Articles by Jacob Devaney
Jacob Devaney ·
How does the Brain Respond to Love?
Love has an intoxicating effect on us and understanding this mysterious effect from a scientific perspective may help us navigate relationships with a little more clarity. Meditation, self-awareness...
Jacob Devaney ·
The Power of Humility, Forgiveness, Gratitude and Love
Jacob Devaney ·
Many people are telling us who to believe and who not to believe using lists of “fake news” outlets that inevitably encourage censorship, yet there is a much more sensible way to approach the issue. Humans live their lives based on...
Jacob Devaney ·
Feeling overwhelmed? Here are 4 Steps to get recentered.
Jacob Devaney ·
This unexpected alliance between slaves and natives is a great model for social change
Jacob Devaney ·
"At first I thought… The most powerful thing that you can do for your people, your future, your land, your air, your water is to fight and die for what you believe in. But it’s not true… you have to LIVE for what you believe in." ...
Jacob Devaney ·
‘Think of a world without war, a world of social justice,
a world of ecological sustainability.’
This is how Robin Grille starts his talk at TEDX Pittwater. Robin is a psychologist, author, educator and advocate for children who is...
Jacob Devaney ·
“The squeaky wheel gets the grease” is a good way to convey why we see so much war and division in our news yet hear so little about the many quiet miracles of peace and unity that are happening all over the world. White Buffalo Day is...
Jacob Devaney ·
Global warming is a threat to all of us regardless of our politics, religion, or culture. People from all walks of life are realizing this and converging to address this common threat and, Bill McKibben, along with The Sierra...