301-360 of 2,398
Mumia: Long Distance Revolutionary
Before he was convicted of murdering a policeman in 1981 and sentenced to die, Mumia Abu-Jamal was a gifted journalist and brilliant writer. Now after more than 30 years in prison, Mumia is not only still alive but continuing to report, provoke and inspire. "Mumia: Long...
Corona Crisis Reveals We Need Systemic, Not Just Individual Change
Climate change is not your fault.
Richard Heinberg's Review of Planet of the Humans
A few days ago, Emily Atkin posted a reaction to Michael Moore’s latest film, 
Solidarity Means to Leave No One Behind. Beyond Citizenships and Across Borders.
Solidarity - an amply applied term these days. A comprehensive and infinite word that in the realm of politics nowadays mostly comprises a rather narrow understanding, that seems to mainly refer to ‘us’ rather than ‘them’. Time to take a step back and re-discover the root...
The Need for Humor in Activism | Charles Eisenstein
"I haven't talked a lot about tools for depolarization or peace-making, but I'd like to talk about the technology of humor."
Powerdown: Let's Talk About It
This was originally published in 2013. Maybe now, with Covid-19 giving us all a chance to experience it and practice it - we're finally ready to talk about it. - Films For Action
Movements Must Give Biden No Choice but to Move Left — as They've Done With Centrist Democrats in the Past
Movements forced progressive change under FDR and LBJ, but failed to move Obama. To change this country they must start pressuring Biden now.
Seven Building Blocks for a Post-Corona World
With regular life on pause, we have a chance to stop and question the path we are taking at the deepest level.
One World 1 - A Survival Strategy for Humanity
"It’s time to design a global society that fits the biological and material constraints of earth and also fits the psychological, cultural, and developmental needs of diverse peoples worldwide."
Biden Is A Tool. Can He Be Used?
Sure, progressives may see the presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, as an empty vessel who’s been filled with corporate goals. Francesca argues that maybe, just maybe — and with great effort – progressives can pour some of that old, curdled corporatism...
Inner Climate Change: The Change Starts Within You
How do we navigate the intensity of emotions and reactions stirred up by climate change, or COVID-19 for that matter? How do we come to a place of peace, compassion, forgiveness and life-affirming action?
Defendant 5
Defendant 5 is the valiant struggle of a young filmmaker to document the destruction of Tasmania’s ancient forests. In doing so, she is swept up in a multi-million dollar legal battle that challenges the right to free speech.
Why I Stopped Protesting and Started a Garden
“The greatest change we need to make is from consumption to production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens. If only 10% of us do this, there is enough for everyone. Hence the futility of revolutionaries who have no gardens, who depend on the very system they attack...
Mourn and Organize!
We all love Joe Hill, but his famous piece of advice — “Don’t mourn, organize!” — is only half right. Given the state of the world today, with Bernie Sanders out of the presidential race and hundreds of thousands dead from the coronavirus, we ought to be doing both.
Like It or Not, If We Run Third Party, We Will Lose
Socialists say they either want to “realign” the Democratic Party or break with it entirely. But those aren’t political strategies — they are outcomes of political struggle. We need a way to develop working-class politics without condemning ourselves to third-party marginality.
2020 Voters Guide: Use Your Vote to Choose Your Opponent
This guide is for people who know that "year-round activism + voting" is the best strategy for creating the world we want. Voting alone won't do it, but "year-round activism + not voting" needlessly puts us at a tactical disadvantage. Spending 1 day to choose our political...
Biden Vs. Trump: Are We In or Out?
The next few months are decision time for the left.
“It's Time to Engage in as Much Class Struggle as We Can”
The United Electrical workers’ union and the Democratic Socialists of America are teaming up to help nonunion workers organize during the coronavirus crisis. The goal: find workers who are already spoiling for a fight and help them win it.
Coronavirus: the Need for a Progressive Internationalist Response
This pandemic health crisis exposes the injustices of the global economic order. It must be a turning point towards creating the systems, structures and policies that can always protect those who are marginalised and allow everyone to live with dignity.
The Tyranny of Decorum
David Sirota, a senior adviser to Bernie Sanders’s 2020 campaign, argues that a key mistake of the campaign was Sanders’s refusal to more forcefully articulate the contrasts between his record and Joe Biden’s.
What Happened When 235 Incarcerated Men Stepped Into The Circle and Humanized Their Trauma Together
Unaddressed childhood trauma changes how we respond to the world and when triggered, we make choices that sometimes have devastating consequences including domestic violence, addiction, murder and prison.
Homesteading Family Living Off-Grid in a Spectacular Earthship
This inspiring off-grid homesteading family lives in a renovated stone earthship. They grow their own food, collect rainwater, use solar power, have composting toilets, and they have a pond that filters their grey water. On top of living an eco friendly lifestyle, they...
How to Turn Your Yard into a Garden | Grow Food Not Lawns
This video is a demonstration of how to turn your yard into a garden.
Amandla! A Revolution in Four-Part Harmony
Through a chronological history of the South African liberation struggle, this documentary cites examples of the way that music was used in the fight for freedom.
Essays from the Heart: Emergence from Within
A short film capturing one woman's journey of seeking freedom and happiness in today's world.  
When Climate Met COVID: 7 Reasons We Should Tackle These Challenges Together
We face not one but three simultaneous inter-connected crises: the COVID-19 Emergency, the Climate and Biodiversity Emergency, and the Crisis of Capitalism. We urgently need connected constructive responses.
Democracy (How to Save It and Ourselves) Narrated by Danny Glover
All of a sudden, elections are about big ideas -- like transforming our economy to fight climate change. But can we really fix it all by voting? The Leap’s new explainer video explores why we need to build power both inside and outside the halls of government.
Bernie's Decision: Retreat Should Not Be Confused With Surrender
In these important battles we wage, we will often lose—but we must not give up.
The Problem Is the Solution: How Permaculture-Designed Household Isolation Can Lead to Retrosuburbia
As the COVID-19 pandemic first exploded across our globalised world, I found myself unsure of priorities in this time of pivotal change, even though I had been tracking information about Wuhan since January. Not because I didn’t know that a global pandemic of this scale was...
'The Impossible Has Already Happened': What Coronavirus Can Teach Us About Hope
In the midst of fear and isolation, we are learning that profound, positive change is possible.
Coronavirus Coverage on Films for Action
  We wanted to put all our Coronavirus coverage in one place, as a resource to share with friends and loved ones. The quality of our response is only as strong as the quality of our knowledge.   [ffa-repeater][horizontal]...
As Coronavirus Opens the Door to Big Changes, the Left's Most Attractive Vision Faces Pushback
For many Americans, it’s time for a system change along the lines of the Nordic model. This has the political establishment deeply worried.
Life's Hidden Energy (with Jeddah Mali)
Could all our problems be traced to not understanding how to utilize life’s hidden energy? Learn more: 
Coronavirus and Climate Activism: Five Common Lessons
The pandemic is a testing ground for how to address the climate crisis, and vice-versa.
Comparative Resilience: 8 Principles for Post-COVID Reconstruction
This past weekend, a bright Georgetown undergraduate asked me how I squared my passion for localization with the theory of comparative advantage. For economics newbies, he was referring to David Ricardo’s argument that every community should find one product to specialize in...
The Decade of Transformation Is Here: Remaking the Economy for the People
The pandemic, economic collapse and the government’s response to them are going to not only determine the 2020 election but define the future for this decade and beyond. People are seeing the failure of the US healthcare nonsystem and the economy. The government was able to...
Why People Take Things Out of Context | Charles Eisenstein
It's a tactic of war. You take something out of context, you blow it up to be totally outrageous, you provoke outrage and indignation, and you use it as a weapon. Why?  - Charles Eisenstein 
The Sequel: What Will Follow Our Troubled Civilisation?
Opening with a powerful ‘deep time’ perspective, from the beginning of the Earth to our present moment, BAFTA-winning director Peter Armstrong's new film recognises the fundamental unsustainability of today’s society and dares to ask the big question: What will follow?
No New Normal
“May you live in interesting times." A curse once assigned Chinese origin, now thought to be apocryphal, is deceptively mild until you realize you have no resistance to a novel, viral load of interestingness. We feel like we can’t blink, yet our eyelids are getting very...
Delicate Balance
Centered around an extensive interview with Jose “Pepe” Mujica, the former President of Uruguay who gained notoriety on the world stage as a rare politician: one that lives according to the ideas and principles he preaches, Delicate Balance is a contemplative essay on the...
Yanis Varoufakis: "The Coronavirus is going to accelerate the post 2008 Crisis"
In this video the economist and co-founder of DiEM25 Yanis Varoufakis, examines the socio-economic implications of the Coronavirus. This video was originally produced by DiEM25 and republished by acTVism Munich in order to create awareness on this issue. 
From Mutual Aid to Dual Power in the State of Emergency
The COVID-19 public health crisis is rapidly devolving into a vast, multi-faceted crisis of social reproduction with no end in sight. How can we seize this moment to build dual power?
No Return to Normal: For a Post-Pandemic Liberation
Today, new forms of solidarity, mutual aid, and common struggle are emerging in the pandemic. How will they shape tomorrow’s struggles for a post-capitalist world?
HOLY SH*T! 7 Things to Do Instead of Hoarding Toilet Paper
Beautiful Trouble’s irreverent guide to activism in the time of pandemic
To Stop the Cult of Trump We Need to Satisfy the Human Need for Meaning
Like all cult leaders, Trump fills a certain void for his followers. Stopping him means providing pathways to sustainable forms of spiritual fulfillment.
The One-Choice Election
There is only one choice in this election. The consolidation of oligarchic power under Donald Trump or the consolidation of oligarchic power under Joe Biden.
Why Can't We Talk About Certain Topics Anymore?
Everybody's noticing how social and political conversations become more and more polarized, to the point you can hardly call it a conversation anymore. - Charles Eisenstein 
Rising for a Global Feminist Future With the Movement to Elect Bernie Sanders.
We are a coalition of feminists contending with both our differences and our commonality in age, race, class, religion, labor, and sexual orientation. We meet at the intersection of our fluid identities. Though our experiences are different, we share a vision of a feminist...
'Progress Comes From Changing How Humans Think' — a Conversation With 'Soldier of Peace' Paul K. Chappell
"What makes nonviolence so different from violence, is the way that nonviolence seeks to address and confront root causes of problems: violence addresses the symptoms and nonviolence goes at root cause of the problem."
Bernie Sanders vs Donald Trump | Archenemies
A candidate who has the guts to stand up to the people who own this country. A candidate who has the guts to have a vision that American can be a land for all people. Not just a land controlled by the super rich. #FeelTheBern #Bernie2020 #BernieBeatsTrump Thanks for watching...
Why We Need to Move Closer to King's Understanding of Nonviolence
Nonviolence is not simply the absence of violence, but about taking a proactive stand against violence and injustice, and working to repair the harm.
Six Rules for Organizing a Grassroots Regeneration Revolution
We must think, act and organize locally, while simultaneously cultivating a global vision and global solidarity.
Class: The Little Word the Elites Want You to Forget
The culture wars give the oligarchs, both Democrats and Republicans, the cover to continue the pillage.
INVISIBLE: A Rare Glimpse into the Life of an Undercover Investigator
"People need to see it." ‘INVISIBLE’ follows two undercover investigators, ‘Emily’ and ‘Sarah’ (their names have been changed to protect their identities), on a pig farm investigation in Europe, offering the viewer an unprecedented glimpse into a world that is deliberately...
We’ve Got a Better World in Mind - 8 Principles for a Beautiful Future
How to get from here to there in the next 10 years
The New Story Revolution: Over 75 Films & Articles About the Movement With Many Names
"It’s all a question of story. We are in trouble just now because we are in between stories. The Old Story—the account of how the world came to be and how we fit into it—sustained us for a long time. It shaped our emotional attitudes, provided us with life purpose, energized...
Feminism and the Social Solidarity Economy: a Short Call to Action
The following text is a translation of Marian Díez‘s impassioned closing speech at the recent convergence meeting of the World Social Forum for Transformative Economies.
Internationalism or Extinction
Capital is coordinated and globalized. Our struggles against injustice and oppression must be the same.
'Toward a Brighter More Just Future': 100+ Black Writers and Scholars Endorse Bernie Sanders
"When so much is at stake, not only for Black people but for all people, and all life on the planet, we feel it imperative that we step outside of our classrooms and go beyond our campuses, to speak out on the current presidential election."