Articles by Yavor Tarinski
Right to Housing and Its Relation to Democracy
Yavor Tarinski · Housing is absolutely essential to human flourishing. Without stable shelter, it all falls apart.~Matthew Desmond[1]The issue of housing is of fundamental importance that has a direct connection, among other basic rights, to democratic...
From Citizens of Nations to Citizens of Cities
Yavor Tarinski · [C]itizens today no longer even approximate the high and eminently human standard of citizenship that was established in the Hellenic world—a meaning that must be recovered, as well as the personal and social training, or paideia, for...
The Dangerous Fallacy of 'Democracies' and the Need to Reinvigorate Real Democracy
Yavor Tarinski · The democracies" is just the conventional term for that bloc of states. Internally, the democrat is an enemy  ~Jacques Ranciere[1]     Language is a powerful tool. This holds true for politics as much as for any other aspect of...
Democracy and Ecology as Forces of Change: Interview With Yavor Tarinski
Yavor Tarinski · Interview with author and activist Yavor Tarinski, whose latest book "Concepts for a Democratic and Ecological Society" (Zer0 books, 2022) has just came out. He participates in social movements around the Balkans, as well as in...
Anomie and Direct Democracy
Yavor Tarinski · All political institutions are manifestations and materializations of power; they petrify and decay as soon as the living power of the people ceases to uphold them. -Hannah Arendt[1]   Nowadays we constantly hear how the political...
The Case Against Police Brutality: Towards Radical Social Transformation
Yavor Tarinski · [T]he biggest enemy of society’s security is the state and the private organization’s belonging to it. Selma Irmak, member of the Democratic Society Congress[1]   Introduction   Police arbitrariness and impunity are a common trait...
Bureaucracy and Neoliberalism
Yavor Tarinski · The neoliberal bureaucratization of society and of government action seems to be one of the main characteristics of the contemporary world, transcending as it does the diversity of geographical, social, political, and economic situations.
Why We Need to Democratize Education
Yavor Tarinski · Achieving comprehensive social change requires radical alteration of everything, including education. But most of the attempts to reform the educational system are limited. What is needed is a democratization of education through the...
Politicizing Ecology - Beyond Technocracy and Constant Growth
Yavor Tarinski · For some decades now the human civilization has embarked on a journey to rapidly extract whatever resource it can from the planet as to maintain its current predominant doctrine — unlimited economic growth. There are, as one could...
The Revolutionary Potential of Solidarity Economy
Yavor Tarinski · The solidarity economy proposes more transparency, much more democracy, much more participation, much more redistribution of wealth and goods of production. The solidarity economy fights for free software, for free knowledge, for...
Two Brilliant Thinkers Had the Same Solution to Political Oligarchy: Direct Democracy
Yavor Tarinski · The primary threat to nature and people today comes from centralizing and monopolizing power and control. - Vandana Shiva