Articles by Terry Sexton
Are Our Shared Values Causing a Societal Crisis?
Terry Sexton · Our values are generally defined as principles or standards of behaviour. They are what we use to help us judge of what is important to us in our lives. Some of our values form the core of who we are and change very little throughout...
Leading With Soul
Terry Sexton · Our society is environmentally, economically and psychologically unsustainable.  We are already living beyond the means of our planet, we have high levels of inequality, and we are increasingly suffering from mental illnesses such as...
Our Current Leadership Is Unsustainable
Terry Sexton · Environmentally, socially and psychologically our society is unsustainable. If consumption continues to increase at current rates, by 2050 we will need 3 Earths to sustain us (United Nations, 2015). Socially, income inequality is at the...
Our Un-Soulful Economy
Terry Sexton · Soul is often defined as the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal.  This definition is not without its critics, as it arbitrarily stops at animals. What about plants and trees?  Do they have souls?  Indeed, it could...