Articles by Sibel Edmonds
Sibel Edmonds ·
In January 2008 The Sunday Times published the second report of its four-part investigative series concerning the U.S. government’s direct role in international terrorism networks and organized crime involving nuclear espionage: For...
Sibel Edmonds ·
“These three stories—the anthrax evidence, the McCain/POW revelations, and the Sibel Edmonds charges—are the sort of major exposés that would surely be dominating the headlines of any country with a properly-functioning media. But...
Sibel Edmonds ·
Graham Fuller: Edmonds’ State Secrets Privilege, FBI Gladio-B Target, Handler-Sponsor of Turkey’s Imam Gulen
(4/27/2013) A major break in the Boston Terror CIA Connection took place last night when I came across a
Sibel Edmonds ·
CIA MO Not the FBI, Contradictions from Dagestan, Recent Shooting Incident in Dagestan, Georgia-NATO-Russia & More
Sibel Edmonds ·
The post-Boston geopolitical chess game is in motion. Boiling Frogs Post Vindicated in Its Analyses of Boston Terror & Predictions
Over a week ago I began my interview and analyses series on hidden connections and intended...
Sibel Edmonds ·
New Iraq WMD “Curveball-Style” Accusation against Syria, Giving Russia a Way Out & the Evacuation of Additional Russian-Caucasus Citizens from Syria
During my April 22 interview
Sibel Edmonds ·
On Thursday, September 8, 2011, the CIA issued legal threats against producers Ray Nowosielski and John Duffy on their discovery of the identities of the two key CIA analysts who executed the Tenet-Black-Blee cover-up in the case of two...