation. Learn the stories...
Whose Streets?  An Unflinching Look at the Ferguson Uprising
Told by the activists and leaders who live and breathe this movement for justice, Whose Streets? is an unflinching look at the Ferguson uprising. When unarmed teenager Michael Brown is killed by police and left lying in the street for hours, it marks a breaking point for the...
Show Me Democracy:  Student Activism Amidst the Uprising in Ferguson
Amidst the uprising in Ferguson, 7 St. Louis college students evolve into advocates and activists as they demand change through policy and protest.
Dispatches From Cleveland
Dispatches from Cleveland is a feature-length documentary in five parts that closely examines the early 21st century, rust-belt city of Cleveland, Ohio, one of the most racially divided cities in America. The film follows ordinary people – long shaken by police misconduct...
Immuto (Change)
Immuto (Change), is a response to the climate emergency and global environmental collapse.
Activists Catalog Nearly 600 Videos of Police Violence Against Protesters
"This kind of documentation serves as a counter-narrative to repeated denials of responsibility from the police, who are routinely claiming protesters were the ones to grow violent first."
Communities Of Hope: Discovering the Ecovillages of Europe
COMMUNITIES OF HOPE is a film born from a quest to discover a regenerative culture.
Bayard Rustin:  An unsung hero of the civil rights movement
Learn about the life of Bayard Rustin, a leader in the Civil Rights Movement, a gay rights activist, and one of Martin Luther King’s closest advisors. -- In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech at the March on Washington to nearly a quarter...
Notes of a Native Son: the World According to James Baldwin - Christina Greer
James Baldwin was an American novelist and social critic whose essays in “Notes of a Native Son” explored race, sex and class distinctions. -- In the 1960s, the FBI amassed almost 2,000 documents in an investigation into one of America’s most celebrated minds. The subject of...
Black Lives Matter & The Question of Violence | Gary Younge
“Riots are often justified, what’s the French Revolution but a riot blessed by history”
Police Abolition 101: What a World Without Cops Would Look Like
“Can we come up with a situation where there are fewer killings, and fewer collateral consequences?”
Yes, the Looting Must Stop
Looting is the word of the day, on the lips of every newscaster, the president, and elected officials across the country.  And, indeed, looting is a major problem in America.
Don’t Fall for the Myth of the “Outside Agitator” in Racial Justice Protests
Whenever mass protests of any kind kick off, defenders of the status quo immediately accuse protesters as being duped by “outside agitators.” Don’t fall for it — the lie of the outside agitator is designed to weaken protests and downplay our widespread anger at injustice.
No Neutral
A letter to white people from a white person.
Dr. Cornel West Finally Said What Americans Need to Hear - Here's Why
Brother Doctor Cornel West finally said what needed to be said on CNN. The one narrative a neo-fascist liberal mediasphere can’t headline. Not in Venezuela. Not in Syria. Not in Yemen. Not in Tel-Aviv, Paris, the UK, or anywhere throughout the neo-liberal world. “We are...
May the Screams and Tears and Protests Shake the Very Conscience of This Nation
No one wants to see their community burn. But the fires burning in Minneapolis, just like the fire burning in the spirits of so many marginalized Americans today, are a natural response to the trauma black communities have experienced, generation after generation.
Another Uprising Was Inevitable
This epidemic of racism is more prevalent, more real, more tangible than even a virus that is taking lives seemingly overnight. When do Black people get to rest, to be safe, to breathe?
How to Fix the World
The pandemic is very quickly teaching us what’s important: health, love, food, a safe and comfortable home, creativity and learning, connectedness, and being able to get out into nature. Shouldn’t those things be the pillars around which our societies are organised? The virus...
Astroturfing: How To Spot A Fake Movement
If the Reopen America protests seem a little off to you, that's because they are. In this video we're going to talk about astroturfing and how insidious it is. - Second Thought
Forget "Looting." Capitalism Is the Real Robbery.
This morning the president of the United States threatened state-sanctioned murder in response to “looting,” laying bare the way in which white supremacy, capitalism and the state work together to violently repress people who defend Black life.