721-780 of 2,474
The Left's Problem Isn't Politics—It's Metaphysics
How can liberals and progressives learn to feel differently about identity?
Is Catastrophe the Only Cure for the Weakness of Radical Politics?
If we want a future worthy of the name we need a different form of revolution.
Will Cuba Become a Test Case for a Post-Postmodern Future?
Metamodern mindfulness offers a new way of thinking about the ideological conflicts of the past.
Why Allies Are Welcome to Criticise Social Movements
Being a member of an oppressed group is not a guarantee of wisdom or correctness.
Violence Brought Us Trump, It's Not How We Will Stop Him
What’s next? That is the big question facing this country after the election of Trump. And many people have been sharing their thoughts on that over social and traditional media, over dinner conversations, at the office and on the bus with complete strangers. And, as...
Why the Right Loves Privilege Politics
The Right deploys privilege politics to avoid class politics, obscuring where the real power lies in our society.
MLK was Planning Something Huge Just Weeks Before He was Assassinated
While most retrospectives focus on his "I have a dream" speech, everyone deserves to know what he was trying to accomplish when he was killed.
Why Some Queer People Are Rejecting Identity Politics
This topic has been around for a while, but lately it seems like there are actual attempts at dialogue happening, and so I want to contribute to that.
Cultural Appropriation, White Purity and ‘Woke’ Nationalism
While a White Nationalist claims that doing non-white things is tainting the race, the social justice activist claims that doing non-white things is theft. The end result is the same: a pure, untainted, culturally-distinct white race. White Nationalism and Woke Nationalism...
#Deletefacebook? Not in Indian Country
The social network has done more for bolstering the modern Indigenous rights agenda than perhaps any other platform of our time.
12 Rules for Spitting on the Poor
Collective action to right wrongs or help the suffering under neoliberal ideology is wrong, unfeasible, or some combination of the two.
The Limits of Liberal Identity Politics
Asad Haider ends the first part of his essay on the problems of liberal identity politics with a powerful accusation: “Fredrik deBoer asks, ‘Does it matter to Resnikoff that the most acid critiques of identity politics I know of have come from writers of color?’ It is a...
Why the Moral Argument for Nonviolence Matters
“Bernard? Oh yeah, he’s great. He was always the principles guy.”
3 Lessons of Revolutionary Love in a Time of Rage - Valarie Kaur
What's the antidote to rising nationalism, polarization and hate? In this inspiring, poetic talk, Valarie Kaur asks us to reclaim love as a revolutionary act. As she journeys from the birthing room to tragic sites of bloodshed, Kaur shows us how the choice to love can be a...
Is There an Alternative to Political Correctness?
Political correctness aims for some very nice results, but its means have a habit of upsetting a lot of people. Might there be an alternative to it? We think there is, and it’s called Politeness.
How to Build a Progressive Movement in a Polarized Country
Whether it’s assault rifles, racial justice, immigration or fossil fuels, the country is rocked by conflicting narratives and rising passions. In a recent national poll, 70 percent of Americans say the political divide is at least as big as during the Vietnam War.
Exiting the Vampire Castle
We need to learn, or re-learn, how to build comradeship and solidarity instead of doing capital’s work for it by condemning and abusing each other. This doesn’t mean, of course, that we must always agree – on the contrary, we must create conditions where disagreement can take...
Let the (R)Evolution Come from Wisdom: 3 Insights to Help Create a World Free From Violence
What is this world we’ve created for our youth? 7,000 dead to gun violence since 2012?! What is that? The weight that we are leaving for our youth is unbearable to bear witness to, but if we don’t… what kind of world will we have created?
Crossroads and Country Roads: Wildcat West Virginia and the Possibilities of a Working Class Offensive
During the four days I spent in West Virginia, I was repeatedly thanked for coming to support teachers from out of state, though mostly people seemed a bit surprised that I cared. Perhaps it was because I arrived at the exact moment that most of the national media was...
How Social Justice Activists Took Over a College and Drove Some Professors Out
Bret Weinstein left the Evergreen State College in the wake of student protests last Spring. However, internal struggles with faculty and administration over equity was happening months before this. Subverse went to Evergreen with Weinstein to hear his side of where this...
Jordan Peterson on Why 'No Platforming' Activists May Want to Rethink Their Strategy
Jordan Peterson offers incredibly important advice on the appropriate way to respond to tense situations with disruptive protestors - advice that was quite literally lost in the noise of the nonstop protest that shut down an event focused (ironically) on the subject of...
Shaming Someone Doesn't Change Their Mind
So you want to fight prejudice and change people’s minds? Step 1: Don’t insult them. Step 2: Have a real conversation.
Spiked Magazine Panel - "Is the Left Eating Itself?"
Is “the Left” eating itself? Watch the Unsafe Space Tour panel discussion at New York Law School, featuring Professors Bret Weinstein, Laura Kipnis, Angus Johnston, and author Brendan O'Neill. Moderated by Tom Slater (of Spiked Magazine). 
Did Political Correctness Cause Fascism in the US?
This video answers the question "Did Political Correctness Cause Fascism in the US?" and considers how Mark Fisher's critique of capitalism might inform our understanding of the reactionary right.
Kill All Normies: The End of the Culture War?
This video takes a look at the alt-right through the lens of Angela Nagle's new book "Kill All Normies" and calls for the end of the culture war.
The Queen's University Talk: Jordan Peterson on The Rising Tide of Compelled Speech
Jordan Peterson: "I was invited to Queen's University March 5 to give the inaugural lecture/discussion of the Liberty Lecture series, funded by Faculty of Law alumnus, Gregory Piasetzki (LLB 1980). Dr. Bruce Pardy (
Zero Books: Why We Should Engage with Conservative Rebels
Too often the left fails to engage with conservative critics of modernity and this failure allows right-wing tropes and concepts to go unchallenged. For instance, if only the right will address the way social alienation creates a sense of meaninglessness and instability, then...
On International Women's Day Here Are 8 Steps We Can Take To Support Women And Girls
On the 8th of March - International Women's Day - here are 8 steps decision makers must take to support women and girls fighting for their rights in the most difficult places on Earth.
Radical Kindness Is Liberating
A few years ago, Maria Popova wrote an article on how to criticize with kindness, based on the work of philosopher Daniel Dennett. 
Situational Assessment: What We Must Learn from 2016 to Win The Battle of Ideas
In 2015, I took a swing at assessing the shape and state of our global challenges. Looking back, that essay is still well worth a read, but it is high time for an update. While many things have changed in the world in
A Surprising Strategy to Combat Hateful Ideologies: Offer Them More of What They Truly Want
Lately, I've been interested in exploring how we can apply this strategy to combatting white supremacy and other harmful, extremist and violent ideologies. Obviously, the goal would not be to show them how following us will help them create a white ethnostate; it would be to...
Learning from Game of Thrones: How Power Really Works - The Frame Game
Game of Thrones is all about power games. What many people don't realize is that behind those power games are clashes of the way people see the world. There are clashes of frames. The people who can control these frames (like Tyrion Lannister and Tywin Lannister) tend to win...
How To Avoid Embarrassing Yourself In An Argument  - Jordan Peterson
Have you seen the Jordan Peterson and Cathy Newman debate? We've all found ourselves in conversation and felt attacked like we started off talking about one thing and then the other person twisted our words and before we knew it, we lost our cool, lost respect in their eyes...
Jordan Peterson on Political Polarization & Pepe the Frog
Jordan Peterson sits down with the CBC’s Wendy Mesley to talk about political polarization, Pepe the Frog and his support from the far right. He has a new book called 12 Rules for Life: an Antidote to Chaos. Peterson sparked controversy in 2016, when he spoke against a...
Exposing Liberal Hypocrisy and Conservative Close-Mindedness - Van Jones
The amount of political disagreement in the nation is matched only by righteous indignation. But in order to disagree without disrespecting each other, we need to look hard at our own positions, and Van Jones does just that.
Meet Me In Hard-to-Love Places: The Heart and Science of Relationship Success
This is the introduction to Eric Bower's book, Meet Me In Hard-to-Love Places. To build successful relationships, it is essential to address the pain and emotional wounds that you carry from past relationships, particularly from your childhood relationships with
Films for Action Is Making a Big Change, and We Want You to Be Part of It!
For all our supporters who haven't heard yet, last month we decided to make a major change to how Films For Action operates.
The Light of God & Communist Egalitarianism
We will investigate the symbolic language of the Bible when it speaks of "Light' and "darkness". We will investigate it from a social-political and economic perspective. Visit or call: or 716-885-2289
The Children’s Fire: Our Culture’s Missing, Ancient, Core Value
“Can you imagine? Can you imagine our society if we placed the children’s fire at the center of all institutions of power in our government, in our corporations, in our religions, in all institutions of power, if we rekindled the children’s fire and the chiefs of those...
The True Purpose of Government Should Be Investing in People, Not Empire
What is the true purpose of government? Critics would rightly say it's to control and dominate because that's the nature of every government we've known. Every government since the days of feudalism has been corrupted in some form, "captured" in other words, by monied, elite...
How To Get Respect Without Being A Bully - Jordan Peterson
Jordan Peterson recently expertly handled a debate during an interview with BBC's Channel 4 news (The video was called: Jordan Peterson debate on the gender pay gap, campus protests and postmodernism). And JBP did it without being a bull or being aggressive. So how do we get...
The Rainbow Warrior
We will be known forever by the tracks we leave.” ~ Dakota proverb If you are supportive of institutions over individuals, then you better not read this. If you disregard The Native American Rule of Seven Generations, then maybe this article is not for you. If the phrase...
Why Men's Work? Surely We’re Over Dividing Things by Gender in the 21st Century?
Good question. We can only speak from our experience from doing this work for many years, which is that men and women have different challenges and experiences of the world. We are all impacted by society (what some call ‘patriarchal culture’) but we are wounded in different...
Above With Love: Do Not Sink to the Level of People's Brokenness
Not one person in this world has been able to escape the clutches of being hurt in life. I never really understood the truth of that statement until I spent two years sojourning from state to state. It was in my time of tribulation and witnessing a see a sea of humanity...
To Belong
A collection of poignant love stories from the areas of Wandsworth, Battersea and Tooting in London. Stories of connection, of belonging, of home and identity. A collaboration between the project A Human Love Story and the Wandsworth Fringe in 2016.
The Staging Post: Courageous People Never Give Up!
The Staging Post follows two Afghan Hazara refugees, Muzafar and Khadim. Stuck in Indonesia after Australia 'stopped the boats' and facing many years in limbo, they built a community and started the school which inspired a refugee education revolution.
Police Could Soon Be Financially Responsible for Misconduct Lawsuits
When police officers are sued for corruption or brutality — and when, as more frequently happens, the case is settled — it is almost always the city that employs them that picks up the tab for the damages awarded. This may be changing, with the focus now on events in Baltimore.
Becoming Mr. Roger's Neighbor
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood was a hugely important kids' show, but for more than you may think.
An Indigenous View on Oneness
Powerful words from Indigenous Elder, Miliwanga Wurrben, on the only true way to overcome obstacles and fighting in the world.
Broken People Can't Heal the World
Check out the associated article. Empower us on Patreon.  Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter. - Ghion Journal
When Our Children Become Killers, Gun Reform Isn't Enough. We Need to Redesign Our Society
What can we do to create a culture where none of our children grow up to become killers?
We Don't Need Social Justice Warriors, We Need Social Justice Believers
"If we pass on kindness to others in immediate circumference, we can accomplish infinitely more than we can by chanting political slogans in cordoned areas and marching in restricted protest zones."
Oh Wonder - All We Do
"We believe that everyone is equal. We are all human. We all deserve the world. And we can build that equality by sharing what love, knowledge and magic we have, with others. So we reached out to filmmakers and artists around the world and asked them, “What does it mean to be...
In Focus
Dombrowski's project 'Tropic Ice' focuses on educating people about the effects of climate change on all continents through her beautiful photographs. "They understood it completely what I wanted to say"
How to Get New Activists to Stay Engaged for the Long Haul
After a year of working with people newly mobilized by the 2016 election, one organizing lesson feels particularly clear: People need to feel part of a community that is making change in order to stay engaged for the long haul. This realization may not be surprising, but it...
Machiavelli’s Advice For Nice Guys and Other Good People Who Want to Make a Difference
Nice guys too often finish last; they need to read the advice of one of the wisest and most realistic thinkers in the history of philosophy: Niccolo Machiavelli. // The School of Life
'Belonging to a People and a Place' - Interview with Jamaica Stevens
We notice something percolating. Have you felt it in yourself? A rising sense that there's so much more richness and depth to this life than we are told? Are you feeling the underpinnings of discontent, fear, uncertainty, imbalance, and apathy that have become pandemic in...
Family Philosophy: a Form of Privilege or Good Fortune That We Never Talk About
Depending on where you start on this journey it can take many many years to unlearn what we are conditioned to believe by our toxic culture. 
We Have What It Takes to Meet the Crisis of Our Democracy
In 1999, Dee Hock, founder of Visa, quipped, “It’s far too late and things are far too bad for pessimism.” But 18 years later, pessimism can feel like the new realism.