Guardians of the Earth: A Film about the Paris Agreement (2017)

Twenty thousand worldwide negotiators meet at a private airport shielded by the military in the north of Paris for a last attempt to save our planet from climate change. Behind closed doors, these delegates have to negotiate on the first global climate change agreement by the United Nations that will define our chance for survival.

Unreleased footage gives insight into the process: the battle of nations for rescue and a new economic order of the world. As sea levels keep rising, glaciers are melting, heat-waves, droughts and super-typhoons become more frequent – time is running out to act – climate change is our reality.

“The Austrian filmmaker has made a startling film about the 2015 World Climate Conference in Paris, where 20,000 negotiators from 195 countries came together to make another attempt to save the earth. The result is a veritable political thriller that gives an insight into the difficult processes behind closed doors and reveals conflicts that will decide our future: the fight for economic growth on the one hand - and massive loss of life on the other." - ORF
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