Articles by Eamonn Kelly
Media and Climate
Eamonn Kelly · There is no conclusive proof that Santa Claus doesn’t exist. In fact, every year we are offered more and more evidence that he actually does exist. If not, where are all those gifts coming from?
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Eamonn Kelly · Please delete
Art, Truth and Reality
Eamonn Kelly · Neo-Liberalism and the Arts.
The Coronavirus Rehearsal: Can Capitalism Survive The Coronavirus?
Eamonn Kelly · The coronavirus shutdown as a dress rehearsal for the reformation of late-capitalism to allow climate repair.
Was Austerity a Scam?
Eamonn Kelly · Austerity in Ireland resulted in over 10,000 homeless people, the crisis overseen by a government ideologically opposed to the concept of social housing. Now a property boom is taking place that is enriching an elite while the homeless...
Basic Income - Ensuring a Future for Humanity's Children
Eamonn Kelly · There are clever people who make algorithms for the financial services sector. Remember those crumbs that used to fall from the rich man’s table? They’re all accounted for now. Every last one, down to the tiniest minuscule crumb that...