541-600 of 2,474
The Big Picture
Humanity has a lot of problems these days. Climate change, increasing economic inequality, crashing biodiversity, political polarization, and a global debt bubble are just a few of our worries. None of these trends can continue indefinitely without leading to a serious...
XY Chelsea
Produced by Pulse Films, XY Chelsea tells the historic story of whistle-blower Chelsea Manning, whose 35-year sentence in an all-male maximum security prison was commuted by President Obama in 2017.
Policing Identity Politics in Trump's America: Briahna Joy Gray at The Harvard Law Forum
Briahna Joy Gray is a leading Millennial writer on identity politics, racial justice and economic power. She is a contributing editor at Current Affairs and has been featured in New York Magazine, Rolling Stone and The Guardian. She is the co-host of SWOTI (Someone's Wrong on...
Pushing Back on Grievance Studies with Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying
Mike Nayna: In an attempt to expose academic fields corrupted by postmodern ideology, Helen Pluckrose, Peter Boghossian and James Lindsay spent a year submitting intentionally broken papers to academic journals. Their secret project was cut short when an investigative...
Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh: Only Love Can Save Us From Climate Change
Leading spiritual teacher warns that if people cannot save themselves from their own suffering, how can they be expected to worry about the plight of Mother Earth
The Battle For New York: A Series on the City's Housing Crisis
Ep. 1 // Rats in the Hallway // Working class women of color and young white socialists in an East Harlem join forces against a private equity slumlord. Read the story by Georgia Kromrei at
If Life Wins There Will Be No Losers
How can we create a worldwide, permanent shift to regenerative culture in every sphere of life?
According to the theory of Privilege, everybody is born into different circumstances, and those circumstances make certain outcomes in life more likely relative to those born into different circumstances. Circumstances that render a higher likelihood of a fulfilling life are...
Wanting Fully Without Attachment
If you have had a spiritual practice or have experience with personal growth workshops, you have no doubt heard many times that letting go of attachment increases happiness and well-being. The principle is simple, but exactly what does it mean to let go of attachment, and...
What’s Wrong with Activism?
Over the years I have often been asked how I became an activist. The question of how individuals as individuals become involved in social change movements, fascinating as it may seem, can carry equally fascinating assumptions about activism itself. It may imply a voluntary...
Nefarious: Merchant of Souls
“Modern slavery.” It sounds like a paradox. Hasn’t humanity progressed? Didn’t we leave slavery dead on the battlefields of the American Civil War? Didn’t social reformers like Lincoln and Wilberforce legislate against such cruelty over a hundred years ago? So we had thought...
Mistaken Identity by Asad Haider Review – The Best Criticism of Identity Politics
This riveting and inspiring study of race and class in the age of Trump argues that an emphasis on identity should lead to one on solidarity
Why Earth Destruction Is a Crime
Damaging the earth is a crime, right? That is what earth´s lawyer Polly Higgins thinks. Why earth destruction should be seen as a crime and what is it that brings earth lawyers Polly Higgins and Spanish magistrate Baltasar Garzón to fight for ecocide?
The Polarization Trap
Over the past decade I’ve watched with alarm the widening polarization of the body politic across Western societies (and to some extent globally). As commonly recognized, the public is split into irreconcilable political factions who disagree not only on the interpretation of...
Kingsnorth: Portrait of a Recovering Environmentalist
Humanity has lost the battle against climate change. That is what Paul Kingsnorth thinks. The former environmental activist believes that we can´t stop climate change anymore. How should we live on knowing that climate change is a fact that can´t be denied anymore? A...
The Theory of White Privilege – Why Racism Is Not a Privilege, but an Injustice
Within some parts of the activist movement the concept of White Privilege is quite popular. Let us take a decolonial look at the concept.
Charles Eisenstein: Unlearning For Change Agents - Full First Session
Hi everyone, I’m pleased to announce a new online short course I’ve created called Unlearning: For Change Agents.
21 Examples of NVC Consciousness
Our way of being -- the intentions, attitudes, and quality of the energy that we bring to an interaction -- is more important than the particular words we choose to speak. The heart of Nonviolent Communication is not about speaking using a particular recipe. Rather it is...
Five Early Lessons From Extinction Rebellion
How the new movement for ecological justice is reimagining the world by reimagining the art of protest, protection and healing.
The Trifecta of Civil Resistance: Unity, Planning, Discipline
Three attributes can make the difference between success and failure for nonviolent movements around the world: unity, planning, and nonviolent discipline.
Egypt: Revolution Interrupted?
For thirty years, President Hosni Mubarak had ruled Egypt by manipulating elections, crushing dissent, and jailing and torturing his opponents.
The World's Happiest People Already Have a Green New Deal, and They Love It
Green New Deal advocates in the United States should look to the Nordic countries for inspiration on how to overcome the 1 percent and address climate change.
How to Win: Lessons From the Zad
Successful social movements combine resistance to injustice with the affirmation of alternatives.
Nurses Are Leading Strike Efforts — Where Are the Physicians?
Nurses in New York City are pushing back against hospital systems that put profits over patients and threaten their efforts to strike for safer staffing ratios. While nurses are fighting, physicians, so far, have remained on the sidelines of this struggle.
What Will You Say to Your Grandchildren?
Facing oncoming climate disaster, some argue for ‘Deep Adaptation.’ What we really need is ‘Deep Transformation.’
Manila's Zero Waste Neighborhoods
Plastic polluted neighborhoods in Manila are taking things into their own hands by creating systemic zero waste programs that collect all recyclables, compost all organics, and push for corporate accountability.
Jennifer Lawrence talks with Trevor Potter at Unrig 2018
Last year at Unrig Summit, Jennifer Lawrence sat down with Trevor Potter, a Republican and the forrmer commissioner of the U.S. Federal Election Commission to learn how to legally bribe politicians.
Unbreaking America: A NEW Short Film about Solving the Corruption Crisis
Find out how you can get involved at Our government is broken, and we have to fix it. RepresentUs board member Jennifer Lawrence and Director of RepresentUs Josh Silver, walks through three lines that show what's wrong with legal corruption in our...
The Green New Deal Can Work – Here's How
18 concrete ways to make the urgently needed climate mobilization a reality
The Swedish Schoolgirl That Took Davos To Task On Climate Change
Greta and the Snowman: From Greta Thunberg to the man who's measured the weather every day for nearly half a century, it is private citizens leading the charge on climate change prevention. This report profiles these two extraordinary characters.   
How to Fight Fascism From a Position of Strength
The growth of white supremacy and fascism has been noticeable in a number of countries lately, prompting the question: What can we learn from each other? Each country might find “best practices” elsewhere that could be applied at home, in addition to learning from its own...
Making Art Without Money (Nature Mandala)
Ecological artists Patrick M. Lydon (USA) and Suhee Kang (Korea) infiltrate the world's largest MUJI store (無印良品) near Osaka, Japan. Inside they ask shoppers to stop shopping, slow down, and re-connect with nature. Together with shoppers, they build an interactive 'Nature...
100 Short Stories
With typical irreverence, director Neal Livingston interweaves tales of predatory capitalism, eco-activism, and contemporary life in Atlantic Canada, engaging in an offbeat and often humorous exploration of energy policy, governance, and regional culture, in a diaristic...
Fighting with Non-Violence | Scilla Elworthy
How do you deal with a bully without becoming a thug in return? In this wise and soulful talk, peace activist Scilla Elworthy maps out the skills we need -- as nations and individuals -- to fight extreme force without using force in return. To answer the question of why and...
No Impact Man's Guide to Activism
So many of us have good ideas for helping the world. But we tuck away our ideas. I did. I’d tell myself that if the idea were any good someone else would have already done it. That I’m not capable of making a difference. I’d sit on my ideas, get on with my life, and then feel...
Public Shaming
Public shaming is an old phenomenon given new life by social media.
“Basic Training” for Spiritual Warriors
Joanna Macy talks about three tasks needed to bring in a world of spiritual progress: create new institutions, change the culture, and stop the worst of the damage. At Metta we feel that the worst of the damage has been to the human image – who are we and what can we become...
Unist'ot'en and 150 Years of Resistance
150 years ago, the architects of Canadian confederation dreamed of a Canada united from coast to coast. They dreamed, also, of unfettered access to Indigenous lands, of the elimination of the “Indian problem” standing in the way of a white settler future.
What the Left Gets Wrong About Jordan Peterson
One might think that by now progressives would figure out that vilifying Peterson almost always redounds to his advantage. One would be wrong
My Message to Davos Elites: Act as If Our House Is on Fire. Because It Is.
"Either we choose to go on as a civilization or we don't. That is as black or white as it gets. There are no grey areas when it comes to survival."
The Truth About Political Correctness
David Pakman's long-form investigation into political correctness, including a history of the term, and whether it is too liberally or conservatively applied in modern culture.
Chase Iron Eyes: Trump’s Mocking of Native Americans Gives License to Others to Denigrate My People
Democracy Now: As we continue to look at the video that has gone viral showing a group of Catholic high school students apparently mocking an indigenous tribal elder near the Lincoln Memorial, we speak to Chase Iron Eyes, an activist and lead attorney for the Lakota People’s...
Linda Sarsour, the Women's March, and Anti-Semitism
In recent days there have been some calls from some people in the Jewish community to boycott the planned Women’s March on January 19. This call has been explained on the ground that some of the March leaders have been unwilling to specifically denounce Minister Farrakhan of...
King's Vision Is Still Defiant
He stands now, as he did then, as a living force for justice, in uncompromising opposition to poverty, racism and war
Our Dangerous Impulse to Demonize the Other Side
Self-righteous, public shaming of kids is almost certain to backfire.
Lessons in Resistance From MLK, the 'Conservative Militant'
Just days after President Donald Trump’s inauguration, activists from Greenpeace climbed up a large construction crane near the White House and unfurled a large banner with the single word: Resist.
MLK Strongly Supported Unions. Here's Why.
If Martin Luther King Jr. still lived, he’d probably tell people to join unions.
No Future: From Punk to Zapatismo and Connected Multitudes
Amador Fernández-Savater talks with Guiomar Rovira, author of Networked Activism and Connected Multitudes, about punk, Zapatismo, technology, communication, and activist appropriation of the internet.
Why Americans Need to Act Like the Majority We Already Are
This article was first published in “Bye-Bye 45: A Guide to Bringing Him Down.” Read more about the action guide here.
The People's Spring
You can help us spread this documentary, which we've decided to share online for free, by supporting our work here:
Unauthorized Washington Post Offers a Fantasy Grounded in Movement Wisdom
On Wednesday morning, as commuters in Washington D.C. made their way to work, the front page of what appeared to be the Washington Post had people stopping in their tracks. The headline read: “UNPRESIDENTED: Trump hastily departs White House, ending crisis.”
Core Nonviolence Commitments
I have not found a word that captures the exact line that I am looking for. Commitment may be a bit too strong, and tends to connote “should,” thus invoking the non-choiceful energy of obligation and duty. “Intention” is not strong enough, in my mind, to carry the unwavering...
7 Reasons to Keep the Faith in 2019
Boost your morale with unexpected good news you won’t find in the mainstream media
Trump's Syria Deception
In Part II of our series Trump Expanding the Empire, Abby Martin addresses the surprise order from Trump that he was "ending the war" in Syria.
Trump is Expanding the US Empire
In the first installment of this multi-part series, Trump Expanding the Empire, Abby Martin debunks the notion that Trump is an anti-interventionist president, outlining his first two years of aggressive foreign policy that has expanded US wars and occupations.
Chris Hedges - America the Land of the Desperate and Doomed - Dec 2018
Chris Hedges speaks about his new book, "America, the Farewell Tour."
Dr. Cornel West on the Global Shift Right
From Trump in the U.S. to Bolsonaro in Brazil, ordinary people in large democracies are discontented and shifting right, what can progressives do about it? Cornel West in conversation with Sharmini Peries.
The Problem with Wokeness | Ayishat Akanbi
Has wokeness replaced compassion with moral superiority?
Blocking Awareness and Defriending Our Way Into Group Think
I am constantly amused by people who post threats on Twitter and Facebook as they warn anyone within all-caps distance that they will block or defriend anyone who dares commit the unforgivable sin of disagreeing with them. There was a time where debates advanced...